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1、学习必备欢迎下载Lesson planUnit 2Healthy EatingBackground information:1. Students: Grade 2 of senior high. They know some names of food. And they can tell the junk food and the healthy food easily.2. Material: words and reading passage Come And Eat Here.The material is not too difficult for the students to

2、understand. The point is to teach them to eat in a healthy way.3. Type of class: words learning and reading4. Time duration: 1period (40mins.) Teaching Aims:1. Language Aims:(1) Students can know the names of food: barbecued mutton, roast pork, bacon, fried rice(2) Key Words: curiosity, hostess, raw

3、, vinegar, discount, win, customer,back, lose weight, get away wit, tell lies, win back (These words are some basic words.) Students can use those words and phrases.(3) Students can tell which protective food is and which energetic food is.2. Skills Aims:学习必备欢迎下载Reading Skills: skimming, scanning3.

4、Ability Aims:(1) Improve the reading ability of students(2) Improve the integral skills of students(3) Students can know how to memorize words in different ways (比如:反义近义对比记忆、情景记忆 )3. Emotional Aims:(1) Students learn to be a good listener.(2) Students can express themselves confidently.Focal Points:

5、1.Students can understand the passage2. Students can tell which protective food is and which energetic food is3. Students can apply their reading skills to efficient reading under the guide of the teacherDifficult Points:Students can improve and apply their reading skills.Teaching Aids:Blackboard, c

6、halk, computer, PPTProcedure:学习必备欢迎下载Step 1:warming up2minsTeacher give students the pictures of barbecued mutton, bacon and vinegar and their Chinese names, ask students to speak out their English names.T: hi, guys, do you eat those food in your daily life? 烤羊肉串、腌肉、醋, but do you know how to say the

7、m in English ?S: T: some students do know some expressions, ok, now lets go to enjoy those delicious food.Step2: reading new words2minsT:show them the words, pronunciation and Chinese meaning and let students read after teacher twice for each word S:read after teacher twice for each wordroast r?ust

8、v. 烤,焙;烘,烘烤;adj. 烘烤的;烤过的barbecue 'b:bikju:vt&n . 烧烤;烤肉fried fraid adj.油炸的,油煎的;ought ?:t aux. 应该,应当;大概bacon 'beik?n n. 咸肉;腌肉;熏猪肉slim slim adj.苗条的;修长的; v. 减轻体重;变细curiosity ,kjuri ?siti n. 好奇,好奇心;hostess 'h?ustisn. 女主人,女老板;学习必备欢迎下载raw r?: adj. 生的;未加工的;vinegar 'vini ?n. 醋mutton m?t?n

9、 n. 羊肉discount diskaunt, disk- n. 折扣;vt. 打折扣;customer 'k?st?m? n. 顾客; 口家伙lose weight : 减肥 体重下降get away with:not to be punished for something逃避惩罚tell lies : 说谎win back : 赢回Step3: memorizing the words quickly3minsT: I will give you 3 minutes to memorize those words quickly. When time is up, I will

10、 invite some students to show your memory. Let us know who is the best one. Ready? Go!Step4: check4minsT:show them the picture of barbecued mutton, fried, bacon, raw, vinegar, discount,ask them what they are and let students spell them . Invite some students to do it.S:barbecued mutton, fried, bacon

11、, raw, vinegar, discount(if some students cantdo it, let him ask other studentshelp, and then let学习必备欢迎下载him say thank you to his classmate. Encourage them.)Step5: tell students how to use difficult words1.Curiosity: curiosity killed the cat.4mins(一说猫有救命,但是死于自己的好奇心而说 清蒸猫是什么味道?这个人的好奇心害死了猫)2. get away

12、 with(犯错)而未受惩罚He was lucky to get away with only a fine. 他算是万幸,只被罚款了事。 He could not have her getting away with telling people lies.( 翻译这个句子)Step6: readingA: before reading6mins1. Asking students the food they like1mins2.Show some pictures and let students tell which is healthy food andwhich is junk

13、food2mins3.Predicting (Pair Work): Let students read the first paragraph, andpredict why there is no customer in Wang Peng3minsrestaurant.T: we have learnt many names of food. Now I want to ask you a question.What kind of food do you like? If you don can speak in Chinese. Sa: French fries. t know it

14、s Chinese name, you学习必备欢迎下载Sb: I like barbecue.Sc:T: Do you know which is healthy food and which is junk food?Ss: is healthy food, is junk food.T: In fact, is not healthy food but junk food. And is healthy fooSs:T: Ok, today we lllearn something about food. Now please open yourbook and look at the r

15、eading on pageStudents open their books.T: Now, please read the first paragraph and try to find why there is no customer in Wang Peng s restaurant. After that, three or four of you come into a group. And you can discuss your predicting with your partners. You have only three minutes for reading and

16、two minutes for discussing.Students read and discuss.B: while reading10mins1. Skimming: Let student skim the whole passage and check theirprediction.3mins2. Scanning: Let students find the menu of two restaurants and thefeatures of them. And then let them scan to find the answer. 7mins (invite stude

17、nts to do this . volunteer or ask them to do)T: Ok, time is up. Have you finished discussing? Now you have 3mins to学习必备欢迎下载skim the whole passage and check your prediction.Ss read and check.T: Is your prediction right? Now please scan the passage. While scanning, write down the menu and the features

18、 of these two restaurants. Do you understand me?Ss: Yes.T: Have you found the answer?Ss: Yes. The menu of Wang Peng s restaurant is And its features areThe menu of Yong Hui s restaurant is Its features areStep7 : ask them to read the article quickly and fill the blank. 9minsBy lunchtime, Wang Pengs

19、restaurant _ be full of people, butnot today! When he was thinking what had happened, he saw his friend hurry by. He followed him into a new restaurant. He saw a sign: Want to_?_ drove him inside. The _ is a very thin lady,name Yong Hui. She gave him a menu with only a few choices: _vegetables serve

20、d in _, fruit and water. On his way home, he thoughtabout his own menu. He go to library to find his menu served _ fat.Though customers _ Yong Huis food, they are not giving enouthenergy-giving food. And they would become tired very quickly. He could not have Yong Hui _ _. He thought with a _ and a newsign he could _ his customers back.学习必备欢迎下载Homework:Use the following phrases to make sentences.ought to, lose weight, get away with, tell liesReflection: (to be written immediately after the class)


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