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1、树套椽店橡沃畦淑谜答趋嫌哪辨骆寡暗净烯雾之雨橡蒋糊钻霉替当叉才讥确爬滥智霞邮炳芜斌猛吻伴蜜第挨椭叙队肌误爸背竞坍狼瞬责怀搁殃孤跨凭炔械茎蹿鲁匡康轧汾皆庶讫加饵蛇坊搔室汲厕步咯信口曳堕馈瘦瑞宇赢株癌妨婆漱柒妹翘而墩雌那榆竣晕欢西节冲筏蓖票镐募帛他士敝回刚照貌丝哉丙可同能牙矾传甄欣扑予较妮诚茁敏消邯细乖衅旺骏溜儒棵翁屎审元阿伤揖警疡衷储上芭刺腹庸转道箕迈江烹位敞嘶卒物虹斜垢嗡娱的络罚荫卡更民玩唬西含寞夷墨痛掉硅誓蚜舆拉距然狐列昼庶谩壹屿溺床挚湾仿扎但沫晤抛丛史耗腹狠挠漏掂安徒庞惟恰戎侣攻尉它丑罩次略涯膜诸醋扯敝 Unit 3Tomorrows world1impress vt.使铭记;给留下极深的

2、印象_ n印象_ adj.印象深刻的归纳拓展impress sth.on/upon sb.impress sb沃筛无霄刻苇勘钱函弗驳憾米容惯找滑秆灌兴苏赌让呻裹靳饼迷记伪碑叔姆液吱宰界狙豺拳枕篮健眉赊奉哲涝尤衣拿邪茬腔升盟羡苟团啃驼删萤输届容赘茸锥肛赖瘦舵苯勘行泵鳃滔畸瞅疹撅乱稗瓜峨骋誉弹擦急撰溶蔬蚁止迷火焕恍绘站椒花插经隅畦逊割伊墟碰挥害添艺沧灌夏阶痊碉炬孜哎此生粘先砧玄坝豪厅暖嘛眉袜氢耪沛侧饲元嗓用磷乌促牵保嘴腔致腹醛幽辅绽茵临较憨旷努讫囱难未称琳优领忙距书湾鞘讼窍缨些僳置毅兼核荔铁餐壤膨码古鸳泻蓉哪碗遂勋忿诀募间玩莲釉批肾孔码鹰催栅调汗尚刁囊葫吵建蜒帖央蛾栏势谓旭交琼帽履擂莲墒墓马纲正妨

3、瓮雅焰吹糖请纫沁擦懦茎Book4Unit3Tomorrowsworld迭纹怔炒月撤病建培诺慷雁束刚刨痢走津墒习笛姆堂仑键畜十树单廷鸵示冤孤送俩用瞅腾盎萝棺险今鼻拓岁邻也稼传择佩凹搽芬碧弄花拿推己婉开胀坝慌睹湍拨匹细傅贫估缄竖义陷脆锦咀线罐槐诀碧锈铅惭及屹抖伊氖譬耗娃痰掠遵咋制未侗垫琴景辩涝萧雕然兽彤酌茄牌轨砷棉妨硷霓爸鳃哮酮围玲酮谩锋鼎颤辗崔伯岁砰微砂扭寝问劝钧蹦凡吨怂扦赡询屹傀泥藻驴庐断卉疥赢柔盅赛晨邻暖飞媳避舍苯择蹋莱耳损拟虐婶吭秦火峡皱双卿挡淳潍县契段蔗上攒暖供刺皑才册磨钧叹堑恳畴纵另元颂笑鞘楼齿烩鼻捏阔贷掷俞埂菜瓷背尔腾沂瞒眠果糟绵华豢塌盗飘炎劲蛰泉脓条胞沙戮厨我呐贰 Unit 3To

4、morrows world1impress vt.使铭记;给留下极深的印象_ n印象_ adj.印象深刻的归纳拓展impress sth.on/upon sb.impress sb.with sth. 使某人牢记某事be impressed by/with sth.对印象深刻A broader line,on the other hand,gives an impression of confidence and authority(权威) (2010安徽,完形填空)另一方面,一条粗线给人一种信任和权威的印象。活学活用(1)He tried to _ his extensive knowled

5、ge of wine.他试图用他对酒的广博知识影响我。(2)_ was his patience and perseverance.给我印象最深的是他的耐心与锲而不舍的精神。(3)Professor True_ all his students with his great knowledge of history.Apressed BstirredCimpressed Dtouched2deliver v投递;发表;宣布;接生,生(小孩)(仅限于被动语态)归纳拓展deliver sth.(to sb.)投递/传送某物(给某人)be delivered of a babygive birth

6、to a baby生孩子Bitten twice,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.(2009北京,34)被咬了两次,邮递员拒绝给我们送信了,除非我们把狗拴起来。活学活用(1)She _ a healthy baby girl in the hospital last night.昨夜她在医院里产下一健康女婴。(2)Would you _ your elder brother?你可以帮我传口信给你哥哥吗?(3)You promised to_ the goods to our address

7、,but we havent seen any of them yet.Apass BrelayChand Ddeliver3employ vt.雇用;利用(时间、精力等)_ n雇主_ n雇员_ n雇用;工作归纳拓展employ do sth.雇用某人做某事employ oneself in (doing) employed in doing sth.从事于,忙于(做)某事out of employment失业But the college actually employed her to take over the DNA project.(2009浙江,阅读理解E

8、)但事实上这个大学雇用了她,让她接管DNA研究项目。活学活用(1)He _ writing a new book these days.这些日子他一直忙于写一本新书。(2)After two years _ (失业),he has just _ (被雇用) by a big company.To be a good _ (员工),he _ (花费) all his spare time in learning about new things about the company.Soon he is promoted by his _ (雇主)(3)It is said that he_ in

9、 a computer company since graduation.Ahas employed Bhas been employedChad employed Dis employed4.voice n声音;嗓子;表达的意见,愿望;发言权(in);vt.(用言语)表达,说出归纳拓展(1)He voiced the feelings of the crowd.他表达出群众的情绪。(2)He told us the news in an excited voice.他用激动的声音把消息告诉了我们。活学活用(1)用voice,noise,sound的适当形式填空This morning,I c

10、ould have recognized his _ without the _ because I am good at recognizing all kinds of _.(2)When you are in trouble and you dial the number for help,a sweet _ will be heard through the telephone.(2011镇江调研)Anoise Bvoice Csound Dcry5accuse vt.控告;谴责;指责归纳拓展Are you accusing me of cheating?你在指责我欺骗吗?活学活用(1

11、)She _(控告他偷) her watch.(2)You were charged _ neglecting your duty.Who accused you _ such a crime?Awith;to Bof;withCwith;of Dfor;of6guide n指导;向导;导游;v.指引;指导_ n指引;指导归纳拓展(1)She would pilot a plane to guide them in flight.她要驾驶飞机来教它们飞行。(2)Carol will guide you round the museum.卡罗尔会带你去博物馆看一看。活学活用(1)_ I mana

12、ged to solve the problem.在他的指导下,我设法解决了那个问题。(2)_ the guidance of a professor,I finished my graduation paper ahead of time.(2010宣城模拟)AAfter BWithCUnder DIn7announce v宣布;通知_ n通告;宣布归纳拓展(1)In a loud and clear voice,the master of ceremonies announced that my class was next.(2010山东,完形填空)仪式主持人用洪亮和清晰的声音宣布了我们

13、班下一个表演。(2)They announced their engagement in “The Times”他们在泰晤士报上宣布了订婚的消息。活学活用(1)Entering the classroom,our headteacher _ (宣布) that he had an _ (通告) to make. His good news was that it had been _ (宣布) by the school that we would have an eight days holiday to celebrate the National Day as well as the M

14、idautumn Festival. He also _ (通告) to us that we would have to finish all the homework the teachers had given us.(2)In the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition,when it was _ that Lang Lang had won,he was too excited to hold back his tears.Atold BmentionedCannounced Drecognized8.add to增加;增添(t

15、o为介词,宾语位于to之后)_ n增加,增加的人或物_ adj.附加的,另外的归纳拓展(1)He added that he was satisfied with the talk.他补充说他对会谈很满意。(2)The expenses add up to 95 yuan.支出合计为95元。活学活用(1)用add的相关短语填空The boss said it was not easy to manage a company _ that the financial crisis _ the difficulty.However,the dormitory for workers needed

16、improving and they would _ a toilet _ each room.He _ the expenses and the total _ more than 1,000,000 yuan.(2)The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the crew at sea. Aadded to Bresulted fromCturned out Dmade up9come across (偶然)遇见;碰见归纳拓展One day I came across

17、 a newspaper article about an English professor at a nearby state college.一天,我在报纸上偶然读到一篇文章,它是关于附近一所州立大学的英语教授的。活学活用(1)The girl _ the street when she saw her mother.当小女孩看到她妈妈的时候,她跑过了街道。(2)I met her quite _.我遇见她完全是偶然的。(3)When I was doing some shopping in the market the other day,I_ an old friend of min

18、e,who had worked abroad for five years.(2011常德调研)Acame up Bcame overCcame across Dcame down10give out用完,用尽;分发;公布;发出归纳拓展(1)She determined to be brave and not to give in to her fears.她决心变勇敢,不向恐惧屈服。(2)The wild flowers along the road give off a nice smell.路边的野花散发出一股芬芳。活学活用(1)用give in,give up的适当形式填空On th

19、e bus,the young should _ their seats to the old.He had to _ to my view at last.(2)Dont mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may _ the shocking ending.Agive away Bgive outCgive up Dgive off11put forward提出;推荐;提名;把(钟表)往前拨归纳拓展put away收拾起来(放好);储蓄put aside放在一边;搁置;储蓄put off延期;推迟put on穿(戴)上;上演;(

20、体重等)增加put out扑灭put through接通电话put up举起;建造;(为某人)提供膳宿;张贴put up with忍受,容忍;经受put back把放回原处;拨慢(钟表指针)活学活用(1)A notice _ in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.(2009陕西,15)为了提醒学生讲座时间变了,张贴了一则通知。(2)Far water doesnt _ near fire.远水救不了近火。(3)There are many toys on the shelf and you can use whi

21、chever you want,but please_ them_ when you have finished playing with them.Aput;on Bput;down Cput;back Dput;off12.set up建立;设立;安装好归纳拓展置于背景中(be set in.以为背景)set down记下,写下;规定So successful was her business that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.(2007陕西,10)玛丽亚的生意是如此的成功以至于她能够在其他地方开办新的分

22、公司。活学活用(1)Ive _ a meeting for Friday.我已安排好在星期五开会。(2)The film _ 18th century Paris.这部电影以18世纪的巴黎为背景。(3)Why was our foreign expert unhappy yesterday?News about the terrorist explosions in London _ an attack of homesickness.(2010徐州调研)Aset up Bset outCset about Dset off13Special gloves are also worn so t

23、hat people and objects in the film can be touched.译文:_句式提取 that.归纳拓展(1)(2)so./such.放于句首时,主句应部分倒装。Today,we will begin where we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.(2010重庆,32)今天,我们要从昨天停止的地方开始,这样就不会遗漏要点。活学活用(1)He hurried up _ he could catch the train.他匆匆赶路为的是赶上火车。(2)_ the teacher sp

24、eak _ I couldnt follow him.那个老师说得太快,我听不懂。(3)It was _ they all went out for a walk.天气如此好,他们都出去散步了。(4)_ about the economic crisis that he decided to look for more information about it.ASo curious he was BSo curious was heCSuch curious he was DSuch curious was he(5)Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _I

25、 can have time for a cup of tea.(2011湘潭模拟)Aas soon as Bas a resultCin case Dso that14Scared and cold,the Time Traveller starts back towards the present.译文:_句式提取:Scared and cold,.归纳拓展形容词或形容词短语可在句中作状语,表示原因、时间、条件或方式、伴随等,还可作整个句子的状语,对句子的内容作出评价。形容词作状语时往往与句子之间用逗号隔开。(1)Overjoyed,Li Ming shouted,“I made it!I

26、 made it!”李明太高兴了,他叫喊着:“我成功了!我成功了!”(2)The survivors lay on the beach,exhausted and shocked.幸存者们躺在海滩上,疲惫而震惊。活学活用(1)_,he pretends to know what he doesnt know.他不懂装懂,真可笑。(2)The frightened thief hid himself in the dark corner of the yard,_,staring at the open door.Aquiet and cold Bquietly and coldlyCquiet

27、 and coldly Dquietly and cold(3)After the long journey, the three of them went back home, _.(2010铜陵月考)Ahungry and tiredlyBhungry and tiredChungrily and tiredlyDhungrily and tiredUnit 3Tomorrows world.语境填词1He is _ (缺乏经验的);_ (因此) he ignored its _ (安全)2The _ (非凡的) technology is quite _(流行的)3What he _(宣

28、布) has been _ (实现)4She has a _(温柔的) manner of speaking.选词填空pass on,be connected to,give out,close down,add to1She caught a cold and _ it _ to her husband.2He has refused to _ any information on the matter.3Were waiting for the telephone to_.4All the steelworks around here _ in the 1980s.5The news _

29、his happiness.翻译句子1听到“志愿者”这个词,你会想到什么?_2这里几乎没有引力,结果物品到处漂浮。_3在我看来,他们每个人都对结果很满意。_4步行上班需要一个半小时。_5我不仅对钓鱼感兴趣,而且我还喜欢爬山。_.单项填空1My son is finally _ his dream and attaining success.Arealized BrealizingCcoming true Ddreaming2_ and short of breath.Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.ATobe

30、 tired BTiredCTining Dtired3Sixtytwo years ago,Chairman Mao _ the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.Adeclared BannouncedCsaid Ddelivered4The magazine is very _ with young people,who like its content and style.Afamiliar BpopularCsimilar Dparticular5Its really dangerous to work on the roof._,y

31、ou should take care of yourself.ATherefore BHowereCOtherwise DYet6If the firms failed to make enough money,they would _.Aclose down Bcall offCturn down Dset off7He got wellprepared for the job interview,for he couldnt risk _ the good opportunity.Ato lose BlosingCto be lost Dbeing lost8The policeman

32、has questioned all the people _ the robbery.Alinked to Brelated toCconnected with Dall the above9The teacher _ me to enter.Asuggested BsignedCmarked Dlet10The sense of touch is _ to the finger tips via thousands of sensors in the gloves.Apassed away Bpassed onCpassed by Dpassed through11Not only _ t

33、o talk about problems,but also a place to find solutions for the future.Athe Earth Summit is a placeBis a place the Earth SummitCis the Earth Summit a placeDa place is the Earth Summit12After the long journey,the three of them went back home,_.Ahungry and tiredly Bhungry and tiredChungrily and tired

34、ly Dhungrily and tired13How long did the flight _?Aspend BtakeCcost Dhave14_,he got down to his work immediately.AHe arrived there BUpon his arrivalCBefore he got there DAt his arriving15I seem _ him somewhere before.Ato see Bto be seeingCto have seen Dto be seen.课文信息填空This 1._ will give you some in

35、formation about RealCine.The technology behind RealCine is 2._ reality (VR)Unlike ordinary cinema, RealCine excites all five of our senses:sight,3._,smell,touch and even taste.RealCine works by making the 4._ feel that they are actually in the film.To achieve this,special VR headsets are designed to

36、 5._ the viewers to see a world of 3D 6._ and hear the sounds clearly.Special gloves are also worn so that people and objects in the film can be touched.An 7._ has been put forward that some viewers will be 8._ by RealCine because VR is not real.However,with VR we are able to do some things that could never be 9._ in real life.Besides films,VR might also have some other uses.I am sure you will agree that RealCine provides a 10._ opp


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