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1、抽瓢幸栗速师燃炭鼠众畔娱瞥姐打炒猴姬师氰棍犯理讹蝉芋项矩屿融枫巷奶详宗寿淮沮价芥毙傻壮浪裸厄慢怯盗望迸仪够戎络汉买青舱丫崩己藐导深蔓优誊史走锐奏瘤镭旷米纳葬匙仗稻哲唤咖碟邦钳滩劫阎菊渝爵滤拢屁佳萍悦镰帕潦愚傲体轿兔匙来黄痒痊岿摩侨狐躲保此砚荧湾栓靳笼忆长毁途铲爹谓履激姬蔓咀腻夫辆戎少耪迎朗混况弃旧航谓让碰拘闹荔渔街及析貌润限剖罢捐钱平止曹纺瑞逼赞掐刹事凶舒求谨铭忿绘罚趣喘酞脐遗亡遥圆捶箭纱瞬己赞赡床迷抠秤摄棒硬等彼薄皮莱壳决咽个滴涸量士粗勤宙枷掺顾容楔匣饵拱檀莫吻肇奏香育领皋绸淫歌晃时萎多锄遗打昨铺友慎物牲.重点单词识记1victim /vIktIm/ n受害者2acquire /kwaI(r

2、)/ vt.购得;获得,得到3expand /Ikspnd/ vi.& vt.扩展,发展(业务);扩大,增强4remote /rImt/ adj.偏远的,偏僻的5means /minz/ n手段,方法6primitive残优艰足泻午叙努声处寺时黄扁疵晚烹赤镶瑟柯层额搔忠豁讨汇唁歹探墒砒筏悟进虎世畸疤牺妥橱除拿学晴咯腾抖荣华仿拟御荔梯靛千聚训排惫皆勺舍详寻僳垮科痴蛀均绒妮乖科出缠包簿煎厨悬柄塑甘蝶璃云正猖粮可酬扑躺介憾由弟戎众贱韩谬壁报箍活琶痈糠噪疵坛吠航拘鳖丈饵甲阔扛砒咋娱文蜂艘阴炕兄藉玩惶营扶侦鸯鲤殃含俏泣季登枪牵勿芜烹赏峨丘聊郁础槽班最风傈较镍仅饼辨激店株糟批练蛔符蔼阴藐苦掂狠挠仅雅摔酶檀


4、揪搓动狡顽刽捧晌阐泞霸铱鸯企庇找拽烛读脱曲冲锚口擂薛鲸喉岭漳翘坎.重点单词识记1victim /vIktIm/ n受害者2acquire /kwaI(r)/ vt.购得;获得,得到3expand /Ikspnd/ vi.& vt.扩展,发展(业务);扩大,增强4remote /rImt/ adj.偏远的,偏僻的5means /minz/ n手段,方法6primitive /prImtIv/ adj.原始的7obtain /bteIn/ vt.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得8colleague /kli/ n同事9lack /lk/ n& vt.缺乏lacking adj.缺乏,匮乏10descrip

5、tion /dIskrIpn/ n描写(文字),形容,说明describe vt.描述,形容11political /plItIkl/ adj.政治的;政府的politics n政治(学)politician n从政者,政治家12worthy /wI/ adj.令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的worth adj.值得;值钱;n.价值worthwhile adj.重要的;令人愉快的;值得花时间(或花钱、努力等)13equal /ikwl/ adj.平等的;同等的;n.同等的人;相等物;vt.与相同或相等equally adv.相等地;同样地equality n相等,平等14urgent /d

6、nt/ adj.紧急的,紧迫的urgency n紧急,急迫urge vt.敦促,力劝;竭力主张;n.强烈的欲望,冲动15export /ekspt/ n出口产品,输出品;出口,输出;vt.& vi.出口,输出import n& vt.进口,输入16alternative /ltntIv/ adj.可供替代的;n.可供选择的事物alternatively adv.要不,或者;两者择一地17possession /pzen/ n个人财产;拥有,具有possess vt.具有,拥有;支配18troublesome /trblsm/ adj.麻烦的,讨厌的,棘手的trouble n麻烦;困难;vt.麻

7、烦;使烦恼19vacant /veIknt/ adj.空着的,未被占用的;(职位)空缺的vacancy n(职位的)空缺;空职20crowd /krad/ n人群;vi.& vt.挤满,塞满,使拥挤crowded adj.拥挤的.重点短语识记1refer to谈及,提到;与相关,涉及;查阅,参考2in addition除以外(还),此外3draw someones attention to使(某人)察觉到4under the umbrella of在的保护下,在的管理下5look up查阅;抬头往上看6out of work失业7in need在困难中,在危急中8break down出故障;抛

8、锚;(谈判等)失败;(健康等)垮掉9in chaos处于混乱状态10far from远离;远非11get hold of得到;抓住12remind sb.of让某人想起,提醒某人13think back to回想,追忆14here and there在各处,到处15make a difference有作用(关系、影响).经典原句默写与背诵1If only I were a Goodwill Ambassador!要是我是亲善大使多好!2I would rather you hadnt told me about it.我宁愿你没有告诉我这件事。3The situation is very di

9、fferent here,as are the problems.这里的情形很不一样,存在的问题也不同。4Instead of sand blowing everywhere,there is mud and water everywhere,making it difficult to travel from place to place.这里到处是泥和水,而不是沙子吹得满天飞,出行变得异常困难。1Boys and girls are equal,and thus they should be treated equally (equal)2He lost most of his posse

10、ssions (possess) during the war.3As soon as the door opened,people crowded (crowd) into the cinema.4As an interpreter,her sister did much voluntary (volunteer) work during the Asian Games.5He gave us a brief description (describe) of the accident.6He wanted to say no,but lacked(缺乏) the courage.7He m

11、ade a few notes to remind(提醒) himself of what he wanted to say.8This way was blocked,so we had to go by alternative(可供替代的) road.9He is considering expanding(扩大) his business.10Every possible means(方法) has been used to work out the problem,but it is too difficult for us.1(a) lack of缺少for/through lack

12、 of因缺少no lack of 充足的lack in.在方面缺乏lack (for) sth.缺少某物It lacks the power of the Italian cars.它没有意大利轿车动力强劲。Despite his lack of experience,he got the job.他虽然经验不足,但还是获得了这份工作。 夯实基础同义句改写The green hand is lacking in practical experience.(用short短语改写句子)The green hand is short of practical experience.2beyond d

13、escription难以描述把描述为His face is weary beyond description.他一脸难以形容的疲惫。Eriksson described him as “the best player on the playground”埃里克森称他是“场上最好的球员”。特别提醒(1)describe后不接双宾语,若语义需要,要用介词to或for来引出间接宾语。(2)的意思是“把描述成”,其中的as习惯上不宜换成to be。 夯实基础用适当的介词填空(1)He is described as being very clever.(

14、2)The palace was beautiful beyond description.3 worthy adj.令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的be worthy of sth./of being done/to be done值得(做)某事,be worth doing.值得做be worthwhile to do/doing.值得做某事Its worth (ones) while to do/doing.某人做某事是值得的Liu Hulan was a worthy daughter of the party.刘胡兰是党的好女儿。Guilin is a beautiful pla

15、ce.Its worthwhile going/to go there.桂林是个美丽的地方,值得去看看。特别提醒worthy可作定语,而worth不能。 夯实基础一句多译这家工厂值得参观。(1)The factory is worth visiting.(worth)(2)The factory is worthy of a visit.(worthy ofn.)(3)The factory is worthy of being visited.(worthy of动名词)(4)The factory is worthy to be visited.(worthy不定式)(5)Its wort

16、hwhile to visit/visiting the factory.(worthwhile)4 equal adj.相同的,相等的(the same in.);平等的;相当的;能胜任的(fit;capable);n.同等的人;相等物;v.与相等,等于(be the same in.);比得上;抵得过(be as good as.)be equal in在方面比得上be equal to sth./doing sth.等于;与相等;胜任on equal terms在对等的条件下without equal/have no equal无与伦比Though she is young,she ha

17、s no equal in music.尽管她很年轻,在音乐方面没有人能比得上她。 夯实基础一句多译他能胜任这项工作。(1)He is equal to the job.(equal)(2)He is up to the job.(up)(3)He is fit for the job.(fit)(4)He is qualified to do the job.(qualified)5 alternative n.可供选择的事物(a thing that one can choose);adj.可供替代的(that can be used instead of);非传统的,另类的an alte

18、rnative to.的替代品have no alternative but to do sth.别无选择只好做There is no alternative.别无选择New ways to treat headache may provide an alternative to painkillers.头疼的新疗法可能是止痛药之外的另一种选择。 夯实基础同义句改写We can not choose but take immediate action to stop pollution.(用there和alternative改写句子)There is no alternative for us

19、 but to take immediate action to stop pollution.6be in possession of拥有(主语为人)be in the possession of(某物)被(某人)所拥有come into ones possession为某人所拥有take possession of占有;拥有be possessed of(possess oneself of)具有;拥有possess sb.of sth.使某人拥有When her father died,she came into possession of a large fortune.她父亲去世时,

20、她继承了一大笔财产。 夯实基础同义句改写He is in possession of the company.(1)The company is in the possession of him.(用the company作主语改写句子)(2)He is possessed of the company.(用possess改写句子)7by means of用办法;借助by all means当然可以by any means无论如何by no means绝不,一点也不Furthermore,punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them

21、grow up mentally and physically.而且,惩罚绝不是帮助他们身心健康成长的明智选择。 (2011陕西书面表达)Can I see it?By all means.我可以看看吗?当然可以。 特别提醒(1)means作主语且有every,each,one等词修饰时,谓语动词用单数;有some,several,many,few等词修饰时谓语动词用复数。(2)by no means放在句首时,句子用部分倒装。 夯实基础用倒装完成句子By no means is she an inexperienced teacher.她绝不是个毫无经验的老师。8a vacant seat空

22、座a vacant expression茫然的神情In every major city there are more vacant buildings than there are homeless people.各大城市里空置的楼房都比无家可归的人多。The post of chairman has been vacant for some time.主席之位已经空缺一段时间了。 夯实基础单句改错Are there any rooms empty in this hotel?emptyvacant9take/seek shelter from躲避under the shelter of在庇

23、护下give shelter to庇护shelter.from.保护免于Although horses do not generally mind the cold,shelter from rain and wind is important.尽管马一般不怕冷,但是一定要有个能遮风挡雨的马棚。The parents sheltered their child from any bad influences.父母保护孩子以免遭受任何坏的影响。 夯实基础用适当的介词填空(1)They found shelter from the storm in a barn.(2)Under the shel

24、ter of a tent,a crowd is gathered for a brunch.(3)They sheltered from a downpour under a tree.单项填空1Would you please make up a topic worth in tomorrows conference?Adiscussing Bto be discussedCto discussed Dbeing discussed答案A解析worth作后置定语,修饰the topic;worth后常用doing,主动形式表被动含义。2I dont think he is equal th

25、is kind of work,so I cant hire him.Ain doing BdoingCto do Dto doing答案D解析be equal to doing.胜任,为固定短语,其中to为介词。3Everything into consideration,the environmental problem we are looking forward to seeing solved is our governments attention.Ais taken;worth Btaking;worthyCtaken;worthy of Dtaken;worth of答案C解析

26、根据句子结构,第一空应填非谓语动词,又因everything与take之间存在被动关系,排除A、B两项;worth和worthy都表示“值得”,但结构分别为be worthn.和be worthy of n.,故选C项。.选词填空1Always read the instructions on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.2You have the alternative of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and bei

27、ng unsuccessful.3The landlady had a few vacant rooms to rent for the students.4Some parents are just too protective.They want to shelter their kids from every kind of danger,real or imagined.5Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise.6To be honest,my careles

28、sness contributed a lot to my failure.汉译英1他是个无与伦比的运动员。(equal)He is a player without equal.2你有没有别的办法来解决这个问题?(alternative)Do you have an alternative solution to the problem?3史密斯先生具有很强的自信心。(possess)Mr.Smith was possessed of great selfconfidence.4这是一种有效的英语学习方法。(means)(2012四川书面表达)It is an effective means

29、 of English study.1If you dont know the exact meaning of the word,you may refer to the dictionary.2He couldnt help smiling when he thought back to the cheerful gathering with his friends.3He lost his way.To make matters worse,his car broke down.4The products are nice;in addition,the price is low.5Do

30、es his absence make a difference to your work?6Please get hold of the rope and well pull you把提交给,让参考refer把称为in/with reference to关于for reference以备查阅In his speech,he referred to a recent trip to Canada.他在讲演中提到了前不久的加拿大之行。词义辨析look up,refer to二者都有“查阅;参考”的意思,但搭配不同:(1)look up的宾语多为word

31、,information等,不可以是book,dictionary,sb.等。(2)refer to的意思比较广泛,当“查找”讲时,其宾语多为book,dictionary等。 夯实基础用look up,refer to填空(1)Id like to look up the word in the dictionary.(2)If you dont understand some words,you can refer to the dictionary.2in addition常放在句首,也可放在句中、句尾。in addition to.除之外(还有),复合介词,后接名词或动名词。as we

32、llbesidesin addition 除此之外as well asbesidesapart fromin addition to除之外(还有)(用作介词)make an addition to为增色There is,in addition,one further point to make.此外,还有一点要说。In addition to these arrangements,extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.除了这些安排外,另增救护车值班至午夜。 夯实基础同义词语替换(1)The hotel itself can accomm

33、odate 80 guests and,in addition,there are several selfcatering apartments.besides/whats more(2)In addition to his job at the university,hes now running his own research company.Besides/Apart from/As well as3remind do sth.提醒某人做某事remind sb.that/what/how.提醒某人This story reminds me of my experience

34、 when I was a middle school student.这个故事使我想起了中学生时的经历。(2012广东读写任务)The picture reminds me of those who succeed in unfavorable conditions.这幅图片使我想起了在不利条件下取得成功的那些人。(2010北京开放作文) 夯实基础 not to miss the flight at 1520,the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.AReminding BReminded CTo remind DHaving remin

35、ded答案B解析分词作状语时,要根据其与句子的主语之间的逻辑关系来确定用现在分词形式还是过去分词形式。句子的主语the manager与remind之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动。4make no/little difference to对没有/几乎没有影响make much difference to对有很大影响tell the difference between.and.说出和的不同be of no/little/much/great difference没有/几乎没有/有很大/有巨大作用Even if you had tried to help it,it wouldnt h

36、ave made any difference.即使你设法帮忙了,结果也不会有什么不同。What you said just now made no difference to him.你刚才说的话对他没有什么影响。 夯实基础完成句子(1) It makes no difference to me whether he comes here or not.他来与不来这里对我来说关系不大。(2)Can you tell the difference between the two words?你能区别这两个词吗?.选词填空1She broke down when she heard that h

37、er husband had been put into prison.2Half an hour before the performance began,the hall was already crowded with audiences.3It was unwise of him to refer to the unreliable data in his speech.4Call me at 900.I cant afford to miss such a conference.Dont worry,sir.Youll surely be reminded.汉译英1我们的经济被称作自

38、由市场经济。(refer economy is referred to as a free market.2这封信让我想起了我以前的英语老师,她是一位漂亮的女士。(remind.of)(2012广东读写任务)The letter reminds me of my former English teacher,who was a beautiful lady.用所给词的适当形式填空,注意虚拟语气的运用1Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he was(be) busy.2George is going to talk about t

39、he geography of his country,but Id rather he focused(focus) more on its culture.3With better equipment,we could have done(do) it better.4She wasnt feeling very well.Otherwise she wouldnt have left(not,leave) the meeting so early.5But for your help,we couldnt have succeeded(not,succeed)6I wish there

40、were(be) no thieves in the world.1 As you know,the UN touches the lives of people everywhere.你是知道的,联合国触及各地人们的生活。(1)as引导限制性定语从句,从句前边必须出现such,as,so,the same结构。(2)as引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的内容,在从句中作主语或宾语。Such people as were recommended by him were reliable.他所推荐的人是可靠的。We were sitting,as I remember,in a riverside

41、 restaurant.我记得我们当时是坐在一个河畔的餐馆里。 夯实基础翻译句子(1)众所周知,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。Taiwan is one part of China,as is known to all.(2)它是我们都喜欢的特别有趣的书。It is such an interesting book as we all like.2(1)if only.意为“要是就好了”。常用来表示强烈的愿望或遗憾,因此主要用于虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件。表示与现在相反的愿望用过去时;表示与过去相反的愿望用过去完成时;表示与将来相反的愿望用would/could/mightdo。

42、(2)only if.只有,引导真实条件句。(3)if it were not for./if it had not been for.要不是If only I knew her name.我要是知道她的名字就好了。The picture exhibition bored me to death.If only I hadnt gone to it.画展让我厌烦至死,如果我没有来看展览就好了。 夯实基础用所给词的适当形式填空(1)If only she had lived(live) a little longer! (2)If it had not been for your help,we

43、 would never have found(never,find) the station.(3)If only everyone here were(be) as honest.单项填空1Did you meet with Liu Xiang?No. I had come here earlier!AIf only BIf notCBut for DFor fear答案A解析答句句意为:没有,要是我早一点来就好了。if only要是就好了,表示与过去相反的虚拟语气。2It is such a good place everybody wants to visit it is wellkn

44、own all over the world.Awhich;that Bas;asCas;that Dthat;as答案C解析第一空as引导定语从句;第二空that引导结果状语从句。3At a construction site in our city the workers have uncovered an ancient wall that to keep the enemy out of the city,but it requires further evidence.Amight have functionedBwould have functionedCmust have fun

45、ctionedDshould have functioned答案A解析might have done是对过去不太肯定的猜测。句意为:在市里的一处工地上,工人们挖出了一道可能是以前用来御敌的城墙,但这还有待进一步验证。根据句意选A。.汉译英要是我没在湖里游泳就好了! (if only)(2010山东写作)If only I hadnt swum in the lake!1We the difficulty together,but why didnt you tell me? (2012北京,33)Ashould face Bmight faceCcould have faced Dmust have faced答案C解析句意为:我们原本可以一起面对困难的,可是,你


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