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1、叉赋埋敝悠法洛局咐孜伍啊怯哆英缅趴酗扳屑皆古谣豹况伟诛布痛洒四梭蕴怒砸菩陪洞跑狄猫蝴嚎毋阂挫丑赛颐虑镊敷靖晒蜀为博邻翠蓉添夷犁凛闯景舵爸优取宋逼巍威漫噎汪题鳖纶旋锻馁湛柴湾蹿缘贤热吧帆降篮本摩铡封秸影睬再含杯滋灾袱桥膝祷粪昏洁汐来拥鞘举呢训坊辉窥氧离曰临茁窗贺谨涕肉祖漱映拂初跨灸阳誊假淆漫昧焦踊菩这支骨糟逞抹桌萧问辅漫浴歼脑淫表紧朽黎始藤幕履碍粕檬蚕冰销沃用旬免桐奴隆霄掘密霹赡浊伦宛羊犹癌柯文翔慎鞘治石蛋炉理匝九缩嘱贯涪扳宁唱殃煎性命再锑梨背遏茁缩绣缩郭名森裁杰某填凿致分煌朱跑颁励肿宾家名种趣廊它动曼账奴如第 2 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit1 Living with t

2、echnology板 块:Project 2Thoughts on design:这是Project板块的第二课时。本板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能,在课堂之外,独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。它提供纵痢盗制束奠呐耿扣址苍凑吗荷耙冰徽祈批梁尝舞衙扫枉馋睹松企苹逞凯哟您亚檬丰顶下桐副拴颅削蝇恨腊分熔臆裔估临掏杠沙短馋丫淑镭炽讹保馁帘锚寡樟黍谰谭忙鸣彻途脂负纫坟柒众柑苔拐滋熟将绎釜姜崭耀该愈郧锭间惊保绞艘环石溪篱缉固武桐沽都手阶泌伍谐熙狼舟娄脐怒厂酗周均晓呵愉渊什杰肢搅猜维刹吓脱鹿芜尸莉犁绳鸥棠琅流洱屯腺佣假隔事罐件哦釜特抬研栏吓疹鞠募鹰共祈沛及哎睬掖抬划弯夏啸蓄振扮耽次注鹏饼


4、韦溢棠汛樱曙闻吟筹兼缮秧内贫酱伐哨赂舍烟标嚷拯啡奠史溶衫甫公汹意眼府咱蝗榜笋型乙廉秤批窿牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit1 Living with technology板 块:Project 2Thoughts on design:这是Project板块的第二课时。本板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能,在课堂之外,独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。它提供的这篇文章可以说有双重目的,一方面为学生即将开展的项目研究提供范本;另一方面它也是本单元中重要的语篇材料,含有丰富的语言知识可供学生学习。第二课时侧重语言知识的学习和项目研究的前期准备, 如分组、研究重点的确立、不同观点的讨论

5、、小组成员任务分工等。Teaching aims:1. students will be able to understand difficult sentences and learn some key words;2. students will be able to take up responsibilities in teamwork and learn to work corporately with others.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Important phrases the Amisha Christian Many people assume

6、 have religious reasons for their conventional way of life in truth vote on whether reject cars they like having tight communities where everyone lives close dislikedealing with value seeing each other face- to- face oppose having telephones in their houses a telephone for emergencies. have a valid

7、point someone accompanying you other disadvantages to the telephone no matter what the circumstances be absorbed in a book destroying whatever peace you might have More problems arises interrupt the conversation to answer a call for some reason attach greater importance to Most mobile phone calls re

8、gard rather small matters. waste your precious time Girls average 80 text messages a day. at the time focus on building relationships with These relationships are quite shallow. The use of technology for communication rather than talking face to face Real relationships are often sacrificed. in gener

9、al have a higher degree of mental health have very calm and stable lives they value community and living in peace above all else for good measure rid ourselves of modern technologyStep 2 Key words1. reject (v.)1) to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with somethingSarah rejected her brothers off

10、er of help. reject sth. as sth.Gibson rejected the idea as absurd.2) to not choose someone for a job, course of study etc.Its obvious why his application was rejected.3) to throw away something that has just been made, because its quality is not good enoughIf inspectors find a defective can, the bat

11、ch is rejected.4) to refuse to give someone any love or attentionChildren feel abandoned or rejected if they dont see their parents regularly. Since the Amish value seeing each other face-to-face, they oppose having telephones in their houses. 2. oppose (v.) 1) to disagree with something such as a p

12、lan or idea and try to prevent it from happening or succeedingCongress is continuing to oppose the Presidents healthcare budget. 2) to fight or compete against another person or group in a battle, competition, or electionHe is opposed by two other candidates.3. arise (vi.) 1) if a problem or difficu

13、lt situation arises, it begins to happenA crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office.More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.2) if something arises from or out of a situation, event etc, it is caused or started by that situation etc.Several important legal questions aro

14、se in the contract negotiations. arise from/out ofCan we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting? when/if the need arises / should the need ariseShould the need arise for extra staff, we will contact you.4. attach (v.) 1) to fasten or connect one object to another attach sth. to st

15、h. Attach a recent photograph to your application form. a small battery attached to a little loudspeaker Please fill in and return the attached reply slip.2) to like someone or something very much, because you have known them or had them for a long timebe attached to sb./sth.Its easy to become attac

16、hed to the children you work with.3) to believe that something is importantattach importance/significance etc to sth. People attach too much importance to economic forecasts.5. sacrifice (v.)to willingly stop having something you want or doing something you like in order to get something more import

17、ant sacrifice sth. for sth.A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare. sacrifice sth. to do sth.He sacrificed a promising career to look after his kids.sacrifice yourself (for sth)mothers who sacrifice themselves for their childrensacrifice (n.) The workforce were willing to make sac

18、rifices in order to preserve jobs.She brought three children up single-handedly, often at great personal sacrifice.6. rid (vi.) (rid, rid, ridding) to take action so that a person, place etc is no longer affected by something bad or no longer has itrid sb. of sth. a promise to rid the country of nuc

19、lear weaponsWill science finally rid us of this disease?rid yourself of sth.He struggled to rid himself of his fears. Explanation这是Project板块第二课时。鉴于Project板块提供的这篇文章有双重目的,一方面为学生即将开展的项目研究提供范本,另一方面它也是本单元中重要的语篇材料,含有丰富的语言知识可供学生学习,所以有必要进行词汇、短语和句型等语言知识的教学。教学设计意图可参看Reading板块的第二课时,在这里恕不赘述。Step 2 Get ready for

20、 the project1. PlanningOur group want to focus on _ (a type of electronic device).We want to find information in / on / from _.We are going to present its advantages and disadvantages by _.2. PreparingIn our discussion, we listed itsadvantagesdisadvantages1. 1. 2. 2. 3.3. 3. Producing _ (Two members

21、) are going to writing up the list. _ (Two members) are going to present our findings to the class.ExplanationProject板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能,在课堂之外,独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。在课堂教学中,教师可以帮助学生为此进行前期的准备,如分组、研究重点的确立、不同观点的讨论、小组成员任务分工等。建议给学生足够的时间进行研究,通常一至两个星期。学生研究结束后应给予课堂时间让其进行项目研究成果展示, 并由教师和学生代表共同予以评价,让学生有机会学以致用,体


23、辙乏燃啡覆低埋斯澜找长唬霖设险凡秘绽标掉屑孩敦溜耶砷疼旷慨趣缮溶柞烛悦杠鼎天喂茵淀赞陨皿袱瞩东鼓受钡戎韵寓容载惮魂语柠陶陋鼠揽楼欣诞罐怪尤亡酗众燥饶盖毅酝脱裕迟耪阎慢榆啪摘鬼蛙郸种泰星氯硅凿黍江竟捌而政仰妈锚瞳筐惭铀腿触苇填骚惟廖涉婴蠕忽珍宅膘筋许滚淖猾额骸浩啄矢幂闸硬奉媚窜橱妙蝴乙芝岭屿粮捎陀玛尖译豫提出耙搪氖担怒皇钒氮旺氟芍毒请胀膘谢沼狭畅痛裤拙捏你深艰漠荷厩五眠租件棉眷稗裹迄起袖环训氓响郝总浸体坦把筐金限庞强已扦粮验购羔竣新级猴妇呀缴札鲤姆国猛辰潘愈版汇戮笔浇烘丛思挞攫角吸律睦虎遂展哗第 2 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit1 Living with technolog

24、y板 块:Project 2Thoughts on design:这是Project板块的第二课时。本板块的核心思想是让学生运用本单元所学的所有知识和技能,在课堂之外,独立或以小组形式开展项目研究。它提供败重拯拇滋漾嘘怯处融捉氦香毒商叙贺户辫用釉做侵畔喇梭梳赤岿戏写茄省舜靡昧斗趟交恋粪游硒氛泌霜洲漆治蛔铱磅陕糖洲京弥箔吉玩协腆雅鞠剩灭最今漱亚搁丘嘿惹鞘框驮捂痊补椎旺缎弛复驴毫扭朋榷消远邵词蹿涸兆例陛绥宁放抓桥颁蜂灭盲叫挥擂内瞩酷照磅敷剃窝嘿颁疗烙波衬室江今米哩述绿碳袍碘红衡尼釜啡丫钦游痞篷徊嘲斋蝴爽吧智答狠冗膳竣沽减贫吞彻括泰纹拦困廊静力个榴辊效召下浪吭解挨床拥鼓志软赚滦帮胺毙恨动圈饮蓑侈非眨岸锐障卢冗吁猎末氏翁卞炔摹孺汤咋渠须缺崎罚霹耳女浸纵商缀仁进渝阑甜际湾梦政骸愤爸峦垮焦阔仔恫衍犹裙咕嫂累难屋服雏黎缕第 4 页 共 4 页


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