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1、IllJk城市更新城市更新制度建设:广州、深圳、上海三地比较The In stitutio n Con structi on of Urba n Rege nerati on: A Comparative Study onGuan gzhou, Shen zhe n and Shan ghai唐燕杨东TANG Yan ; YANG Dong基金支持:教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(14YJCZH140资助摘 要 城市更新是当前我国城市土地“存量盘活”发展的重要路径,但在实践 操作中常常因为土地用途变更困难、产权关系难以协调、开发利益分配不均等各 种制度困境而难以推行。因此,探索可以合理、有效支

2、撑城市更新活动有序开展 的体制机制迫在眉睫。本文选取城市更新制度建设走在前沿的广州、深圳、上海 为对象,比较、研究三地城市更新制度体系的建设进展,分析三地在城市更新的 机构设置、管理举措、规划变革、空间管控等方面的异同,通过总结三地城市更 新制度建设的经验得失,为我国城市在新时期破解城市更新制度难题提供思考和 借鉴。关键词 城市更新,制度建设,广州,深圳,上海中图分类号:TU984文献标识码:A DOI: 10.12049/j.urp.201804003 文章编号:2096-3025( 2018)04-0022-11作者信息唐 燕 清华大学建筑学院副教授(通讯作者)杨东清华大学建筑学院硕士研究

3、生Abstract Urban regeneration is now an important approach to reuse and revitalize urban built-up areas in China. However, current urban regeneration practices are always frustrated by lots of intuitional dilemmas such as complex land use adjustment, conflicts of property ownerships, and unbalanced b

4、enefits division. Therefore, it is very urgent to explore and set up new reasonable institutions to support the carrying out of urban regeneration. Taking three cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shanghai, which have pioneer explorations in urban regeneration institution construction, as examples, t

5、his paper studies their institution construction process of urban regeneration, compares their similarities and differences in related management sectors, management strategies, planning reform, space control and so on, and summaries the gains and losings of the three cities, so as to provide thinking and references to other Chinese cities for solving the institutional problems of urban regeneration in the new era.Keywords urban regeneration, institution construction, Guangzhou,Shenzhen, Shanghai22 I城乡规划2018年第4期


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