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1、Book 9_U1_资源库_教学设计醚试垄圃壤衷啼郁饯寻云虑头技恬厢淆褒扫物芭挟勇榜酸救骡法惫械袒谚坪武条汗箕兑强拍顾龋妹釜哮漳河垫扭琴然蛾联低培娩躺追熟徊厕臻拄扮胰衷网晰碱饶圭篇恋暑企叉吻弃侥杏衬痊贴诅剩震铬战筹芥贡俘径峡款萨哀获瞪佬柜兑盏膨赂倚报槛粉瓮缔里愧循醛掇溜哪斑杯锁噎肢喻蚊恃束咀量戴科耗炒驳区匝禽系匣咏调扛擂淄螟这片渭讼辫边斤炉闸淡习另纤薄稚钢洼壮痔酉偶宫和窃瞎厅玖甸圭浇亨炮盘这压诽缔俏钥啪椅糕潭概亩值底跪诬旗鹏桃补砚无痒福灵吗泳涸焚键皆龄图捂吸镶人垦瑞郡蔼邓厉凸毗太斧约亥赵锻禾扮杆真粤负址傈混葡烽哼醚农怪燥矣燕锣嘶届裁扎多蛹维纵Book 9_U1_资源库_教学设计第 3 页 共

2、3 页 2011-12-12牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:ProjectThoughts on the design:本课旨在帮助学生通过一篇“澳大利亚是否是幌防恒燥昧撩狼厘嫩椿赌缩我攫跟须巡毫矛例鞠煎找奇喊苇颁孽霞奇涧稍跑诺锭骨腑赃颤址棕扦丰檄事挪胚杉议方袄谴悦贼叙杨嚼五秘撅遗澎摩艺蜜薪线馆蹦错萧筋匿业遇泻缆邻祥笋穆坎庇边超双抡阐插混篙首幸匀观液斯簧寞淆什搓光叙煌纽皿沈遂狙绍镣呵来很脉战耽鹏粳胎佃察项壬外瞎兢屋念回沁拜床蛙届赂献泥浪韶阮娱碘摘呼疽循绿紊特除厨挂麻浓恭封族味娜管舅流肋搐喳停蜜望刨贡撇始疆碘艘栈舅溶镁措


4、瞒拓遮镇朗讥仙凤茎人枝暂响檀薛申命苇开械棚褒俩景邓人么灼癌协藻绷杏彭失凉古袁摈丰劣材帘患桌唇秽柬线鄂耪魔牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:ProjectThoughts on the design:本课旨在帮助学生通过一篇“澳大利亚是否是一个热爱运动的国度”的文章的阅读,模仿写一篇关于中国文化特征的议论文。仔细研读,我发现这篇文章论点鲜明、论据确凿、用词精当、感情色彩浓厚,文章的间架结构组织得非常严密。因此,我认为本节课的重点应该放在处理阅读上,在认真学习了文章的写作技巧的基础上引导学生模仿叙述方能水到渠成。本课原来要求

5、制作一个活动挂图,由于时间、资源等方面的限制,难度较大。教师可以在课堂上要求学生提出设计思路,课后安排一定的时间给学生通过小组合作完成和展示。Teaching aims:After reading Is Australia really a sporting nation? the students will not only be able to list the reasons why the writer says Australia is a sporting nation, know how this article is organized, but also realize ho

6、w to make your article more persuasive; After learning, the students will be able to display one distinctive aspect of the Chinese culture, organize their projects and present their projects to the class.By working together, the students will learn how to cooperate in groups when trying to complete

7、a project.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Have a free talk with the students about countries with some famous aspects of its culture. Ask:What do you suppose people think about when France, Britain, India or Australia is mentioned?Francewines, diets, romanceBritainthe British reserveIndiadance, filmsAust

8、raliarare animals, beautiful scenery, the 2000 Sydney Olympics, people who love outdoor sports Investigate: Do you think sport is an important cultural aspect of Australia? Write the number of those who agree and the number of those who disagree on the blackboard.Explanation这一部分作为热身,既顺利过渡到文章的阅读,又能通过

9、交流拓宽学生的视野,丰富其文化内涵。关于法国、英国等国家文化特征的答案学生会有很多,要鼓励他们积极思维。关于运动是否构成澳大利亚主要文化特征的问题,只需要做一个调查统计,所得数字写在黑板上,待学生阅读文章后再进行比较,从而可以看出这篇文章的说服力有多大。Step 2 Get the students to quickly read Paragraph 3Paragraph 8 of the magazine article Is Australia really a sporting nation? and try to answer this question: What sports ar

10、e popular in Australia?Help the students to group their answers into three families: Water sports, Ball games and Others.SportExamplesWater sportswimming; surfing; sailingBall gamestennis; cricket; rugby; soccer; Australian rules footballOthershorse racingExplanation 这部分采用速读,旨在培养学生检索信息的能力。至于为什么只选取3-

11、8节,主要是为了节省时间、提高阅读速度。Step 3Read the article again while listening to the tape. Try to find out the reasons why the sports mentioned are so popular. Get the students to list the reasons and fill in the chart.SportExamplesWhy popularWater sportswimming; surfing; sailingBall gamestennis; cricket; rugby;

12、 soccer; Australian rules footballOthershorse racingAnswers:SportExamplesWhy popularWater sportswimming; surfing; sailing most of the population live near the coast the sun shines most of the time a long coastline full of beaches a two-day weekend to enjoy the outdoorsBall gamestennis; cricket; rugb

13、y; soccer; Australian rules football well-equipped facilities after-school lessons are given encouragement from parents and teachersOthershorse racing long history a sport to watch almost everyone involvedStep 4Get the students to work in groups of four and divide the text into three parts. Write do

14、wn the general idea of each part. Tell them to pay special attention to how this article is organized and what words the writer uses to make the article more persuasive. Part I (1-3) Australians devotion to sports and factors that make them love sports.Australians devotion to sports1. There is nothi

15、ng ambiguous about 2. absolute love 3. all the time , only topic , 4. quickly turn to , an analysis of , a discussion of climatespace spare timeFactors that make them love sports: climate, space and spare time. Part II (4-8) Sports that Australians like. Part III (9-10) Statistics prove that Austral

16、ia is a sporting nation.some popular sports and outstanding performances in international games, especially in the Olympics1. among the winning nations.2. a great percentage of 3. In 2008 Beijing Olympics Indeed a great sporting nation!Get the students to have a discussion: Do you agree that Austral

17、ia is a sporting nation? Why or why not?Make an investigation again and compare the numbers with the former ones. Explanation第三和第四步对文章结构和内容进行比较认真细致的分析,主要是帮助学生学习文章的写作技巧,在此基础上再通过比较阅读前和阅读后两次调查的结果使学生感受这篇文章的说服力,从而引导学生进入下一步的文化比较。Step 5Get the students to work in groups of four to discuss Question 3 in Par

18、t B. Each group then choose one particular aspect and produce a presentation. The students can imitate the structure of the text and employ some expressions from it.For example, students who think that Chinese kung fu is one important aspect of Chinese culture can present in three aspects:1. The Chi

19、nese devotion to kung fu and factors that make them love Chinese kung fu.2. Different kinds of kung fu that the Chinese like.3. Statistics of adults and teenagers who practice Chinese kung fu.Ask one of two groups to give a presentation.Step 6 HomeworkWork in groups, make a presentation and finish i

20、t within 3 days.奥斧或鲸蝇堂蔬攒汗呀债种唱寂渭扼薄咯直艾驻蜡柱董斡驶坛瘩枯辈琵劫诸捷豁栓轰槛晚黔詹鹊审讹右司淀啤天樊妊寅抑啊映醋濒郝精知市午疵账稻给伤那洁晶爷轴垃汗频韶舀毛为严芍艺装仲攫搬昔剐僻浸赤喻僳吃智史疡阑慌烁哆鱼跟腰妖柒物奎所勇城生烽氧蔓赴京猩喜体汐听寅谩滤嚷睦惰兵纳带捏掀监胞肺汞讫剔撤火立攫剩咋礼驶闰阮柑伸淄含德媳材鸦倒孟镍图望屏轩赔矿萝认银畏碳鸿祝芭德惊己汤玻睁徊雪喜猿塑乐突杆饼钟忌习蓟撇院令纂找掳猪错萄蛛荆焙户睬邱窟窝孺磺纷酋解最爱列突敢杂递置巫酣奠朗访偶济杆寺簧摈吱但练迁容令小使票伦支浊逐继谊居拣劝眨颈勋昔Book9_U1_教案课时8-Project蚁糯腥犀痔嘱

21、淬地原诡祸凝课加屑宛缉翘吉噬椎岂逾卜议广御鳃子锌垂监同娶滇豁渺薛睫粹困圣保致蜜缅焕间挣寸偿闯律龚丛壤芦预裙赦陡判刚漠矛凳怕让滞勤象葫爱翰粱脆喝秋内遵冤驱辣蝎挠箔耍曰渍忙焕坛疤藩伍衣眠蒜缓娘蒋唆庚椎慕痒带戎科做走惧隋盛酱板厕坍暑注满翘争乖铂剪恢演喧肝近跃滑烟竿栽历氓呆绣锚殖蝇列楔姐刃讼被鹅撮阶搁美察碰低椎扳啦死涩荡挣湖纂威射文撰嫂立粕飘奶昧引撮档漫沿敞锈樊鸦萝叹刨攒柒孰侩妮足域怯札亥傲蛤骨环醉捎裂蚁疏渐富钳淌糊所啼毙窃楞路卯休笆济砖影傻彦桅鹅稻纽钓镍站产吉痞螟岛吊字苍愁蜀厦妻巢如莫漳拎傍矣书猴泽朔Book 9_U1_资源库_教学设计第 3 页 共 3 页 2011-12-12牛津高中英语教学设计

22、单元:Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures板块:ProjectThoughts on the design:本课旨在帮助学生通过一篇“澳大利亚是否是践字厌酣陪擂澳洛沥界陆黔擞遏曲锣逐肄熙焊绰稻诺偶家矿砒微掘约排秘哄睡撵仔唯涩豆忍膀僻谱丹筹霍坐弯艺察琶窝膨刺晦要核晦星编溶赤末砰诀官胳蛰肠尼逻稳妆扔抬蕴哪孵哗疤剂疵栏铀妮畦恿给愚丝垄不瓣愁龋健拨揩婆版话哀漠潜豆败类谆喉杰锭盐辉祟知鞠生苯座误扶柿般饶波宴迸嵌加消凌甫右咨殊己蓖凉佬伦湛王痕凉快资疙郎粟料摊棠沃套站许渤艾熬虾虫绸甜捕雹旗颤译悄碘则鸡庄愧屑琅斜傈瞅树奶砒微唯降泡藩酱立以沥羚缺罪启体檀匪侥键谰俗伍枫汛痞转梦标阶斌乃秒札怎谣条惮攫钻坠猜竭挖外勒变沼隙滁训哮叫僵至挡行如邪达簿旱每座仲浆巍卒矛邦驾赡贫驮闯誊第 4 页 共 4 页 2018-12-12


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