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1、石膏绷带包扎固定术健康教育1、石膏在干固前禁止搬动和压迫,严禁手指托扶和压迫。提高室 温,加强通风,电吹风等方法烘干石膏,加速石膏干固。干后石膏, 防止受潮。2、新鲜骨折患者应在两天后定期复查3、抬高患肢,有助静脉及淋巴回流。4、寒冷环境注意保温,气候炎热时注意防暑。5、注意观察肢体远端颜色、温度、感觉和运动。如有疼痛、苍白、 冰冷、发纟甘、麻木时,应及时复诊,不得私自拆除或松解。6、饮食:食用高热量、高蛋白、高维生素、易消化食物,多食水果、 蔬菜,多饮水,防止长期卧床引起便秘。7、石膏拆除后,加强患肢功能锻练,防止和减少肌肉萎缩与关节僵 直。二牵引术的健康教育1、功能锻炼 在整个牵引期间,为

2、防止肌肉萎缩与关节僵硬,除固 定关节外,凡不被限制活动的部位都要保持活动,进行锻炼。早期主 要进行肌肉的等长收缩,2周后开始练习关节活动增大活动强度,但 要以活动后病人不感到疼痛、疲劳为度。逐步增加活动范围,肌肉瘫 痪的肢体应作关节的被动活动,以防止肌肉萎缩和关节僵硬。2、指导患者及其家属维持牵引效能有关知识 不能自己增减重量, 否则造成牵弓佚败而影响治疗。重量过小,不利于骨折复位或畸形矫 正;重量过大,可导致过度牵引,造成骨折不愈合。3、定期做床上淋浴,以促进血液循环,并保持患肢全身的清洁。冬 天注意保暖,可用特制的牵引被盖严躯体。4、卧床期间应做全身性活动 病情许可时应练习全身性活动,如扩

3、 胸、深呼吸、用力咳嗽、抬起上身等,以改善呼吸功能,预防呼吸、 泌尿系统并发症三小夹板固定术的健康教育1、上小夹板的患者需回家修养时,应向其本人及家属交代注意事项, 介绍骨折愈合的进度和去除夹板的指征,向患者详细讲明复查时间和 就诊要求,不能擅自去掉夹板,否则会造成骨折移位,如有不适,应 及时随诊。2、观察指(趾)端的血循环情况疼痛是否持续或加重,指(趾)端 的皮色皮温是否正常,感觉是否正常,若发现异常及时到医院检查和 治疗。3、掌握功能锻炼的正确方法,合理安排运动强度。运动量和运动时 间因人而异、循序渐进,避免造成新的损伤。4、合理安排饮食,保证营养,卧床病人鼓励其多饮水,多食蔬菜、 水果,

4、养成定时排便的习惯,预防便秘。定时沐浴、洗发、做好个人卫生,保持清洁。2019年6月大学英语四级真题解析及参考答案Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhood. You should

5、write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words【参考范文】On June 14, Friday, a volunteer activity where many students took an active part in visiting the local Nursing House was organized by the Student Union and it turns out to be a big successThe activity was aimed at encouraging students to visit

6、 the elderly at the Nursing House and help elderly people deal with their troubles both physical and psychologica 1. Many students volunteered to participate in this good deed and were engaged in helping the elderly here out by making their meals, crashing their clothes and chatt ing with them When

7、asked about those volunteers * feelings about such an experience, all of them responded with a smile, saying "what a wonderful practice and I really <ippreciate this experience, for it makes me learn to care more for others in need"All in all, the activity turns out to be a success not

8、only for the visited elderly but for those students involved【参考范文译文】6月14 0,星期五,学生会组织了一个参观当地敬老院的志愿活动,许多学生都积极参与 其中,该活动取得了巨大的成功。此次志愿活动旨在拜访当地敬老院的老人们并对他们各个方面的困难提供帮助。许多学生主 动加入到此次善举当中,帮老人们洗衣做饭、谈心解闷,竭尽所能提供帮助。问及参与此次 活动的感想时,他们亳无例外地回道“真是太有意义了,很感谢这次经历,它让我懂得要去 更加关爱那些有困难的人”总而言之,此次活动取得了巨大成功,不仅仅对那些老人来说受益多多,对于参与的学生来

9、 说也是意义良多。Part IIIReading Comprehension(40 minutes) Section AThe center of American automobile innovation has in the past decade moved 2,000 miles away. It has _26 from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming into life.In a _27_ to take production back to Detroit, Michigan l

10、awmakers have introduced 28 that could make their state the best place in the country, if not the world, to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road.“Michigan's _29_ in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to 30 our leadership

11、 in transportation. We can't let happen, ' says Senator Mike Kowall. the lead _31_ of four bills recently introduced.If all four bills pass as written they would 32 a substantial update of Michigan's 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions Manufacturer would have nearly total freedom to test their self-driving technology on public roads. They would be allowed


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