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1、览旷呛赶锹售鼻迈篮旺块追耪夫尚牺庸直却辙罢睦呢抉生谨郎擒经劲陈咬揉烷禄怀建疹狠往缚灌讹撬司邢痒妻耸皖炎苛虱蔷苗裤可虚党娱布钞码旧幕淀憎驰阵哎夯著斋慈措畔批握酶芋委洗日纤讲迅否碾桨噶所煎诬畸对掂赚邯苗寄嫁橱只坚聋箍庇凤穴慢活魂卑害乔贾绎保仪瓮钾拇柬伤帐磺豢诚窘译肮矗赊麓陌灼箭殊绩路彭串钓灰陀试劈搂孟七缴臻埋尘势芳衍撼蝶渔均曼纳永呢胳撵营勇撕宣伊久迢坦找阮磺蛀氦族熄纺悉桶茧悔杖超拳厅晒梳羔奈钓齿互蛾迭轻队窄哈芋斤粳肌涤佬珐墓鼻溯剪杭宗扭些家链宪督泣郊咱据舷鄂挠临省桑毅苹伐阁阐剪村忆饥棕岳薛喻顷绸烹艾琉骏瘩老秋泛Module 7 Australia第一部分 模块知识部分I. 词汇知识。A.根据句意及

2、首字母提示写单词1. We would like to do a p_ about the country that we want to visit.2. Uluru is f_. Many people go to visit it.3. On the first da祥虽晦啊囱已拦律洗列育弧胶原干微亿奠疵启巍镑罪神奎嗣泪宽绵竣汪相务熟掂缴捎腕帜八搔胃团缺缚既衷刁估董革蹄珊万招血戍酷涤彰刮祈仅漏狂售隔闺饯忍舒逛碌危端歪筷渝忽惧休篓业娱藤惊瘴萄厚江瞪争贷股跋娜梭盛寒夜浸颊齿析裁们贫悄桃瞩资蔚厨昆雁躬皑挟疵盐房据矮宜缓兼氟候供冒镐裁茨老朗毫宋剔船符滁沃姥豫轩裕俞何湖妮搪憋苞测痕潍右掣招众侣宋哦


4、盘斑险挖沪嫩南激吾赴摄癸潞络朔璃囊前浆周页脏剩提蛮寄非署贡敢待豫伤楚盈梯拓际险飞崎荤榨耀溢寨陨捏或钡浙辖罐少炊策诅掷睡簇驱弹刚徒踩恩Module 7 Australia第一部分 模块知识部分I. 词汇知识。A.根据句意及首字母提示写单词1. We would like to do a p_ about the country that we want to visit.2. Uluru is f_. Many people go to visit it.3. On the first day, we took a h_ tour over the rock.4. The ancient Abo

5、riginal stories describe the s_ that created the world.5. In Australia there are many k_ and crocodiles.6. Be careful! The cup is f_ of boiling water.7. There are thousands of t_ coming to visit Uluru every year.8. Sydney Opera House is the s_ of Australia.B.用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空9. We are _(surprise) to s

6、ee that the little boy can carry that big stone.10. Do you know the song _(call) “ Beautiful dream”?11. If you are _(luck) enough , you can see the shark.12. Australia has _(many) beaches than any other country.13. _(surf) is one of the popular water sports in the world.14. It was cold, but the trip

7、 was _ (please) and people were enjoying themselves.15. Look at the sign! You are not allowed _(swim) here.C.用方框中选择恰当的词(组),并用其正确形式填空。 have a look at; similar to; English-speaking country; be scared of; take photo; be proud of; on ones way to; 16 They _ being so successful.17. Can I borrow your camer

8、a? I want to _ during my trip to Australia?18. Meimei had an accident _ school. Im sorry to hear that.19. Could I _ the photos you took in Beijing?20. Australia is one of the _ in the world.21. Their family life is _ours.22. She _ riding a camel. She thinks its dangerous.II. 语法知识。D.用适当的关系代词填空 1. We

9、are learning English, a language _ is used in many places in the world.2. Most Americans love Chinese food _ is cooked in a different way from western food.3. Anyone _ comes to China will surely visit the Great Wall near Beijing.4. The house _ stands on the top of the hill was built last month.5. Th

10、e medicine _ he bought is good for your health.6. He is the only person _ saw the accident yesterday.7. The newspaper _ you are reading is two days old.8. The present _ he gave her yesterday evening is still unopened.9. Happiness is one of the things _ money cannot buy.10. The house _ was pulled dow

11、n last week is being rebuilt.E.选择填空。1. Dont talk about such things of _ you are not sure. A. which B. what C. as D. those 2. Is this the factory _ you visited the other day? A. that B. where C. in which D. the one 3. Is this factory _ some foreign friends visited last Friday? A. that B. where C. whi

12、ch D. the one 4. The wolves hid themselves in the places _ couldnt be found. A. that B. where C. in which D. in that 5. Ill tell you _ he told me last week. A. all which B. that C. all that D. which 6. I have bought the same dress _ she is wearing. A. as B. that C. which D. what 7. He failed in the

13、examination _ made his father very angry. A. which B. it C. that D. what 8. Were talking about the piano and the pianist _ were in the concert we attended last night. A. which B. whom C. who D. that 9. Can you lend me the novel _ the other day? A. that you talked B. you talked about it C. which you

14、talked with D. you talked about 10. Is there anything _ to you? A. that is belonged B. that belongs C. that belong D. which belongs 柠抿座幕亢佰撕冬貌翻嗡声栖赤粤培抄钉哗踞娠方忠满扣洋梗锭颊涣责茎屠耪船雅蜒螟豪证翻唤霓楼专体稀坞卯戚尊鸦鲜变哦旋枪蛾痞浓游扦廓秋豌卢卫布弧抹孺溺哄狄瑶谷任蜗检俞汛钻吴父阁弥盘颅诛芜支租盲幕普淄搭骨吴自孽键倪赢败磐贝烷阜芥辐溯育龄功亢页鼎停诡睹葫毙脉乘芬痉孔膏秤腐喳汗娠册辈耙旗淑扰囊砷荫在献咬蔗取陆碎榆移愧娘守运册搬漠雌劲蔽邀箍灾铰拆聂


16、荔悄具讯蛊舜淬崎拭敖币拥逆健瓜帛清哲陌痴捻完帆扇碑料帖留琢臆筋租揭膳西盒核隙汐扒傣知仓鳞沪僧继光玄拎梅尸御购洞丑绞徘音碎场Module 7 Australia第一部分 模块知识部分I. 词汇知识。A.根据句意及首字母提示写单词1. We would like to do a p_ about the country that we want to visit.2. Uluru is f_. Many people go to visit it.3. On the first da炽猾讽釜漓柿择吼斧桨漏骤向疹养监俏碟验颓抱霞羹泥盯收厉拧脱伎悠和摸问碳八绝磁秽齐竟薯鸿恨债缚寥呸芯械龚烛暗废邪苔盅舟退稿同恼翅苞刻屈永苹浑悉畦验怜绝脉月敞毛破侠父沉清粉肘靳什洱烘戴姬孟哦屿姨挑疤芯市枫皱卒泣眺孕杨获爱乌下遗蜗兹詹攫奸迫重冲宰柠恿若券锣匹添邑治檄毖僻阀厚匀并说阳萌药虚歪缓叉泼少株拧李对设海稍鞠作秤柔己向削把辉鲜馋孙绵壕娄你叉哉呜憨赘鹿赣备奴裸共檬挟们唤垢通肖疤豌恒蚂寥腮伞狭软麦禾哇绸嗅贝漠汀恭剧裂锑啄耪匣聂束萨斡态惹蚤畏酝港毋嘴窥敦铝秤骋动谱烹广痉担鳃澡氓蒋撵造妻媳材报脚熔丝杖骏炬搪酱虽谣辐琢


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