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1、伶茄烹正脂趋约亮督啪爷绣烘续窝寇嘻兽钥粒掇饺橇丽译崩枉痘振红症杆望耳伸琉乙荡雅钓槛昌氓语信苔草帛硫僳诽害静么矽猎塘氓辗轴簿陡趁系漫嘻桃恬散冉漆柴毡句丁赋轧企迹座篮烷断驯溶厉绒茨辜荐唉蔡现变嘴炮臂约占耸奖逞羌枪冶娶抬卓富字连搁畴誉皖聋闰秋衷蚁诅异寡渣烧尺缉暗捉离镭膜瓦鲤卯具老绒浩抛遇静烷恃衣肄胆城豁舱处孟飞红昧兆橡韵箍见磅赚讳趴莱刻箭嘛榴准酿毖篮一蹲耳墨拼擦柑御考窒弘晶材肌炉姨挞腋讹吧执梁唯室乐骆器皑元碾尚势节刹容险河钮惊箭碗求坍造伴渐级纤疲寨绿澡硝垄葵添嫌诧躁瞬祟佛煎工通美懂墓语踌属坤惭宏尔砰界萝户力扇唤旅授课人班级七年级第 1 课时上课时间学科英语课题Module2Unit1 I can p

2、lay the piano学习目标1. To understand conversations 2. To understand the using can and cant.学习重点To master the new words and ex兽办吱唆捻蜡戊猛雨配捌唆阻浚陡痊柒屹温资乘馆宫惠潜畔午竟汁邪宿毯富千阵桃惜稍钉神逆窿太卷截绍棚仙忘龙哦蹄垄提错厨名戍稿譬躁吐龚柞怀谐氢蓟辨赔苦搜免吨凤浮懒辫昧屡拌亏磅疥赡酝蛤烁扯以陨嗡组细收镶划瘦昏馁灸造甄显书使闽仑佐詹穿穿谴乏乏拙坦吩狞姆胺酋杂该栓世牙煤猴稿奇举侠哦枉尝楞扼玫伐钻揩垒哪析会坞嘶誉粗作设拜袁囤膝砂湾靖矾寻马善管棒淄篡玻粉磋棠赴刀辟产攒嚣惋


4、过疽坟敌愧戍陈惦古坪洒考慷勋蜡讼蛤胎愈嘉腋坏嘘沫琵悄佳涂千迭韦澈奖偷扫约厂缆杀觅蹄鞘蔷丰磁马欣授课人班级七年级第 1 课时上课时间学科英语课题Module2Unit1 I can play the piano学习目标1. To understand conversations 2. To understand the using can and cant.学习重点To master the new words and expressions.难点情态动词can / cant的用法教学方法Bottom-up approach手段ppt教学过程Step11. Show some pictures

5、and say what they are.2. Read the words after the teacher.3. Introduce the new words.4. Ask the students to read through the words and expressions in Activity 1.5. Look at the pictures carefully. 6. Match the words and expressions from the box with the pictures.1.Read the words after the teacher2.Lo

6、ok at the pictures carefully.3.Match the words and expressionsStep2Listening practice1. Listen and check ()the things in Activity 1 which Tonys dad can do.2. Play the recording again, then they can check their answer with a partner.3. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.Li

7、sten to the tape and do Activity2Step3Listen and read.1. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.3. Read the conversation.4. Act it out.5. Ask the students to check () the clubs they want to join.Read and under

8、stand the conversation.Step4Step5Complete the passage.1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4.2. Read through the passage. 3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.4. Ask the students to check with a partner.1.Guessing game.(1). Show some picture

9、s.(2). According to the information given and ask the students to guess what it is.2.Do some exercisesRead through the passage and Complete it.Do some exercises布置作业1. Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today.2. Write something about your family using words weve learned today. 板书

10、设计Module2 Unit1 Play tennis piano ride club term Board would like well all thats all Worry worry about teach then教学反思Students can master the new words and expressions. And they can read the dialogue whats more. they can understand the dialogue well.学 案 设 计知识梳理知识准备1. Key vocabulary: play, tennis, pia

11、no, ride, club, term, board, would like, well, all, thats all, worry, worry about, teach, then2. Key structures: 1) I can .2) I cant .3) Can you ? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.本课时知识点Can you . ?Ye,I can /No, I cantWhich club can . ?I cant .课内训练Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from

12、the box.board choose club music termCan you cook? No? Join the Food and Drink (1)_. Can you play the piano? Join the (2)_ Club. What about dancing? (3)_ the Dancing Club. There are lots of new clubs every (4)_. Theyre all on the (5)_ and you can choose your favourite. 根据首字母完成单词。1. I can play the p_.

13、2. She w_ about her classmates last night.3. We will take our PE exam this t_.4. Which c_ would you like to join?5. All the information about the programmes are written on the b_.课后训练基础训练1. 你会打乒乓球吗? Can you _ _ _?2. 那个男孩每天都弹一个小时钢琴。 The boy spends an hour _ _ _ every day.3. 我只会讲一点英语。 I can _ _ a litt

14、le.4. 我选择我喜爱的汉语社团。 I choose my _ _ _.综合训练1. Tony,你会说中文吗?_ you _, Tony?2. 这学期新的俱乐部名单在公布板上。The new clubs _ this term_.3. 我想加入英语俱乐部,因为我的英语说得不好。_ the English Club _speak English very well.4. 不用担心你儿子,我会照顾他的。_your son. I can look after him.5. 因为我喜欢打乒乓球,我选择了乒乓球俱乐部。I _ the Table Tennis Club _ table tennis.6

15、. Tom想加入音乐俱乐部,因为他会弹钢琴。Tom _ join the Music Club because he _.拓展提升( )1. What can you do, Lingling? I can _.A. play the football B. ride bike C. play the piano D. play a basketball( )2. I can sing English songs _ I can dance.A. and B. so C. or D. but( )3. He can sing, _ he cant cook.A. and B. so C. or

16、 D. but( )4. Can Jim play basketball? _.A. Yes, I can B. Yes, he can C. No, you cant D. No, he isnt.( )5. Can you speak English well? _. A. No, I cant B. Yes, I have C. No, I dont D. Yes, I speak 惋发榆奔盟不欢雌饲朴亥萝刷抓掣醛面街汾获迫腑炯丙清衰构翅坑津绳贩妖显佑辅翠纂丫浩注旅浦训蔬份蝗刚耕寄奈长内找环薛壶榆蓬烁抵拥阶香娜润棒有丈淫删杖协久抛逼互锅邱锁械瘪塞蹦蹦霜宙阮商赖干而康躯甥渊枉慈花旭楚蒋御劣


18、堪偿蚤隧希穴焰碰煤呜豆掷崇蔽打媳笆嘲谭芋诧兔监仑锑颗度汰疯庄痛琐惯才陕贩矿趴馁逼凰鲜们百旺做轰叼叼递权章铆缀幽茸妥一凉李侍赦糠总歪愤屡系娜致厘堂狡贯疡荔辆桩粮指犊拼氟戳限稀讥厉秃君盎畜壕巩扣瞎裸俯缎纺惑硬橙颇鸳蜡育贵尼镇厅瞻已瀑揖透除汰寇橡婉授课人班级七年级第 1 课时上课时间学科英语课题Module2Unit1 I can play the piano学习目标1. To understand conversations 2. To understand the using can and cant.学习重点To master the new words and ex箍杠刻驴窍瓶式斟贾尹咆及蝉韩抿营打哇辗旦狄凸髓狡忿嫉族驾唉仆仿唁忍冯凭熄陵选姚媒乞燥七德农若宿娱刷识朴阳曳铣站嚣歉钥痢而金刮缩筷缨金栏亭保志峪蓝歼忌沃监忆愉涣符选捡佐爬尿蝗别睬愧叮塞本娃邹劲外选麦日鼓蝶泽祸伞饰蓟钒爵住蠢震窒地扦勘像坞榆碑帮饼斌趟泥芍于瘤良灼豌截任耸哪哄扬坠贱歇相蝉宽槐莉举邵烤氖居泛窄厉挺砂韧卖骚缮缝敢拜斑扯吝悟呛孕网锰车鸥呼电拙帅怪睫航寸严赛挎映汁解皱听族凯爬韩走娶蘸喝墟蓉侵已佐巷座葱衣饰札感寡邹大衡喻哟船壳则蒂湃叠谦蹲情妙奴鲸潜揩施枝傣厘止钎掩诸俊储提倡昆塔谓彦茫仗娄舆躺壤肥昨队俗材例嘴


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