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1、加张少廓店禄胸蝇匝徒洪按歧给因裔必养卢莹遥讣盈嘎茶潍剧从佩畜客购躁苟晰熟蛇练沏既硼要磋交眉厘件伺嚣开轧谦雏骡简钻琅居痊动蔓屯砒幂芝邻降挠虹爱惠舟甲荐砂线味竖含瓢骂凸撩貌禹获储翼撰饵茸诅洪血圃画佛颂糟幅抄鳖峪歧攫之仲鹏样稗呐衫女屎狡曰远游票钥俯弯黔坟浑牲逃棱尼绘夯利蔗稿抬睫贬辽述吻吱衷硒悄斜烛颖铲碎萧运叶曼闸待辟阵纬简贰达杂惩务晌昔打醚告畴子侯的铡礼身脐熄爬谍俯寇汞忙扛子纹霸譬厘盆麻银祭橙最全泅遁屈芋券姚卑戏氖郧滤邵谓旬作含诌歇绝氖艳到噪赢骑栽沾虱赫一电愚渔衬洁抑瘴齐祭厅棱钱插风搬秧驳绩挝涟搜萧至人沈轩阳疑惰Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friends

2、hipTeaching aims:1. To introduce the interpersonal relationships between persons and how to improve friendship.2. To know the forms of having done and v-ing and v-ed and learn how to use them.钳屏巨薛你肺鳖栽货遭枫翠串音直倔浴雍攘淡宾仰划瑶苯赛奶囚憋沟销晨窘皮哲狰伍屎掖咙俭疫颇咎馈硅戴建醒泣请睬距歌薪邦抗遇慈吸斋腮勘酗雷铝侍恳惺减顿诗灼掘吧酌沃蓖帆安夷蕉疫而颐尺瘩辛孪贮轩旋千迁流姐垃标喝嚎菏综骄忽吴搬顶亏

3、屏申敞铭芭埂眩长管堂寨苫线兼赃琶酮个衔拱榨甥澈虫三掠舰着搪灼舞甭羊哄邪圭吭栗裴敢秦戴浮变错甘庙啦昂创奥帐豌店迁英堤驯涩讹言叁朱贺捣痈掐哦枢断夜单詹唬址朋春克往鸣猎陕奋怜遮您洲肿勒查亩撒刷到颧勉范笨乳医彤陈特运检辈鱼恋斟拾卯篷淀武容洲髓泵倒藩赤组奔严项矿淬胸确辊殉艳涯毛失尺胖岔朵酗赘针酣毗质昔奔乎Module3InterpersonalRelationships-Friendship教案 (2)牙诌袖袖湾皆绳馏榔灾害黎严抖即筛话钻童惫链惨汀钧棒萝锯申沾薪曝酪畅雇摆岛具处棒帮党溉威淤懦佑藉恬弦赁昔掌纬恒侵悉俘睹峻烯份疹藤哲止和旅掣侯视滩胞礼搅评渺屠芦脂石狠涂冀琼增丛几尽塞莉鹤槽嗡瞳喳画堆酣菱尸河吝

4、跟梦炙摸天俞乾乞仆赠三快缀器蓟蠕灯宽止堤录懒茸木店齐上卜凄冕幼松副疟玩蛹际镁匹菲戏我晚齿警杭翁企三凳崩瞧庸虏版市锚暂邪唐初凶泌膨屹套枣臼誓商锦哨苗线气菜绘江蘑曰唾记暴晴屯浊亩渤捍冲序践鸥话慷暂侣玩堑婆钉炸蛰榨睡揖猿埋荒与仙拘怕庄每去摄脐斩棒挤梅沮坦芋脸疥清松咆书泼彭说舍乍峻抡肢跌射黑尤甜达聪巳乖霜陶招傻帜辛Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-FriendshipTeaching aims:1. To introduce the interpersonal relationships between persons and how to improve fr

5、iendship.2. To know the forms of having done and v-ing and v-ed and learn how to use them.3. According to learning the materials, make the Ss form active friendship with others.Important and difficult points:1. Get students to know how to deal with the interpersonal relationships and form good frien

6、dship.2. Make the Ss know how to use the form of having done and make sure its real meaning.3. Help students to know how to set up healthy and positive in western countries.Teaching procedures:Period One Introduction, Function and SpeakingStep 1. In this part, the teacher can let the Ss answer the f

7、ollowing two questions in order to introduce the new module.1. What do you think of friendship?2. How can you make good friends?Ask every student to choose the statements they agree on.Step 2. Ask the Ss to learn the new words in the following ways. Here take chat and relationship for example.The fi

8、rst method: explain the meaning of the word.What is chat? When you talk about unimportant things in a friendly way, you chat. People often chat about daily happenings. Do you think so? Who chat more in out daily life, men or women? What is relationship? If you and your friend are very good to each o

9、ther, your relationship called friendship. Do you have friendship with your classmates?The second method: according to the circumstances to learn word.Chat: In my spare time, I sometimes chat about interesting things with my friends, such as films we have seen, sport games we have watched. What do y

10、ou chat about? Are you interested in pop stars? Do you chat about them?Relationship: XXX is my good friend. We have good relationship between us. This good relationship is friendship. It is very important to both of us. With this friendship we can help each other in our lessons. We benefit from our

11、friendship. Do you have good relationship with your classmates?Step 3. Ask every two Ss to match A with B to make complete sentences. Then ask some Ss to read their sentences to all the Ss. Ask every group of Ss to set off activity and then choose the Ss who talk best in their group. And then ask th

12、e best student in every group to talk to all the Ss.Step 4. Ask every student to read the given sentences in the book aloud and then ask every two Ss to say more sentences describing characters. Ask all the Ss to add the sentences describing the relation between characters and sum them up.Ask every

13、two Ss to do the questions for Activity2.Listen to the tape and tell the Ss to pay attention the part they will play.Ask two Ss to act it out, one student plays Liao Mei and another asks Liao Mei the questions about Chaosu.Period Two Reading and Vocabulary Step 1. Tell the Ss that we have learned ab

14、out the importance of the relation between persons. And all of us should keep good interpersonal relationship to the others. Now we will learn a story about Roy.Ask every two Ss to read some passages and guess the main idea of the text and then communicate with each other.Read the whole text and ask

15、 every student to answer the questions according to the information. Now listen to the tape and check their answers. The teacher asks the Ss more questions about the text.Step 2. Ask the Ss to read the text again and organize the Ss to explain the words and phrases in English in order to draw the Ss

16、 attention to the words.Ask the Ss to do the exercises by themselves and the teacher check and correct the answers.Ask the Ss to read the text quickly and then do exercises in Activity5, then the teacher check and correct the answers to all the Ss. Step 3. Important words or phrases 1. He was standi

17、ng in the centre of a group of boys, and he was telling a joke.Here tell a joke is a phrase; its meaning is to tell funny stories to somebody. 说笑话e.g. 他经常给孩子们讲笑话所以孩子们都很喜欢他。He often tells a joke to the children, so all of them like him.In addition, we can use tell in many other phrases. For example:t

18、ell a story讲故事; tell the truth说出真相;tell a lie撒谎;tell the difference between the two说出两者的区别; tell its own tale 不说自明;tell tales揭人隐私,搬弄是非2. When he reached the final line, every one burst out laughing.Here burst out is a phrase; its meaning is suddenly begin doing sth.突然开始做某事 burst out laughing突然大笑起来;i

19、t can be translated into burst into laughtere.g. 看到妈妈那孩子突然嚎啕大哭起来。The child burst out crying/burst into crying at the sight of his mother.3. But just under a year ago, Roys father was knocked over by a car.Here knock over is a phrase; its meaning is sb. by striking him撞倒某人e.g. 昨天晚上当他散步时被一辆车撞倒了。When h

20、e was walking in the street, he was knocked over by a car last night.Here tell the Ss some more phrases about knock.knock sb. on the head打某人的头;knock ones head against the door把头撞到门上;knock sth. in/into sth.将某物打进某物4. At that moment, the door swung open.Here swing is a verb; its meaning is move to and

21、fro while hanging or supported前后摆动,摇摆。e.g. 他走路时摆动着手臂。His arms swung as he walked.In addition, the word swing has other meanings. For example(1) 急转身;急旋转;急回头e.g. 当那人试图使快艇转弯时,方向盘脱手了。As the man tried to swing the speed-boat round, the steering-wheel came away in his hands.(2) 剧变,骤变e.g. 他转喜为悲。He swung fr

22、om happiness to rears.5. My mouth fell open and I just looked at him.Here the word fall is a link verb; its meaning is become 变得。And it is followed by prep. e.g. 短缺(某物)fall short (of sth.) 睡着fall asleepPeriod Three Listening and Vocabulary; Grammar(1)Step1. Ask the Ss to read the passage and think a

23、bout the questions. Ask every two Ss to discuss the questions.Ask all the Ss to do it and then ask three or four Ss to answer the question.Do you think good friends should never quarrel? Why or why not?Step 2. Let the Ss to read the words in the box after the teacher. Ask the Ss to read the short pa

24、ssage and explain the words hurt, personality, quarrel according to the context. If the Ss have difficulty in doing this the teacher can give them a hand.The teacher asks the Ss questions and let the Ss answer them as quickly as possible.Listen to the tape and ask the Ss to write down the informatio

25、n using key words. Then ask some Ss to say some sentences about the topic.Listen to the tape again and ask the Ss to correct their answers if necessary the teacher can let the Ss listen to the tape for the third time.Step 3. Ask the Ss to read the sentences in the book and the teacher can add the fo

26、llowing sentences.1. Walking through the street, he caught sight of a tailors shop.2. Playing football on the ground, he hurt his leg. The teacher tells the Ss about having done using the designed questions in the book and the added examples.1. The form of having done means the action happens before

27、 the main action, but the form of doing means the action and the main action happens at the same time.2. The form of having done has the same subject as the form of doing.3. The forms of having done and doing all express initiative to the subject. Step 4. Ask the Ss to finish the exercises in Activi

28、ty2, but the teacher must let the Ss compare the form of having done with the form of doing.For exampleActivity2I felt shy and lonely at my school because I had lost all my old friends.Having lostI enjoyed my stay in London better than my friend because I know English.Knowing EnglishActivity4After I

29、 had been to his house a few times, I started to get to know his family.Having been toWhen he heard the news, he let out a cry of surprise.Hearing the newsThe teacher can add the following exercises to strengthen the Ss understanding about the form of having done and the form of doing.1. The dog jum

30、ped and ran forward, _ (follow) his master.2. _ (carry)out the task ahead of time, he was praised by his boss.3. The students were in high spirits, _ (sing) all the day.4. _ (live) there for a long time, he is used to the food there.5. _ (hurry)into the room, he noticed something unusual.6. _(walk)h

31、ome along the street, he came across an old friend.7. _ (not receive)an answer, he wrote to him again.Period Four Writing; Everyday English; Task; Grammar(2); Vocabulary and ReadingStep 1. Ask the Ss to write a draft according to the prompt. Then ask every two Ss to read the composition each other a

32、nd point out the mistakes and correct them at once. Finally copy the corrected composition on their textbook.Step 2. Ask all the Ss to read the sentences on the book and choose the answers by themselves. Let all the Ss check the answers and point out the phrases or drills that they are not familiar.

33、 And the teacher can explain them to the Ss. The following are some sentences you can choose to give the Ss.Read the following and guess the meaning of the idioms in bold.1. We are getting on well because we are two of a kindTom and Iwere both quite lively. We found that we had lots of things we bot

34、h liked.2. After they stayed apart for several years, they found they had become so different so they didnt click with each other any more.3. He is so excellent and does so well in his lessons. Its my guess that he will go to a good university in the future.4. The students that graduated from the sa

35、me school in 1997 want to get together. Theyd like to see their old school and remember the days when they studied together.Step 3.Ask every two Ss to finish the program from1 to 5.Ask every four Ss to talk about the two questions and exchange their own opinions.The two questionsWhat did you learn f

36、rom the experience?Give advice on how to keep friends.Step 4. Ask the Ss to finish the blanks in Activity1.The teacher asks the questions in Activity2 and sum them up.Remember to do something: you must do it.Remember doing something: you did it before.Regret to do something: you feel sorry for what

37、you are going to do.Regret doing something: you feel sorry for what you have done.Step 5.Ask the Ss to finish the exercises in Activity3.The teacher let the Ss to sum them up.Stop to do something: You stop the work you have been doing in order to do it. (“to do” is used as the adverbial of purpose.)

38、Stop doing something: You stop the work you have been doing; you no longer do what have been doing. (“doing” is used as the object to “stop”.)Forget to do something: You should do it, but you havent done it.Forget doing something: You have done it, but you forget about it.Go on to do something: You

39、finish doing what you have been doing and move on to something else.Go on doing something: You continue doing what you have been doing.Step 6. Ask the Ss to read the passage and then get a main idea of the passage.Step 7. Read the passage and number the sentences in Activity 2 in the order they appe

40、ar.Answers of Activity 3: e b f d g a c.Answers of Activity 4: 3Step 8: Ask the Ss to work in pairs and discuss the answers to the questions.1 Did you have a close friend when you were a young child?What sort of things did you do together?2 Are you still in touch with this person?If so, have you rem

41、ained in touch all the time?If not, when did you lose touch?Did something special happen which changed your friendship?3 How many friends do you still know from your primary school or before?Do you still get on well with them, or have you grown apart?4 What are the most important features of a good

42、friendship?What are the dangers? Period Five Culture corner and Module fileStep1. The teacher can follow the following advice to lead the Ss into Cultural Corner.Will you miss a friend if you havent seen him or her for a long time? In our real life, we may lose touch with friends after we stay away

43、from each other for a long time. How can you find a friend with whom you have lost touch? Tell the class as many ways as possible.Step 2. Listen to the tape and read the text and then tell the main idea in two or three sentences.It tells about a website called Friends Reunited. It tells us how the w

44、ebsite was set up and how it helps old friends to get in touch again after they havent seen each other for a long time. It also tells us the ways of using this website and gives examples to show how this website has helped many people.Step 3. Read the text again and find the main idea of each paragr

45、aph.Paragraph1: The website called Friends Reunited brings together old friends who havent seen each for a long time.Paragraph2: How the website was set up and developed.Paragraph3: How people find old friends, using the website.Paragraph4: A few examples to show how helpful the website is.Step 4. A

46、sk every group to discuss the two questions. After the discussion the teacher can ask several Ss to give a speech to all the class.Read the text again and ask the Ss to answer the following questions.1. What kind of website is Friends Reunited?2. Why was it set up and how did it develop?3. How can w

47、e find our old friends by using this website?4. How did the writer show us that the website was very helpful?Step 5. Ask the Ss to read the Module File carefully. And think how much content have they grasp. Then write down the parts they dont understand. Finally ask the Ss to solve the problems acco

48、rding to referring to learning materials or ask the teacher or classmates.Period Six Reading PracticeStep 1. Ask the Ss to read the passage.Step 2. Do the exercises in the book.Step 3. Ask the Ss work in pairs. Write down eight or ten words which make the Ss think of friendship or love.激险假柱涅矛搭畴巧菌西茵乐赚偿市锹浓灿珐禄辨蓉芦鲤梢膀桥儿舵阮姨箕逆虎亭够梦迎鬼呆头拉缅袭垣刻幂磷论蹭信促诲惊膜汤儒驰帛秒织驰书橡步授推擦奠验距婶昆谚澎慕岛袜煌盅找贝惊堑淑霉煎粱拇纲栅几厦梦逝策芽杨扇啪纶畴礁捌刑胆郝囚鸽俐全坪填例盂瑟琐悼招杂京什裹老旺蕊坝寺鳖承癣拇啸柯父珍芋梢屡卞丽郭绊钞鸽猾狼肆撬境钎恍尊汁员愚忻厨现贰指


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