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1、Unit 5 TraVeIli ng abroadI .Teaching aims :1 .Knowledge aims :(1) .Let the StUde nts grasp the meaning of the mastery words and PhraSeS .(2) .Let the StUdents CatCh the main idea of the PaSSageand get some detailed information of the reading .2 .Ability aims :Develop the StUdents basic skills of lis

2、tening, SPeaking ,reading and Writi ng .3 .Emotional aims : Let the StUdentsUnderstand the importance of Xie Lei' achievements and arouse StUdentS SenSe of Understanding and respecting .Learn her OPtimiStiC attitude to life SUCh as never giving UP in face of difficulty ,solVing the problems inde

3、pendently and so on .En COUrage StUde nts work hard and achieve their aims .mea nwhile ,Cultivate the StUde nts teamwork SPirit . .Key POintSand difficult POintS in teachi ng :1 .Develop the StUde ntS skills in readi ng ,such as SCa nning ,skimmi ngand detailed read ing .2 .Learn some mastery words

4、and expressions according to the con text .3 .Retell the text and let the StUdents express their thoughts USing the words lear ned in the PaSSage .In .Teaching MethOdS :Task-based method and StUde nts-ce ntered methodIV .Teaching aids:A recorder and multi-mediaV .Teaching procedures:SteP 1 .Preparat

5、ion :DiVide the StUdents into four groups and get them to finish one task . Let the StUde nts find out words and expressi OnS related to traveli ng and StUdy ing abroad .SteP 2.Revision and leading-inThe world is gett ing smaller and smaller. We have more and more opportUnities to travel or StUdy ab

6、road. TraVeIIing helps US learn a lot about local CUStOmS and broade n our views. Besides, it is relax ing and We Can get rid of our an Xiety and stress.SteP 3.Pre-reading :DiSCUSSi on : What are the adva ntages and disadva ntages of StUdy ing in a foreig n coun try?AdVa ntages : 1. Lear n Sta ndard

7、 En glish.2. COmmUni Cate With the local people3. Know the manners and CUStOmS of the COUntry better.4. Help US to be in depe ndent.DiSadVa ntages : 1.Be difficult for US to com muni Cate With the foreig n people and We should adapt to the SitUati on quickly.2. Cost a lot of mon ey.3. MiSS our homes

8、, miss our Pare nts and friendsSteP 4 Reading :1 .Scanning : match the main idea to each ParagraPhPara.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6 Para.7A. The gen eral in troductio n to Xie Lei and her StUdyB. The advantages of living With a host family.C. Xie Lei, a Chin ese girl, is StUdy ing in a forei

9、g n coun try-L ondon.D. Xie Lei is getting USed to the WeStern University S Way Of Iearning.E. . The newspaper will follow Xie Lei ' S PrOgreSS in later editions.F. The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London.GL Xie Lei feels much more at home in England now and is living an active life.

10、2 .Skimming :TaSk 1 :Fill in the bla nks.COf doing a PreParation COUrSe1. to help her toWeStern2. to get USed to.Ben efitsof liv ing With a host family1. to lear n more aboutand2. to have people to expla in thingsof hav ing a tutor1. to explain about Why She CannOtWhat other2. topeople had Said With

11、OUtit.her to express her own ideas.(at the Uni VerSity1 .to lear n to readandthe texts.DiffiCUItieS2. toher own opi nionWithof a new Way of life1. to find abetwee n StUdy and aV 2. to make newTaSk 2 .Discussi on.Xie lei ' problemsYour soluti ons1. Understanding and1. liste ning to the radio orUS

12、ing everydayWatChi ng televisi on to becomeEn glishaccustomed to everyday En glish2. reaching the2. asking her tutor for adviceacademicbefore Starti ng her academicrequireme nts of aWriti ngWeSter n Uni VerSity3. jo ining a lot of Uni VerSity3. making new friendsclubs3 . Detailed readingTaSk 1 :SUmm

13、ariZe the main idea of the whole text.It mainly talks about the Chinese StUdent Xie Lei ' ,especially about someShe gets as well as someShe faces while StUdy ing in London.TaSk 2:DiSCUSSiO nWhat kind of PerS On do you thi nk Xie Lei is? Find evide nce in the article to SUPPOrt your opinion.4 .Po

14、st-reading :Interview : SUPPOSe you are a newspaper reporter .Please in terview Xie Lei .SteP 5 Homework :1. Un derl ine all the importa nt and difficult PhraSeS and Senten CeS inthe text.2.Supposeyou are Xie Lei , Write a Ietter to Your Parents to tell them about your lear ning abroad.The desig ns On the blackboard:SteP 1 .PreparationSteP 2.Revision and leading-inSteP 3.Pre-readingSteP 4 Reading教学反思:


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