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1、外研版英语七年级下册 Module 7 My past life模块测试题I .单项选择(共10分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. There was east wind this morning. It was heavy wind.A. an; the B. an; aC. the; an D. a; a( )2. My cat wasn't the room ten minutes ago.A. of B. onC. at D. in( )3. I usually see grandparents at Spring Festival

2、. When do you see?A. my; yours B. my; yourC. mine; yoursD. mine; your( )4. Have some fruit, please. Great. Both apples pears are my favourites.A. and B. butC. or D. so( )5. What a beautiful he has!Yeah. So many flowers.A. classroomB. libraryC. gardenD. zoo( )6. Have you got any plans for the holiday

3、?Yes. I'll go to some beaches along the .A. foodB. coastC. roadD. bridge( )7. It's very of you to be with us today. Thank you.A. niceB. easyC. safeD. tired)8. Why do you Want him to be your class mon itor?He isand good at school subjects.A. coldB. shortC. frie ndlyD. fast)9. Jim and his brot

4、herin a small City at that time.A. isC. WaSB. areD. WereA. He WaS Very busy!B. He WaS Very good!C. He WaS a doctor.D. He WaS at home.)10. What WaS he like?完形填空(共10分,每小题先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。I have a Pen frie nd Tony. He WaS born in Cambridge, a smallCity 11En gla nd. DarWin S

5、chool WaS his first school and his first 12 WaSMrS Lane. She WaS 13but ni ce. She WaS a tall woma n 14 two brow n eyes.MrS Lane taught 15 history at school.There are 16 people in Ton y's family. HiS house is n ear a river and it has a large livi ng room, a kitche n, two bathrooms and three bedro

6、oms. Tony lives alone. The other two bedrooms are for his Pare nts and his two sisters. Tony likes 17 movies, so on his bedroom walls are the POSterS海报)of his favourite 18 stars. Beh ind the house, there is a big garde n With some trees and flowers. There is a lake With 19 in it too. The family ofte

7、 n 20 themselves in the garde n.TOnyand his family are living a happy life.()11. A. toB. ofC. onD. about()12. A. SUbjeCtB. doctorC. teacherD. n ame()13. A. activeB. richC. fatD. StriCt()14. A. WithB. i nC. byD. at()15. A. heB. SheC. herD. him()16. A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. SiX()17. A. goingB. See ing

8、C. talki ngD. look ing()18. A. SPOrtSB. movieC. SCie nceD. school()19. A. fishB. birdsC. CatSD. people()20. A. flyB. WinC. teachD. enjoyIn.情景交际(共10分,每小题2分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多 余。A: Hi, Mike.B: Hi, Tim.A: (21)B: I WaS in my Un cle's city.A: (22)B: It WaS Very hot.A: Were there many

9、ParkS there?B: (23)A: Do you like the city?B: Yes, I do. (24)A: Great! (25)A. It ' S a beautiful city.B. Where WaS the city?C. What Were the ParkS like?D. Yes, there were.E. What WaS the Weather like there?F. I hope I Can go there some day.G. Where Were you last Sun day?IV .阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)? A?I

10、'm Mary. I WaS born in a small town in England. BUt I lived On a big farm With my gran dmother, my Pare nts and my brother.My gran dmother n ever had much. She did n't have expe nsive thi ngs, or live in a nice house, but I could feel that She loved US Very much. I still remember those littl

11、e things about her.My gran dmother WaS kind. SOmetimeS She got some mon ey, and the n She alwaysPUt the money into a gree n box. She SaVed each Penny for my brother TOmmie and me. And We Were always happy to get the PennieS from her. BUt I don't remember how much We got from her.Those memories a

12、lways Stay With me. They give me Warm feeli ngs through the years. A grandmother's love StayS With a grandchild as long as She needs it. You know, love is just like that.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()26. Where WaS Mary born?A. I n a small town.B. On a big farm.C. I n a big village.D. I n a small city.()27. How

13、 many brothers has Mary got?A. Four.B. Three. C. Two. D. One.()28. How did Mary feel Whe n She got the PennieS from her gran dmother?A. Bored.B. Cool. C. HaP py. D. Free.()29. The Underlined word“ memories ” here means “” in Chinese.A.思想B.回忆C.情感D.关系()30. From the PaSSage We know that.A. Mary did n&#

14、39;t like the big farmB. Mary's Pare nts are busyC. Mary's gran dmother WaS richD. Mary loves her gran dmotherB?l_Hi, my n ame is Li Xinand I IiVe in Sha nghai now.BUt I WaS born in a small village and StUdied in the Primary school there. There Were many ChiIdre n in the village and We Were

15、at the Same school. Li Ting WaS my good friend and We ofte n did our homework together. There WaS a small river n ear ourvillage. We ofte n PIayed there in summer. I n Win ter We did n't go there ofte n. Now LiTing lives in Nanjing With her Pare nts. We ofte n Send emails to each other.Hello, I&

16、#39;m Martin and I live in a big town With my family. When I WaS eight years old,We Were in a small village. There WaS lots of grass there. ChiIdren in the village liked to Play gamesOn the grass. And Our dogs Were always With us. My SiSter LuCy WaS good at draw ing SO some of US Were always in her

17、pictures. Now there is a PiCtUre on the wall in my room. In it, I'm running after a mouse on the grass.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()31. Where does Li Ti ng live?A. In Sha nghai.B. In Nanji ng.C. I n a small village.D. I n a big tow n.()32. What did Li Xin and Li Ti ng ofte n do together?A. They ofte n WaIked

18、to school.B. They ofte n PIayed n ear the river.C. They ofte n PIayed on the grass.D. They ofte n did their homework.()33. How do Li Xin and Li Ti ng ofte n com muni Cate (交流)With each other?A. By phone.B. By POStCard.C. By email.D. By letter.()34. What WaS LUCy good at?A. Running.B. Dancing.C. Si n

19、gi ng.D. DraWi ng.()35.下列哪项陈述是正确的?A. Li Xin is in Sha nghai.B. Li Xin is Li Ting's sister.C. Martin seldom PIayed on the grass.D. Marti n is running after a dog in the picture.V .词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。yesterday, store, tow n, last, lake36. Let's buy some school th

20、ings in this. They are On sale today.37. Ala n and Peter live in differe nt.38. That village is famous for itsand fish.39. WaS he in the museumSUn day?40. The Weather WaS bad.B)根据语境及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。41. Don't worry about Tom. He is守规矩的)at school.42. TheSe浴 室)are for ChiIdre n.43. My teachers are 格的

21、).How about yours?44. Some总、统)are talki ng about the weather.45. He likes the Chair because it's 适的).W .完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。46. 你家附近有电影院吗?Are there anyn ear your home?47. 他在上海的时候你在哪儿?you Whe n he WaS in Sha nghai?48. 那时迈克什么样子?WaS Mikeat that time?49. 你的第一位老师是谁?Who WaS your?50. 我妈妈的

22、许多同学都在学校工作。my mother's CIaSSmateS work at school.W .书面表达(10分)在初中学习的你还记得小学的时光吗?请根据下列问题提示,以My PaStlife为题,写一篇70词左右的短文,准备在学校的英语角和大家分享你的过去,可适 当发挥。提示:1. Whe n and Where Were you born?2. What Primary school Were you in?3. What WaS your favourite subject?4. Who WaS your first teacher and What WaS he or

23、She like?5. What do you thi nk of the life of your Primary school?My PaSt life附加题(共10分)Alan is from London, UK. He often goes storm ChaSing 追逐风暴).1Storm ChaS ing is Whe n people go out in bad weather. They Want to get Very Veryn ear to a storm and take photos of it.2 Daniel does it all the time and

24、SayS it is great. They often go in summer. It isthe best time of year to ChaSe storms. 3 The Car does n't have any metal 金属). That helps them Stay aWay from light ning 闪电).Ala n is a good storm chaser, but he tries not to do it alone.“It's really in teresbut it is also Very terrifying, ” Say

25、S Alan.根据材料内容完成下列任务。任务一:将A、B、C三个句子填入文中空缺处。A. Alan and his friend drive a Car for storm ChaSing.B. Alan usually goes storm ChaSing With his friend Daniel.C. He also likes tak ing photos of storms.1. 2. 3. 任务二:选择最佳答案。( )4. When is the best time for storm chasing?A. In spring. B. In summer.C. In autumn

26、. D. In winter.( )5. The underlined wordterrifying ” may have the same meaning asA. relaxing B. boringC. funnyD. scary参考答案I . 1-5 BDAAC 6-10 BACDB . 11-15 BCDAD 16-20 CBBADIn . 21-25 GEDAFIV . 26-30 ADCBD 31-35 BDCDAV . 36. store 37. tow ns38. Iake(S) 39. last40. yesterday41. good 42. bathrooms 43.

27、strict 44. presidents 45. comfortableW . 46. movie theatres 47. Where Were 48. What; like49. first teacher 50. Many ofW . One POSSibIe VerSiOn:My past lifeMy name is Daming. I was born in Wuhan in 2002. My first school was Kangjie Primary School. Teachers there were friendly to me. At that time, my favourite subject was Chinese. My first teacher was Miss Wang. She was strict but very nice. I was good at playing basketball in primary school.The life of my primary school was really great. I enjoyed it.附加题1-5 CBABD


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