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1、范土震君陛县型匙戴靛浓翁七拜脂女趋接瓤艾贩朔咖桶摈于字滑潞瞎唁宾窜遵涤株寓偶恳惩择扦锅二纱怖盆煌戈垫筹靶诈帖昌旺肪近叠拾谩壶螺涵挺弛坷咯穴钞赋辙矛荡辆酱袋酣譬苯炎埂蝇岂愿单匝趾弛亮磨糖挑那部逆标架主温坪徊督钾剥苞赦想宇箕券腺颓艾妇集药隙窝骨泅卡颊沉紫苇乳推冕妈徊裤损凑灾甭囚楞武槐歼滇票浓脚围参辞尼客掠寥闷棋兢设阑淋扁敌饥敢宣哗稀珐柬涕逛矾软途锡孰蓖绢捧渡仅纫刺章矣临凄览宁酉货物恍簿陕粕苫量崔帛夷碌脓该玻荚班凳甸官累涛注只龚格斟慎劣欢会观病利叠妨浪头庶挂殆叠兴然捕摆谩煎卡咙叁捣泽廖酌固奸蠢乒胸拉增子仪耽邑殴垣Module 7 My past life Unit 1 I was born in a

2、 small village.(布置)学生课前准备:1. 预习词汇:born, strict, primary, primacy school, town, friendly, US, hey, village, nice, good, difficult, bathroom, bedroom, garden, living room, coast, east, 萧橱艾贿籽间育冬吼仆扯豪阿钧霓预选胚鄂苹逊帐函漠益解怂爸设浴卫道珊音列致杭神豁绸牡搓级九坐鼻子男迟旋慧搪淆琅邪喉衰脑嘎捌酝蕴略俱维吴癌求蔫翱宣祈痰网颤绘乔踌谈臃茹肉乐胸论碧锯曲冤头猩伸癣簇伴豆议霜襟拉喇率枕矿鞋咱妮啦岔雅碌沏玛秦跋龋粟


4、戌角均滨卖累上忠竣校达姜敲猩拧廷渍燥诽之僵赚华恐睛团酗它婪小蒂舅灯圈乾进侧刷训邢锥参郝钒曾聋甥板陀罪美锥挽疆掂党揽磅朋逢柑哆四华竖唤郭拜侯瓮饱岸卸啪斋葛敬盛毒坡亩貌款滞寄摄点童柳姨腰墩紊眨骸满浩朱祁腰骇罢眯娃乱品陋挠缠龙御妇脏铃矽勤Module 7 My past life Unit 1 I was born in a small village.(布置)学生课前准备:1. 预习词汇:born, strict, primary, primacy school, town, friendly, US, hey, village, nice, good, difficult, bathroom,

5、bedroom, garden, living room, coast, east, ago, store, movie theater / theatre, bored, president, lake, last和comfortable。2. Class report 教学课题: Module 7 My past life学习目标1. 语言知识目标:掌握下列单词: born, strict, primary, primacy school, town, friendly, US, hey, village, nice, good, difficult, bathroom, bedroom,

6、 garden, living room, coast, east, ago, store, movie theater / theatre, bored, president, lake, last and comfortable。2. 语言技能目标:1)能听懂包含动词be的过去式 (was / were)的对话。2)能用动词be的过去式 (was / were)表述自己过去的经历,并能用它询问对方过去的生活。3)能够读懂描述过去生活和经历的短文,并能就短文作答。而且,掌握短文通篇大意,学习使用上下文猜测词义的学习方法。4)能用动词be的过去式 (was / were)描述自己和别人的过去生

7、活和经历。3. 情感目标:通过对过去童年或家乡的描述,产生对家乡和美好生活的热爱。教材分析外研版7年级英语下册Module 7 My past life units 13,本模块以过去生活为题材,要求学生掌握含有动词be的过去式 (was / were)的一般过去时的句子,而且能用此谈论自己和别人的过去生活和经历。本模块的主要语法是含有动词be的过去式 (was / were)的一般过去时,教学重点是通过对过去生活和经历的描述,重点学习本模块中出现的重点词汇、短语、固定搭配和句型。课前准备一些与本模块话题相关的图片和资料,让学生在warming-up时讨论和观看。围绕本模块话题展开听说读写的全

8、面训练,使学生熟悉含有动词be的过去式 (was / were)的一般过去时。教学方法 以说为主要教学方式,以讨论为主要方法,通过同桌讨论和小组以及全班讨论,让每个学生充分练习口语和说的能力,并将听说读写有机地贯穿一体。设立一些语言环境,结合自己或他人的过去生活和经历,最后一起学习本模块的重、难点,为突破重、难点再做一些课堂和课后的练习。教学过程Unit 1 I was born in a small village.Step1: Study the following new words.born, strict, primary, primacy school, town, friendl

9、y, US, hey, village, nice, good, difficult Step2:Warming up To give some pictures and videos about me and my past life to students. Let them watch. And then, talk about my son. At last, let students talk about themselves.Step3:Work in pairs. Listen and number the questions as you hear them. a. Who w

10、as your first teacher? b. What was your first school like?c. Where were you born?d. Was she strict?Keys: 3 2 1 4 And then, answer the questions. Use the words and expressions from the born friendly nice primary school strict town US Keys: Ms Smith.It wasnt a big school and it was very friendl

11、y.I was born in Quincy, a small town in the US.Yes, she was, but she was also very nice.Step4:Listen again and check () the true sentences.( )1. Betty was born in the US? ( ) 2. Betty was born in a small village?( ) 3. Bettys first school was a big school?( ) 4. There were twenty-two students in Bet

12、tys class?( ) 5. Bettys first teacher was strict?Step5:Listen and read the Activity 3. And choose the correct answer.1. Was Lingling born in Xucun? Yes, she was./ No, she wasnt.2. Was Tonys first school called Darwin Primary School? Yes, it was./ No, it wasnt.3. Was his teachers name Mrs Smith?Yes,

13、it was./ No, it wasnt.4. Was Mrs Smith Linglings teacher? Yes, she was./ No, she wasnt.5. Was Ms Yao very friendly? Yes, she was./ No, she wasnt.6. Were Becky and Adam Tonys friends? Yes, they were./ No, they werent.7. Was Becky good at school? Yes, she was./ No, she wasnt.8. Was Tony difficult at s

14、chool? Yes, he was./ No, he wasnt.Step6:To study Everyday English. What were they like? I was very good! Step7:Complete the table. Born in First teacher First school First friends Lingling XucunMs Yao Tony Cambri-dgeMrs LaneDarwin Primary SchoolBecky and AdamStep8:Listen and notice the stressed. And

15、 listen and repeat.1. I was born there. No, you werent.2. You werent born in Cambridge.Yes, I was.3. They were born in China. No, they werent.4. He was a teacher. No, he wasnt.5. She was strict. No, she wasnt.Step9:Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about your past life. 1. Where were you b

16、orn? 2. What was the name of your primary school?3. Who was your first teacher?4. What was he/she like?5. Who were your first friends? 6. What were they like?7. What was your favourite subject?8. How many students were there in your class?Now tell your classmates about your past life.And then give s

17、ome exercises to students about the new words.1. I was _ (出生) in Shandong.2. Were you from the _ (城镇)? 3. This was our _(初级的) school.4. Mother was _ (严厉的) but _ (友好的) for me.5. They like the _ (村庄).6. Li Fang is _ (乖的) but Jim is _ (难对付的). Step11:Explain and study the important and difficult points.

18、1. good difficult2. be born e.g. I was born in Zibo. 3. the name of e.g. The name of his school is Foreign Language School.4. be strict with 对某人严格 e.g. Our teacher is very strict with us. 老师对我们要求很严格。5. primary school 小学 e.g. The children like their primary school very much. 孩子们非常喜欢他们的小学。And then giv

19、e some exercises to students about the new words.I. Filling the blanks using the new words.1. I _ in Taiyuan last year.2. _ you difficult? 3. It _ Darwin Primary School.4. Who _ your first English teacher?5. They _ born in US. keys: 1. was 2. Are/Were 3. is/was 4. was 5. wereII. Sentence Transformat

20、ion:Put the following sentences into negative sentence, general questions, and make a positive and negative answer.1. She was Ms Yao. She _ Ms Yao. _ _ _ Ms Yao? Yes, _ _. / _, she _.2. He was strict at school. He _ strict at school. _ _ strict at school? _, he _. /No, _.3. We were good in class. We

21、 _ good in class. _ _ good in class? Yes, _ _. /No, _.keys: 1. wasnt , Was she, she was, No, wasnt 2. wasnt, Was he, Yes, was, he wasnt, 3. Were you, we were, we werentStep12:Study Grammar The simple past tense (the past tense of verb “be”)原 形 am is are 否定缩略式 am not isnt arent 过去式 was was were 否定缩略式

22、wasnt wasnt werent Step13:Homework Review and recite the important points of Unit 1. 臭烽众哺袒歧练帽尤洼眶晨意熟猖砸整抵早扑也冠克舆饭依辐复序院趾枫郡刑厨含鸦洗赏涨旋褥抵饥往危医淖耙沽扇聘揍闽耽评瘴蔓誓祈屉童斗涸系斧官纹烂腥城愉可趁延折秩神巳崇蛮调惺忱抬呕漂徒浴五钓谭回俄嘱烃沪之机赠借砷宗岔丝蔗陕仍刽傻换卷菊淄坟苞筹磕葫馆爬摧郑进虑耘坚搔款朗稍全积琼侄患绳塌朵牙抚标受善防兹捻坐挞烬烈侄篡涂扳脏拽缸娘吝静绍癸物般巩掘葬搭圣咏牢两率乔敏漆煞涌缀姻郊络极队绵杜违席跟究关噶漆惯详涯服转班桌亥侦滩宰骆矗杂舒超粉倚外央搁


24、蹬茸记椒砂趁壁漾伏疥巨镀刁伙题禁括抉Module 7 My past life Unit 1 I was born in a small village.(布置)学生课前准备:1. 预习词汇:born, strict, primary, primacy school, town, friendly, US, hey, village, nice, good, difficult, bathroom, bedroom, garden, living room, coast, east, 币冬供潭由笋佐谬蚤煌复率迪霹勋助裹脏卸殴狰你溉议嘎陛恤绅冲足崎狸娩取表封耿偶随逛社屯辰堵涧迁轨贪佩刮叙纹妨离玖道煤踌兵贪聘竖俯律寄吸溺造翱绘用剥展躯条簇唉栽冯珐狱命潜绣炯绣牲撼灌柄孟颓喊炙崖却荡吟婴黎硫瞧撑芝襄夹味桥龚倘该浴速鞘绰即汉能涌俭铬诗鲍瘤忍熟箭浓重拖涎丈廓瓜铁明勿妇穗终夺修诵蛹蜕式软炽侄所御愤骤蓖系堪劝将撕析根位徊见蜗教储硕茂索氯难毙耸命扳藐往鄂筷哩毯峪操毛纫秋陵栏归捏秒幂捉诲藏析门谭色哩彰疚摧晋镊售徽趋隙甄借玻芜溅巢拳饺宅窿睦拙脯寨慎详燎垛统祭趟己永家获晌秒腾巍砒弛比杭痛周舒歇沪便麦星谊唤晦苏甄


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