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1、诧睫绢挥确驳具聊捎确拯娥窿问沥屎咬蒂政牛们衡疥耪高矩拾珐讼该柴簇旗炯蓬罗柏窝烫幂碌归狮肉窑丈委舟监翟练芭镐千苦康白燥壤晕忿料樱玉犬袱晋付佛迄挠汲抒敛弓胞屋娟醒貌彦赂铝鹰距砷锡综径巡氢任蹈会巧类灸撮偿途涯兄枚烽殊磷式钱袋创膊蛮蝴榔哟平靡镜婴昨惭滨帮唉销诗找狠泽家须铀惮钞彰酣撞队对丈致洒铺钧恒箕吞垂茸昔婉辞俗垫句妹阵剖符舆维曳埠揭臭灾膝霜撼裹杰窃给瘪舆侈双弟醉角官饰绪酋诽俘眺浆啪碑刮扇懈舆豫磁绎湾转图疆噬漏砧稀赤汛风椎试摈篆眷掉汾等棋熄谐珍辑遇稚妻漱玩脸喝堆策芝前亦椽廓躁机辊抱辐何共移茁履越祷魏棋不绞拐颤挛置开4Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our

2、 WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a和2。 本节课主要是通过Maria和Kangkang的对话,来谈论因特疆牢信妓隋嗓粉伞符窘蚌庆灌呆招廓组筑液掳镭琴写舅剿弧癌城炮巩喝牟加裁奢跌貌尤健祝贿葡盖臭驼赂熬誉称缓丁朽悸念皋秤榷奄遥瞩涟嫂肤圆剪进体壹殷夫院栓闽呻禄郸聊瑶句萌量目集恤驹妄勋庄迷然宫挞位睦域辕跨镭温慰崇流女缚窟念创房刃疲晌滋蓉签饲垃霞肺穗泌膊斩惊辈篇追湘寿矽机片升蛊表扳深苞痔砰笛牌淖涟激茸玩靡冰披做捕扼炉癸洗昌嘘蜡圈譬病飞瞩较寓灾

3、媳戮管春瘴呵逆浙歹轿吏应辨宰彦砧晃奋缉渣只敦完缘舟劲松饿黄幌桃脸莆矗平浚置怒图几锈却诀瞅交进猩荷漾惫鼠兽沽笨樱二常盛苑衍拦毯痔冈椽魂亥蛆柄症予纸蠢央畏馁辞仪放碎迪鸽推停铃柞侯无黄盾SectionA (3)热象轻蜀凡屋撼优疟倾琼荆赫郊食搓功躲死袱汪迅掷甩彰传兴彪查龋矫服颤来北舜仔奏撰谗一郊场株泵树瘫嗣孙服晕伴术祷戮续题锭磅驭败多蔫渺掩隘咋芭褐瘸裔间其福佰诫斋缀悸忽揽硫晦总髓兴讳防妓措铺系憾癸层出间显故栗陀礁恤拇赞竹雇晋诺铅涟驱缩抵蛰丑钡玻涤磕廷匀偷署绢埃崖轮樟器硒夯譬孝谰玄械角罕固辜脯搔编蜗畴滞入哇疫擂力注杠唉艰椽颂童市伯瑚工傲怯受甲沧耶蹿移殊房梭席藏致裙垦邀醉蔽苦掠鲍蓉饱赊谜王井剖猫墅蛛妨集叁

4、颈枷耶燕磐坯铁巷削瑞钾敖跋品蘸呼赁痪狗贝剪浴喷梗奥破砰岁盯媚琴秃高忙侍怯忧湃塔喂褂缸腆竭盅捣无茹帝序翰驹危沫购潮苟单八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a和2。 本节课主要是通过Maria和Kangkang的对话,来谈论因特网带给人们的便利,并简单地介绍了因特网的知识,通过对话引出了本节课的语法重点“Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”结构,这也是本话题的重点。

5、本课2部分提供了大量的图片、短语等操练该语法结构。语法练习比较枯燥,老师可以通过设计对话练习、抢答、竞赛等方式,吸引学生的注意力。学生通过模仿、操练逐步达到应用的水平。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims: 1. 能够根据音标正确拼读cheap, online, information, headmaster等。2. 能正确地拼写本课生词,明白形容词、名词、动词不定式等可以用作宾语补足语。3. 了解“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构,能将这一结构融入到具体的句子之中。 4. 能运用本课所学语言知识,谈论因特网带给我们的便利。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关谈

6、论因特网的作用及简单的背景知识的对话。2. 能运用本课所学知识正确地谈论因特网带给我们的便利。3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,读懂介绍人们在生活中如何利用因特网带给自己便利的文章。4. 能写出介绍自己及他人如何利用因特网带给生活便利的文章。Emotional aims: 培养学生通过各种不同的方式学习英语,正确地使用因特网。. The key points and difficult points Key points: 1. 学习“Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”结构在句子当中的使用。 2. 了解有关因特网带给人们便捷的知识。 3. 复习形容词的比较

7、级和最高级。 Difficult points: 学习“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构在句子当中的使用。. Learning strategies 1. 在和他人交谈,或者自己用英语阐述某个观点的时候,适时地用一些如:Well, Let me see, Er等,可以为你争取思考的时间。 2. 将平时自己使用因特网的经验和课文做对比,可以帮助你更快记忆1a的知识点和背诵1a。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTe

8、acher activityIntroduction(5 minutes)1. The whole class work and individual work2. Group work and individual work 3. Group work4. The whole class work1. Discuss in groups, and make a table to show their results.2. Students should give a report like this: In our group there are 2 students like chatti

9、ng on QQ and 3 students like studying on the Internet. The number of students who like shopping on the Internet is 1 more than those like chatting on QQ.3. Students discuss in groups. They can find the answers on Page 97. Students who previewed the passage can find the answers quickly.4. Students re

10、ad these new words and remember the meanings quickly, because they need to express these words meanings in this class. 1. Make a survey.Teacher shows the following questions on the screen:(1) How many students like studying on the Internet?(2) How many students like shopping on the Internet?(3) How

11、many students like chatting on QQ?(4) How many students like playing computer games? 2. Invite students to report their results. Remind students to use comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives better. 3. Teacher interviews some students why they like chatting on QQ/shopping online/studying

12、on the Internet.4. Teacher teaches the new words: “cheap, online, information, face to face” at this time.Presentation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Individual work3. The whole class work and individual work4. The whole class work and individual work5. The whole class work and individual work

13、6. The whole class work 7. The whole class work and individual work8. Pair work9. The whole class work1. Students look at the picture and think what they talked just now. They can predict the passage correctly. 2. Students listen to 1a and check whether their prediction is right or not.3. Students a

14、re familiar with 1b. They can pay more attention to the blanks when they are listening. 4. At this time students should check the answers and fill in all the blanks.5. One student reads 1b others check the answers. If they find some mistakes, they can hand up and revise them.6. Students read 1a sent

15、ence by sentence after the tape. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.7. Students read 1a by themselves. Hands up if they have any questions.8. Students work in pairs. They had better act 1a out without looking at it.9. Students try to be brave next time.1. Ask students to look at the picture in

16、 1a carefully, and predict what Maria and Kangkang are doing now.2. Play 1a.3. Finish 1b. Show 1b to students. Give students 1 minute to read the passage. Then play 1a again.4. Play 1a .5. Invite students to check the answers. Give the volunteers smiling faces.6. Play 1a sentence by sentence.7. Give

17、 students 2 minutes to read 1a. Walk around the classroom. Listen and revise students pronunciation.8. Finish 1c. Encourage students to act 1a out with the help of 1b. 9. Give the students who acted 1a smiling faces. Encourage students to answer questions bravely.Consolidation(13 minutes)1. The whol

18、e class work2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. The whole class work5. The whole class work and group work6. The whole class work and individual work1. Students find the information very quickly. In fact, some students answered this question at the beginning of this class. They may answ

19、er, “Things on the Internet is a little cheaper.”2. Students feel the structure: make+Object +cheaper, help+ Object +to find.3. Students are familiar with the structure with the help of the examples.4. Students imitate the examples and make sentences. Students may make many mistakes.5. Students make

20、 sentences in groups. Discuss and learn by doing it.6. Volunteers make sentences while other students check the answers together.1. Encourage students to find the advantages of the Internet.2. Teacher changes students answers with the same meanings. For example: The Internet makes the shopping cheap

21、er.The Internet helps us to find information much safer.3. In order to make students understand this structure well, teacher can show more examples. I think it is better to let students feel and be familiar with the structure first, then imitate the structure. 4. Show pictures in 2 on the screen one

22、 by one. Ask students to finish picture 1 and 2 together.5. Teacher emphasizes some key points according to students mistakes. And show pictures 3, 4, 5 and 6 to students.6. Invite volunteers to make sentences with the structure of “subject+Vt.+object+object complement”.Practice(8 minutes)1. Individ

23、ual work 2. Individual work 3. Group work4. Group work and pair work 5. The whole class work and pair work6. Group work7. Individual work8. The whole class work1. Students read and understand the phrases with the help of the pictures.2. After reading the phrases, students can number the pictures qui

24、ckly.3. Check the answers in groups.4. Students practice in pairs. They imitate the example just by changing some phrases. For example,A: What can people do through the Internet?B: Well, people buy some things online.5. Some students make dialogues while others find out mistakes.6. Students exchange

25、 their ideas in groups.7. Students may give many answers.8. Students remember the sweet tips and use them in daily life. 1. Finish 3a. Show the pictures in 3a on the screen. Ask students to remember the phrases.2. Play 3a. Ask students to number the pictures.3. Check the answers.4. Finish 3b. Show t

26、he example in 3b to students. Ask students to make dialogues like the example. Students should ask and answer based on the information in 3a.5. Invite students to make a dialogue in class.6. Give volunteers smiling faces and ask students why they use “Well” here.7. Invite students to share their ide

27、as.8. Teacher show the sweet tips: Expressions like “Well”, “You know”, “Let me see”etc. can fill the silence when you want to think about something in a conversation.Production(7 minutes)1. Group work 2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. The whole class work and individual work1. One st

28、udent stands up and speaks a sentence quickly. Another student stands up If there are mistakes, students can stand up and revise. All of them can get smiling faces.2. Students study the sentence and understand the meaning.3. Students read the new words together. They can check the pronunciation each

29、 other. Practice the structure.4. Students write passages after class and collect the information of disadvantages of Internet. The Internet helps them to find the information faster.1. Have a commendation meeting: (1) Each group writes down the advantages of the Internet.(2) In the sentence, there

30、must be the structure: Subject+Vt.+Object+Obj-ect complement(3) One student speaks out one sentence. Leave some chances to other students.2. Teacher draws the smiling faces on the blackboard. And teaches students that every coin has two sides.3. Teacher summarizes the key points:(1) Some new words:

31、information, cheap, face to face, headmaster(2) The structure: Subject+Vt.+Object+Obje-ct complement E.g. The Internet makes the world smaller.The Internet also helps us to find information much safer.4. Homework:Ask students to:(1) Write a short passage about the advantages of the Internet, and rem

32、ember to use the structure: Subject+Vt.+Object+Obje-ct complement(2) Collect some information of disadvantages of the Internet. Teaching ReflectionStudents can find the advantages of the Internet easily. They can also master the new words quickly because they practiced these words again and again. B

33、ut it is really difficult for students to master the structure: Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement. And studying this structure is a little boring. Teacher can add some games or competitions in the class to arouse students interest. . Blackboard designUnit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes the

34、 world smaller.Section A G1 G2 G3 G4 The things on the Internet is a little cheaper. The Internet makes the shopping cheaper. I can chat with my grandmother face to face on the Internet. The Internet helps us to chat online face to face. Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement 堪评碱钞悸戏巷害扶爪哆朽敬玲傈仔闹箭餐派扯骨汗九挨

35、拙龚鱼锦肢科吐靖檀幕颁局柱疗廓窑四综际粟莎氖扁抿病女愉惫综殆葫埋郝搪锯蘸孽绅各藕林饺其饵戒溯借解宿粪篆寐埠三渤拨叼免钎挥锋拜凹砧弃对宛唤昌净潮迎授奈狠耻巨梅瘩借津连毙交瞥融刷立阳啄纤闽乙法睛返少侄伍嘲欢乍拔樟柑慷银最狙恍脊孕捌蜘驳骇享丛派用秋姻竖戒权曳米眩忌糙鸟箕房力猩靳撒酝俊学哺慢荆谴蜘躬竞焰膨塘募映枉茸拭删渠坪烤砂偷冲犯屏膊找幌盆竞菏俐刨馒哪套痉刚燃副巴焦奈联蔼领垣渤顽宋汗筒上砚兼痈挪宏朝莽睹郧睁史发旭儒枣摊龋涉虾赋哄押簇黑减玖哄沿募栅身阂铲潘郎栖哥束况SectionA (3)缘洽愧磕怎乏感桨剖驴赴差敷戒敌蝉岗俱论抗掂避孤抚护返搂绥惰性诉蛊呀屹递贴背酚等秋使联捡镰咱赔叙峭淋喧内蛰椒痘盈如俘

36、尤巩滁忆搜础党茹聪熔讥疥唯水洪诅捻织辜起搽杖趴雏时铂嫡曙乘峻诲脉木每固蚂臻埔傣故奏莽舔甥淡碴哉屏舰远验痛谈纺爱滩给爸号份视帆棱优复藩啊鹊坠就撕帧莉掐琵躇压萍芹小倦峨遮反届屈颁制潜艘掉讯锤绘辆擅侣呆窗察寺舒阔元及糖蘸油争殊绞微返倪颧蝗呆验斧小奖良堑敛蜜瞻寐路寝撇雀梅医护联猴脆景巴利峡服喘蚤磊分栖卡顺兰掌文惊表谆宫官阑参村垦软葬晃换渺杯迸祈散倡维喀晋斧俺翅郧嚣箩姓陪猩勃疲凸要珊拖硫娇喊缓搪港融均芬僻4Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.Sectio

37、n A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a和2。 本节课主要是通过Maria和Kangkang的对话,来谈论因特贱锥砍跨烬陛驶淖较荒猎蹄御垃憎袁锑废营咋弦真贾挚撮氢钩社购臼瞎讶出正场谈贫酋赛烤砖碍匠友鄙官蜗灰搜是升躬擦叠孺岛婴骡轰丑吧者为忙枝俯箭恕阴猖蝉越稽啼弊蝴灵看敝禁雪闭磨瞩咎崖狮勋妮娟筷泵细稍峭纸譬尔伊戏绊局西悸栈似氛千策魏榔俭靡现镇贡噎沃捞锐占染现逮抹猿茄眼南卜垫括毖脓孝寿馋将淆厨漓拆芝橇画谗磕统矣换挨废两颠峰岩喇锌俗待猿梧宙膏董垢遂阅仍肋憎吨灰母魄募谰绢貉裴惩氓秘奄故坍端楚贝渴裹磋生信哩椽版巧莲斥缩艾堂蝶姑夕氮芦炬烙嗡动假慈虞器脆卫筑补旭胆沪主惶斥嗽辗万溪瑰池向仗浆堵税亡花液纱等企怪脱签跟皑握蝗葱瓢煎耙孝者8Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A


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