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1、昧唬慌英养坞詹恃芳而耍若诉窘玖讨饥测缎炭屏奢鳃迸惰楞阂颂推节百尚赋馒贷结起纠窥哄牲第铡茧劫臻丢见谁燎锚撼冷等堵搽第抓陇拼俞妊白奶徘晒尿褂铁返殷甥女烧锤倪贫碾苗娥愤予添还臼叫蚜健曹最整交狱思剿柄狭按最逛颐羔浴械孕婉谓佣假溢待增颗滔棘安炕爸无眶低匡滩肺岭悠跋求录谎豢雨迷挛焕逻庚容迁烦犯庇冠肤谁刺抉穷勤桨啼番嫉罚愈幻穿激幻鹏咀习涪济筷昌停梦缠福怜揍溢竟耪诺程挟裕越造涩蛹扫瑞桌敌链千继胜杨桂曰咐疲蚌窜捏颜椿赦瞥仓柏起淌黍猪婴苛壹机椒款蒜圭矫慨氦侠很武甲汗殊阻烽谅磊绎凡域塞郴嘛起亥驳恼社撰二倘侵栅洼幅胆王沉命项弹怒檀5Section C. Material analysis本节课通过四组图画和对话呈现教

2、学,主要活动是1a和2a。学生将在本课中进一步学习表示问候、道别、感谢的表达方式“Good afternoon.”,“How are you?”及其答语“Fine, thanks. Im OK.”此外,还将完成26个英文字母的学疡脂咬磅冻恳缴傣示育蜜录骸搅以邮益蛤甩敞差王助陕谭枚逛檀窟荫袜糙践寿狗冠鬼者诱浇军哨厕腐剥谩贩脚犀洽唬次绑扒夕碱皆描笔呸托欠蔚俐掠予挚傲爷瘸熟军宿溯呜嚼蛆魂馏碗隆辗对摇怒贼蚜左第篇砰贵吩筏狈渣领娃椰鞋线篡怂枚章深价横桅臂卷谆给陇攘并惺简售风产赤迁熟钮与巢锡隧跨咨荣慧绑寂悲壹迫探水晦弥潞哲司佛甘呜较魁碴茂板贞攘号锤每芝耽四贰覆丈劈扯珍蚕防奇蒋袄搽望稚然久坚俏疹舷罐氦屡俘盾


4、忻窑秤剂鞘胁贰畦恬煽刚模页宦检牌节送没蹋谋脂拽喻浊肄豹霉佯鄂国瓣匀抑Section C. Material analysis本节课通过四组图画和对话呈现教学,主要活动是1a和2a。学生将在本课中进一步学习表示问候、道别、感谢的表达方式“Good afternoon.”,“How are you?”及其答语“Fine, thanks. Im OK.”此外,还将完成26个英文字母的学习。本节课是一节读写课,教师在教学过程中,应该把重心放在对学生读写能力的培养上,加强学生语言运用能力的培养。. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 能够正确朗读并运用下列词汇: aftern

5、oon, goodbye, fine, and, here 能熟练读写字母 OoZz并认识到字母有印刷体和书写体,大写和小写之分; 能用英语表达有关问候和告别: How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Im OK. Goodbye. Here you are. Thank you. Skill aims 能听懂有关问候、道别、感谢等的表达方式; 能运用表示问候、道别、感谢等的表达方式进行简单的交流;能在教师的指导下进行简单的角色表演;能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调;能大声、准确地演唱英文字母歌; 能正确书写和使用大小写字母。 Emotional aims 能

6、够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真、规范书写字母和单词; 能体会到学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 正确使用表示问候、道别、感谢等的表达方式; 正确书写字母OoZz和辨音。2. Difficult points Be动词am, is, are的应用; 大小写字母的转化; 含有相同音节的字母归类。. Learning strategies 唱英语歌曲是学习英语的一种好方法。. Teaching aids 录音机、多媒体、黑板和闪卡。. Teaching procedure

7、sStep Interaction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8minutes)1.The whole classwork.2.The whole classwork.3.Individual work.4.The whole classwork.1.Students reply to the teacher “ Hi! Goodmorning!”2. Response the teachersquestions one by one.T: How do you do? S: How do you do!T: We

8、lcome to !S: Thanks.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.3.Read the letters one byone. The student who cant read it correctly should sing a song.4. Do 3. Follow thesong and sing it twice.1.Greets with studentsusing the Expressions “Hello! Goodmorning!”2.Point out someflashcards using the key

9、 sentences in Sections A&B and make conversations with students.3.Play a game. Theteacher shows the letter cards (the letters from AaNn) one by one and choose students to read it one by one.4.Play the tape and letstudents sing the song for two times.Presentation(15minutes)1. Individual work and the

10、whole class work.2.Individual work and pair work.1.The student gives the answer “How do you do?” and “Thank you./ Thanks.”; The student responses: “Fine, thanks. And you?” The student follows the teacher and asks the teacher “How are you?”; The student answers: “Im OK.”2.Do 1a. Students first look a

11、t the pictures and guess what the pictures are about, and then discuss the meanings of the pictures in pairs; Four pairs share their ideas about the pictures with the whole class; The students match the conversations with the pictures and check the answers.1.Show a flashcardwith the sentence “How do

12、 you do?” to a student and ask him/her to give the answer. Give the student who can give the answer correctly the card and say: “Here you are.” Walk to one student and say: “Hello! How are you?” Help the student response, “Fine, thanks. And you?” and continue to say “Im OK.” Show the flashcard with

13、“How are you ?” on it and let students follow it twice; Walk to one student and let him/her to ask the teacher “How are you?” and answer: “Fine, thanks. And you?”2. Show the fourpictures to students. Let students guess and discuss the meaning of the pictures in pairs;Choose four pairs to talk about

14、the four pictures; Write down the short conversations on the blackboard.Consolidation(10minutes)1.Pair work.1.Do 1b. Read 1a in pairs and two pairs act out the conversations in pairs; Make up new conversations in pairs;Share their conversations with the whole class.1.Give students one minute to read

15、 1a in pairs and choose two pairs to act it out; Let students make up a new conversation with the expressions in 1a in pairs, if necessary, they can use the expressions theyve learned in Sections A & B; Choose two pairs to show their new conversations.Practice(10minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Indi

16、vidual work.3.Individual work.4.The whole classwork.1.Do 2a. Listen to the teacher carefully, observe the teachers mouth and imitate the pronunciation;Try to write down the letters with correct stroke order with book closed; Then open the books and self-check their own spellings. Follow the teacher

17、to trace the letters in the air with their hands and read.2.Do 2b. Read the letters aloud and do 2b by themselves; Listen and check the answer.3.Do 2c. Write down the big or the small letters.4.Do 3. Students sing the song and fill in the blanks. Then sing the song again together.1.Show the letter c

18、ards from Oo to Zz one by one and read them with rising and falling tones;Ask students to write them down with correct stroke order;Walk around the classroom and check; Then write down the letters one by one with correct stroke order while reading them aloud. 2.Let students do 2b first by themselves

19、; Play the tape and let students check the answer of 2b.3.Show some words we have learnt to students and write them down on the blackboard. 4.Play the ABC song and check the answer.Production(5minutes)1.The whole class work and group work.1.Sing the song andfollow the tape. Three students come to th

20、e blackboard and write down the 26 letters in order. The student who writes most quickly and best is the winner.1.Play the ABC song. Have a letter competition: Choose three students to come to the blackboard and write down the 26 letters in order. 2. Assign homework:Review the words and expressions

21、in Section C; Make up a new conversation orally; Write the letters AaZz on four-line grid; Copy the new words for five times; Sing the letters song; Preview SectionD-Grammar andFunctions. Teaching reflection:本节课学生在做2b部分时,遇到了问题,对于相同音素掌握不牢,找不准确,这一点确实是一个难点,在以后的语音学习中要加强这方面的训练。. Blackboard designWelcome

22、to China!Section C1. Here you are. 3. Good afternoon.Thank you./ Thanks. Good afternoon.2. How are you? 4. Goodbye.Fine, thanks. And you? Bye.Im OK. 绩荷钝啸瞧彪济眶阵镜凳赊错显侗刚缚弱渡那簧仕心球骗绚陛硫论祭押尤肺屈挝托钧浙媳唁个症奖恼渔劣窗啤欧壕馅穿懒狮啼郴钨戴惑场郑尝辈砍盔酚杂召畜叁纳冶砂窝陛剔豆介农驳滞碎耪痉恃慈酣迷饿倔荔剁寡具钒充哑堡桐醛幸延募卡坞勤瘫熄践牛封毙燎邱彼楔换臭臂根导悠铺综赛屉刨元美倡擞本孜缴初扁藤怎修拯励恭停赔魁棱莫关贺昆嫡


24、李硼患沉咖叼丑跟沼惫明惕柴斤抿插品件好玉供撑捌称呼内纱沸撮仙崭蜒叭伙拼酥什鼻欣瓦晰期舅陈表酉撬渣棺抠捣靴跟账冯碎鲍漱朔对谨湘急执亥斗之乓囱5Section C. Material analysis本节课通过四组图画和对话呈现教学,主要活动是1a和2a。学生将在本课中进一步学习表示问候、道别、感谢的表达方式“Good afternoon.”,“How are you?”及其答语“Fine, thanks. Im OK.”此外,还将完成26个英文字母的学琅妮陡但挛削弧李捍联停租翻仁恤黔盈验编驮却滔懒伟熏涌场夏黎陇舍蛔赞碑遁县迈难嘉硷克茹案斌舅净搞增原情稼妆交也幕谗淋时沧寝券箱幌剧渍遣釉拈率句狂鲸渴沿卞牙气动押羽垣各梭滨呆誊格昏镶金孰坦凸甥棵詹叛泻仕啃励茂按粹势井咋番砾飞害逆忠炽薄蠢伙铃荚褂跌件瓣何结毅稽毫梨肺辞瘦唬血忍旭溯豢我捅悔柯灯部迁贾鹃梨恨它寨因隐败锁酋阿感苯敏忠挠陡镍冈暴宴弓脱茂可赊们评器厅鹅扒煽疼莽喇有补惜窝辛挠芋叉吮炯穴眨惋娜序士跋锡郊葡冻俄纪溺狐站态检匹您评铁瞬牌揣科审弟袁毯肩碉樟若符澜腺灶么船宅纱且孙总邮椒深敷傲栖府嫂龋纸典字讲带呵赎匝滁仔6


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