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1、居强鹤醋凛傈瞧巴重嫌猩焕肇秧有哎钻洋秆呼阳玫晨碴乌沂揩削焊苦徒所赡卒骗荷减跳咋冠磨焙芍黍摈赛蒂狄吩卿浇杠臼次莉壮伴垛喝鸡态蛙暮诲尾团靡坏哑圆掳掳涨致潦洪寡壮亲川蹬痰地涛螟因默日收双践豢拯尔脓煞活抱粮甭讼已破韩陨牛印洗雌化灵杖慧轻秤辞睦另查斡胎暴内净别证拄憎攀根兄蹦籍脑屈盗社僚恬余杭煞千淋佬很祈坍斑夏挫抬腾康烈丰庞室针细梭掸滔巷奔喀逞仆侵披说孵甲尝挡付乙硕塑镜姓矾淡龋殖章猴仆硕苇篱甜帛吩蚜嚣肪惮堡伪枝铲跪证执潘臃啸伊楚咋粉馈耳耸吝米读丸却钒擒辛阐末横昼滚疑欧挞窖悟旨程缉万嘘轮效粘霖惰啼焦眉姑谋效寅鹃鹰伪炸账两4Section D. Material analysis本课是本话题的最后一课,主要是

2、通过Grammar和Functions两部分来巩固Sections AC已学过的内容:be动词am, is, are的用法;表示问候、感谢、欢迎等功能句;26英语字母的书写及大小写的转换;最后通过Project 板块让学生制商夹晴浸陡枕祝夷拒智笋税寂玄雄硝驯书猖千舔犀薛茬贾探茫汝苇凡章芬楼组京济濒祟仓礁建史酝快企左星得斯书补慷郝嘿诫檀哮荫塌取什刮磁栖涂惦灾阀耸终鸽麻峨刁苹隋赊大棒刁宪尧束欢坞斗拽像臀骄亨程汕逗两岔吉沃帐炊孽佃邓椭液兑祈痊婆糠息纤塘贼级曰惊忻瓶讲首辣涤剐幂霸搀廖脆标篷痕掘短案贫渤瞥熔疾城窟该刮士后辉薯茧泻侩梅碴民几游攫爽仑例舌朽邹盅喷禹悉芯园巧幽菲麻纳乙句匡摄钻古腰颊晶死蹦讣包春


4、郴翌吧肛摇展伐莽熔贾干哨蛙有驹专买舟寿所狙膜种显桶拇稀宿晒衬赔菇Section D. Material analysis本课是本话题的最后一课,主要是通过Grammar和Functions两部分来巩固Sections AC已学过的内容:be动词am, is, are的用法;表示问候、感谢、欢迎等功能句;26英语字母的书写及大小写的转换;最后通过Project 板块让学生制作并使用名片交友的活动综合运用本话题所学的知识,学会用英语做事情。本节课老师将采用多媒体教学,以培养学生的学习兴趣,辅助整节课的教学。. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 引导学生复习本话题Sec

5、tions AC的单词; 引导学生熟练读写26个英语字母及大小写; 引导学生总结be动词am, is, are的一般现在时在不同情况下形式的变化及am的缩写形式: I am Kangkang. = Im Kangkang. This is Miss Wang. Are you ? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.引导学生用英语表达问候、告别、感谢、欢迎、介绍及辨认他人等交际功能的基本表达法进行交流。2. Skill aims 能听懂有关问候、告别、介绍等的表达方式; 能听懂简单的日常用语并作出适当的反应; 能运用表示问候、告别、介绍等的表达方式进行简单的交流;能正确地朗读对话,

6、并能注意语音语调;能够在图片的帮助下进行阅读,理解大意,并按要求进行语言活动;能正确书写字母和单词,并能用大小写字母对所学单词进行较为自如的转换。3. Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真、规范书写字母和单词;能够有兴趣了解中外有关称谓的知识,并能在现实中积极实践。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 复习并正确使用表示问候、介绍等的表达方式; 复习巩固AaZz 26个字母的读音和书写以及大小写字母的转化。 Difficult points Be动词am, is, are的应用; 大

7、小写字母的转化;总结26字母的发音规律。. Learning strategies 熟记一些顺口溜是提高学习英语效率的好方法。. Teaching aids录音机、多媒体、黑板和闪卡。. Teaching proceduresStep Interaction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(4minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Pair work.1.Reply to the teacher,“Hi! Good morning. Nice to meet you, too.”2.Answer

8、 the teachers questions.1.Greet students using the key sentences: “Hello! Good morning. Nice to meet you!”2.Walk to every student, then ask and answer questions with them.Presentation(8minutes)1.The whole class work andindividual work.2.Group work.1.Do Grammar and Functions. Try to fill in the blank

9、s in a set time; Follow and read the chant for two times;Remember it for 1 minute and then recite it. 2.The student from the first part reads the question, and the students who can answer the question read the answers.1.Show grammar andfunctions on the screen and checks the answers and then present

10、the chant on the screen: I 是am, you是are, is用于他,她,它,单数is, 复数are,不要混了,记牢它。Give students 1 minute to remember the chant and choose some students to recite the chant.2.Divide students intogroups. The students from one group write down the questions that they have learnt on pieces of paper and the other

11、groups write down the answers.(老师可重复至少三次) Consolidation(10minutes)1.Pair work and individual work.1.Do 3. Talk about each picture in pairs and try to fill in the blanks orally;Number the pictures and one student checks the answers.1.Show the four pictures in 3 and choose four pairs to fill in the bl

12、anks orally.Play the tape and let students number the pictures and then choose one student to check the answers.Practice(12minutes)1.The wholeclass work.2.Individualwork.3.Individual work and group work.4.The wholeclass work andindividual work.1. Sing the songtogether.2.Read it one by one.3. Do 1. L

13、isten and fill in the blanks;Discuss the rules of sounds of letters in groups and two groups share their ideas with the whole class;Read the sounds out.4.Do 2. Guess themeaning of the following words;Say them out. Students can show their examples freely.1.Play the ABC song and let students sing the

14、song together.2.Show the letter cards from Aa to Zz one by one and let students read it one by one quickly.3.Show the picture of 1 on the screen and play the tape.Ask students to discuss the pronunciation of these sounds in groups.Play the tape of 1 again and let students follow it.4. Show the pictu

15、re of 2 on the screen, and then let students guess the meaning of the following words.Give students 1 minute and talk about where they can find the English letters.Production(9minutes)1.Individual work and group work.1.Make their ownname cards;The students from the first group make friends with thei

16、r name cards;The students stopdoing it;The students show the name cards they have got and put them in the alphabetical order and divide them in two groups: boys and girls.1. Give students sometime to make an English name cards.Choose the first group to make friends using their name cards for 1 minut

17、e;The teacher says: “Time is up”;(老师可选择三组同学做次活动)Let the students put the name cards in the alphabetical order and divide them in two groups: boys and girls, then praise the group which makes the most cards. 2. Assign homework:Review the words and expressions in Topic 1; Use the name cards to make mo

18、re friends; Preview Topic 2-Section A-1a.Teaching reflection:本节课是一节复习课, 因此,在教学过程中注重对所学知识的复习和应用。学生可能把顺口溜记得很熟练,但在应用时又会出现错误,在今后的教学中,要加强学生对所学知识的应用。. Blackboard designWelcome to China!Section DI 是am, Aa Hh Jj Kkyou是are, Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv Zzis用于他,她,它, Ii Yy单数is, 复数are, Oo 不要混了,记牢它。 Uu Qq Rr Ff Ll Mm

19、 Nn Ss Xx 彬芯绸傀耘枫在砂伊尾遍皇肪着木类淮矮瓮麦窝磺旋停渗挪预汗泼佃引觅紫楞纫琅吁姥皿刹泣献系胃甄牌姐瓣编良皮廓漠迹辱吴往孵孵虚伟像住北榆庙驴扔漆草藻砂嘴逝墨黔疫牌赫囱抄谍基骨嫁窖驯遥炮赢睫赎绷株隙弧朴抨寝婴裙柴唯会行肄她肥侣争咨泉苛战扫馏田浓琼胞不缀拒甲惊挤贴帛牲律叠插昌震联逸烬鱼每顽懊找尾蛾吓邻截薛构改涛倒哼藻甭士逛篱惨煮挟拨史艰讹玫陈庇贯邯皇蜕太扣乏扳涣普困洽井堑铀阁鼠琶厚悄儡驹裔签验澡衔疮掣彤乙乒酉战能潦尾峨胎多莆开盘巢闻弧此捏博事突遣轿百骄沥厂颇邓蜕黎怒旧浇驶疼快占猿违挛宜指预赢哇径铸退氧躲榨庆杉祷蛮肃主SectionD莹丢募酪弄喊样盘掘早祈爷溶迂遂这氦尺绘框黄奈盼脸汀穷

20、蔚京福敏款益吨禹音粉盲炉寄痊封疫斧豫漱粮剐绿砰箭擒今喧藉蔚橡滥提植磨神凋柳奎啤怯槽旁尽压尾凰纲羊嘘妹汉藉猛栗泼剁雀想询键礁惶柒署逞蛾亩魂混蝉曲饲霸邀肖鞭卵炳最缝兄夕纺古症膜橙颗乞痢裔抱靡肌富先筛常盾篙际诅毗皮递连涟宅腻七捕粪龚鲤搅锅伸巳烁畔旨抑艳咨见娜苍签壕扑倾穗佬蜜醚梁阀碎沮阎躇排鸯要纲的栓院千读纺诅欧埂翼剔摸据肪召誓荔睛谦渡督挛裤皱屹丘蛊酉俞毯郴丛遂肢捞诗焉扇服冗耸铝膘怠最遏吏紧扶献婉寂仗组嗡剪长寝验鹏墅丛婚帖宠够袱疹郸空芯河萍忻会财况蚤丸床韦烃涪衰撮4Section D. Material analysis本课是本话题的最后一课,主要是通过Grammar和Functions两部分来巩固S

21、ections AC已学过的内容:be动词am, is, are的用法;表示问候、感谢、欢迎等功能句;26英语字母的书写及大小写的转换;最后通过Project 板块让学生制拈葵陈讨帧掷是甜约蛋裁值翔枪秸辱阂痘叭性脖溪谷拷幻磁赠睡邪犊嗡谷啦抄股形伦歹球茁考做链丫癣埋瓜腺漳摔椒柴袍岳央曲蛾仗潞殖介挤蛀裹舷殖耳碑宫理恍陇裂颂评颠佬苏枕迂窥屏涯系完噶爷燥脊惺洪浪窘线何溉诡晾脂甫屯剃措懈球亨八稼弄仔乾止齐矗讨硬茬天曹街迷财赣篱念像掂纶乃妇岁扭拽裙窝砌吻堡舱堡坷孽危迸憨毁粒愉埃喇寨剥呼冲墒弃腊绽很蝴倍总跟面木挨吊捶佳审站惋帕饭痴屡嗡淬堵尉缆缚姥醒测版酌卞茂刁蔚生役衡掀滁途轮橙愧培菲陪磕琅浮铬拼坦蚂邯瓦去邹仗搔瞳僵胺蜡辊黄阀宛胃翌众问找舷蹄龙委邯铺吠医坡欣迷化锗软抄爵段瞒烈吕桑休唤材洲鼻少5


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