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1、外贸员催款信常用语和范文外贸过程中,拖延付款是常见的。怎样写一封意愿坚定、有理有 据、措辞得当的催款信呢?以下给您提供一些参考。I. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 常用语1. How to start your letter? 如何开头?You have not resp on ded in any way to our rece nt letters about your past due acco unt.We remind you once more of your ope n acco unt that is nowdays bey ond our-day terms.Your

2、 account is still unpaid in spite of our continual reminders asking for payment or an explanation for your delay.We urgently request that you immediately pay your bala nee of _, which has bee n outsta nding si nee datedespite several no tices from us.2. How to warn the recipie nt aga inst further de

3、lay?女口何警告对方不要拖延?You must realize that we cannot afford to carry this debton our books any Ion ger.Any further delay in pay ing your bala nee due cannot beiaccepted.You can no Ion ger delay payme nt if you wish to keep your acco unt ope n.Our n ext step is to take legal acti on to collect the money d

4、ue us.This is un pleasa nt for both of us and is damag ing to your credit rat ing.3. How to specify your deadli ne or dema ndimmediatepayme nt?怎样说明你的截至期限和要求马上付款 ?We must now insist that your send you payment within the n ext five days.Un less I receive your remitta nee within the n ext three days, o

5、ur attor ney will be in structed to start proceed ings to recover the debt.If we do not receive remitta nee withi n five days from the above date, we will have no choice but to pursue other collecti on procedures.After April 30, we will have no choice but to can cel your credit and tur n your acco u

6、nt over to a collecti on age ncy.4. How to end your letter?如何收尾?We look forward to your prompt payme nt.Your immediate resp onse is n ecessary.It is up to you if any legal acti ons will be take n.Please make every effort to en sure that we are not forced to take this drastic acti on.We must hear fro

7、m you at once to avoid further acti on.II. SAMPLE 范文Dear:is noI am afraid your failure to settle your account, which over due for more tha n six mon ths, will leave us with alter native but resort to legal proceed in gs.This is to no tify you that uni ess we receive your check for $7,550.50 by June

8、30, we will place your acco unt in the hands of our attor neys for collecti on.Yours sin cerely,n ame_titleIII. TIPS掌握写作要领1. Choose a firm tone for your letter.2. Remi nd the recipie nt of your previous collecti on letters.3. Remind the recipie nt of all the n ecessary details:The amount owed by the recipie ntThe len gth of time the bill has bee n overdueThe additi onal amount of late charge if there is any4. Tell the recipie nt what ki nd of legal acti on will be take n if the final collecti on effort fails.4


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