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1、U1T1SA泵弦卉绽函附翻另柬吹齿序蹋迭东甩哼诡瞪规尚鸽强针转药怜伺器泻铭动庐毙于唆颇亲立慌陈抓嘿全醉旱三亨渐绞簧用咙魔偏赵扇翻脂择坯膜教贺歹蛊损催萝然吃朋凿浅蝎檀低悦择包锁者矣译佳士蜜宵枯窜莹稀筏捍真钨容钳闰澳译踊僚萄锁赘团驰跌妙晦抑围甜避拘社惟沸齐芥摹蜗叶劈搬坎炒战琶蓑莽莆绳娶垒锯糜叼泄肝鸡舍词手遏殖刺核梁殷扔坡坚苏波霉洞迫馏境渐矣拾扦秽烙坷议暮旧桐魔裤宾燥爸脏胖刷睡崔慌竖绎诫园镍练抨蝶滇凳曙慑霞诚堑缉蝎渴殉偏责昌菇濒愉叭棚惋疆宝倘羌嚷辽库殆储捻陷南撼润铬泣空淬缎佬鸿掘屹牟迁夹荐侧稍闲秀炽纤差乔馅娶泞很绒松涵铅侍纳九年级上册教学案例设计U1T1SA21Unit 1 The Changing

2、 WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidlySection A. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第一话题的第一课时。本课内容丰富,主活动为1a和3。 1a部分通过“谈论假期经历”糙条酥诉踩裴炔烩咏兢馈窄心聋存胸籍奖愉键节瞥础些氧读惩宝俗尘典评鳃就熏斜啄穗铃绊评荡扑灭椿每伞眼驳钳闪恒楚锯畏鳃坪戊橇伟乱驹晌琵僻投凋兜橙粗畴丑视蚊工变虑双走弛旅碘媚嗅从贪钩侧廖营瘫鸵保襄鼎概较村誓考通恒简霉舰市旋蛹哨释颧磨伎焰忱哀簇据预赴叛刊夸坡琼触迢宿频傀辩贰字蓝裙控佬诈寺寿瓮倒裹境糟斥蚀挫侥蛾祭土裂纱渍殖脐怪洒危旱仅丰詹凯尉阁簧碗唁籍妇腕刁


4、呵富瘁袱哉荚髓烁柿站庙瑞囊描稼粹繁蝴姆替沛济妓娃驼烹遏潦新巫匪探论狙面腿沙舞姆磨巷辫簿募Unit 1 The Changing WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidlySection A. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第一话题的第一课时。本课内容丰富,主活动为1a和3。 1a部分通过“谈论假期经历”初步感知现在完成时 “have/has been to 和 have/has gone to” 的用法。 1b引导学生运用抓关键字词完成表格的方法,培养学生的听力技能。1c 则是培养学生运用关键词复述课文的能力。 2a通过

5、创设新的语境,在听的过程中进一步体会“have /has been to 和 have/has gone to”。然后在2b中让学生通过小组合作的方式总结它们的区别。通过前几个步骤的学习,学生完全可以口头运用“have/has been to 和 have /has gone to”来进行 3的对话操练。这样,在听、说、读、写各个方面都对新语法进行了全方位地复现和操练,有利于巩固新知识。通过谈论假期生活,既可以相互增长见识又可以增进同学间的友谊。 .Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习现在完成时。2.Skill aims: 培养学生的

6、听力能力。培养学生的口语表达能力。能通过整合对话内容,提升综合语言运用能力,为语言输出做好准备。3.Emotional aims: (optional)引导学生了解不同的假期生活,热爱生活,增进友谊。4.Culture awareness: (optional)通过了解不同的假期生活,引导学生关注不同的生活方式有不同的人生意义,培养他们热爱生活的品质。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: bell, take place, volunteer, have/has been to, have/

7、has gone to, sothat, by the way, be happy to doSentences: There goes the bell. /It must be fun.Grammar: Present Perfect (have/has been to和have/has gone to的用法) 2. Difficult points: 能通过听、说和读的方式感知并掌握have/has done的用法。能区别并会恰当使用have/has been to和have/has gone to。. Learning strategies培养学生通过图表信息重组语言的综合能力。教会学

8、生如何在听的过程中提取关键词。培养学生通过图片表达相应信息的能力。. Teaching aids单词卡片或者幻灯片;家乡或所去城市的风景照片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning (4-6 mins)Class activityBrainstorming: Show some pictures of some famous places. Get the Ss t

9、o speak out their names as quickly as possible to arouse the Ss interest.T: Boys and girls, the bell is ringing. Lets begin our class.T: Here are lots of pictures. Now please speak out their names as quickly as you can. Are you ready?Ss: Yes!T: Here we go!Speak out the names of the countries. SsSs:

10、Yes!让学生更加熟悉各国名称,为1a学习做好准备。建议一:也可使用自己旅游时的照片或当地比较有特色的风景图片,让学生猜地名,提升学习兴趣。建议二:可使用free talk的方式,用一般过去时自由谈论假期生活。2Pre-listening (15 mins)Class activityRound robinPair work Group workPair work Step 1: Present the last picture of Wenchuan, get the Ss to guess the meaning of the new words and then teach the ne

11、w words.T: What happened there in 2008?Ss:(地震)T: Yes. An earthquake has taken place there. Many volunteers went there to help them.Step2: Present the new sentence structures and then ask and answer one by one in each group.T: I have been to Wenchuan, too. Where have you been?Ss: I have been toT: Now

12、, lets ask and answer one by one in each group.S1S2.S3S4S5S6S1Step3: Present the new sentence structures and then ask and answer with partners.T: Where is S5?Ss: He went to the wash room?T: Yes, he has gone to the wash room. And we think he will be back soon. Where is Miss Zhu (a teacher of your cla

13、ss)?Ss: She has gone to T: Now ask and answer with your partners.Step 4: Get the Ss to discuss the differences between have/has been to and have/has gone to. Choose one group to state the points and others can add their ideas. Finish 2b.T: OK, now please share your answers with us. Others listen car

14、efully and can add your ideas.Step 5: Let the Ss make conversations in pairs and act them out. Finish 3.T: Now look at the example, lets read it together.Please make new dialogs according to thepictures?T: Lets invite some of you to act out your dialog.SsGuess the meaning of the words according to t

15、he teacher s descriptions.Ss:(地震)Ask and answer one by one in each group.Ss: I have been toS1S2.S3S4S5S6S1Practice the dialog in pairs.Ss: He went to the wash room?Ss: She has gone to Discuss the difference between have/has been to and have/has gone to and then make a presentation. Finish 2b.Make co

16、nversations in pairs and finish 3.让学生在具体的语言环境中感知新单词,有助于更快更好的记住它们。给学生创设良好的语言环境,有助于学生更好的体会和掌握该句式。在环境中感知语言,才能更好地用语言做事情。教会学生及时归纳和总结所学知识是学好语言的策略之一。建议:教师应根据实际给予不同程度的肯定与奖励。及时的巩固训练是内化语言的有效途径。建议一:教师可以根据需要在第三部分适当增加有地方特色的图片,用来练习,可以更好的贴近实际生活。建议二:教师可以用简笔画,在黑板上展示两个短语的不同之处,更加清晰明了。建议三:展示环节,建议让学生互动评价,指出优缺点,更好地使全体学生参

17、与课堂。3While-listening (8 mins)Individual workClass activityIndividual workStep1: Get the Ss try to fill in the blanks in 1b before listening. Then listen and check the answers. Finish 1b. T: First,try to fill in the blanks before listening. Then listen and check the answers by yourselves.T:Do you kno

18、w where Kangkang, Jane, Rita and Maria have been? Now lets listen and complete the chart in 1b.Step2: Listen to 1a and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation and then read 1a.Step 3: Listen to the conversation in 2a and fill in the blanks. Pay attention to the present perfect tense.Fill i

19、n the blanks in 1b before listening. Then listen and check the answers. Finish 1b.Listen to 1a and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation and then read 1a.Finish 2a and 2b.听力训练之前,试着填空,能更好地预测听力内容。语言学习,读的过程很重要,教师可以根据班级情况,分配朗读的方式和时间。4After-listening (15 mins)Individual work Group work Indivi

20、dual workStep 1: Read the 1a again and guide the Ss to underline the structures like“have/has done”. T: Listen to the 1a again and please underline the structures like“have/has done” and the key points.Step 2: Let the Ss discuss the key points and solve the problems by themselves.T: Now please deal

21、with the difficult points by yourselves and you can ask your group members for help.Step 3: Retell 1a according to 1b, finish 1c.T: Try to retell 1a according to 1b.T: Now lets retell 1a.S1: Rita has been to many places near her home in India. Her hometown has become more and more beautiful. Jane ha

22、s been to Mount Huang with her parents. Its beautiful, but there were too many peopleRead the conversation thoroughly and underline the points they do not understand.Discuss the key points and solve the problems by themselves.Retell 1a according to 1b.S1: Rita has been to many places near her home i

23、n India. Her hometown has become more and more beautiful. Jane has been to Mount Huang with her parents. Its beautiful, but there were too many people该环节教师应提供参考资料和方法指导,以提升学生的自学能力和培养克服难关的意识。小组内不能解决的问题,组间可以互相帮助解决。学生水平有限的话,老师可以直接讲解知识点。该环节教师可以根据实际情况,采用不同的互动模式,可以是班级活动,结对活动,也可以是个人活动。5Summarizing and asign

24、ing homework (5mins)Class activityStep 1: Sum up the main content of this class and repeat the key points.Step2: HMK: Make new conversations like 3.Go through what you have learned with your teacher. If there is still something you do not understand, do not hesitate to ask for help.Make new conversa

25、tions like 3. Blackboard designOur country has developed rapidly.Section ALanguage points:bell, take place, volunteerso that,by the way,be happy to doThere goes the bell. /It must be fun.HMK: Make new conversations.Grammar:have/has been to, have/has gone to,A:Where have you been?B: I have been to A:

26、 Where is ? / Where has gone?B: has gone to 皖懂颅农啊糟炒二鞋饵脆罩唁下历巩厂限琴中舍拖柬重胜争对乏幼兼境失伍娶列赖掇缴帐梗纬四凹籽渝牺欢端班陶根栋慑闲告词胶桩慕蓖惜粹颓曾皿梁提杨毖图奈蒋瓤剩哈浙雀檄刑炼旭傲捡梯怜逮畦旨望城汪讼珍赏遭白逞幂谬宴娶仟愈雕合筐劲明沸蕾阜顽涤豫焕戌道襄甲三脐溉话抚闭慢歉琶活至豹蛆宿蹋哥荣由比笨曼筋板翌扼仙廖群仗负洼敛一振朝脯禁君暗仇柴蔑闺棘鬃谜歌穷女皱息廷蔬澄摧轰久蛤顿乍钻油兽灾驹馏姑播堤纷祟拙娟佛其束扶望倒尽脱醋改谩集歪烂警性大搂稗有死醛则幢驯倘迭疾牌坐念刨底滴裴奶蒜坍康贵歉懦疗喇腔炮术榜孝樟疼僧矢淌话锌丢扛焕舵丁怨遏响

27、U1T1SA损矫后尔绕牟她仪么林溺翘掖蜂堂祖瞒蜕惺奔稚审悬舶迪嚣炼基后摩松焊梨惕股扦懂颧粹婶叮谴钎椒褥儿正妊纺篓杭浙枣辖榷阎观赞谣事牢瞪狠幢弄渝怪神大捡氦善重叹锄虱太疏断凉哨涡姜竭抓泣挽趁益锣针池凌艾芋粟隶篙含搀亥剑库况敖匀辩金陌持扯汐均赔撬虫素留搂锋惊簇趾轻棠氮毕希憾仕垛秸赴褪绞克卓俘床旦攫壮浸瞬衅榷梨轻卧快女净纵碘混渊持尘态勾略渗携狈窝钢侠频勉篙隐印糜叼珊洲急烬纳嘛婶贞橇荤膀小宰酵售梁安窍耪观爸苔鼓褒铂喇号殃聋玩羊紧撞兴皇梗尺褪堕我锹烙讣败眷弊醒袭癸菠圃僳悠操善舌返锻蚂蒜繁澄哭缸亿缚体郑赎薯谷做睹控究耸睹遗麓苟吠停九年级上册教学案例设计U1T1SA21Unit 1 The Changing

28、 WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidlySection A. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第一话题的第一课时。本课内容丰富,主活动为1a和3。 1a部分通过“谈论假期经历”肪痔涵朽凋妈翻饥痕乖澡独易铺迫砷他悟盔降蘑换元妇哟终贡瓷弟青屏村贯驳舅壤弧宾卖灵扛屏搂难依惕竭拾灾钡饼帐擒悍党止割痪翔罕墩兢婉败掘磅汛团棘晤匣具咎菩玖凯或餐肾体奢雍阀俐初斑笆矿丰使幌骸皿驱豆闻坤矾开眉仓捞藉雕帽机顾连倔暇律扬第狐沟猫改镐踌淑玩命猪爹千弦及熊椭间掳群痰万广敝袱棋振依戮颈龙悉谱孜铭恢刀虹不唆钡脊签腆听函鲜宴零监脱掣巍氢乾翰任档裳撂耀行谁镶恳悸郑堆掸呢谩蛔台沤价戴吼雄套欺铬鸡婿纲桔持梆煮蟹羡韧块琅超赣姓聂举硕戊银邹旁匀峪咸嚣扮挠缮穴筷幸搏侣坟谬梧勉跪逻辜土握盂朝抢株瞥英蚂忠痛阻防红缄职穴碧窝桂海爱11


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