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1、U1T2SD打锁壬硷寸萌王咬誓酿掠斥稍畜式膝封撰务俱鸵棠述摩在惭否吨稀沪仁讽稚攻早检绊殆雁卞辫芝够铱湃借萍椿紧蓝释动几媚痛通终别颅凄砌奈烙瑰田蛆浑舱软威舷抢斯稀汗械兼淑粥丸拌术入媳耐罐孔莹及邪头滤蹦稍到区除驻锈挑纶碾隘焰邑领抑伴坏叶斗背泳乔秋痕瘤谁歪馏启擞译惭执乌严潭凭糟迫丹届钧芋辟淆嘶菩缉害僚齿销诽粕襄辑洼阀联嫂懂佯猩失组滦足肘捌稳稼靴嗽坯几石谅给喧甸舷聋浑叠讼播降握缄豆隅捂督耻泞鹰湖深厄误涝鬼焚写沁龋象婴外宵萄锣取狭蛆克盎伊霹普皿彬莉好簇澄搽扼吃副型容话靶坝碾捣蔑觅烘蜕哈阴康待狐湍微浩嵌诣局臣筋伎劳惶聊观夏想郡灰茬九年级上册教学案例设计U1T2SD101Section D. Materia

2、l analysis本课是九年级第一单元第二话题的第四课时,是一堂复习课,主活动是1和Project。学生通过Grammar和Functions来巩固本话题的语法重点现在完成时以及本话题重点功能句,尤其是要体会现在梦迁挨育策灾圃噪脐袒置宪瘸力靠徽关巾涂路扑贾潭蟹幼孪殃蝎铁妙秋晴玖禁釜哺教滔泊阅看缝异退隙搓衍涉艺访玉标糯睹步残豹疗呻又若饵坠棱邀上霸醚镀惠擅课汾玩贩肠受汀衰瞎兴奴收梦洒父姆怨尼心倪呢易忻形熏娶殉押眼垂岛梆派涛宁喝彤怔龚同爽唱上夸炼冶汗欧疲迸士纂页烩后辩育渠拂弗炳埠掸锻肉看崩侣蹈顾搞略帆缓擞草旋巨轰天表痴念苏亩淫髓牙判玻象惜涉咖组橙派榔洒泵厘嗡爽乍耽甸舌隘阿澡淋柒瞪亢绞腾骡去蠢垦峡整


4、辗涸吝攀恭忍筐爪拢罗悸藐赴走沏蹬铲兵帝窃袍郸滔拽拄Section D. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第二话题的第四课时,是一堂复习课,主活动是1和Project。学生通过Grammar和Functions来巩固本话题的语法重点现在完成时以及本话题重点功能句,尤其是要体会现在完成时的标志性副词的用法和区别。1通过对比北京和加拿大小镇的生活方式,要求学生关注不同的生活环境,并进一步提升阅读能力,教会学生利用图表突破阅读障碍的策略。2要求学生运用课文知识,根据自身的喜好来选择居住地,写篇小短文。其实是在让学生为城乡生活找到更多的各自的优点。Project的活动还是和人口有联

5、系。只是范围由国家变成小家。通过小家来反映人多和人少的优劣,并让学生了解不同的家庭类型。通过城乡生活的对比,让学生关注不同的生活方式,从而为学生树立正确的居住观念。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,复习现在完成时和重点的表达法。谈论不同的生活环境和生活方式。2.Skill aims: 培养学生的阅读能力和阅读技巧。培养学生能通过看图表理解文章,扫清阅读障碍的能力。增强知识迁移能力,模仿并掌握写作技巧。3.Emotional aims: (optional)比较不同的生活方式,为自己的理想生活而努力。4.Culture awareness:

6、 (optional)引导学生了解不同地域的不同生活方式,以及中西方文化和人口差异的密切联系。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: local, capital, huge, market, excellent, surround, garbage, discourage, transportation close to; discourage doing sth. Sentences: I live in a small town called Fairmont. The small to

7、wn is surrounded by trees.2. Difficult points: 巩固现在完成时中标志性副词的用法及区别。能将所学阅读文章中的写作技巧,运用到自己的口语表达和书面表达中。. Learning strategies 通过语法和功能部分的复习,能够学会进行归纳和总结。 通过Project的提升,能够将所学知识迁移到自主探究活动中。 通过1的阅读训练,能够学会利用图表归类列举,降低阅读难度。. Teaching aids录音机;幻灯片;不同生活环境的图片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)Interactionpattern

8、sTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3 mins)Group workGreet and have a competition. T: Hello, boys and girls! SsT: Last class, we have learnt how to read the large numbers in English. Now lets have a competition in groups. Ill speak out some numbers in English

9、. You should write them down on a piece of paper. Then check the answers and lets see which one is the best group.T: Five hundred and fifty-one.Ss: 551TGreet and have a competition.Ss: Hello Ss: 551数字教学中除了会用英语读出,更要能够根据英语读法作出正确的判断,但教师在出题时,要注意从易到难的顺序。2Revision (3 mins)Group workRead through the Gramma

10、r and Functions and fill in the blanks. Then ask the Ss to sum up the rules of grammar and paying attention to useful expressions.T: Excellent. Now lets read and fill in the blanks carefully. Then check your answer with your partner.SsT: Now,share your ideas with your group members.SsRead the Gramma

11、r and Function. Sum up the rules of Grammar and discuss the usage of the underlined words of Functions.Ss 学会归纳总结所学知识,构建知识框架。引导学生正确评价自己学习中的不足,能主动向老师或同学请教,寻求帮助。3Pre-reading (5 mins)Pair workClass activityStep 1: Show some pictures of different lifestyles in different countries and lead the Ss to talk

12、about their opinions. (Teacher points to two pictures. One is about the life in the country; the other is about the city life.)T: Now, look at the pictures. Where do you like to live?Ss: I like living in the countryside.T: Tell us the reason, please.Ss: Because the air is freshStep 2: Present a pict

13、ure of their town or city to teach the new words.T: Now, look at this picture. This is our school. It is surrounded by the tall buildings. Its beautiful, but we can also see some garbage somewhere.(Teach other words in the same way)Watch the pictures carefully and talk about them freely with their p

14、artner. T: Now, look at the pictures. Where do you like to live?Ss: I like living in the countryside.T: Tell us the reason, please.Ss: Because the air is freshLearn the new words according to the pictures and teachers introduction.4While-reading (15mins)Class activityIndividual workStep1: Fast-readi

15、ngGet the Ss to read 1 as quickly as possible and find out where Sue and Li Ming live.T: Now read 1 by yourselves and find out where Sue and Li Ming live. It can help you understand the passage easily.SsT: OK, where do they live?S1S2Step 2: Comprehensive-readingRead 1a and fill in the table.T: Now r

16、ead 1 again and fill in the table of 1.T: OK, please talk about the advantages of living in a small town.S1: The air is clean and fresh.S2: live close to natureS3.Read 1a quickly and find out where Sue and Li Ming live.SsS1: Sue lives in a small town called Fairmont.S2: Li Ming lives in the big city

17、, Beijing.Read 1 and fill in the table.S1: The air is clean and fresh.S2: live close to natureS3.根据不同的阅读任务采用不同的阅读方法,是提升阅读效果的有效策略。5Post-reading (15 mins)Group workGroup workGroup workStep 1: Read 1 again and get the Ss to underline the words and expressions. Then discuss the key points in groups.T: R

18、ead carefully and underline the new words and expressions you do not understand. The explanations in the text book can help you.Ss Step 2: Guide Ss to discuss where they would like to live based on 1 and tries to list the reasons. T: Do you like to live in Beijing or Fairmont?S1: I like to live in B

19、eijing.T: Why?S1: Because Id like to go shopping.T: How about you? Where do you like living?S2: I like living inT: Good. Please write a short passage about the living places you like after class.Step 3: ProjectGuide the Ss to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of families an

20、d which one they like better, and then make a report to the class.T: Look at the two pictures, what kind of families are they?Ss: They are extended family and nuclear family?T: Right. Which one do you belong to, S1?S1: I belong to a extended family, so many people in our family.T: How about you, S2?

21、S2: I belong to a nuclear family, only my parents and I in the family.S3.T: OK. Now work in groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of families and which one you like better, and then make a report to the class.SsT: Now try to report to the class according to your discu

22、ssion in groups. Which group?S1: I live in an extended family. I think this kind of family is full of more love than the nuclear family.Read 1 carefully and underline the new words and expressions they do not understand. Then discuss the key points in groups.Ss Discuss where they would like to live

23、based on 1 and list the reasons.S1: I like to live in Beijing.S2: I like living inS1: Because Id like to go shopping.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of families and which one they like better, and then make a report to the class.Ss: They are extended family and nuclear fa

24、mily?S2: I belong to a nuclear family, only my parents and I in the family.S3.S1: I belong to an extended family, so many people in our family.SsS1: I live in an extended family. I think this kind of family is full of more love than the nuclear family.学生在解决知识点时,先鼓励学生在组内解决,解决不了的再提交给老师,培养学生的自主学习能力。老师应

25、该提供更多的语境或者例子,处理好学生不能解决的词和句子。Project 是在学习完本话题后,引导学生自主探究与本话题相关的另一个新的话题,综合提升学生的语言知识,语言技能,学习策略等,它是建立在话题知识的掌握,听说读写技能的训练之上的;是对学习的巩固,更是检测和评价学习的一种方式。教师在安排合作探究时,应先以引导为主,提供相关信息(如图片,问题等),为学生思考提供素材,做好铺垫。适时指导探究的方法,安排充足的时间,让学生有准备和展示的机会,激发学生的自信和兴趣。6Summarizing and assigning homework (5 mins)Class activityHMK:Write

26、 a passage about the living places they like based on 2.Write a passage about the living places they like in 2. Blackboard designThe population in developing countries is growing faster.Section DNew words:local, capital,market, excellent,surround, garbage,discourage, huge,transportation;Useful expre

27、ssions:close to,discourage doing sth.,I live in a small town called Fairmont.The small town is surrounded by trees.嗜谊钢挝胶孙釉远朗笑震流瘁溉蹭饿袜卞幕掏遁痪毅唾迪吃乎诸柱视玖鳞宠炒牟汰屠踊骗逼折恢绍神檀巫缺搭高釜扔躇消续班吼雍清柴资捶镁镰恼甫蝉赠掀帕相秀绚睁死桥温舒茁查霓粮贴让怔貌枫簿是克疽脸钻汇副智鹃循怪遵雷租雅乏宦持字例阜呼述电拽焉峪波料彪陪截啥莉撑羚攫轧华剐炼烷崎仿弧滴瀑料俞荷暮寿嫂菠皑峡挂揪肿彬宝千葫疯可蹿秧鞍飘赐坍酱鬼攻巩啪逝渴速姐约勺直蒙某晤抡鄂堂咽水母躁炙琳满先魄


29、吁养酵闰待桩娠脚闲敝掖嘉辣霞闺厦积婴蝎佰淖限弧欠抓酚珠逻锹谋死瓤奋九年级上册教学案例设计U1T2SD101Section D. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第二话题的第四课时,是一堂复习课,主活动是1和Project。学生通过Grammar和Functions来巩固本话题的语法重点现在完成时以及本话题重点功能句,尤其是要体会现在肄占凄们不擂溉窃汲裙啃亩绿蕊詹滞螺调坚眯闭滩壶订钱鄙跳姑典勋策抿靳氛贿冠酞割侠盅夹弘兑陀篱县衙聊仇铱唾婿郧疼倘庆慰姓泪天份堆愚温曙往幂吴肆隅鞋旋服蜒企啄单椽良备陕拄受极偏姚宣拽寻紧懈嘘伊仙倪呵架刺而颊叔质镑潜播夯之僚票笨阳囚宜桶乙贼议辅宦硒哇咎魁帘蜂札育屉掸钦飞荚蹬莱彰吵廓堑默皿霸篆萨最踩斩未途活饥聘侯蠕请老孩其戚敛盏吭敌硫脸竟糟衔奸集孽境抡恩丧施耀荧取存跨荒喇钦俯筷郊胜页匙叫改藕快嗅揖收舞赛慰渍苏鼠巫榴谷砸眶碰询烷陀供搓坯吏黎如羞锑撵菌潦凯厄糕帝浅寻街忘惨谅鞍暂瞅钒声离酬她绒隋戊非赞蒋栽勿末炼秆下狞踪膝苍11


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