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1、大学口语自我介绍的范例大学生面对岗位竞争激烈的今天,要求求职者的面试水平要更好 一个层次,那么你知道大学口语的自我介绍要怎么说吗 ?下面 为你整 理了大学口语自我介绍的范例,欢迎阅读。Good morning/afternoon , my dear teachers (my dear professors)。 I am very glad to be here for your in terview. My name is am years old. I come from , a verybeautiful city. My un dergraduate period will be acc

2、omplished inuni versity in July ,2009. And now , I am tryi ng mybest for obta ining a key toUn iversity.Gen erally speak ing, I am a hard-work ing stude nt. I willtry my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. Whe n I was sophomore , I found web design very interesting , so I learned it ver

3、y hard. To weave a homepage for myself , I stayed with my pers onal computer for half a mon th, and I amthe first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore,I am a person with great perseveranee. During the days prepari ng for the first exam in ati on , I in sist on running every day, no matt

4、er what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in theiiend.Well , in my spare time , I like basketball , tennis andChinese chess. Also , English is my favorite. I often go toEn glish corner to practice my oral En glish on every Thursday,and write

5、 compositionsto improve my written ability. But Iknow my En glish is not good eno ugh , I will con ti nuestudy ing.Ok ,that‘s all , thank you for your attention.大学口语自我介绍的范例篇【2 Hello! My name is XX, XX Normal Uni versity, is a 2006 graduate. Graduati on has taught more than a year. Have lon

6、g teaching experienee gained! Lively and outgoing personality, nice, treat people in good faith,un dersta nding,strong Ian guage skills andcom#m uni cati onskills; dilige nt,strong and determ in ed,serious and resp on sible work, dow n to earth, patie nt, atte ntive, careful thi nking, have becom#e

7、teachers the basic quality and pote ntial.Determ ined to be a teacher si nee childhood, college entrance exam in ati on chose n uni versity, is not only a solid basic kno wledgeof mathematics, but also on theaccumulation of educational theory and practice, especially duri ng the intern ship period,

8、absorb ing the best teachi ngexperienee of teachers, and studentsfrom morning tilleve ning in the day, and more loving edueatio n.With self-learni ngand research capacity in ×× × University graduate student during a more thorough un dersta nding of mathematical kno wled

9、ge. Believe they will be both professi onal research and teachi ng skills of educati onal pers onn el.大学口语自我介绍的范例篇 【3 good morning, everyone!it is my great honor to atte nd the in terview.My n ame is XX. I am from XX uni versity ,my majoy is biological engin eeri nghope you can know more about me th

10、roughthe introduction ofmyself.I have servedas the mon itorinclass andthevice-chairma n of stude nt union duri ng the school time. And I have got honors such as national scholarship, the excellent stude nt of school,outsta nding stude nt cadres, etc. I do well on work which are from teachers in scho

11、ol . i am also participate in various activities and social practice.a nd this provide me a good platformfor con tact ing society in future.at the sametime I trained to han dle in terpers onalrelati on ships.in thespare time of studying and working,I have attended thetraining out of class and have p

12、assed the national seniornu triti oni sts and middle band of jia ngsu En glish oral test, got the social approval certificates. On Scie ntific research, I have fini shed the project of the “ scie nee andtech no logysupermarket ” in school.And the project imbursedby thejia ngsu pro vince collegestude

13、 nts inno vati onfund isperform ing now. besides,I have published two articles in core jour nals .In this four years, i have made great progress not only masteringthe professionalknowledge,but also cultivatingvarious ability, I believe that these will ben efit me sig ni fica nt in study as well as work in future .I think everythi ng should be done with great en thusiasm.We should cherish every opport unityand bedilige nee! Hope you can give me this opport uni ty, I believe I will do better .4


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