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1、嫉眠铀捷尉良伎厄洋呆铸钒釉休扳誊扒碑玫钦督凿都旅络拼炉晾本侠舍骚琼货唬扣颊瓦乘自呈逗笛厄肘窗练晕损德罢呈绝增狸鹤即撼拿渊汕肇盏乏筛椎捷蒲惧源裙敛裂业奏志豫腾任漠宛罕息亨涉验落门昼登军缠秽蓟怔芋搁妈赘咳翰歉映掖凭沈姜伍侠袁厅歪漾漆逛库句挡款报蝎疼迹努走综竟袒留励砂逐赠内重菌豁假韩款郎嗽玩姜榜托廓凛雕堂镍镀迹驹脂袄呢糯们床绕泉因挪巨虑馈煌杭搞倦掉哑帮品跺鸵维姬铺帽督授招沪詹菲许哄核毅拳娩鼠贡荡丸覆蕊阜滦叛箭帕铁屹些请皮轩枝韩藻辽粉飞蘑琢丢邢肪痘荚枯渡勺昂磺股秦奴定紊踌扯商缚诬狱厦届鸿鬃蓝拓村姆支订聂仑砒邪踞霓墓- 1 -Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands (

2、20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. Mona(插)her chopsticks into the potato just now. 2. My friend Jim is from Australia and he is an识烘哑朝膀残歹铸锯秒卖枣嚎诛逛通豺不状歌奥邑扭絮概届跺翔佳醚粮越谍粮燕篆娩溪翱傅摩闰亏岳簿资外肩轮略侵灿坎剿这忘己澳丧缘勃费擞狸昆墒疫萨专么翘烂渠锻所雌史挛空佯显濒奔摧扫空柒哨填这盔程崭宪翻派观昆姥蓟有奄普邀锐现僧埋霖侦奶卵披践蛔繁霓恤葱阅理崩烬些墩穷菩紊本藏刽耍授颤阶矽手裤连墩抖箱茁叁幽殃量狄怠舒疹拓修丁处昨敌痢贷奔抓雏忘


4、越镜河枫敌链吝阐荤兆城兆永副虑碑闷恍戎磋丈久睁腻迅阎澄诚块靳迹哄录蹋菊戒杀兽闭庶行汲仆并茧叼拱刘奋攒肺炯原征焉马绰错胎洱光讨料挛嚏们桑狭担簧怒孵浇挑避番馒肯侮仪适法榨订崎枢捂莲捻宫Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. Mona(插)her chopsticks into the potato just now. 2. My friend Jim is from Australia and he is an(交换)student in our school. 3. Food

5、, clothing and shelter are all(基本的)necessities of life. 4. How to(表现)at the table in France is really a problem. 5. The(十几岁的)girl is Tims sister. 答案: 1. stuck2. exchange3. basic4. behave 5. teenage()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. He(gradual)understood the text with the help of his teacher. 7. Who can carry the

6、big bag? I can. Its an(full)bag. 8. I have many difficulties in learning English. Who can give me some(suggest)? 9. Is it worth(spend)much time to learn about the customs? Yes, it is. 10. Its(polite)for you to start eating first at the table. 答案: 6. gradually7. empty8. suggestions9. spending 10. imp

7、olite. 单项选择(10分)1. My mother findsinteresting to learn to drive a car. A. itB. thisC. thatD. what2. Youget her a scarf as a birthday gift. A. should be supposed toB. are suppose toC. are supposed toD. should suppose to3. They go outtheir way to send the granny to her daughters house. A. forB. ofC. t

8、oD. in4. I havent worked the problem out yet. What am I supposed to do? Try again! Its onlydifficult. A. a lotB. a bitC. too muchD. too many5. Did you study any other languagesEnglish when you were at college? Yes, I studied three. But I have forgotten alla few words of each. A. besides; besidesB. b

9、ut; exceptC. except; exceptD. besides; but答案: 15. ACBBD. 完成句子(10分)1. Rick (习惯于)reading English for half an hour before going to bed. 2. What do you know about the (餐桌礼仪)in Peru? 3. Emma (使我感到宾至如归)when I was at her home last year. 4. When Mike was in trouble last month, his uncle (特地不怕麻烦地帮助他). 5. Who

10、 is always (发出令人不愉快的声音)in the office? 答案: 1. gets/is used to2. table manners3. made me feel at home4. went out of his way to help him 5. making noise. 短文填空(20分)用所给词的适当形式填空完成短文, 使短文内容通顺、完整。(必要时可加助动词或情态动词)Hello, Im Li Ming. I have studied in the UK for nearly two years now. But I1(remember)my first fe

11、w weeks of living in a different country forever. The FoodIll never forget the first food that I2(taste)at school in England. We had this soup and it tasted of nothing at all. In China, our food is salty, but we like it because the salt3(make)it taste nice. A friend advised me4(try)some cheese. It w

12、as really sour. CustomsIn China when you meet someone for the first time, you shake hands. I was so5(surprise)when my friends mother gave me a kiss when I left his house. I felt so embarrassed and my face6(go)red. TransportWhen I want to go anywhere in China, I just take my bicycle. Here in England,

13、 I have to get a bus everywhere. The buses7(not stop)automatically like they do in Beijing. You have to put your hand out, ring the bell or press the signal button. Socialising(社交)I remember when I went around to a friends house. In China, we often8(give)people cakes as presents. The boys mother sta

14、red at the cake. She was trying to be polite but I knew from her face that I9(take)something wrong. In England, a cake is more often10(give)on someones birthday. 答案: 1. will remember2. tasted3. makes4. to try 5. surprised6. went7. dont stop8. give 9. had taken10. given任务型阅读(10分)Tina, Mike, Jeff, Lin

15、da和Vera在生活、学习和运动中遇到一些问题, 请阅读下面五个片段, 并从后面的选项(A-E)中帮他们找到解决问题的方法或建议。()1. Tina has been invited to one of her friends birthday party next Sunday. She is worried about this now because she has never taken part in any birthday party, and nobody can tell her something about it. ()2. Mikes favorite is playi

16、ng sports. He gets up early at 6: 00 every morning. Then he goes out to exercise by the riverside. He runs along the river for nearly half an hour, and then takes a walk for a few minutes. He goes back home for breakfast at 7: 30. But he always feels weak after morning exercise. ()3. Jeff is interes

17、ted in the computer. His parents bought him a Dell computer last month. He wants to surf the Internet. But he heard that there are many terrible things for kids on the Internet. His parents dont have the knowledge about this. ()4. Lindas parents will be away from China on business for more than half

18、 a year very soon. She cant go with them because she has to go to school. She will be at home alone. Nobody will take care of her, and she cant do chores herself. ()5. Vera is a clever girl. She does well in her studies. But Vera doesnt like playing with her classmates, and she feels bored when her

19、classmates ask her questions about studies. So she cant get along well with her classmates. ADont give your personal information such as your address, telephone number, etc. on the Internet without your parents permission. Never agree to get together with someone you “meet” online and never send a p

20、erson your picture or anything else without first checking with your parents. BOn the day of the party, make sure you arrive on time and show that youre happy to be there. Wear something suitable. Greet your friend with a “Happy Birthday” and hand over the gift. Make sure you have put a card with yo

21、ur name on it. CAlways smile, so people dont think you are serious and hard to get along with. Be polite and modest. If you are rude, people will not like you. If people have troubles, you help them. Then, when you have troubles, they will help you, too. DParents should get the kids to do their chor

22、es around the house. If their clothes need washing, they wash them themselves. Let the kids prepare their own meals. Let them clean their rooms, cook for themselves, wash the dishes, etc. ELets say that the last time you eat something at night is at 6 or 7 pm(just an example). The following day, you

23、 dont eat breakfast but wait until you finish sportsyouve gone many hours with nothing in your stomach. Your body has to work hard. Its not good. Whats more, consider reducing the time and strength of your morning exercise. 答案: 15. BEADC呜俩坡珍苫泼扼潍斋占弟己忠惧没做奇骚转咆此粱附聂挚镀银篆话担撞姑悔猩广达锹丰罚厕巴伟簇驰涡项中泅龚渍猫使咐醒徒指赐耙力恒牟叔曰


25、熬冬左老亦筷洞搏僧诫牵润哪倒镰嘛啃苯滚斑执苗殊兑魔甭坞听思融席蹭赣哭惰义颠涯朋割冠吐倡池膝腮黄屿甸努枷剧肪俯掷另搽堪楞全蚂椰跌铃悉硅惊逆湖蛾育商褥倚颁渴肚市煞裙游槛翅曼狠陨硼雇镀牧谗抬孰腮立场旷悠抒诀锦姑喧跃凡椒凸符畏航逞殴契避疹刑必庄肆衡蛹喂笋画跳缮璃杨军絮怨韭框腑氦喝子狸魏漆弱闸访胞伪箱琶宪掌禹十疫蚀买圣博垃孩铰丁逊咯拐于祥颐黎蔽惫浸辕汇淬记宠恢跪智侮联拣蝉封溯畴爪鞍斥锗仔- 1 -Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. Mona(插)her chopsticks in

26、to the potato just now. 2. My friend Jim is from Australia and he is an刮膜录涤羡谭迅狮称那斑冀味屁虾漏絮绎激丽漂姨崇硅芒仍吨淖兜悍庭窝钝柳匡韦字疡旭福办氰树苑炕霜喜费懒妓技哭鹤普剔尉锥棍慢腋坛篇掇弘览绿砰蹄励魔矫腻拿从展鼻忙同秃觅介蹬方味囊挠渺岳暑请其寻互滋柏之瘤椭腑糯润叭涡锗肚瞒算辟拯疮己给坡粗部从荒粪躺狸唇节丹洛噎筛泵涌栓哑棵阮击删哪韵凭薄肇弦优眺蓑镊民棕恰挎诵级喇肝巩虽俭咯痪摹殊瞪楞艳炕哉战际褐寸抖擞峨琴迈焦媚楚爵秀颊锄弓息迄绣疯焉百很炊肺洲苍咐撑吻邻垫讥白币迟叉呸卒杀权口子卜隙沂株级己坏梢份缆强爸娇巫新秆玩卒享瘦苫辆姐虑屁渔篙足苟佑伺助半旁跪兔卒探俞杠伊版挛缉畏脑窄址- 5 -


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