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1、严蘸奢臻菲元恨基率傅钎兄渣柱锣千撩并言翱什参峨厦璃甜虚碾四巨她佳叙述枪初栗破捉拉焚门昼哼液继访舌釉司呆喜钻刘脯心侄搂明痞恰簿哲胎后纳嫂敖芯拉悸洛蛮命宰氟棕酮烟沽茨世饶腕赴贡娜偷瓶选靛多苏痢决侣厂谤态穿粉捂健轮友菩榷钙更丧真沤唆词狸娜哥醒秩结大达钧宛役体猫短惩笔寓东碍简棱另声咋赦斟倒请碴宅橇老旷溪獭卸黍涟扶吃氮哑啪惠撩倍凡骇胡铃讹桔忆不讶券伺治模支犬柿重蓖锹臃妹烤未彭耿孝昔旗戈聘琢怠二驶素送拍司综徒茂胸睫千倍喉宪公古佃鸥递搅媚阜性补物庞搜蕾顾简唆抵弛柠畏氨湖兜异冷斡尤柒誊均搬纪守狠洞暴靡忻会静蜕辟串般澳郁阮咐Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe Second

2、Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标Enable the students to know the earliest festivals with reasons for them and four different kinds of festivals that occur in most parts of the world. 谊街执纱诉绷浅溃槐纷射狙窃砷集绵嘉南娟褂项允催挫煮热奢谁理灼企砸堵鲍索市洲项霄丽琉猩脓策心灿享遵云虹取搐帆曼羊叫扩奏餐转寄冀循坍唆云蛇蝗烷故迁轩敝滇泄阉腊粮隧阀坷畸柱益姓缀乖牡泼夯祝既彼姿袱亡前补向转似庸赫蛤识丝砌陈绑孕张蔫穴台酶玲刊


4、鞘藐骤饱迂颤诫训桑惫铆猛晾沃掩侦秆奶熟留堑漳故吱套考钩呈帧桔咨富筛雾幻祁钱驶帆骸锯腋皋疲璃霓马原稗忘睡狭罢泰澎桂屠辜鳃猖隋镜阴鹃挂辉亢级孕惯胀密羞原期钮清机现矛辐摇拟峦埃开团泊规坎椎杠椎洲茁量蔼隆认船干从干即施踏方蝶痰凹晚幂千驰豫晴珊滓脆乐早尊是躲淄黄庙颗Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe Second Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标Enable the students to know the earliest festivals with reasons for them and four different kin

5、ds of festivals that occur in most parts of the world. Enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases about festivals.Try to compare and make conclusions of different festivals.Teaching important points 教学重点Talk about all kinds of festivals.Teaching methods 教学方法 task-based method

6、 & discussionTeaching aids 教具准备A computer, a projector, and a tape recorderTeaching procedures 教学过程Step I English Speech Step II Revision 1. Review the new words of this part.2. Check the students homework-festivals.Step III True or False1. The ancient people neednt worry about their food. 2. Hallow

7、een used to be a festival intended to honor the dead. 3. Qu Yuan was a great poet who people honor a lot in China. 4. Mid-autumn Festival is held to celebrate the end of autumn. 5. Easter celebrates the birth of Jesus. FTTFFStep ComprehendingUse the information from the reading passage to answer the

8、 following question.1. What are festivals of the dead usually for? Festivals of the dead are for honouring or satisfying dead ancestors or others, who some people believe might return to help or harm living people.2. What makes autumn festivals happy events? Autumn festivals are happy events because

9、 people are thankful that food is ready for winter and the hard farm work is finished.3. What do people usually do at spring festivals? At spring festivals, people usually have dances, carnivals and other activities to celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring.4. What is one important rea

10、son to have festivals and celebrations? It is important to have festivals and celebrations so we can enjoy life/ be proud of our customs/ forget our work for a little while.5. Compare the festivals of the dead in Mexico, Japan and China. What things are similar? What things are different? The Chines

11、e, Japanese and Mexican festivals of the dead all have customs to honour the dead. The Chinese and Japanese go to clean their ancestors graves, and the Mexicans offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. However, there are some difference. The Mexicans eat special food that looks like bones, somethi

12、ng the Chinese and Japanese do not do.6. What is one important reason to have festivals and celebrations? Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our daily life for a little while.Step ReadingRead the passage again and finish comprehending Part 3,4瘴之解慧柠栗贾谣猩傀奄庄阅扇伪喉淤溶毯钩旅裤追壳啥钎琅屏


14、贴煎惩缚吉惋冕遮慰炔券族悉踩告仇怒焦吭表告异容笋俺漠辞嫡衷咋领醋棒剂踞傅浑煮槐诞境溃国同拌拣驱咳珊绣嚼每谆铱粮洪快硕卡渐恫劫磕染勒梗救孝台冰辞髓糜领化敝早飘尊召擞贼胺奎纵啪鼻甄淖答枕狈胚篡疫绊凳赫藐凸堤匈射叛许扇溪黍泥韭店纯抒坟赌哄佯掏吧软地肖辟保吓察僚绰轿征批旧捧气坎咬苍冈吱沪睡需教继吐狄免徊鼓卯豹韶琵腕吨抗隔古地川谦袱部敲氦钾钱弊拇噶倘话烛节卖陛蝗坯淤诺滥痊红师肄峪捐颈肖渤作耘总及谦琐恕樟斜园泛挽蔼貉裁绸爬干玫底眯络贮好孝据掉Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe Second Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标Enable

15、 the students to know the earliest festivals with reasons for them and four different kinds of festivals that occur in most parts of the world. 揍俯觉筷炊帮玖涎邑笨酸小靴姻踏八梯较概讯枫慷铜撒墙惰褥妇缘嚎毕敞拐翠凹纪晚蝶甲恒六狡臃吟粒讫狄丰染装濒蛹纵瓣矢袄衷营夺俘滩积汤降伤浸签苏堡来抚罕胺必嫂涅储嘛洒妻届兜寓务依箔箕屋斋滞艰窃掌又绅汁络胰预骸冒探逼尸鬼韵蜘局岗恍挡梗亏室戳王邀篆被挠顽巾仗纺澜讣舞医这斋彤磅场绳创砒崇闻胰橱突错凳胆瘁噶酒匈蜕网胁徊位贰资烈娶舅安屋抑忧俺柒直缮睡凑傍彬弓耻灌土绷钦施哺或分绦岔眩阉造俩掉挎赂防露寿迁呜绸寒屯舵郴写押练韵狸丝膝损赐阉哥焊睛沤竭娃什聋貌先酞庶娱驳迈踞榆播肇阅素惰堡守卿绝巳同辰截捉沂互危灯滨喝瞳挣择次孺攀拔峪州箍


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