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1、TO :Defected happened Date :CC :S.C.A.R. No. :FROM :SCAR Issue Date:P/N 料号 :Part Name 品名 :Supplier 供应商:D/C或LOTNO.Location 位置 :Impact to (Plant)影响部分8D APPROACH - Disciplines 1, 2, and 3 below must be completed for ALL requests.Discipline 1Problem description(Including failed rate / Date code)不良描述包括不良

2、率和周期: Used Quantity 使用数量 :Defected Quantity不良数量 :Defected rate (%) 不良率 :DPPM :Level 等級 :Station 站別 :Reply before 回复日期:Issued by 回馈 :Approved by 认可 : Discipline 2 Team member(Including Name, Department ,Title E-mail address,Ext.No,)不良原因分析成员包括人员,部门,职称,邮箱,电话,分机:Name人员Title / Dept.职称/部门 E-mail Address 邮

3、箱Tel. / Ext 电话/分机Discipline 3 Root cause (What caused the failure induced) 分析造成不良原因:Finished Date 完成日期:Discipline 4 Escaped reason不良品外流原因调查, 为何不良会流出工厂:Finished Date 完成日期:(Why the failure materials escaped from your factory)Discipline 5Short term action暂时对策包括讨论库存数量及处理方式,同样问题是否发生在其他产品? (Including)Fini

4、shed Date 完成日期:1.How to deal with the inventory and how many is it?2.Are the same problem occurred on other type of materials? If not, what is the reason?Discipline 6Long term action ,How to prevent the reoccurrence?长期对策包括如何预防再发生Finished Date 完成日期:Discipline 7:Verification of the corrective actions

5、effectiveness 供应商对策验证 : (By supplier)Finished Date 完成日期:Discipline 8:1.Implement the CAR horizontally对策导入水平展开 .2.Standardization of corrective actions (The case is close) 标准化(结案):Finished Date 完成日期:Reported by报告人:Revision 版本:Date 日期 :Approved by核准人 :Date 日期 : Return S.C.A.R TO Jiahong Within Due dat

6、e 在限期内回复改善报告:MinorMajorCritical IQCP/LCustomerJiahong followup佳宏追踪 :1.After SCAR implemented , SQE have to check 5 lots to identify efficient. Then consider SCAR is closed . ( 对策导入后 SQE需确认信入料3批无不良方可结案 & 材料不良回馈历史记录卡 )2.Any identify record should be record to backup. ( 经验证需填入事实根据 )Finished Date 完成

7、日期:NOTE备注 : Item28 are filled in by supplier (2 8项由供应商填写). 1. S.C.A.R Response Time 改善报告回复时效; Critical Issue严重问题 1(3) day; Major Issued主要问题2(5) days; Minor issued次要问题 3(7) days. 2. Local supplier国内供应商收到样品 3 Working days, (oversea supplier国外供应商 14 days). 3. Each case delay deduct 4 points in Monthly Supplier Quality Rating 每件延迟月份评比扣4分.IQC Engineer verify工程师确认: SQE Engineer verify工程师确认: Approved By认可主管:


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