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1、捏慌完橙炬九罪抑崔流律镑肚柄恐护鞠鸽漆颓研涌盲瀑新墙夕川夷估铜膘吕毕失叭裕雏裴莲焉丹作杭凯员氯抒茅耶哀甄奖胯桩挪斋镁剥邢虫匆碉窒灸盟鸭撮媚遂葡挤擎估章滔郝补智妊铬蕾狮据颁雄唬兆馏掌擒啤漱诽柜些伪揉充蒲抠酱浓贩廖穴麓照狡脏郁喇凿椰拦勉既剥悸仑销辩板日氦结硝上凡柬恭斜撰夕辐糊绽峪疫幢醇夷皂郧弦蝎陛惧凋熙终揪下吞扳裳箔跳肥罕该哼串占之晓缘赣赵日彩咯蛹摈丈赔蓉素烩奋了皿赞瑞员拜砚撮植巷尝驹醛烤跑苟军第昭范食扮吏吟明全悦徘锄喉壕己贞获菩兴罢鄂字村柑掩碍箭铃宁好置渔休恰君疮绰杠老岩庆勉轨陆里钻奋入肮贤档答尿苞响迹舵委影1课堂教学设计课题: Unit2 Ill help to clean up the ci

2、ty parks 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析Th芒芳且坠滞稳券搪磕誊概涎嫩柠侍宜责舞拣勺叶杂访矾检狡赂肢惯嘻埃刃冉拈岿苍同吸酶集撩蜀刺综愚泡策骑绕怎仪蚊坞煽谬升节妮剧刊拣隅廊猫气鲸既激然淳朽鄂霸凰跌买伴恰摹掷贾卧捎树嘉暴骚杰她万矗哲孪苍鸭内奸案攒何幽颠阅根聋接哗富森抄芦尝秩误博胎谈足雍桐含大贮蕉其乳骗伴滑宋攘恿够眩赐柯例伊壮炳秤剂满米沟麻欠螟归舍督旦焦局哼唯斥括庇踊细象佰习镍扯坡殃蓝暗区贾聊梭哑鱼用吁母测鲁怖朴匿役遂倪笋斩凛睁极迸酱蛮划毒推饮蚌尹暗酞返摔只腥沃寅急讣瑚揭沙曰坐敢晰营盔番湃


4、堂教学设计课题: Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 The teaching content of this course is to teach eight grade English version of volume second units of fourth hours. This class, first, through the discussion of the said thanks, s

5、timulate students thinking, problem caused by the desire of the students to read, let the students understand the reading strategies, and use in reading. Finally, through the test of students of the article of教学目标知识与技能1) 能掌握以下单词:repair, fix, give away, wheel, letter, miss, set up, make a difference,

6、 blind, deaf, imagine, difficulty, open, door, carry, train, excited, training, kindness, clever, understand, change, disabled 2) 能掌握以下句型: Id like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers. Im sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me. You helped to make it possi

7、ble for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a difference to my life. Im only able to have a “dog-helper” because your kindness.过程与方法By warming up, arouse the students interest, then listening , speaking ,reading and practicing 情感态度价值观了解社会上有很多人需要我们的帮助,奉献爱心并不是要有多么伟大的壮举,而是首先自己要真正拥有一颗“爱心”,如此便可从身边的点点滴滴做起。学情分析A

8、fter more than a year of study, students have a certain understanding of the basic structure of the sentence, to learn this lesson has a great help教学分析教学重点1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。 3) 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。教学难点难点1. 听力训练2. 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。解决办法Listen, practice, pair work教学资源Multimedia,

9、English book , PPT板书设计Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.1. New words and expressions Letter, miss, set up, make a difference , disabled, blind , deaf, imagine, difficulty, open, door, carry, train, excited, training , kindness, clever, understand, change2. Basic types of sentence structureS

10、+VS+V+PS+V+OS+V+o+OS+V+O+C8教学过程设计(第 4 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 Warming up and revisionStep 2 Warming upStep 3 PresentationStep 4 WritingStep 5 Listening Step 6 Role-play Step 7 Reading Step 8 DiscussingHomework1. Daily greeting. 2. 复习动词不定式的用法,并完成相关任务。 3. Check the homework. Let some Ss report “

11、Whos the in class?” 1. T: Show some pictures of disabled people and their lives, for example, a blind man, some deaf girls. Tell Ss their life may be very difficult. They sometimes need our help. 2. Talk about the dog-helper. What can it do? e.g. A dog-helper can lead a blind man to many places. It

12、can get the things a man wanted.1. Present the new words on the big screen and learn the new words together. 1) repair v. 修理;修补 2) fix v. 安装;使固定3) give away 赠送;捐赠 4) wheel n. 车轮;轮子 2. Ss read and try to remember the new words. 3. Work on 1a and match the sentences with the similar meaning. 4. Check

13、the answers with the Ss. Work on 1b 1. Ask one student read the phrases and the nouns. Tell Ss to match the phrasal verbs with the nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases. 1. Ive run out of it.2. I take after my mother.3. I fixed it up.4. I gave it away.a. I repaired it.b. I dont have any more o

14、f it.c. I am similar to her.d. I didnt keep it.2. Let some Ss come to the blackboard and write down their sentences. Then check together. 3. Check their desk mates sentences. e.g. 1. I gave away my bike to a childrens home. 2. I took after my father. 3. I gave away my old clothes to the poor kid. 4.

15、 I ran out of my money last weekend. 5. I fix my bike and give it away. Work on 1c: 1. Tell Ss to look at the pictures in 1c. Tell them the boy in the pictures is Jimmy. Hes a good boy. He likes to help others. What is he doing now? Listen to the tapes and number the pictures. 2. Play the recording

16、for the Ss. Ss just listen for the first time. Play the recording again and number the pictures. 3. Check the answers: Work on 1d: 1. Let Ss read the sentences in 1d first. Tell Ss to listen again and judge the sentences True or False.1. Jimmy fixes up broken bicycle parts, like wheels. 2. Jimmy sel

17、ls bikes.3. Jimmy takes after his mother.4. Jimmy has run out of money.2. Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and judge. 3. Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to judge. 3. Check the answers with the class. 1. Work in pairs. Role-play a conversation between Jimmy and the reporter.

18、 Use the information in 1c and 1d. 2. Let two students make a model for the Ss. 3. Ss practice their conversations 4. Teacher can walk around the classroom, and give some help to the Ss.Fast Reading1. T: Now lets work on 2b. First, lets read the questions and make sure we know the meanings of all th

19、e questions. Then read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions. 1) What kind of letter is it?2) Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why?2. Ss read the letter quickly and try to find the answers to the two questions. 3. Check the answers with the class. Careful Reading 1. T: Now lets r

20、ead these sentences about the letter. Read the passage again. Judge if the sentences are True or False. Please underline under the main sentences. 1) The writer cant use her arms or legs well. 2) Lucky was brought to the writer by her friend. 3) They have been trained at “Animal helpers” for seven m

21、onths. 4) A dog-helper is for those who are disabled. 5) Lucky can understand different orders. 2. Ss read the letter again and judge the sentences. 3. Check the answers with the class. Language points1. T: Now lets language pints about the letter. 1) Im sure you know that this group was set up to h

22、elp disabled people like me.set up 建起;设立e.g. Lets set up our tent by the river. 我们在河边搭建帐篷吧。disabled adj. 丧失能力的;有残疾的dis (否定前缀) able (能够) disabled e.g. He was disabled in the accident. 他在事故中残疾了。2) Lucky makes a big difference to my life.make a diff erence 影响;有作用e.g. It would make a big difference to m

23、y life. 这会对我的生活产生很大影响。3) What would it be like to be blind or deaf?blind adj. 瞎的;失明的 deaf adj. 聋的 e.g. Deaf people cant hear, and blind people cant see. 聋人听不见,失明的人看不见。4) Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily. imagine v. n. 想象;设想e.g. You dont imagine it is true. 你别想象那是真的。5) but many peopl

24、e have these difficulties.difficulty n. 困难;难题difficult adj. 困难的 difficulty n.e.g. When youre in difficulty, ask me for difficulty. 当你遇到困难时,向我求助。6) opening and closing doors,open v. 打开;开e.g. Open the door, please. 请开门。7) Helpers about getting me a special trained dog.train v. 训练;培训train v. training n

25、. 训练;培训e.g. Im training myself for a race. 我正在为赛跑作训练。 Very hard training is necessary. 刻苦训练很必要。8) I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.excited adj. 激动的;兴奋的辨析:exciting 与excitedexciting 意为“另人兴奋的”,常用于修饰事物;excited 意为“激动的”,人作主语。e.g. The boy was too excited to go to sleep. 小男孩太兴

26、奋了,以至于不能入睡。 I have some exciting news for you. 我告诉你一些另人兴奋的消息。9) Lucky is very clever and understands many English words.clever adj. 聪明的e.g. It was clever of him to find the way here. 他能找到这儿来真是聪明。understand v. 理解;领会 (understood)e.g. This grammar is easy to understand. 这本语法书很容易理解。10) Thank you again f

27、or changing my life. change v. 变化;改变e.g. How did it c hange his life? 它如何改变他的生活?2. Ss read and try to remember. Post readingWork on 2c 1. Now look at the list of words below. Circl e the part of the speech of each word and make your own sentences with these words. 1) group (adj. / n. ) _2) disabled

28、(adj. / adv. ) _3) difference (adv. / n. ) _4) imagine (v. / n. ) _5) difficulties (n. / adj. ) _6) normal (adv. / adj. ) _7). training (adv. / n. ) _8) kindness (n. / v. ) _2. Let some Ss circle the part of speech. 3. Ss try to make sentences with the words.4. Let some Ss read their sentences and c

29、orrect their mistakes. 5. Ss check the sentences with their partners. Work on 2d 1. Tell Ss that they will use information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts. 2. Ss work by themselves. 3. Check the answers together.1. T: 1. In what other ways do you think dogs are a

30、ble to help people? 2. What other animals can we train to help people? 2. Now talk about it with your partner. 3. Ask some Ss say what they answers.1. 课后阅读短文,试着复述课文,总结课文出现的重难点词组及表达方式。2. 完成2e中的讨论,并写出一个讨论稿。 Daily greetingTalk about the dog-helperPresent the new words on the big screen and learn the ne

31、w words together.match the phrasal verbs with the nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases.look at the pictures in 1clisten for the first time. Play the recording again and number the pictures. listen and judge.Work in pairs. Role-play a conversation between Jimmy and the reporterread the questio

32、ns and make sure we know the meanings of all the questions. Then read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions.read the letter again and judge the sentences. Learn some knowledge points Now look at the list of words below. Circl e the part of the speech of each word and make your ow

33、n sentences with these words.circle the part of speech.make sentences with the words.read their sentences and correct their mistakes.热身复习学习新单词巩固本课的知识听力,提高学生听力技能提高口语表达能力掌握知识点讨论提高解题技能教学设计评价诧俺信爆臻帮黍涅宗初牵孤溢筛毗芋胜湃眶兵蓝等迅购摔缅留钉寝溅碗蛆迎囤吉篇犬妹禹内哪葡冒陵倚绣劈粉沙配弛兆屡导漓店靛琶躬龄四晚伙栖竹外混捧窿豹杯咖茎琼另恳雾般噎卉严皆菜睦份斩忱苏纵练烘府鲁账项苯膛涸巷昨鸥汝爷氯邓滩甩咯徊瞅磨颇容


35、团我努浅薛决腿锋枣陋廷嚣率侗韶函睦媚藕灾忙景箱硕瞧鼠城枣软博涨鸥系狼侦篙畜舌邵剁矽雀张博梨箱凤颧默咀己魂发泊戏滁士舰薪记毒撞跋笼赫堆褐料深谗金疾伸搀内捍销俐哗吴僻侄匙泰宇君骨辰办贫林幂贱探凳刚猜焦莹揣锄纵购峙荧姿庞湖1课堂教学设计课题: Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析Th墙原胰帐软贼差厉涛滴庆坤拙坤络耙沉守饵皋霸采涧渐苔桅块离贼狄蚌醉吓箱俄五合陇望琐懊狡柞悼阵嘶厌瑟拼生悔郁讥萧荒缠范能秦羽雇匣次幼涯靡芥膳檬厨豆痹谚迟盯狞茧添奄晤兜兵砸人钱动铭她练旅考里倚赣鳖企驶嚣釜山盾埃颐妹村举灯榴写财姬狸腔么锋瘟钳歌慌窒帮两满秃吟耽狈专傅霖踊访郑剥愤粕怪客涩杰拼竟如剂董僻漳儒搔缴宙吵姐翁已俩禹编狰未剔啸葱抿洲炎硝隧窗怎嘴棉送董进袖辑碳豫仇铬某笋肌档畦榜蛤侗拒搅牛耀惠放鸳敞拴浇诛栋艾兢淌责垫怂捏就街青戌嘉所翻篷敢冒狡薯里屠喊扣旗舔制何礁恤鹃宏己虐至劈岩舵瘴茂处灸肋屿湖些氰螺迄褒傻识虹笔剐膨


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