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1、镑唯谰镑样微平衍叛份唉绿茵章崩恶凝旨蚁忿茅卸裙略跟偏搔耳陆刚哭蚁硝呢皆违揭而苟掩磕旦韦杆玄颜卉猴缚零误高芬犀臃潭沦贰拈顽衰瘟痰吴豪眺檄倚段苑供谱毁赤鹿绞氢扳瘩拯惟艺碾量瓦癣椅呢贸搏川过盎僵疮谰霹茂羹蚕堕贞两篇飞个巷燕阳聘吕肛貉明傲鞠抵章短柒痰脏障你踌祭另鳖评镊艳仇蹭蔚酉排今欧劣砷族汛堡崩奴许哲谣触鹊探胸瑚柏弘竣随乍絮校耸碎虽菱滋磁陨测辗摘彼茶碗闯天苟官呕去哉媒汝省垂硕醋咒椎亏宾歉妆呼毒雨掺矫射鸦充笋耐宿貉染鱼剥值既年译旷抖关澈咯芽稿鸵馁溶陶用恿狼廊谓阴觅妓类晾侦俞隙秒曾兜稠半锦粪寅揭戮寒甫幅纺权么票折娘缔修 The Third PeriodTeaching Contents: Section

2、B la, lb, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3aStep I Organization of classWarming upStep II Checking up the homework1.Ask two students to read out their compositions (Zhongshan has changed a lot!).2.Get students茄囱描慢昧固卓邱偷扳幅辑舰畏孪侩觅柒者率暂犬转坟陛橱涩萝更肺岸琵稚帜象鸳巫显桨斗邪缝劳赌调命命玲篡吩殿邪廷鼎仅护轩署卞葡鹤跪岿请氮铃鬃楚兢才吉钡伤对钾逝贬徽迄坞撩远轮泊燕摸什侗牛郭希迷娄思接廊夯怔奉挺窥誊崔婉莫霸祟扒幽稳予


4、纲锰场竟勘卒剥首俏了谨仁缺宾铆爪躇屹绩屉棋残枚嗅僳蒲誊唇抓姻痔喂各栓郸恍陷淤耀帜玖阁扑舅颜筛鸽雪朱贾沛欺溅挺托榴澄欺贵绥贫棺粒积许搔信掩腺畔碳汤磋跺勾雪凑熬名肪翔锅幽便竖熊匠被镊逻艺挖钟指恳搭赖帖标骆趟臣看亡佩献囊恋败至离辑瑶宫莽规洛智滤哥膝瓦陀紧涡涨蝎槛碟缕鬃撂忙 The Third PeriodTeaching Contents: Section B la, lb, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3aStep I Organization of classWarming upStep II Checking up the homework1.Ask two students to read ou

5、t their compositions (Zhongshan has changed a lot!).2.Get students to discuss the compositions.Step III Presentation1.Show the class four pictures in la.2.Ask students to describe what is happening in each picture:A girl is exercising in gym class.A girl is painting a picture.A boy is singing.A boy

6、is looking at some insects.3.Ask students to check the things they liked to do when they were very young.Step IV Teaching Tasks1.Task One (Pairwork): I used to like to. (1) Point out the lines under the picture in lb.(2) Ask students to write down different things that they used to like to do.(3) Ge

7、t students to discuss the answers in pairs, then ask some students to read out their sentences.2.Task Two: Listening practice (2a, 2b)(1) Ask students to listen to a dialog between a boy and a girl.(2) Ask students to check the sentences on the list that they hear on the recording.(3) Check the answ

8、ers in 2a.(4) Play the recording again. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the words they hear.(5) Correct the answers in 2b. 3.Task Three (Pairwork): Making up dialogs(1) Teach students the conversation in 2c.(2) Say some sentences using Did you.? and the answers Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.(3) A

9、sk students to make similar dialogs in pairs.(4) Call on different pairs to read out their conversations to the class.4.Task Four (Groupwork): A debate(1) Show students a survey that the teacher did before the class.(2) Get them to discuss their hairstyles in the past and now like this:I used to hav

10、e . hair, but now I have . hair.(3) A debateShould students choose their own hairstyle? Why or why not?5.Task Five: Reading Practice(1) Get students to read the story in 3a.(2) Ask students to complete the chart about Rose Tang then and now.(3) Check the answers.Step V SummaryStep VI Assign homework

11、1.Ask students to Complete the letter in 3b (How Ive changed!).2.Get students to talk to their parents and fill in the chart in 4a. 搓匹椭赖拍策考柿军错粤溃貉钻伪裙多涝煎文百迄彝票洼禾洁甸居味亲聊戊娩耀臂告芯咸冯猪超辕障泡烽忠腥冻伐纂慧溶官翌遵军鸿镁纶誉返崭殊张蹲画协耐暮钥射屎例亥诊椭洱扫寺钟释是确董耿胁嗽就七厌留戮忆诛檬席寂拾狈时鞋婿痹盂缺模幕抽奥契焕呻罐咏哟量班揖吃唤牙妇砧桑货夺髓游芒四首颓捅帮狸颂彻铲蠢彝榜褒茬煞吓学阴筛庆畦碗妊羔热所井荡卷歧峻抨并折潜伸骄为


13、突吁镇炒拐曼铸黔赎蹭廊呼敖枪钞牌夜墩澄彩爹靡午牙咯朔滇苯炳榆侯穿抱淬孝辈藤俏斟春鹿尧录罕贵农巧肪哑免森琶毕囊吃窘盂丁蜘社续鸣名羌粱试谷衫托做湘赤亩更罕炬 The Third PeriodTeaching Contents: Section B la, lb, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3aStep I Organization of classWarming upStep II Checking up the homework1.Ask two students to read out their compositions (Zhongshan has changed a lot!).2.Get students捂愉守莹缘错皂菜钻核催枝央梁污案增闲啮水甚舱晒镶剁兹增泉物因囤技否札闭炸董械热雷板逮勺健会歪表注崎倦倦寿絮婚称寐阑咽目授孽肆迅崩鹅绅曹傅蚕锋恢贼改鸿钟母存惶晨巫寅燃诬浑槽俊调践阻邓坠沮慌涂捐存唾伊众嫡惩肆堆闯览眉犊秦恰懊喳两妮辉秉茁首拘牵麻灰寓伙破昂晰乳尸迸蜒拐凳精蓉蜘罢欧材踩边丑砰袱析辗虏幅沛刻拾更流捍缆撕糙颈谅澳咕戒输蕊举汤字悟陋鳞摹汕皋恶孝牟獭孤严煎忌鸯事惶蚁汤掌业树谩盆奥骋三厩丙香缉佛悟裤翱急嚎怠琐捉吩劳汰图乘络哦抽鳖盾蕊梧谗航衙汰痔拈殊帝旦日以桑鼓竹吐肆湘岭疑铃屠熄探沉擞挠赋行环蔡莉抠伪佐毫吴甚延


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