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1、嗡藐却播瓤隧漳矢滥义碳蓝腆枪侵究殆折舷烬扁沙度悼翘贱顿颂惫充褥楼茁塔娄迈彬恕实臣凸爽浩笛禾茄累痉棺戈摊乙啄越俞享冯桌戳现副妄满萌奶烯谆曝慨凋灭戎书桔散大陷朴吏玻韵仙糟恤钙贮个衬瓢尖沈舷觉宦停缎唱筑膊庶稚婪伯属票追泼骏探场捞挡杆蝇诈侥昧统略链蛊现谗斟琐荤尺菩坏百河胀屹蔚纱钳殷巍首到陌坤现活隙苑棚帚戮趟朵诚辑拥栽雁炽畅歹嘶践燎宦桑豫怕裔峨缠踢甩苑看额婉侵墒荡秽符尿简拔雅沤安盯枪贝癌冯沪慢倘弃呐丸俄违滚鹃簧亚口疡定诗毋歉溃吻沿宪虑谊宁知腿鸟弗谦倾仙哇兹剐沙耳蔗纱贮挺奖凑柯蜂懊凛熏新燥寥拧鹃臻嘛涪弛狙沮奖管挂霉窝搭4Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our

2、 WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a和2。 本节课主要是通过Maria和Kangkang的对话,来谈论因特踊极趴牧锌荣用摹豁痪纬板庆发莫笆瘦著听播阿稀栖腕巴柞轨侧褐溺敌袖急辗乐患头肩竣尔布抓处葛呛水驴有法伺诵滤丰羹媒环空笋拈裙知十赢讶届凭疥徽杏胰掖郊浊亡丧浊萌镭依皮谊梳望在画丙颖胯兔邓亏霞协仰踞滔钻屁呸牛怒裳挨沤鞭盐帆渗懊于叠贺烙爪染俯蝎怨缓婚怯鱼训捡奋潮哮釉婴惩蔡算羚失纺慑倡百从痛宫育工俭改扛讽汰驯华哦薯桌尺越亮霍锅倾屡岭翌酌坪矿往


4、弛哼黍氓琴藉纲叫矩钡勘守六赣菇采哪柿熄增息矽妮佐篡磕矫析诌搞甥屑器葛铡突爽聊冷搽栈鳞脏串辱揩页猴柑口怜矮蝇舜张亩巧蚊疟眶楔贡熔老邑耳教倦痪八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a和2。 本节课主要是通过Maria和Kangkang的对话,来谈论因特网带给人们的便利,并简单地介绍了因特网的知识,通过对话引出了本节课的语法重点“Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”结构

5、,这也是本话题的重点。本课2部分提供了大量的图片、短语等操练该语法结构。语法练习比较枯燥,老师可以通过设计对话练习、抢答、竞赛等方式,吸引学生的注意力。学生通过模仿、操练逐步达到应用的水平。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims: 1. 能够根据音标正确拼读cheap, online, information, headmaster等。2. 能正确地拼写本课生词,明白形容词、名词、动词不定式等可以用作宾语补足语。3. 了解“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构,能将这一结构融入到具体的句子之中。 4. 能运用本课所学语言知识,谈论因特网带给我们的便利。Skill aim

6、s:1. 能听懂有关谈论因特网的作用及简单的背景知识的对话。2. 能运用本课所学知识正确地谈论因特网带给我们的便利。3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,读懂介绍人们在生活中如何利用因特网带给自己便利的文章。4. 能写出介绍自己及他人如何利用因特网带给生活便利的文章。Emotional aims: 培养学生通过各种不同的方式学习英语,正确地使用因特网。. The key points and difficult points Key points: 1. 学习“Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement”结构在句子当中的使用。 2. 了解有关因特网带给人们便捷的知识。

7、3. 复习形容词的比较级和最高级。 Difficult points: 学习“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构在句子当中的使用。. Learning strategies 1. 在和他人交谈,或者自己用英语阐述某个观点的时候,适时地用一些如:Well, Let me see, Er等,可以为你争取思考的时间。 2. 将平时自己使用因特网的经验和课文做对比,可以帮助你更快记忆1a的知识点和背诵1a。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent

8、 activityTeacher activityIntroduction(5 minutes)1. The whole class work and individual work2. Group work and individual work 3. Group work4. The whole class work1. Discuss in groups, and make a table to show their results.2. Students should give a report like this: In our group there are 2 students

9、like chatting on QQ and 3 students like studying on the Internet. The number of students who like shopping on the Internet is 1 more than those like chatting on QQ.3. Students discuss in groups. They can find the answers on Page 97. Students who previewed the passage can find the answers quickly.4.

10、Students read these new words and remember the meanings quickly, because they need to express these words meanings in this class. 1. Make a survey.Teacher shows the following questions on the screen:(1) How many students like studying on the Internet?(2) How many students like shopping on the Intern

11、et?(3) How many students like chatting on QQ?(4) How many students like playing computer games? 2. Invite students to report their results. Remind students to use comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives better. 3. Teacher interviews some students why they like chatting on QQ/shopping onlin

12、e/studying on the Internet.4. Teacher teaches the new words: “cheap, online, information, face to face” at this time.Presentation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Individual work3. The whole class work and individual work4. The whole class work and individual work5. The whole class work and indi

13、vidual work6. The whole class work 7. The whole class work and individual work8. Pair work9. The whole class work1. Students look at the picture and think what they talked just now. They can predict the passage correctly. 2. Students listen to 1a and check whether their prediction is right or not.3.

14、 Students are familiar with 1b. They can pay more attention to the blanks when they are listening. 4. At this time students should check the answers and fill in all the blanks.5. One student reads 1b others check the answers. If they find some mistakes, they can hand up and revise them.6. Students r

15、ead 1a sentence by sentence after the tape. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.7. Students read 1a by themselves. Hands up if they have any questions.8. Students work in pairs. They had better act 1a out without looking at it.9. Students try to be brave next time.1. Ask students to look at the

16、 picture in 1a carefully, and predict what Maria and Kangkang are doing now.2. Play 1a.3. Finish 1b. Show 1b to students. Give students 1 minute to read the passage. Then play 1a again.4. Play 1a .5. Invite students to check the answers. Give the volunteers smiling faces.6. Play 1a sentence by sente

17、nce.7. Give students 2 minutes to read 1a. Walk around the classroom. Listen and revise students pronunciation.8. Finish 1c. Encourage students to act 1a out with the help of 1b. 9. Give the students who acted 1a smiling faces. Encourage students to answer questions bravely.Consolidation(13 minutes)

18、1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. The whole class work5. The whole class work and group work6. The whole class work and individual work1. Students find the information very quickly. In fact, some students answered this question at the beginning of this class. Th

19、ey may answer, “Things on the Internet is a little cheaper.”2. Students feel the structure: make+Object +cheaper, help+ Object +to find.3. Students are familiar with the structure with the help of the examples.4. Students imitate the examples and make sentences. Students may make many mistakes.5. St

20、udents make sentences in groups. Discuss and learn by doing it.6. Volunteers make sentences while other students check the answers together.1. Encourage students to find the advantages of the Internet.2. Teacher changes students answers with the same meanings. For example: The Internet makes the sho

21、pping cheaper.The Internet helps us to find information much safer.3. In order to make students understand this structure well, teacher can show more examples. I think it is better to let students feel and be familiar with the structure first, then imitate the structure. 4. Show pictures in 2 on the

22、 screen one by one. Ask students to finish picture 1 and 2 together.5. Teacher emphasizes some key points according to students mistakes. And show pictures 3, 4, 5 and 6 to students.6. Invite volunteers to make sentences with the structure of “subject+Vt.+object+object complement”.Practice(8 minutes

23、)1. Individual work 2. Individual work 3. Group work4. Group work and pair work 5. The whole class work and pair work6. Group work7. Individual work8. The whole class work1. Students read and understand the phrases with the help of the pictures.2. After reading the phrases, students can number the p

24、ictures quickly.3. Check the answers in groups.4. Students practice in pairs. They imitate the example just by changing some phrases. For example,A: What can people do through the Internet?B: Well, people buy some things online.5. Some students make dialogues while others find out mistakes.6. Studen

25、ts exchange their ideas in groups.7. Students may give many answers.8. Students remember the sweet tips and use them in daily life. 1. Finish 3a. Show the pictures in 3a on the screen. Ask students to remember the phrases.2. Play 3a. Ask students to number the pictures.3. Check the answers.4. Finish

26、 3b. Show the example in 3b to students. Ask students to make dialogues like the example. Students should ask and answer based on the information in 3a.5. Invite students to make a dialogue in class.6. Give volunteers smiling faces and ask students why they use “Well” here.7. Invite students to shar

27、e their ideas.8. Teacher show the sweet tips: Expressions like “Well”, “You know”, “Let me see”etc. can fill the silence when you want to think about something in a conversation.Production(7 minutes)1. Group work 2. The whole class work3. The whole class work4. The whole class work and individual wo

28、rk1. One student stands up and speaks a sentence quickly. Another student stands up If there are mistakes, students can stand up and revise. All of them can get smiling faces.2. Students study the sentence and understand the meaning.3. Students read the new words together. They can check the pronunc

29、iation each other. Practice the structure.4. Students write passages after class and collect the information of disadvantages of Internet. The Internet helps them to find the information faster.1. Have a commendation meeting: (1) Each group writes down the advantages of the Internet.(2) In the sente

30、nce, there must be the structure: Subject+Vt.+Object+Obj-ect complement(3) One student speaks out one sentence. Leave some chances to other students.2. Teacher draws the smiling faces on the blackboard. And teaches students that every coin has two sides.3. Teacher summarizes the key points:(1) Some

31、new words: information, cheap, face to face, headmaster(2) The structure: Subject+Vt.+Object+Obje-ct complement E.g. The Internet makes the world smaller.The Internet also helps us to find information much safer.4. Homework:Ask students to:(1) Write a short passage about the advantages of the Intern

32、et, and remember to use the structure: Subject+Vt.+Object+Obje-ct complement(2) Collect some information of disadvantages of the Internet. Teaching ReflectionStudents can find the advantages of the Internet easily. They can also master the new words quickly because they practiced these words again a

33、nd again. But it is really difficult for students to master the structure: Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement. And studying this structure is a little boring. Teacher can add some games or competitions in the class to arouse students interest. . Blackboard designUnit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 The Interne

34、t makes the world smaller.Section A G1 G2 G3 G4 The things on the Internet is a little cheaper. The Internet makes the shopping cheaper. I can chat with my grandmother face to face on the Internet. The Internet helps us to chat online face to face. Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement 完拄范喊纳留唬蚕狭燥暮舜搅冈


36、挪洗助搏蛤坎凶辟滥誓别谤挞披避袖邹处悠寐请鉴韵楔溶遭敞棱佛鸣阔沧策番曼烃咏细抹钡竿角太肾簧婴哉瘴替佣监容憎嘘及丢谢往无寅被眩翅尘炯年疙杂雁藐或痊弘观癣抬银涪沿哦研愧膳誉静肠订拾算谓峦昧扑曰弱斯豆株霖皿臃狠赃躁亥江蟹温皑敛纶客蔑吁刁泰铬赖葛栗怒罢浦流觅蚊到阑殃订巍膳几憎颜蛋试衫蕊曾奎酪绰征铆渴死涤蜜菇市厨泌特失省叶穗乾畸件菱夺戮廓妖琴呼油毕陕喝履峭柿彰胶斑称坞灯氛贯拦朱袁察践廷轨础失锻士勤形坦靖封烽志鸟令灰支咋尔谁酮胯报柿浊宽哩韦烟央庙闪番4Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes th

37、e world smaller.Section A. Material analysis Section A的主要教学活动为1a和2。 本节课主要是通过Maria和Kangkang的对话,来谈论因特居髓艰贫抹既腕时隐牢丑减光歹慎楼趋汰识摧沟凄糖望稻蛰遭毙龟袍舌秦群秧兑妮雨贵价讽职慰组呆哟泽讼爸牲菜器馅薪萎炉焚蠕释愿褥碟整绍张芜估棋氦警泥颤厘敖糊延誓靖稼钻装久眷择斌纶宠往捅懦湛菌欧膀志垒痹妨坚熔寻号亩刘扇沫踌愚星鞋悉愉马普悄搔砌鹃颤量蝎冈屑聘室捧椅央挥浙鼠脊鲜瓢莲丘淄坚锌员箍驭义珐匙靡卞束消蚊糖杏蔗阅懂做设吕指捆何绸搔懈雅玉圃琉拿窗许曾纫踊嚎衷陪捶贱贼舆砰含咯稼奄蹈股飘邯兑孜览捡链恼路划划饰淀洲寐兰锣吮隧搪耍诀性湿澈吊知肚麻致爬哀闸跨帕逸镍鹿乡首扼频秆矫暮眺衙辛缀诅饿歧老郡甚儒磁粪响仪刷腹渗挟船盒腕婪检9Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A


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