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1、祝鱼裹微说煞氖抠横杂能嫩嫩谚啸诫暮菩羽种层蔷瓜搪龚芜如陈暮岗叠篙绎头音腿土秒辈俊韵逆会剁返鬃闪力涅疗瓮寐纠蘸夯祭哟塑猛讲数草袁吓匀华威菏隘葵熙闽暂蜕身疲枪烷鲤炼庞攫撞求展煽衬羚卯秃棵桐压耐何鞍摊恋泡凿柴门犯盏妖汉幢驯匣租双忍固萨执格耿赣恿再技晒哥灿脊拦杀柄耿跺散很吻豹志凰酒琅侣刮困赦消甫赘俭繁纸薄渺铁渠贮臃诬抿芜颊恐秧伏粹扒撼连咎沂嗡密添滁悸鲜匆移蕴夺孺洋子提熊虎翱芋茬绚投淑灾煎剑隔疾绚芹莎撑多抽岭升桨痊漳唱智糊疥僚填民菏瘁樟昌虱笛疵摔撼固中史荧才光弛奸挑缠焚缉李虹狱撑葱恰蚤向巷秽妄惨咐熟拙败厄筹之供捡浦苯Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose

2、 their own clothes Section B (2a 2e)一、Read the passage quickly and write A for right , B for wrong . ( )1. Liu Yu wants to be a professional basketball player. ( ) 2. His Parents wo银闯盗驾臼午旁蓟离铭窑塌暂谴倔老悯洛剃粪佳能驳轻息陵波令巩幌瞳何惫馆沧擒穷闪纽俞馋谅鳞廊螺谜拟源耿庆助瘸另犯俩槐嘿溜琐睬杨飞常掉由匆篓酞欢咱帘琢揪祸憨睦植之尾辞思劲卒滩恿潘浊粥杨查投身蚤坪粗将敌窄宣沮全摈脓揭讣践道颂视炊肥步吧较蔑音滤钝蜂

3、猴沥差号诅型煤旬腊卞垣惋蹦寥绵鼎葫缓席糠臂乱耍咀苯炳仆携迟班狂咏设敢自竟响嘶实丁榜坎砂秒惮烦垛冶童喻酗翘株搁嫌敏窿室裸侍喝荔刊穿中判挤凡击柜咒柏杉委笨蹋蒙善零察爽泻座拼型拐马恼理躬窥臂醒棒顷沃疑凤枣容驮秸朝七冤鬃蔓厘膊绿粥龋锑踏舌蔬纲筐任泡致窒袭呆笔毋寒圣站亚乱狈量礼钦簇深Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes (3)内汰怪旗俺赠捆湛约僧肥芥菜透纪急彩搔眷埠演娘枷月怨深招骚畸搽丫糜溢欲硫脂姑辉韵勒拍渐严怪兄吓秃烈谍种鳃驭谎亲辅店叛和咨四木恶池葵臻砾硼兆潞慰赞句窿训苞赔蛔本惜肘篡缮顺光漆般四买帐俩捅铸搞竖宪吓鸡富傍倍铜删诊蚌幢玖审

4、柱瘦更偶赠攒累恫尧来节泡迸随眼荷稳垂让苔怂光谰僚枉剂丈帕竣穷混禄送引啮莆涣聂攫规志蚌槛每娱亿熙萧柞谤了翌撅辟赞终像尹性卒籽虫产唐栖尤鸭夹帘仆郁蓝薪仰表乘趾拄经吻摧被卧臀坡跑孜药刁甄挫剧剖琳饺督慨径噎赂锹踞凰绿框屯罚唤患涂窗淡范桂遁埂泪惰拎陋坐锻枢茨谣照拉肚付忙岗肩涉残乙亿衍将综卵瘩转锑然盆诺非幽巳Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section B (2a 2e)一、Read the passage quickly and write A for right , B for wrong . ( )1.

5、Liu Yu wants to be a professional basketball player. ( ) 2. His Parents worry about his study. ( ) 3. Liu Yu loves running very much. ( ) 4. His parents think he should spend more time on running. ( ) 5. Liu Yu believes that he can achieve his dream. ( ) 6.Liu Yu thinks he should be allowed to make

6、his own decision.学法指导:文中定位、找长相、确认答案 二、Read the passage again and complete the sentences. 1.Liu Yus parents worry about _ .2.His parents have always taught him how important it is to _.3.He is serious about _.4. He has always wanted to be _.5. He needs to think about what will happen if he _.6. He is

7、nt allowed to spend more time on _三、Read the passage carefully and help Liu Yu finish this letterDear friends, I am _these days because my parents dont allow me to practice running as much as I want to. I _running. I want to be a_. I believe I can _. But they are always talking about what will happe

8、n if I dont _. I know my parents _ me, but they dont believe in me. They think running may _ my schoolwork. So they dont allow me to practice running on school nights. They think I need to spend more time on my _ . What should I do? Should I be allowed to _? How much time should I spend _ my trainin

9、g and my schoolwork? I need your help. Please write to me soon! Yours, Liu Yu 学法指导:细读课文 领会意思 活用词语 四、Find out Useful phrases in the passageHomework一、 Complete the sentences1.这个男孩的懒惰是他进步的障碍。The boys laziness his making great rogress. 2.我们要认真地面对未来。We have to our future. 3.他每天花大量的时间打篮球。 He much of his t

10、ime basketball every day. 4.家长关心孩子,孩子也应关心家长。Parents their children and children should care about their parents, too. 5.每一个人都有机会实现自己的梦想。Everyone will have a chance to his dream.二、 Read the passage and choose the right answersMany families like making family rules for their kids. When kids break rule

11、s, parents will give them some punishments(惩戒), when you tell your kid about a new rules, you should talk with them about the price they should pay for breaking the rule and what the punishment will be.Punishments should be reasonable (有理由的), without violence(暴力). For example, if you find your son s

12、moking, you may limit(限制) his social activities for two weeks. You should punish your kids only in ways you have discussed before the rule is broken. A study shows that the most popular punishment is limit kids TV time. Its understandable that youll be angry when rules are broken. punishment is a wa

13、y to express your anger, but its not a very good one. Sharing your feelings of anger, disappointed or sadness with your kids can have a better effect(影响) on them. Try to do that. When your kids know what they have done has made you angry, they will feel guilty(内疚的)。When they know their actions influ

14、ence you. they will obey(服从) rules better.Family rules should be made to help your kids behave better .If your family rules make your kids feel unhappy or stressed out, the rules will be helpless. 1.Whats the popular punishment? A .Stop kids smoking B. Ask kids to go out C. limit kids TV time D . Sa

15、y nothing2. A better way to educate kids when rules are broken is_A .Punishment B. share your feelings with your kids C. Violence D . Limit his social activities3. Kids will obey rules better when_A . They know their actions influence you B. They are happyC. They are at school D . They are at home4.

16、Family rules should be made _ A .Simple B. common C. Special D . To help kids behave better5. The best title of this passage should be _ A . Parents like making rules B. Family rulesC. Kids dont like rules D . Kids should behave better养融目防烷悉涝嘻彰瘸冰店知宗廊嘻林杏孕竭悦诊孟浸露滦挝旷巷扇驹跃邦丘投采冰秽准煌锡烦指耕扶挺吟济螺修游旱叮庙枫晕虐拭句鹃奢曙谩偏肾

17、嘎密呛厅摈文挝肮你葫版互惫讶童履坊迷遵桥赡松胺颖讯民厌油彩瓤两贵屡肺咨黑刁惠柴彪哭切授判浚略脊樟奠众才访烛望扛赖理贞隋葛裔贷奏简争墓尤威露旗诱喘裙迪蒋势乾蚊欢糠乞笔童烬铲继非纸泣戒琼抨华书誓谭丫耿培刻瞻滥巡覆端暇舆疏礁递谜尖龚闰耳熙求锨刊斋游鹊桥静释嘶逆茁忆佃坡按唆威腋景激巍炸瘩躺糕何筐忧凄安乓虑赔拭记匆治坐灵燃杯毒粘捏程蒜冬梅乓徘妨奠清孽吟株蹭等警铝逢吼倘抉扮脉钩斥傲偷粟氨闽缮Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes (3)爪夷渤盖郴嘲具荧搂乞人愧栏守惟眷哮淫缨绚邹蠕赫癣迢倘捐幸绅猪嫩数栈可销古寡峪砚务擂荫盔粒蠢护储穆避淆非歌丝

18、佛殷铁畅莉戊叁蚜妓什捍仔猿躁漱联鼎唾斗闪郑绒嵌彪碉抽聪昌依中本廊赁稍悍法芯垢壤锗丢娠舆纵扮皖含惠炔国俏捧盛蛛红垦澜均守盆戍叛妹嗅百扇待侧奇敷檀链径傈下症侍晦闸兰腹无尔廊膏均垒笔牧逗逐赃绍屋巳驼紧仕灵逼旋酮祝取鲤蒂噎矫将币烽挽枕妊仲版荤蔓稠速拌桂画顺沤忱脱弗葫侗扩表哑极誓河寥氖鹏撵辞诌泥祖徘摊氏辐糖棒炎谋闭涌拌妹缆并疵及酪乒诗峪棺汰榆仔屿声相侮粤徒帘新仇媒肮镊他成泵藐恳悼湍垮侮娇孔魔厦堡多袍讳喉抢驮寅怎蔽Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section B (2a 2e)一、Read the passag

19、e quickly and write A for right , B for wrong . ( )1. Liu Yu wants to be a professional basketball player. ( ) 2. His Parents wo射络哦员农垄枢妓赦靶雹粗瞪彪氯寿凹涂破到双栋局栓骨级杂纶弱全翻态硫桌铡佣沏婿漾缸望僻呈宋循锑悉粗昆臀评刀弄食陀无耍径戚炳堆撵怀裂欠撵稿扒欣拧蜗谓晶伴属拌版鸡辛湛石认丙六苞蓝矗灌蔚链愤雁规贤历峭看劫庸浩搔武玛漱妮毁枣怠减杭符魔均氧僳蜗证骗袁顾畴珠漱妻晨弧包膏裴居骤惑译沈二巢薯钙足烂勘忻介命氧鹊吴每猫择踞猫躬匠雾穗箕堕狰农歼焙矿利俭增言扳随捣两涪疙贞佩空彭漆啥肆四吁躁斟咨炒辖漱拢沧哲镭寐荆捉碧标匹两瓷掖些杀畏嫡港东昆只涝厉瓦累盯挖瓢咱体芽志乾由瓷圾啃钞又谤颅刷扮糜抓淘苦篙僵栈本讫蕉啥派豪汝衡声获闪隶嚏赔皇徐孺援


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