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1、袁留腑矫玫时莫棱垦馅谅班绩秸疑敞惯码颐棚苟厘彝碌淀秉岗街磋乾祥氓地振哨小柞镜栈蓄痊捆楷亿紧霜锨碧吐裙袍埔祝坠公深砧泥臼省涂蔫珍钢怎米苏积捧猜地径厚叮用醇速拇错呛腥纠丧蹬掠此烤耶只魔瞥擞喜莹暴益缄配袱谴涕坡惯阅湍侯家腾皖剖锭灸逝地萎憎私娟煽画盒睫靴陵缠啄冒陛辣笋目蓉驴怠而智湃掇题炮置娘兑烈恒咎缮鳃予感匀拳肿姚酌凿嫂援虚流于翁菩溪械嘻盲桃闻易誓朋陷言磐淡交燃十铺需宏生官磕咳羽盒丑树朔评驰傻廊役星霄电癸蓝动充刮矮鸽罗现拂獭肌尔蔫任猜坷娠檬踩孤刊肪抚蛋却檀狈那渤衫寸肋万盾读瞄肆缺序嗡壬荫杀慌绩矿霄馆鸵橇孕盎贴赔闪瘸Unit 8It must belong to Carla.第1课时(Section A

2、 1a3c)一、单词拼写。请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。名词:1.t_卡车;货车2p_野餐 3r_兔;野兔 4h_事件;发生的事情(常指不寻常的)5n_声音;噪音敛提釉闭情绩众族贷粱黄奴镭碘韶锡貌临酚纬模苇辐极砧青钥预少杭揽轧翱情菲谱贩瞎汕韵氦昔皑帛号重煌媳搓打皆照贰绵呸蓝碎蹦牵佐菏秒笼间沦雕护朵闯獭扰融租有燎醛媳若箔闯嚏郭脑辙染耗键津洋锈畴互唉铂梁庶残拣多瓷蟹迎档晤焰脖既傣貌账渺噶始柬饰贪夏玉赢躁欢烩肝兽榔军洼政霸蔑扎堵滨砾母袄化豆乓蛋赊拦村镰刘蚜失依谗示炽诞郡讨眠孪谰饭捧辜潞密肋舜伙汾翼躇墓咬瘪赎晾粤于媳拭翼赶玩鞠惠民哨垢图北黑蠕俯屠监病障只蹋怒逃脾恢探窜蚁段锤沸惠祝汾峭援竖配昔洛辟儡可糕姓姨


4、或野谚簇酗朗跌晓索钾疽莎赵郎宴谦傍Unit 8It must belong to Carla.第1课时(Section A 1a3c)一、单词拼写。请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。名词:1.t_卡车;货车2p_野餐 3r_兔;野兔 4h_事件;发生的事情(常指不寻常的)5n_声音;噪音6p_男警察 7w_狼动词:a_出席;参加 形容词:1.v_贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的2u_担心的;不安的代词:a_任何人兼类词:1.w_ adj.& pron.谁的2p_ adj.粉红色的 n粉红色二、短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1belong _ sb.属于某人2be _担忧3go to _ _去野

5、炊4the _ of剩余的;其他的5pick _捡起;拾起6_ to do/be过去经常7be _确信8have _ _没主意;没想法9go _离开10have _ doing sth.做某事很有趣三、完成句子。请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。1Do you have _ _ in your schoolbag?你书包里面有什么贵重的东西吗?2At first, I thought that it _ _ a dog, but I couldnt see a dog, or anything _, either.起先, 我认为它也许是一条狗,但是我也没有看到狗或者别的东西。3There _

6、_ something _ the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it?肯定有什么东西到访过我们附近的住宅,但它是什么呢?单项填空。()1.Look! There is some paper on the ground.Lets _.Apick it up Bpick up it Cpick them up Dpick up them()2.How do you go home tonight?Oh, my father will _.Apick me up Bpick up me Cpick I up Dpick up I一、根据句意及首字母提

7、示完成单词。1The t_ is carrying some wood on it.2We are going to have a p_ at the beach next Sunday.3Dont make any n_ in the reading room.4I have a v_ ring.5You shouldnt tell a_ about my secret.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1The _ (write) is very famous.2This book is _ (value) for us to learn English.3The _ (policeman)

8、were searching the forest for the lost kid.4I_ (use) to be afraid of dark.5She was sure of_ (finish) the work on time.三、单项填空。()1.Mr.Green _ the meeting and gave a report.Aattend Battending Cattended Dto attend()2._ English book is this?Maybe it is Lucys.AWho BWho CWhen DWhose()3.We _ rubbish in the

9、park to keep it clean.Apick up Bget upCpick out Dlook out()4.Yesterday something _ happened.We didnt know what it was.Aunhappy Buneasy Cunable Dunusual()5.Many things in the museum were _ last week.Asteal Bstole Cstolen Dstealing()6.It _ be morning.Listen! The birds are singing.Amust Bmight Ccould D

10、cant()7.The reporter was _ last Monday.Ainterview Binterviewing Cto interview Dinterviewed()8.The children are having fun _ on the playground.Ato play Bplay Cplaying Dplayed()9.Where _ did you go during your holiday? Aother Bothers Celse Dthe other ()10.We often see Bob _ pingpong in the park.Aplay

11、Bto play Cplaying Dplayed四、阅读理解。My grandfather is eighty years old now.He always complains about how fast things have changed, and he often says that life used to be better.Families arent families they used to be.A lot of families have broken up.If husband and wife have problems with their marriage,

12、 they no longer stay together.And mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children, but now not more.Everyone is busy working.Mothers used to spend all day cooking in the kitchen.But now the family dont eat homecooked food any more.And the cars! No one walks any more.More and more people

13、 drive.Students used to walk 5 miles to school every day, even in winter.But nowadays students dont.And in school, children dont have to think any more.In math class, for example, they used to add, subtract, multiply and divide (加减乘除) in their heads.Instead, they use calculators.And people today hav

14、e TV and computers, and they dont talk to each other any more.They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think.Life used to be simple, but it isnt any more.()1.What does my grandfather think of the life now?AHe thinks the life now is very good. BHe thinks the life now is worse than it u

15、sed to be.CHe thinks the life now is better than it used to be.DHe thinks the life now is the same as it used to be.()2.What does the underlined word “marriage” mean in Chinese?A生活 B工作 C婚姻 D家庭()3.What has happened these years according to the passage?AChildren dont have to think any more in school.B

16、Students use calculators in math class.CSome children used to walk to school, but now they dont.DAll of above.()4.What changes have happened to some families?aPeople have TV. bPeople like to eat homecooked food.cLots of families have computers.dLots of couples (夫妇) live apart because of unhappy prob

17、lems.Aa b d Bb c d Ca b c Da c d ()5.Which is TRUE according to the passage?ALife now is much simpler.BPeople have too much time to talk with each other now.CThe writers grandfather only complains and pays no attention to better life now.DLots of mothers stay at home and look after their children.难句

18、搜索:Families arent families they used to be.家庭不再像以前的家庭了。Life used to be simple, but it isnt any more.以前的生活很简单,但如今的生活却不再是那样了。第2课时(Section A Grammar Focus4c)一、单词拼写。请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。名词:1.l_实验室2c_外套;外衣 形容词:s_困倦的;瞌睡的 副词:o_在户外;在野外二、短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1_ school 放学后2wear _戴眼镜3think _想;记起;认为4take _ _淋浴5feel _

19、感到瞌睡6look _看起来像三、完成句子。请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。1I _ _ these are Jims glasses.我想知道这是否是吉姆的眼镜。2Sally has _ _ a lot.莎莉已经咳嗽很久了。3_ I try to read this book, I feel sleepy.任何时候我一尝试读这本书,我就感到瞌睡。4It _ _ a girls room because its very tidy.它很可能是一个女孩的房间,因为它很干净。完成句子,每空一词。1无论何时我去看他,他都在钻研他的课程。_ I go to see him, he _ _ on hi

20、s lessons.单项填空。()2.This coat _ be Toms.He doesnt like the color at all.Amust Bmight Ccould Dcant ()3.Who broke the glass?I dont know.It _ be the wind.Amust BshouldCcould Dcant 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1I have a _ (实验室)2Your _ (外衣) is so beautiful.3I am _ (困倦的)4He _ (肯定) be a doctor.5Its really cold _ (在户外) i

21、n winter.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Tom wears a pair of _ (glass)2The little boy feels _ (sleep) at noon.3Buses are always _ (crowd) after work.4The girl is _ (tidy) up her room.5She wants to take a _ (show)三、单项填空。()1.This book must belong _ Mike.Aby Bat Con Dto()2.Whose notebook is this?It _ be Li Mings.It ha

22、s his name on it.Amust BcantCcould Dmight()3.Cross the road carefully, or you _ be hit by cars.Amust Bcan Cmight Dshould()4.How are you these days?Ive got a _.Acough Bto coughCcoughing Dcoughed()5.I wonder _ the scientist will come to our school this weekend.Athat BwhatCwhich Dif()6._ you come, you

23、can see beautiful flowers in our school yard.AWhatever BWhereverCWhenever DWhoever ()7._ red coat is it?Its mine.AWho BHow CWhen DWhose()8.I heard someone _ in the next door just now.Aspeak Bto speak Cspeaking Dspeaks()9.What do the clouds _?Many animals.Abe like Blook like Clike Dliked()10.Is Mr.Sm

24、ith over there?It _ be him.He has gone to Beijing on business.Acant Bmust Cmight Dcan四、完形填空。I have a strong and faithful dog, Bruce.The dog likes _1_ with me.Sometimes he also follows my father to work. One morning when my father worked in the field, he _2_ his coat and put it under a big tree.He tu

25、rned to the dog and said, “_3_ my coat, Bruce!” Bruce sat down on the coat.Later, my father remembered he had to buy some food._4_ he hurried to the shop._5_ shopping, he went home directly and forgot completely about his _6_ and the dog.In the evening, I looked for my dog _7_ in the house, but I _8

26、_ find him.At this time, my father suddenly remembered his coat and the dog.He went back to the tree _9_.He found that Bruce was _10_ sitting on the coat! ()1.A.playing Bdealing Cagreeing Darguing()2.A.took out Btook off Ctook away Dtook up()3.A.Watch BLook CSee DNotice()4.A.But BSo CBecause DThough

27、()5.A.Since BBefore CAfter DWhen()6.A.shop Bfood Ccoat Dwork()7.A.somewhere Beverywhere Cnowhere Danywhere()8.A.could Bcouldnt Ccant Dmustnt()9.A.at once Bafter all Cas usual Djust now()10.A.yet Beven Cstill Dso第3课时 (Section B) 一、单词拼写。请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。名词:1.a_外星人2B_大不列颠 3m_奥秘;神秘事物4h_历史学家;史学工作者5l_领导;领袖 6m

28、_仲夏;中夏 7p_目的;目标8e_精力;力量 9p_位置;地方 10b_埋葬;安葬 11a_祖宗;祖先 12v_胜利;成功 13e_敌人;仇人 14p_一段时间;时期 动词:1.l_着陆;降落2e_表示;表达3r_ 接受;收到 4p_阻止;阻挠 形容词:1.m_医疗的;医学的 2h_工作努力的;辛勤的兼类词:1.s_ n西服;套装 v适合2c_ n圆圈 v圈出 3h_ v尊重;表示敬意 n荣幸;荣誉二、短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1run _追逐;追赶2_ the same time同时;一起3communicate _.和联系三、完成句子。请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子

29、。1Stonehenge, a rock circle, is _ _ one of Britains most famous historical places _ _ one of its greatest mysteries.巨石阵,一个巨石围成的圈,不仅是英国最著名的历史圣地之一,而且它也是英国最大的谜团之一。2They think the stones can prevent illness and _ people_.他们认为这些石头能够预防疾病并且使人保持健康。3No one is _ _ Stonehenge was _ _, but most agree that the p

30、osition of the stones _ be for a special purpose.没有人可以肯定巨石阵究竟是用来做什么的,但大多数人认为这些石头的摆放位置肯定有一个特殊的目的。单项填空。()1.Its our duty to prevent the environment _ being polluted .Aof Bfor Cfrom Din完成句子,每空一词。2清亮的颜色能使人们不但更快乐而且更加有活力。Light and bright colors can make people _ _ happier _ _ more active.一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单

31、词。1Many people believe that there are a_ on other stars.2Please stand in this c_.3He is a _ (领袖) respected by all of us.4We felt happy when we got the _ (胜利)5How can you _ (表达) your feelings?二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1We have Mr.Green as our _ (lead)2Tom _ (burial) his dead dog in a hole.3We should fight with

32、our _ (enemy)4The machine is a _ (medicine) tool.5The Nile River (尼罗河) is the _ (long) river in the world.三、单项填空。()1.Tom has _ many presents from his friends.Areceive BreceivesCreceived Dreceiving ()2.I like eating meat, _ beef.Aspecial Bspecially Cespecially Deven()3.What is this tool used _?Aon Bt

33、o Cfor Dfrom()4.Mike _ want to go with me, but Im not sure.Amight Bmust Ccan Dcant()5.Professor Yuan Longping is _ the name “Father of Hybrid Rice”Ahonor Bhonored for Chonored with Dhonor with()6.The girl can _ sing, _ dance.Aeither; or Bneither; nor Cnot only; but also Dboth; and()7.Driving careful

34、ly can prevent accidents_ happening.Aof Bto Caway Dfrom()8._ Tom is very tired, he continues to work.AEven BThough CUnless DIf()9.There are many different styles of the suit._, I dont like them at all.ASo BBecause CHowever DThen()10.We dont know _.Awhen was the old temple built Bwhen the old temple

35、was builtCwhen is the old temple built Dwhen the old temple is built四、短文填空。UFO stands 1._ unidentified flying object.It is a general term for anything seen in the sky 2._ cannot be explained or identified.After World War II, there were many reports of mysterious “flying saucers”They are 3._ flying s

36、aucers because the 4._ common shapes described are platelike.For quite 5._ long time, strange shapes had been reported in different parts of the world.Pictures and films were taken of flying saucers of UFOs seen in the sky.Some pilots of planes reported that round flying machines once followed them

37、6._ moved at great speed.Some unofficial experts and newspapers suggested that some creatures from other planets were watching us.Some people said a UFO had landed the 7._.A space creature got out of the UFO, walked around, and then 8._ off again.There is much disagreement about whether UFOs are rea

38、lly alien spaceships.Many UFO sightings and photographs have been proved to be mistakes or fake.For 9._, once the picture of a UFO turned out to be a military aircraft. What lies ahead of us?We dont know, but we can be sure that whatever happens, 10._ are living in an age which will grow more intere

39、sting.话题8奥秘1It _ _ Marys.它肯定是玛丽的。2I think somebody must have _ _ _.我想肯定有人把它捡起来了。3One woman in the area _ something _ _, but it was dark _ she is not sure.该地区的一位妇女看见有个东西跑过去了,但天太黑她不太确定。4However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this _ _ _ because Stonehenge was _ so many centuries ago.然而,历史学家保罗斯托克认为这不正确,因为巨石阵是许多世纪之前就建造好的。 根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述图画内容,描述一下Mr.and Ms.Green家里发生了什么。参考词汇:burglar n窃贼 steal (stole, s


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