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1、教学设计Reading: A boy who shouted wolf课题摘要学科英语学段第一学段年级六年级单元Review1教材版本广东版英语课程名称Reading: A boy who shouted wolf一、学习内容分析1.教材分析本模块选自广东人民出版社六年级下册Review1的Reading and writing部分。故事是学生耳熟能详的“狼来了”的故事。学生在通过近两年的阅读训练中,已经积累了一定的语言基础。本课时作为阅读拓展材料,内容比较简单,因此教师可以在阅读文本中,适当给学生拓展语言的输入量,培养学生的阅读能力,引导学生积极参与听,说,读,写等教学活动,从而提高学生的语


3、读方法,有了一定的思维能力、分析能力和理解能力,对于用英语表达自己的一些意愿或思想也有一定的信心和能力,同时也具备用英语与他人合作与交流完成学习任务的能力。在本单元的阅读教学中,老师将采用各种教学手段,帮助学生习得语言知识,获得语言技能。3.教学目标(含重难点)1. Knowledge objectives:(1) Students can generally understand the meaning of the story.(2) Students can apprehend the truth “Dont tell lies.”“When liars tell the truth,

4、nobody believes them”step by step with the help of the teacher.(3) Students can discuss what happened to Peter and give some advice to Peter.2. Ability objectives:(1)Students can get the main idea of the text by first reading.(2)Students can find out some necessary information by skimming and scanni

5、ng.(3)Students can talk and know the principle “When liars tell the truth, nobody believes them”from the story and get it by discussion.(4)Students can master some effective reading strategies gradually.3. Learning strategies:(1)Students can learn to use the old language to learn the new.(2)Students

6、 can take part in the activities actively in class.(3)Students can communicate with others confidently.4. Emotion objectives:(1)Students can be active and confident when they express in English.(2)Students can be interested in English reading by some pictures or other teaching tools.(3)Students can

7、widen their vision after studying and know the truth “Dont tell lies.”“When liars tell the truth, nobody believes them.”.Teaching Key Points:1. Students can know how the story happened by searching the detail information.2. Students can understand the principle “When liars tell the truth, nobody bel

8、ieves them”by analyzing the detail information of the story. 二、教学环境选择简易多媒体教室 交互式电子白板 网络教室 移动学习环境三、教学过程设计教学环节活动设计信息技术使用说明Step 1: Pre-readingStep 2: While-reading1. Lead in: Do a riddle. What animal am I?2. Ask and answer. T: Have you ever read or heard any stories that are about “wolf”? It can be a b

9、ook. It can be a story. It can be a movie. Who knows?After asking and answering.T: Look! This is a story about “wolf”. Its called “The wolf is coming”。This is a book about “wolf”. Its called “Langwangmeng”. This is a move about “wolf”. Its called “Langtuteng”. 3. Show the story of “the wolf is comin

10、g” in the wrong order and guide the students try to tell what story it is.T: And heres a story about “wolf”, but its in wrong order. Please try to tell what story it is. 4. Show the story that we are going to learn today.After students guessing the story right.T: Yes, it is “The wolf is coming”. And

11、 we can also call it “A boy who shouted “wolf”. Then write the title on the blackboard.Task 1: SkimmingRead and answer. T: Who was in the story? Where was it? What did he do there?Have students read the story quickly, and check the answers. Then tell some reading tips to the students. Task 2: Skimmi

12、ngStudents read quickly and find:1) How many times did Peter shout “wolf”?2) Why did he shout “wolf” for the first two times? Task 3: ScanningStudents read carefully and find: How did Peter tell lies and what happened? T: Peter was bored, and he shouted “wolf” for first two times. On the first day,

13、he had an idea, and he shouted “wolf”. On the next day, he did it again, and shouted “wolf”. What did the people do on the first day and the next day? What was the end? What was Peters feeling on the first day and the second day? What were the peoples feelings? (在引导学生自主阅读时,先引导学生整体寻读课文,找出第一、二天的相关信息,层

14、层递进,通过提问:Why were the people angry for the first day and the second day? 生答:Because there was no wolf. 进而引导出Peter told a lie on the first day. Peter told a lie again on the second day.)T: What about the third day?(再通过第三天的信息寻读,在教师的引导下,学生能总结出“He told the truth on the third day, but nobody believed him

15、.” 进而领悟“When liars tell the truth, nobody believes them”的道理。) Task 4: DiscussionT: Who is a liar?(liar是一个新的词汇,学生可能不懂它的意思,但通过之前的渗透与理解,学生能猜出其意思,并能答出Peter是liar)Task 5: ConclusionT: What can we learn from the story?Task 6:Read the story together.Task 7: Try to retell the story. 1. Show the key words and

16、 the pictures, and guide students to retell what happened in the first day together.2. Show pictures and key words and guide students to retell what happened on the second and the third day in groups, and ask several students to retell in class.设计意图:用对等概念引入阅读教学,先出示相对应的文字让学生猜相应的动物,再用图片激活背景知识,培养学生思维能力

17、。设计意图:通过问答Have you ever read or heard any stories that are about “wolf”,进一步激活学生有关狼的主题的故事或书或电影等背景知识。设计意图:由于狼来了的故事学生耳熟能详,所以让学生通过打乱顺序的故事来猜今天学习的故事主题,是对学生思维和判断能力的训练。再而引出 “This story has another name. We can also called it “ A boy who shouted “wolf”.从而正式进入故事的学习。设计意图:通过任务一的设计,让学生找出故事的主人公和故事发生的地点,用思维导图的形式呈现

18、问题并让学生快速略读。同时进行阅读策略的渗透:Tips(阅读小技巧):文章的首段通常会包含who,what, where, when等基本信息。设计意图:通过任务二:跳读,让学生快速找到关键信息:He shouted wolf for three times.并给出阅读技巧点拨:阅读时,注意各段首的关联词或是表顺序的词, 如On day, the next day, on the third day。这样,训练学生抓住关键词,快速阅读文本,寻找关键信息的阅读技巧。设计意图: 本节课的内容是学生耳熟能详的故事,如果单单是让学生理解故事,看似简单。但是如何组织信息,体现线索,让学生自己总结观点,复

19、述课文,最终讲出When liars tell the truth, nobody believes them的道理,似乎也不简单。所以,在设计时,利用表格呈现线索,如狼来的前后三次不同人物的动作、心情和结果的对比,引导学生自主阅读。通过寻读,找出事件和人物心理发展线索,帮助学生理清阅读材料中的脉络,从而达到由表层到深层理解阅读语篇的目的,培养学生在文本中快速寻找信息的阅读能力和归纳总结经验的能力。设计意图: 教师根据板书通过引导,One day, Peter told a lie. The next day, he told a lie again. On the third day, he

20、 told the truth, but nobody believed him.总结出Dont tell lies! 和When liars tell the truth, nobody believes them的道理。设计意图:通过任务六:跟读,让学生在模仿中学习地道的语音语调,并在读的过程中,再一次回顾文本的内容。 设计意图:通过表格呈现故事线索,利用图片体现信息,让学生复述Peter第一天的经历,给接下来的第二、第三天的复述做出示范,减低复述的难度。 设计意图:有了第一次复述的经验,再通过表格的使用和图片的帮助,学生小组根据表格组织信息,进行复述。进一步培养了学生英语思维能力、英语表

21、达能力以及小组沟通合作能力。Step4: Post-reading1. Peter read a story and learned something from it.(1) Guide the students to look at the story and ask the students to give a title to the story.T: Peter was very sad because nobody came to help him. And he read a story that night.(2) Show the story A boy who shoute

22、d“Help”, and have students choose the right words to finish the story.(3)Check the answers.(4)Discussion:What can Peter learn from this story?2. What happened to Peter at last?Show the passage about what happened to Peter at last, and guide students to discuss:(1)Did Peter tell lies again?(2)Did the

23、 people come to help him when the wolves came again?(The passage: Peter was really very sad because nobody came to help him. From then on, he tried not to tell lies and be a good boy. And he bought some sheep again. He began to help others. Gradually(慢慢地), people changed(改变) their thoughts about Pet

24、er. They thought Peter was honest and helpful. One day, Peter was working as usual. Suddenly there came two wolves, he shouted loudly" Wolf, wolf!". People heard it, and they ran to the top hill to help Peter chase the wolves away. Since then, Peter took care of the sheep happily, and he g

25、ot along well with the farmers. They lived happily together! )设计意图:拓展材料紧扣主题,利用Peter因为撒谎导致真正遇到困难时没人帮助他,很伤心,然后恰好读了一个相关的小故事,从而期待他从故事中和自我经历中吸取教训,改变自我,为下面的进一步的Peter的行为可能得到改变埋下伏笔。同时,在Ben和Tom的故事中,有效检测了本节课的重点词汇。设计意图:本环节是拓展的阅读内容。紧扣故事的发展线索,给Peter的故事创造一个happy ending,进一步训练了学生的阅读能力,也给学生带来正能量的思想教育。Step 4: Homewor

26、k1. Read the ending story about Peter again. And finish the exercise.True or false.1) Peter didntt buy any sheep after his sheep was eaten. ( )2) Peter changed and became honest and helpful. ( )3) Peter took care of the sheep happily, but he couldnt get along well with the farmers. ( )设计意图:让学生把阅读材料作

27、为课后阅读补充,进行细节阅读,进一步训练学生的阅读能力。四、教学评价设计1.评价方式与工具课堂提问 书面练习 制作作品 测验 其它 2.评价量表内容(测试题、作业描述、评价表等)练习(一) 练习(二)What happened to Peter at last? Peter was really very sad because nobody came to help him. From then on, he tried not to tell lies and be a good boy. And he bought some sheep again. He began to help o

28、thers. Gradually(慢慢地), people changed(改变) their thoughts about Peter. They thought Peter was honest and helpful. One day, Peter was working as usual. Suddenly there came two wolves, he shouted loudly" Wolf, wolf!” People heard it, and they ran to the top hill to help Peter chase the wolves away

29、. Since then, Peter took care of the sheep happily, and he got along well with the farmers. They lived happily together! 一. Read and discuss(阅读并讨论):1. Did Peter tell lies again?2. Did the people come to help him when the wolves came again?二. True or false(判断对错).1. Peter didnt buy any sheep after his sheep was eaten. ( )2. Peter changed and became honest and helpful. ( )3. Peter took care of the sheep happily, but he couldnt get along well with the farmers. ( )五、备注技术环境下课堂教学管理思路、可能存在的教学意外及相应的应急预案等。备注:本模板仅供参考,参训教师可根据实际情况,自行修改创新。


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