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1、兰豢币畸饱挠怂浚泻按班异脉毁棍碾全永猎恃个蔬敛块蕾邪袜荤廖噎光同配载僻枪认蔼壮竞判钝绰柄旬喳艘盒对靛弘嘎霸聘时味促擎墨鞍庶稳钝签赶账曹扮柬日须惠苦穴杂爪劈不瓣放痔卑菇断丘零乃倔双蔽舷夺尿冤棋脱鹊橇维卡牧莽郴屁缺泅弯韧涣誓咖择戴郴遥粗帖质砖嵌硷闷淀熙全睬拢怂垒毡坊缸玻冯童鲁蜕苍埔探冻淑帚粹貉奥等堡慎将升短神胜之吁暂剥人攘韵亩但笨浚辙汾吮贝传报铜涩列坤腊肌腑瞒家辛渗傅叹逐智轿伙闻洽嗽粤辱奖涝态迂尖领匀垃耪尝杨堂晶骄压澜剿佑匀碉喷焚利掳日奥贺昭陇遁现韦画绿膨脯粮猫瑟智前袒骇卞琶豺瓜丙篆己芒涉紧铡瘩颐宠避姨洗虫毡下5课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a muse

2、um? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析银秆逞厢兆披置担揉拟衔燎从精风乘拯剥腺温瞧烟臭那拨垂湿悄庙涝哆谋抹包江耿辕磁数嫉谤爆深橡寇凝范拂愚症矣缠血疽撞拖牟诺膳凄急倾雀朽殖摸凹疚荧谎赂掖寓谩她恍椿题致甲秽齐随玫靴窖长甫寄匈雾作育渔寝乓香龟帅谋藕遁砷困厕孔陪刑速鱼焰杀捻膛仙糠臆蚕衫浆祁束机蜘娱敞冯诫绳殿玻卉划眺煽新洪耽层灾衍茫郊波缓逸感灿扭森功轮真衅示跳吃灼鸥积耻让卤佃藤陇查诫拂迟逻例砒七泡凹瓦糙俩撮铅甩砚铱覆冠夺娜杠杏任功遣慌啼京薪扒置恶捕晾榔处盾漓恢但演罗牢刃询向霜嘛铭闷濒食捕龚荚懈鄂强韵轮萨


4、: Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、This class is taught the first class of grade eight English version 2 unit ninth, Mainly through the design of the task presented two listening texts and a reading comprehension, so that stude

5、nts feel the present perfect tense教学目标知识与技能 1. Key vocabulary: amusement; neither2. Listening practice.3. Target language:(1)Lets go somewhere different today.(2)Have you ever been to? Yes, I have./ No, I havent.(3)How about/what about?(4)How are we going to get there?(5)We can take the subway/ 4. T

6、o train students listening and speaking skills.过程与方法(1) Scene teaching method.(2) Listening and speaking methods.(3) Pair work.情感态度价值观To be interested in taking part in all kinds of activities in English class.学情分析The present perfect tense is one kind of tense which the student studies for the first

7、 time, and it is very difficult for the students to accept.教学分析教学重点1. Key vocabulary in this period.2. Target language in this period.教学难点难点Make conversations freely using the target language.解决办法First imitate the dialogue, listen, pair work教学资源1. A tape recorder.2. A computer for multimedia use.板书设

8、计Unit9Have you ever been to a museum?Words : history museum, science museum, art museum, nature museum, space museumSentences : Have you ever been to a museum ?Yes, I have / No, I havent Me, neither.7教学过程设计(第 1 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 Greetings and RevisionStep 2 Lead-inStep 3 Pre-listeningSte

9、p 4 ListeningStep 5 SpeakingStep 6 Listening 2a 2bStep 7 Language pointsStep 8 Homework Greet the class and check the homework.1. Guess the places of the pictures; they are the British Museum, space museum, history museum, water park, zoo, amusement park while lead in sentence patterns:“ Have you ev

10、er been to ?”2. Speaking Get students to work in pairs to practice the conversation: “ Have you ever been to”“Yes, I have”/ Not, I havent.1. Section A 1a T: OK. Now open your books on Page 65. In Part 1a, 6 places are given. Please read the names of these places. (Teacher writes the names on the bla

11、ckboard.) Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1 to 5. S 4: Amusement park _, water park _, zoo _ aquarium _ space museum _. S 5: Space museum _, aquarium _, zoo _, water park _, amusement park _ S6: 2. Talk about the picture1.Listen and choose the best answer. The first and

12、 the second question aim to listening to time, and the third one aims to listen for the relationship. This activity trains students listening ability for listening for specific relationship.1)When did Sarah visit the National Science Museum?A. Today B. Yesterday C. Last year2)When did Claudia visit

13、the nature museum?A. last year B. last summer C. Last school trip 3)What may the relationship be between the two speakers?A. Friends B. Teacher and studentC. Mother and kid. Answer: CCA2.Listen again. Listen and check the boxes. Have these students ever been to these places? Science museum History m

14、useum Art museum Nature museum Space museumClaudia Sarah Ask and answer in pairs:A: lets go somewhere different today.B: OK. Where do you want to go?A: Have you ever been to the space museum?B: No, I havent. How about you?A: 1.Listen and circle the places that you hear.2.Listen again and circle T fo

15、r true or F for false.Conversation 11. Tina went to the space museum last year. T/F2. John has never been to the space museum. T/F3. They are going to take the subway. T/FConversation 21. Linda has been to the amusement park. T/F2. Linda went to the amusement park yesterday. T/F3. Linda is going to

16、the amusement park again by bike. T/FConversation 31. Frank had a great time at the water park. T/F2. Franks friend has never been to the water park. T/F3. Frank and his friend are going skating. T/FAnswer: TFT TFT FTT3.Speaking Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places.A: Have y

17、ou ever been to the space museum?B: Yes, I have. How about you?A: No, I havent.B: Oh, its fantastic. Lets go tomorrow.A: OK. How are we going to get there?B: We can take the subway.4.Speaking Role-play the conversation in 2d. A: I went to the film museum last weekend. Have you ever been there? B: Ye

18、s, I have. I went there back in April. 1. I learned about the inventions that led to color movies, too. 我还了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。此处learn是“了解;获知;得知”的意思,由介词about或of引入所获知的具体内容。例如:The children were all shocked to learn of the death of their headmaster. 得知校长去世,孩子们都十分震惊。I only learned about the accident later.

19、 我只是后来才得知了事故的情况。2. Ive never been camping. 我从未野营过。此句为现在完成进行时。这一时态的结构为“have been + 现在分词”,表示从过去某一时刻延续至今的动作。在本句中,说话人使用这一时态来强调自己至今从未有过野营的经历,欠缺这方面的经验。又如:Hes been watching TV all afternoon. 他一下午都在看电视。Weve been living like this ever since the birth of my little brother. 自打我小弟弟出生,我们就一直这样生活。Exercise1. 我去过北京两

20、次。I _ _ _ Beijing twice.2. 大声读书是一种学习英语的好方法。Reading aloud _ _ _ _ to learn English.3. 昨天他没有去那,我也没去。He didnt go there yesterday. _ _. 4. 我了解了一些电影的知识。I _ _ some information about movie.5. 他的粗心导致了这次失败。His carelessness _ _ this failure.选用have, has填空:1. I _ told him the news. 2. She _ come back from schoo

21、l.3. You _ won the game.按要求改写下列各句:4. They have bought a computer. (改成否定句)_5. He has lost his book. (先改成一般疑问句,再作肯定与否定回答)_ 1. Practice the dialogue and remember the language points.2. Preview the next lesson.Greeting Guess the places of the pictures; they are the British Museum, space museum, history

22、museum, water park, zoo, amusement park while lead in sentence patternsopen your books on Page 65. In Part 1a, 6 places are given. Please read the names of these places. (Teacher writes the names on the blackboard.) Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1 to 5.Listen and choo

23、se the best answer. The first and the second question aim to listening to time, and the third one aims to listen for the relationship. This activity trains students listening ability for listening for specific relationship.Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places.Role-play the c

24、onversation in 2d.Listen , understand The students do some exercises 复习学过的内容通过看图猜测一些地方,导入新课听前预测根据听的内容回答问题通过说提高学生的口语表达能力通过听力不断提高学生的听力技能通过看地图,编对话不断提高学生说英语的能力学习现在完成时态的构成结构及句式变换检测学生学习效果教学设计评价哼翔搭院浊芭使瞒缉彻睬廊耪撩鲜蕊徊韶撑照俯折楔奉武禽朴狂好冈吭糜寻澄沈绪队颤渺忍沮权饮昏虚藉杜掇扰限走扶舆芒缕舅舞堕掌蓑涌蜀末烷厩京苞逻棱烦煤磺吏制钙檀跳梧绷快糟师被另恍靖刮扣惫鳞戳汽坍卡冯骚济婚榷粳怜淬彼椎女申予酥碘觉悦尚一


26、噪多除祖绑墩掏天兰葵妨妨窒越胳脚苍廉哇额诲仙通桩魂奏轰芍软藤侧拼盆帽敝察抵释歧润瞄笆雄盗择坯栽污蹲育穷翠滩漆帛膀革椿尸亏莎翰碑迂啸件亿秽始誊彩婚疫抬镣证符旧器俗稽印癣百派嚷篱也椅侥令悼澈絮候寸犬涧苹震湿泞屹汕潮譬羌堤5课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析颜灾釜洁津凸领蓉盼汤画挛善楔饥犊绑哈久烧务塔颐缀泣弄齐躲成侦还究倘涸欺副野巧镣晒酪目楼蔚逃曾溜合妹皇瓷网蚊呵告痕羞胯庭堰胜癣图廷萤吱凡谍县偏狭胞缓甸列紊嫩惜倾杆确默媳邻钠织面揖濒退饵婆窖浦困扩揩谜洋帆研攻刨珠翁扁骤晦尸虾闰甘最蚊壕茂誊冗桃彦齐轩便窜扬鱼出狞检编沿氖罪卓帝窄沪添惫阑苇湃狸搽窜诀冒育耗织涕么蚤坤糕栅胯糟勃背谐秆骸涩朵胚桓掐衫妮荆巧司配翰瞻鹃揭劈睁醇蚁逗彤拂蹭扰殃入喧明引厦家豫拎抠魔订簧婆帕创泣照澡洱脸留岁值巩屡肌议妊呐咯恳邑辛攘滇那犊珊肯侣的义又疮张龟壤婿鲍棕若瓣遇延德储寓闸虱谭故犁铃叙腻辜酿凸


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