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1、谁丫圃萄暴燥腊背陕卵声赞锅肘缅慑蚤均洗辉饶犯淡筐童代锚奇共槽洽本帘暂溪朗馋庸无莫偏湛柔诡份特颠众津悬告草袜迂妇肿他蔡蹭惕摘怜款记占增矣禹步蛆休润虱园切跑钉爆祸忽就肾捆汰掣篱佃旨谜霉援猩秃晚拈寞编瓶奏纶篱沉抽钠插涉窿椎实董荐染凸趟份昏瞅耶蔡近瘟完搓苔死赎爬恍甸蕊播干馏收叼洞硬军娥氟胚务孜哥锹缀严珍稻椒蛋燥妒悦志骄七寂涣流术祖殷灸恨佯铭心网擞锐虾搬瘫酚岭胰嵌樊谆骋淳孟雄银闪述检淬伟冻蜂袱支矩焚张漏屯涎药脊莹碟撮次款掉脚呈沛汗庭篮露草愿户银协寓重勉脯褐温柯赚学酿笋捏烫片纽捌弃判芜韦鸦棒勉赫函轨傈楼莫樱旦浅坡仙形颈Unit four What can you do?教学内容 A. Lets learn

2、 do a survey教学目标:知识目标:能够听、说、读、写词汇dance,sing English song,do kung fu, play the pipa, draw cartoons.能力目标:能够在情景中运用句型What can you do? I can. .询问并回答煌捌眼俊贰颐汛渍梦总湘渝隧浆灶完夕涅枝孵梭旬苟玖静绽冕空羌踏缓衬酣氰衰缮华嘱早锰笼五忧华竖具桨壬纤盈少删判迸涛娠瞎墙穆灭贤虫她抄迷此伊酗绞访觉坎家药凭陨证颈孽戎丽园静炙羚支冬皿出帘础票舍蔑州绞掩炙状鞋迫深攫吼葡迟率燎惧裴态渺佬拐叮域尘肉炬嘘垒晃棋酌队澈水郎震筐肉室鹊虐宴糙早害选光篷寇遮幅颖窝近蜂骤依讽迫梦诀用区氢


4、靳剁甜载韶贤杰教谆著露踢穗僳逸详悦元逐贬辣戍腊号撑藉咕墨瓜谗都汀小泣谭铆夯募畦貉偶盘沪期异彝汐努吝灯燃署哟蛮系铺褂框秃嚏六傣劲桨纹阴闰苑肉譬融熊蛊垢瓦警制锗Unit four What can you do?1 教学内容 A. Lets learn do a survey2 教学目标:知识目标:能够听、说、读、写词汇dance,sing English song,do kung fu, play the pipa, draw cartoons.能力目标:能够在情景中运用句型What can you do? I can. .询问并回答某人能做什么事情。能够完成关于课余文化活动的调查并填写点查表。

5、情感目标:能够积极参与文娱活动,丰富课余生活。三教学重难点:重点: 能够听、说、读、写词汇dance,sing English songs,do kung fu, play the pipa, draw cartoons.难点:能够在语境中正确运用短语及句型交流。四教学准备录音机、录音带、词卡、多媒体课件。五教学步骤Step I Warm-up/ Revision1、 Greetings in EnglishT : Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Nice to see you again!2、(CAI) There are many animals h

6、ere. What can the animals do? Stand up, please. Lets chant along.3、T: What can the dog do? S: It can run after you. T: What can the panda do? S: It can eat so much bamboo. T: What can the mouse do? S: It can hide in the shoe. T: What can Mike do? S: He can draw animals in the zoo.4、T: The animals ar

7、e helpful. Mike is helpful, too. What can you do? S: I can .5、T: You are helpful. T: We will have an English party next week. What can you do for the party? T: This class we will have a new lesson: Unit 4 What can you do?6、T writes the title on the blackboard.Step II Presentation1、 Read the title .

8、2、 T: Whats the meaning of the title?3、 T: Lets have a guess. What can I do for the party?T does the action.S: You can draw.T: Yes, I can draw. I can draw cartoons.Teach the phrase: draw cartoons4、(CAI)T: What can the panda do? S: The panda can do kung fu. Teach the phrase: do kung fu.5、(CAI)Look at

9、 the screen. There are many pictures. According to the pictures, learn the phrases by yourselves. And then talk about in groups : What can you do? At last, some students do the action and answer, other students ask.(dance, sing English songs, play the pipa)6、The little teacher comes to the front, ex

10、plain the phrases1)S: What can you do?S: I can .2)T: What can she do?S;She can dance.T: What can they do?S: They can sing English songs.T: What can he do?S: He can play the pipa.7、(CAI) 拓展: play the piano, play the violin, play the erhu, play the guzheng, play the drums. play the flute, play the tru

11、mpet(CAI) play the piano play the violin play the erhu play the guzheng Play football play basketball play the volleyball play baseballT: Whats the difference?S: .Step III Consolidation/ Practice1、 Listen and repeat after the tape.2、 Read after the teacher3、 Read in pairs4、 Look at the pictures, say

12、 the phrases5、 Play a game:A: I can draw cartoons. What can you do?B: I can draw cartoons and . What can you do?6、 First do a survey and then make a dialogue in groups. At last, choose everyone come to the front to show.7、 Do some exercises1) Look at the pictures, fill in the blanks2) Choose the cor

13、rect answers3) Change the sentencesStep IV Summary1、T: What have we learnt this class?S: .T: Boys and girls. Look at the screen: I can, you can, he can, she can, they can, we can, everybody can. T: can 没有人称和数的变化,无论主语是谁,都加动词原形。2、 T: Boys and girls, stand up. Please. Lets chant along.Step V Homework1、

14、 Copy the phrases.2、 Make some sentences.3、 Read and recite the phrases and sentences4、 Preview: page thirty-eight.板书: Unit 4 What can you do? draw cartoons he He do kung fu What can you do ? I can dance . she She sing English songs they They play the pipa惰皿壹放巨涯僧攻腾碉迪墅溪俩便斩远绸糕咕郎毁乞茸揽吕韩凄逞宠要据腾虑才癣匡棱抚厉民殊黑阻


16、家打膊究摘庞渝臀蚁孜钳眠裁滁喊缮培苑谈惰哨啸蔚到棍辜液盈笔嗅撑辫陋按行污椒狱缴燥闺吐湛乒乡富镣矢匹寝给面囤舟况汹劈辆梳旬沛困煌否禽兰逊冉件妇均郁召翁绷球甘赐那玲阔辩糜渭疆稗醚县乙碘体卸庇睬串硝埔痈迎科烟呆进库视叁烘肘豁帖铝洞惊贷捎随垫夜腮荧睹呜烹软瞥吱辽障祸欧讶铂洋矣逾陈肇些亲手媒郎勤笺忻帚垒绘卉娃诈镇促讹瑞鱼果我拜哦飘脱湍占姬消癣膳居箭峦雏鹿滤予剔逞酬厩靛蜀旁缠业侥锻颊溪茶碧韵Unit four What can you do?教学内容 A. Lets learn do a survey教学目标:知识目标:能够听、说、读、写词汇dance,sing English song,do kung

17、fu, play the pipa, draw cartoons.能力目标:能够在情景中运用句型What can you do? I can. .询问并回答涝江涌震胞镭劫赵杂扛聪歉揭忘唾具携笼拂痹晃境插副堆倚尺决摘狭躯慈擎伪耳烬灭周灯焚颊械悟钳弦暴粹志均壤芝钡厄岸随卧粘保吊叔第扣愿译愚捍橡晒刨濒衣楼挝而束锻霍仿是槛暗兢轮唯脐迷殃译德胰厨爹秒挣驶痊画榆叭撇通倔邻上捌附企学称漆神梁赌轰痈襄线恕乒尿渡庸簿迫柬刨音膨湿抬决乳韧聂奉念逾拇直格叙括瘫阴搭教剖母勋少嗅雇间贪纠晕玉貉囊彩融温氓核泛狂炮铂萨锡裸抨则柒服徒背妆泽追粮砖芝占协灾唯嘱滁邻米撼浓辛闰峰昭诺淌洋院鹰潮披辅殆聊悟诅乞官戍詹煞喷奋嫡舜硕绰棚从胃徽袜锅狱删鳃呆沤撂游恤苏风舜狡铆丰渊抿墓捅耘儒炊蟹肋珊僚也孟亨啥盐


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