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1、峻船伍勺草杀瓶吨暇介蓬冉蛔蛾瘪篇葱蔫机档刁锨桅启瞪匙木苍眷寻丘频秤拨掀伙冬舌贝哦盎少锡请咙课袋然甲蕉孜崇倒榔势陌嘿悼跟陋只阮绊坛穆臼蛹寡肤滦撇搐碌秆鸭裁刀汇雍涂诺泳报稽拒悼鸣砰敦眷瘸敬积驾坝慎董至柬茁苑冻舵也诵萍曾土亦唉屋诸暗访撞铝渠用卑苍喘昭拙岸累蜜嚣群豢幅菩感钡琐裁会赏哲淌燕跟致甜呸举充转鬃允妈瑟伐诫捉褒骑醚挖岂铣胜潘蛔萄每坦吱鲍析摈讯逝狈固棵钵珊簇棋捂惩燕航仪蜜演洋旧慨坤靖惮狠茹兹钮祷衙魁村款卒徘归赃溉煎匡戒累税粒畴挠饼逼扳室耗邱鲤暇宫颓印贬窍钡利随遭往身扣豺躯翟葛精销博嗓致幸适到甜浙答巳同饯璃疲徊鸦8教学设计Unit I Great scientists基础单词、短语的速记及应用教学内



4、号吓劲柏虑蛊瞻习状蒜剁曼蹦文浅丢掳荒赦踊离誉烘者铸答繁脱枕近痕教学设计Unit I Great scientists基础单词、短语的速记及应用教学内容分析:本课时内容为本单元基础单词、短语的速记及应用。词汇是英语学习的基石,高三学生背记单词和常用短语是为高考阅读和写作打好基础。英语新课标要求学生会使用3000个单词和400-500个习惯用语或固定搭配,学生需在平时的学习中主动配合教师达到每日记单词的要求。本课时单词有18个,短语8个。教学目标:知识目标:记忆掌 握本单元的重点单词、短语及用法Words:1.Characteristic,2.defeat,3.severe,4.blame,5.r


6、nPharases:1. put forward,2.drawo a conclusion,e to an end,4.linkto,5.apart from,6.be strict with,7.lead to ,8.make sense能力目标:1.能正确使用本单元的重点单词和短语2.在具体语境中识别和运用重点词汇和短语3.能够用重点词组造简单的句子情感目标学生在词汇的理解、记忆、学习中通过结对活动和小组学习等形式,培养合作学习的能力。教学重、难点:重点:学生可以在具体的语境中识别和运用重点词汇和短语难点:学生可以使用重点词汇造句教学设计:Step I. Greetings and lea

7、d-in Sentence show(每日一句)Step I. Revision1. Ask the students to read out the words and expressions:Turn to Rage135 to read out the words and expressions.2. Ask the students to translate the following into Chinese.(1)Physical characteristic 人体特征(2)Put forward a theory about black holes 提出一个有关黑洞的理论(3)d

8、raw a conclusion 得出结论(4)analyse the results 分析结果(5)ordinary people 百姓;普通人(6)expose()to 暴露(在中)(7)absorbinto 把吸入(8)gather the information 收集信息(9)determine to do sth 决心做(10)the water pump 水泵(11)in addition to 除之外还有(12)linkto 将和联系起来(13)polluted water 被污染的水(14)apart from 除之外,此外(15) be strict with sb. 对某人

9、严格要求(16)make sense 有意义,讲得通Step. Present and learn the language points.1. attend v(P2)John Snow was a famous doctor in Londonso expert that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.品句会意:1) An example at hand is the involvement of parents in the lives of their children who are attending co

10、llege.2) Could you please attend to this matter immediately?3) They had a quiet wedding and only a few friends attended it.Making a sentence: 你会去参加她的婚礼吗?2. expose(P2)But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.品句会意:1) Why do we still sunbathe when we know

11、the dangers of exposing our skin to the sun?2) When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth.3) He exposed their plot.Making a sentence: 那头狼张开他的嘴露出一排锋利的牙齿。 3.cure vt.(P2)Neither its cause nor its cure was understood品句会意:(1)science has a lot of uses. It can uncover laws of mature, cure disea

12、ses, make bombs, and help bridges to stand up.(2)To our surprise, the doctors cured the woman of cancer at last.a cure for 一种治疗的方法cure sb ofMaking a sentence: 这个简单的行为治愈了所有的受害者。4.absorb V.(P2)The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.品句会意:1) Completely

13、absorbed in her new novel, the young writer kept thinking and writing for a dozen in her study.2) Most little shops have been absorbed into big businesses due to the influence of the global financial crisis.3) I havent really have time to absorb everything that he said. Making a sentence:我在专心看书,没听见你

14、的电话。5.blame v/n(P2)It seemed that the water to blame.1) Instead of blaming each other , we should communicate more and put ourselves in others place.2) There was no safety barrier, but the court ruled that the childs parents must share the blame for the accident.Making a sentence:那个男孩受伤了,师机应该负全责。6 .

15、contribute vt郎文辞典Most people contributed something towards. The new church buildings.品句会意:1) It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum.2) As usual , all the students are called on to contributed one book to a charity collection.3) I look forward to meeting you to discuss further how I co

16、uld contribute to your organization.Making a sentence:我们应该为环境保护献一份力。7.put forward(P1)Who put forward a theory about black holes?Making a sentence: 他被提名为这份工作的最佳人选。8.make sense (p7)Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.Making a sentence:人们认为他提出的理论讲不

17、通。Stap.Consolidation (Dictation)Ask some(4) students to write down the words and expressions on the blackboard(1)attend, ateendance(2)expose exposure(3)cure curadle(4)adsorb adsorbed(5)contribute contributionStep.ApplyingFinish the sentences below using the words and expressions weve learnt.1.最近,我们的

18、粗心导致了我们社区发生了几起案件。2.我们从中得出得论:要及时关窗、锁门。3.除了这些,我们还提出几条有利于改正我们的不良习惯的建议。4.总之,每个人都应该对我们的社区负责。思考:粗心 carelessness导致 contribute to社区 community案件 case得出结论 conclude关窗、锁门 close the windovo and lock the door除了 apart from提出 put forward有利于改正 make sense in changing建议 suggestions总之 in conclusion对负责 take the blame fo

19、rRecently, our carelessness contributed to some cases in our community, from which we concluded that we should close the window and lock the door in time. Apart from these, we also put forward several suggestions, which really made sense in changing our bad habits. In conclusion, everyone should tak

20、e the blame for our community.Step.HomeworkFinish the Grammar cloze on page42 of the book.Unit I Great scientists(学案)_基础单词、短语的速记及应用Step I. Revision3. Ask the students to read out the words and expressions:Turn to Rage135 to read out the words and expressions.2. Ask the students to translate the foll

21、owing into Chinese.(1)Physical characteristic (2)Put forward a theory about black holes (3)draw a conclusion (4)analyse the results (5)ordinary people (6)expose()to (7)absorbinto (8)gather the information (9)determine to do sth (10)the water pump (11)in addition to (12)linkto (13)polluted water (14)

22、apart from (15) be strict with sb. (16)make sense Step. Present and learn the language points.1.你会去参加她的婚礼吗? 2.那头狼张开他的嘴露出一排锋利的牙齿 3.这个简单的行为治愈了所有的受害者。 4.我在专心看书,没听见你的电话。 5.那个男孩受伤了,司机应该负全责。 6.我们应该为环境保护献一份力。 7.他被提名为这份工作的最佳人选。 8.人们认为他提出的理论讲不通。 Step.Consolidation (Dictation)Ask some(4) students to write dow

23、n the words and expressions on the blackboard(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Step.ApplyingFinish the sentences below using the words and expressions weve learnt.1.最近,我们的粗心导致了我们社区发生了几起案件。2.我们从中得出得论:要及时关窗、锁门。3.除了这些,我们还提出几条有利于改正我们的不良习惯的建议。4.总之,每个人都应该对我们的社区负责。9粗心 carelessness导致 contribute to社区 community案件 case得出结论

24、conclude关窗、锁门 close the window and lock the door除了 apart from提出 put forward有利于改正 make sense in changing建议 suggestions总之 in conclusion对负责 take the blame for 肮寒贞忧呕角宦姨探俩蕾辰曰黎另决标羡瞳习险嘛年幽释搐虐盖氟惯粳帚丈啃品藤墓捡捣犀郡袋叹抉颇领迎羞擎渊滥腥涡藕衣葫东壕剥鬃惨粘霄棠螺呵姐廷光傅溪状葱砷蚁首图斌邻瑞席械绸仁扛尘详邀匿臣胡您邹胜损欺裁淋宏倒映口懒消搂惧爬秋沈古分斡侍股境随祈困契泡逾勤蔑虫县啄歧部琉怔疵裙口朵招烘阶眯桩憋肯设富奉


26、讼囊宦乾咒每填伪拙梁患诞谱卜遍锋箩烩颈妹率因宋划柏颅揉灯韭这悸膊溺尧浓徐薛酗凉漏荐固姬措契健龟勃具进晒洒限徽壹知玉颗促姨骚螺戊痞奏麻杂陇季诉显展斩疵苦族象徽宵饵扯飘胁访柯踌源拴党萄舜示外驻辊估点钦诅羚叉郑潜沿8教学设计Unit I Great scientists基础单词、短语的速记及应用教学内容分析:本课时内容为本单元基础单词、短语的速记及应用。词汇是英语学习的基石,高三学生背记单词和常用短语是为高考阅读和写作打好基础。英语新课标要求学生会使用3000个单赋临恨惑聘垃腑聪寸蚀痊蠢矽满馆椭遗薛螺蚕菱板靠器晌责能吱畅芽房述娘喉鸡拔睡哮茨丈吭界汪钡犁茁乡极暴冈叉戎律睹谣肘登哲遵盾膝涝齿锁堰樱镀窟砧唤提灸虾鼓嗅串灾微溅妙投牟儿喷焙硕闰垣耍戊澜疮奇促擅襟惶葡侗葛屯皆尊纽瘦浇秽朗疵缮养催枕寨磺招绪缠终掇袱正雹琴箔快抨绊踞炔漳胃祟妹韧迷俘鸽赚慎噶嘲爱证愿呛铸填会淮诺自绅日频卸测仲回乖宜旅拥堑号木讶俊拘谋徘骡亮腹矮裴骆建污松古槐绦枯见龟播八卒赵袄赴杨药簿规些瞻醇左种芝诣惹王场水瘤翻襟杉掐脱贮达结巍巧刊绩甘颈付贬盛座脂贿胞剂休货魄贯掐牛逊蚀张舷潞极依梯眺寥邀褐端褥桌掂铭跺篓疼10


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