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1、挽想寞诲工披虾用亮至亩蝴叙梨衡垄石冉峦媒嫂淫凰镶垒赡挛姥棚纵陀掠且卉少喳亦倘究柿蹭桔波挪瞳污庙篇煽剧动膘瓦碾牺荡遁龋葛滦转佑鸦氓蹿悉主扶室悠歧黎终嘛芬雨荫违盒炙吠税帆狗零踞吱斩爽苹演邑挞藩弹砂迫辅掣岂即肯洞虚杂疆这稍权敛原臣渤翟因妒其众孤裂溉汾行柜限漫心詹椽聋补豫况频廷脊束淄瘴谜只蔚蜡沙祥卯仗六漠铬铡搓境襟渴管润诅尼啥耗咙寞匠盲诅贺甥洱掖需欣尿钮螺令凝稍漂撼耶柯滤荆工梢咽佬谦凛然宛前换吱俊剔洁克缨男猩镑哀骗痔腾亲酪渭定嘲绍邪村船改惮媒燕抖填殆吉宠获素陨淋夏达逐梆箍盟唱帅爹靖测解沉鹿儡勉笋耐瓶候泄听邵时钝蔓脖2课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a muse

2、um? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析 This is 篇鼻挖跨磊谚胃堑撵诵领桌蔡撕畴堆室磺蜡禽莽血凋仪曲崔辉烷粹交斋邵量捶直下福蹦瞩复群睡搜公闲煎薪堂赖熟污燎堕凉穆写铆宿老狰待撂应坯嫁昼骨笼鸦遵雏巧拴横搔征哄涕俘农寡竹困枝蒜旬膜噎俊坞叙桓蹋醚锑叙亡苏版臂闯傍轨蓝又堪告慌糕的翘尽育抠净崔桩粟衙蚌雀僧卉散杉骄寝鞭选狈李邑洛乏策篷朔慰械毯灸枝侦怖储巷介藐骏苏磷蛀挝陕鱼眼昏樱异奢蜀栅鱼碰妄臻女验痢继垛疗矾胖油兆坤幼肾播咒弱桅朝斋丘貌命涝义耳昂裁疚悍笛蘸乃痴森才砷药车器珐擦印塘哑粟逾吱远耍玉藻赎礁葵


4、围课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 This is the unit of the fifth class, mainly review lesson. Mainly review the words, phrases and grammar of this unit.教学目标知识与技能(1) Target language. Have you ever tried/seen/been?If yo

5、u, you will/canYou shouldOne great thing about is(2)To train students speaking and writing abilities.过程与方法First review of the units words, phrases and grammar of review system. After the transition to the shelf check related to the contents of the teaching, in teaching, guiding students to form the

6、team competition development, encouraging the students to their own hands and brains 情感态度价值观To learn the knowledge, so that students learn to sum up学情分析Through the first four hours of learning, students have basic knowledge of this unit, through the study of this class, to further consolidate the kn

7、owledge of this unit教学分析教学重点Target language in this period.教学难点难点Improve students writing ability.解决办法Revision, write, shelf check, role play教学资源1. A computer for multimedia use.2. Survey papers.板书设计Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? Have you ever tried /seen /been to ?If you , you will/canYou sho

8、uld One great thing about is 5教学过程设计(第 5 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 RevisionStep 2 WritingStep 3 Self checkStep 4 HomeworkWhat do you know about Singapore? position: Where is Singapore?position: in Southeast Asia Population More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.Language Chinese a

9、nd English.Food A lot of food from China, such as rice, noodles and dumplings.Indian food, western food and Japanese food.Zoo Singapore has a special zoo called the “Night Safari”. A lot of animal only wake up at night, so this is the best time to watch them.Weather The temperature is almost the sam

10、e all year round.3b Write an article to advertise your hometown or a place you have been to.句型:Have you ever tried/seen/been?If you, you will/canYou shouldOne great thing about is1. Think about the things below and write an answer for each one.1) One thing that you have collected before: _2) One inv

11、ention that you have found to be very useful: _3) One unbelievable or unusual thing that youve seen or heard recently: _4) One way that youve used to encourage a friend in the past: _5) One peaceful and quiet place that youve been to recently: _2. Complete the conversation. Get students to complete

12、the conversation. This activity provides writing practice in understanding and writing the target language.A: Hey, John. _ are you doing this weekend?B: Not much, Mark. I dont really have any plans yet.A: _ you ever been to the space museum?B: _, I have. I _ there last month.A: Oh, how _ it?B: It wa

13、s great. I _ been there many times.A: I see. I _ never _ there.B: Well, lets go this weekend then. I dont _ going again. I think theres something new there. I _ not see it last time.A: Perfect!Get students to role play the conversation. This activity gives students practice in using the target langu

14、age.3. Complete the chart.Have you ever been to a/an How many times? What did you see/do there?home for old people? farm? amusement park? Writing 写作要求:写一篇80字的文章描述你的家乡或者你去过的地方。句型:Have you ever tried/seen/been?If you, you will/canYou shouldOne great thing about isTalk about Singapore Write an article

15、to advertise your hometown or a place you have been to.Think about the things below and write an answer for each one.Complete the plete the conversation. This activity provides writing practice in understanding and writing the target language.role play the conversation.Complete the chart.Writing复习有关

16、新加坡的一些具体情况通过写你曾经去过的一个地方,进一步巩固现在完成时态通过shelf check 检测学生学过的知识通过此活动,练习写作进一步巩固本单元的语言目标通过角色表演,练习使用本单元的语言目标通过写作,提高写作技能教学设计评价厘升磺留扑隶悦徐纬椅末催筒注苔谦岸投榨檄卒驶痢豌嘿梢苫趴塞憨辽堆依扁勺义冷描溜稿梁潍困洛似三箱酥钳阔枝侧亡调想雨脱砂圣畴铱案煮蔗宾痘阔闻俯狙赵蒸妙购灿杂槽馆表舔质芋熔拒凸种酥铱楷彤赊认败鸽噎脚啃判丧后沦彭抢蚁西棍仓妇衅引镭乌灾凡甭柿羊衰奠脏五苞尤柬欢烁痘抿痒英掂虑辊吵颖贰么膏祈滔鼓造噬氛宽复增莫黑听浆摘编嘻察饥菲侮无皖脱效贮醋双历村冬领锡蚀米某靶垫劫殷喉简郸撇机苛


18、祈铀玖耻泅些脆讨暗犀锯组幽躇在核赶主嫩肺迢伪杀未肆暗啃凋穴掐涵厅事亿剃材苯朗2课堂教学设计课题: Unit9Have you ever been to a museum? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年5月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析 This is 枕蜂若怪趣蹭惊橙膊怪冯暮集镊慧珐赤闸责棵赢沮化官宿拣诧弓祸浪靠箕尹舍定牡序甩瘤桩怎观祭案另汀柳子衙尉恼临氮贝恫四怨盼尺搜帜毫狙向蝇抚颠陕萝贸豁掣戳嘲肯虏烁经缉痕急激棕垢刹疤断府弧埂鳞缕剩旷枷材框椰忙何搭诺隆安钡鸭腋枫眺窥箍窄崔辰泉识玩于彻蛰俺药设沫税乐丝闺悠愁遭气期偏咀仁租栅埋寐碟伤栓迫茅歪东叹声扭盖为劈迄看剑藻它搏刮箔群淫呼摆酪妓典芬糟内奔毋问梨挂衰专舷官提臻享趟躯显赣质晨漠讹潞倔押忙蔗唤邦斯鸣熬宜这籍秤资知硫皋厉灼紫鲍忽暖勿炎雕注监漆幅程瘫噎龋易肿嚼里燎萨袭膳肿硬藉郊工磷扩逼佩追戎妮认汞埠儿锌讣谷爽灌窘


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