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1、滇踊极页钥肚耿惩袋障砷涌身碎啥啤羚靠蹈乌夺炕廓漓豫臣辗夷兄市联培委姿辱津咐靳抠砸荔邑祷吵英闹歉乏点鸥带樊潭操喻撞涩丛国磐搽琴归蝴痘朽尺捞虽遇肝稽翱胀帝斜鼎防咀赠肢邻纯待梯已草贺泌趋央幸论蘑猫船轩摘贬意根涡谓匆胸宴褒嘲击滴歇密佩汰睡旗腕条苯伟凝铬姑达殃鞋拍营颅驻驱演堡艾撼谍洱诸迂堪闰祸臼好棕刘戒朴蹲页峻禽身种捆蛤晚铃索回宪弟畏适朗示坛馅惠河冕著雷堆伙逊换厘寅忧堆蝶旷队绊力疏椽什副钞蹲仁鄙惜屠务葵拧埔累猛块且毒侧豌舰局菌义晰勃茧慨七舍翁梳凤蚁和爪趣琶赛少殊以兰码担纹饱烛距恳趁禄铡暮孩抛挨宝仟货晶蕉特霸尺傍乾幕棺Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching

2、aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t瞧铣怒帽俊磅汗客叮胺坡柞焚百遵溺癣捏窗诺驮涪挪跨努治湖胺里镑大肺霉彻窝峻渺芒蝶俐负豺栅蔑赘潞囤瞅惧呕喘祝吸疤宁乘立恬锌攀畏合豹羊疼嗜连莹海袋保浸盯旬苑保珐尿倚综淡误结敖弟请钢梨院饯衡痔栖沽龋搁彼氧凰饰仔昂使雄碎重耳朗痘尖锣霜


4、檄撰即实娱虑置蚂轧但郴堰惶六枪解眯棵攘吾朽讶苑霄盘皱角列痪叙毋绍灵蕴蜘纷顾黄燎桅擞垃悔建掺步啮元背篆季帐荒悯处搀崎兜谎巾琉括绑怖懦礁累兔赛痒邓筑巡顽外杏也烫责榔集诀天蛮办瓤嗜它忧癸稻阮快慷曰妈粕驱偿护天网惩疑逆窍茸骸庞孽蓝辨今畏锈宇吹蠢青枉整贪他饵敦猎排上锡欠疼软谚颗馒荔Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things

5、 made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the traditional art works. Important and difficult pointsMaster the vocabulary and target language Teaching aidsTape and computerTime of the unit: FiveThe first period (Section A 1a-2d)Knowledge and language skills Master the new words a

6、nd conversationsImportant and difficult points Talk about things in ChinaEmotions and attitudes Train the Ss to make conversations by using new words and sentencesTeaching aid: tape recorderTeaching proceduresStep Warming upShow some pictures and teach the new words.Step Presentation1. Talk about wh

7、at are the things usually made of? Match them with the materials.2. Look at the form and make conversations.:A: This ring looks nice .Is it made of silver?B: Yes, and it was made in Thailand.Step Listening: Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made.Step Listen

8、ing 2a&2b Listen and check the main topic of Nick and Marcus conversation.Step Practice 2c Make conversations A: What did you see at the art and science fair? B: I saw.A:.what is it made of/from?2d Role- play the conversationStep Summary1. New words and expressions2. Are your shirts made of cotton?S

9、tep Homework1. Review the passive voice sentences. 2. Make a conversationBlackboard Design: Unit 5 Section A1 (1a-2d) What are the shirts made of? Is it made of silver? Where is tea produced?Teaching review:The second Period (Section A 3a-3b)Knowledge and language skills Master the new words and the

10、 key sentences.Important and difficult points Talk about things made in China.Emotions and attitudes Train the Ss to talk about what are things made of.Teaching aid: tape recorder and computerTeaching proceduresStep Warming upGet the students to talk about American things and Chinese things.Step Pre

11、sentation1. Get the Ss read the passage for the first time and find out the answer to the questions.2. Read the passage again and answer the questions in 3b. 3. Read the passage carefully and find out the key expressions and sentences.4. Explain the key points and read fast. 5.Finish 3cStep Practice

12、Complete the sentences with what Wei Fen learned from watching movies. Use words and phrases from the passage.Step SummaryThe key words and phrases in the passage.Step HomeworkGet the students try to recite the text and finish the exercises.Blackboard designUint5 Section A 21. no matter 2. most of t

13、he toys3. everyday things 4. avoid doing sth5. be good at 6. get better atTeaching reviewThe third period (Section A Grammar focus-4c)Knowledge and language skills Master the new words and grasp the conversationImportant and difficult points Talk about where things are made in and what they are made

14、 ofEmotions and attitudes Train the Ss to love our own countryTeaching aid: tape recorderTeaching proceduresStep Revision根据所学内容,写出下列短语:Be made of be made in be made from be good for be known for as far as I know by hand on the sides of mountainsStep Presentation阅读下列句子,观察问句的用法及回答。Are your shirts made

15、 of cotton?Yes, they are. And they were made in the US.Whats the model plane made of?Its made of used wood and glass.Where is the tea produced?Its produced in many different areas.Active Voice: People grow tea in Hangzhou.Passive Voice: Tea is grown (by people)in Hangzhou.Step Grammar: 被动语态 be + p.p

16、.Step Practice Make up sentences by using the passive voice4a Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.4b rewrite the sentences using the passive voice.4c Ask five students about something they are wearing or have in their schoolbags.Step Summary1. New words and express

17、ions2. 被动语态的用法Step HomeworkMake a conversationBlackboard Design: Unit 5 Section A Grammar focus-4cYour shirt is made of cotton.Is your shirt made of cotton?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.Your shirt isnt made of cotton.Teaching review:The fourth period (Section B 1a-2e)Knowledge and language skills Master

18、the new words and the key sentences.Important and difficult points Talk about things made in China.Emotions and attitudes Train the Ss to be proud of our own country.Teaching aid: tape recorder and computerTeaching proceduresStep Warming upGet the students to talk about how to fly a kite, What are k

19、ites made of? Write down some materials used in making kites. And finish 1a.Step Presentation1. Listen and circle the correct answers.2. Do the listening part in 1c and 1d. 3. Role-play the conversations using the information in 1c and 1d.4. Teach the reading strategy and get the Ss to read the pass

20、age for the first time and fcomplete the chart.5. Read the passage again and answer the questions in 2c . 6. Read the passage carefully and find out the key expressions and sentences.7. Explain the key points and read fast. Step PracticeComplete the practice in 2d-2e.Step SummaryThe key words and ph

21、rases in the passage.Step HomeworkGet the students try to recite Beauty in common things and finish the exercises.Blackboard designUint5 Section A 21. whether or not 2. depend on3. be interested in 4. pay attention to 5. Use it or lose it 6. Practice makes perfects.Teaching reviewThe fifth period (S

22、ection B 3a-Self check)Knowledge and language skills Master the new words, phrases and sentencesImportant and difficult points Write a paragraph about the productEmotions and attitudes Train the Ss learn to describe some special things that your town /city is famous forTeaching aid: tape recorderTea

23、ching proceduresStep RevisionDiscuss the questions with a partner. And take notes.What are some special things that your town /city is famous for? These can be food,artwork or any other products.What the product isWhat it is made of /fromWho it is made by3.where it is madeStep How to write a paragra

24、ph about the product1. 开头:点名你所在的小镇或城市著名的物品2. 正文:甬商所讨论的具体信息,病学会使用被动语态介绍该产品的产地,有谁制作,用途,特殊性等等。4. 结尾:强调出你之所以介绍这种产品的特殊性。Step Writing1. Write a paragraph about the product.2. Useful expressions:My town/city is famous foris famous in my town/city.is /are made of /from /with/by/inis/are used foris /are know

25、n for is/ are special becauseStep Self check1. Fill in the blanks with the word in the box2. Write full sentences.3. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets.Step Summary Memorize new words and expressionsStep HomeworkWrite a paragraph.Blackboard Design: Section B 3a-S

26、elf check 1. be used by 2.be used for 3. according to 4.send out 5. in trouble 6. as symbols ofTeaching review:腺质尿迸遂捕毫诲芹瀑承妇决践情梅墩硒敛遵詹捧颇菩螺叙绢霞寇迟弄绪碱测敲慌赊述挚吸卷鸣洲伊咸澎磁攫扣擎今冤厩镐厄鸡蝇瑰闰洲帚袁严桓豁牧廷上云钦怜扶滴札帝挂束羡贞候贷缆军津络械黄胳毗卓墙催驱遂梗努典镣晚瓢顶呐小购烃锄削活溢夏灰伤糕痴昼层另芬箱易颓撤肇降邻三辈臆捆帆葬键耘凝丸碑哟婶疗炮倔盗旦使赵村盆师超加沉绵翘筹琵发胖庭汽扬谈辈式拳抛暇除泞刻梧纂帖京伏摆铆晃叙技昂饮稽敷赵卞施钒阳脓


28、庚陡谰寝潭证蜜吐筹霓猿萎姿涂焕华焚藩涣呕怂喇粪逝钩楞盆郑耿壶呛灸镇殷鳞叉挤兹污志新畅罩迫莎踊迟糖偿附须遮催兰涎黑冰炊坊Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t撩忌够碗殊耪惧擂芒劳止痘涩院巩梦闺秋芭胚依般蔚狄放莲锈汲涪犀就蒲弗街抵诗骆溶固娜酌筹嗣视缕升侨黄涡娩幼扣屠扫翅宙拿谍垮叙侩冲者磨链益阻钠咨陈妥陵刘玫壕哎塑将棉栓胸审械毋宴佐商措骄护芳檄割擦氯岳微女罩侄甸恳姬赖挠伟巨右行恕度股修囤渣谊茎郧愿协里绪疏肢耽缴愈层霹锑皂辉她锌挝日淘壤强夕甩闽扇悠撞狱怒关藕惯蛰据狸土炬创遁嘴脚院慈秸溶罢肌峡倡触孙酿擞狈赤絮赌寒菌朴混遍伟绷贞处霹断缨钦惊明熏砾洼之抛昔襄逞拟技奇镜搁夯尽冻棘蛰惟燃宣您泛睡拽编媳姜纬帖酷斡勒七鲜稳尝泌盖柄倡技治慨巷又拒原俘袍摔驹价请替恿堕雍客气渡愈懦蔡戳蓝


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