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1、学习必备欢迎下载听说课说课稿Good morning, my dear judges. I am (No.6).It smy great honor to be here sharing my lesson with you.My topic is Entertainment, Lesson 17, taken from Unit5 in book 3. My speech is made up of seven parts. NowI willexplainik'spleinthelessonfrom the followingaspects'? spekt.Part1 :

2、I will focus on the analysis ?'n ? l ?sisof teaching content (教材分析 )This is an important lesson in this unit even inthisbook. This lessonis the firstone of Unit5. It sa typicallisteninglesson.Ifthe Ss can learnitwell,itwillbe helpfulto make the Ss learnthe restof thisunit. So learning it well ca

3、n improve their listeningability and spoken English.Part2 : Teaching aims(教学目标 )According to the new standard curriculum and thesyllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲),I make the followingteaching aims.The first one is knowledge aims(知识目标 ) (1)To learn the new words and phrases“ crosstake,.”。 (2) To make the Ss know

4、how to use thesentencespatterns “ I like/enjoy/prefer”to express学习必备欢迎下载asquicklyaspossible,asloudlyaspossible,asclearly as possible.The second one is ability aims(技能目标 ).(1)To developthe Ss ability of listening,speaking, reading and writing.(2) To train the Ssabilityofworkinginpairs.(3)DeveloptheSs

5、 abilitiesofcommunicationbylearningtheusefulstructures.The thirdone is emotionalaims( 情感目标 ).by learning of this lesson,stimulate'stimjuleitstudentsinterestinlearningEnglish.Enablestudentstoestablish confidence in learning English.Cultivating'k?ltiveit students ability of English expressioni

6、k'spre ?n .Part3 : Teaching key points and difficult pointsTeaching key points:(1) To help the Ss to improvetheirlisteningabilityandspokenEnglish.(2)Todevelop the Ss abilitiesof communicationby learningthe useful structures.Difficultpoints:Let the Ss be able to express theirfavorite entertainmen

7、t clearly and correctly.Part4 : Teaching aids(教学用具 )A computer , a blackboard.Part5 : Teaching methods and learning methodsTeaching methods : “Communicative ”teachingmethod,学习必备欢迎下载“ Audio-visual”teaching method and“ Task-based ”teaching method.Learning methods:The Cooperative Learning methodcan mak

8、e the tasksand activitiesfinishedmore easily.Part6 : Teaching procedurespr ?'si:d ? (教学过程 ).Inordertoachievetheabovegoalofteaching,Idesigndi'zainthe teaching procudures.Step1 : Greeting and warming up.(5minutes)Greeting:Brain storming:( Let the Ss enjoy a movie,then askthe following question

9、s:( What are they doing in themovie?) The pursep?:s of this is to forma betterEnglish learning surroundings for the students.At thesame time ,it provides situations to previewpri:'vju:thelearnt knowledge for the next step.Step 2 : Presentation:Learning new words and phrases1.Present the pictures

10、/movies entertainment娱乐节目 on the screen by using multimedia多媒体 computerand then lead the studentsto read new words and phrases.Make sure they can read correctly. At last, let the students look at the pictures and try to say the words学习必备欢迎下载and phrases, and answer the following questions: (What is t

11、he girl/boy/ doing? What are they doing?)2. Ask the Ss to match the pictures with the correct phrases on page (68) of the book( 3 )3. Check the answers with the whole class.Step 3 : Pre-listening预听Beforelistening,the Ss are requiredto answer thequestion:(“ Doyouknowwhat smyfavoriteentertainment?”),I

12、 want them to guess and consolidate巩固 the forms ofentertainment.Step 4 : ListeningLet the Ss listen the passage and pay attention totheirpronunciationand intonation? ? nt ? ? ne? ? n语调 . And then check the answers with the Ss.Step 5 : Post-listening听后Afterlistening,Let the Ss answer the question( “

13、Doyou like storytelling? Why?” )Step 6 : ListeningLet the Ss listenthe passage of (collectingstamps.)If necessary, let the Ss listen to the key sentencetwice. And then check the answers with the Ss and show the answers on the screen .学习必备欢迎下载Step 7 : Post-listeningAfter listening, let the Ss answer

14、the followingquestions:(“ Do you likecollectingstamps? Why?”“ Ifyou dont like collecting stamps, what do you do inyour spare time?” )Step 8 : Make a survey and give a report Interview your classmates or our teachers here byusing the following questions: (what do you do in youspare time? Why? If not, what s your favorite entertainment? )And then ask some Ss to give reports to us.Part 9: HomeworkLet the students talk with his or her partner about the topic “ entertainment ”That s allforthisclass,thank you foryour time.


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