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1、高一英语高中听力考点剖析人教实验版【本讲教育信息 】一 . 教学内容:高中听力考点剖析高中听力考点剖析高考听力理解题旨在考查学生对口头英语的理解能力。 高考听力理解题要求考生能听懂有关日常生活、文化教育、风土人情、时事、人物等的简短对话或讲话。但影响学生听力测试的因素很多,如:播音速度、学生素质、环境影响等,但主要因素是学生自身。学生自身的素质包括:听力技巧、知识底蕴、 反应能力等, 我们在教学中应当努力提高学生的自身素质,在反复训练的过程中不断提高听力技巧, 增加知识储备, 增强反应能力,要想达到这一目的,研究一下高考听力试题很有必要。 究竟高考听力考什么知识点?怎样设计考点?这里我列出几点

2、供各位学生参考。二 . 考查类型(一)主旨要义。听一段对话或一段独白, 要求考生判断对话或独白的中心思想。这样的题目要求考生听懂对话或独白的大意,抓住对话或独白的“ who ”、 “ what”、“ when ”、“ where”、“ how” 等关键语句。如:录音:M : I wish I could get used to the American customs of using first names .W : We usually call good friends by their first names .考题: What is the man talking about ?A.

3、 The woman s name.B. A custom that is new to him .C. American names .答案: B。又如:录音:W : Look! It s snowing .M : Yes, but it s terribly cold today . I mercoatgladI onhave. my ovW : There is ice on the lake , too . We ll be able to go skating this weekend .M : Not if it s too windy . Come on ! Let s go b

4、ack . I m freezing .W : You ll just have to learn to like it . The weather in Ottawa will be like this for the nextthree months .M : Yes, I know , but I wish it were shorter here .考题: What are they talking about ?A. Weather.B. Ottawa .C. Skating.答案: A。(二)考细节信息。这样的考题要求考生对所听到的信息加以判断, 所听到的信息与试卷上所给的信息表达

5、方式不同,要求学生作出判断。作出判断时应注意的问题:1. 用不同的表达方式表达相同的意思,对话中或独白中用一种表达方式,而在考题中用另外一种表达方式, 这就要求学生在平时的学习中多积累同一意思不同表达的知识点。例如:用心爱心专心录音:M : I don t think your hat matches your dress .W : But I like its style .考题: What does the man think about the womans hat ?A. It s very good . B. It doesn t go well with her dressC. H

6、e likes the st yle .答案: B。2. 正话反说。对话中用肯定的方式表达出来,而考题中用否定的方式表达。或者,对话中用否定的方式表达出来,而考题中用肯定的方式表达。例如:录音: Kate was out when Joecalled at her office this morning .考题: Which sentence has the same meaning as the one you hear ?A. Kate wasn t in when Joe went to see her.B. Kate went out of her office to see Joe.

7、C. Joe saw the officer at the gate.答案: A。3. 直接信息。考生可以从对话中直接找到信息回答问题。例如:录音:M : Mary is fond of camping , isn t she ?W : Yes. She often goes for weeks at a time .考题: What does the woman say about Mary ?A. She hasn t gonecamping for weeks .B. She likes long camping trips .C. It takes her a long time to

8、 plan her camping .答案: B。4. 数字计算。对话或独白中给出一组数字,考题中从另一角度设问,考生需要加减乘除运算后作出判断。例如:录音:W : I want a single room with a bath . What s the rent ?M : It s $ 6 a day .考题: How much does she have to pay if she stays for 5 days ?A.$6.B. $ 11.C. $ 30.答案: C又如:录音:M : Do you know how old Dick is this year ?W : Well, l

9、et me see . I m 39 and he is 4 years younger .考题: How old is Dicknow ?A. 39.B. 43.C. 35.答案: C。5. 时间判断题。对话或独白中给出一个动作的时间,考题中考查与所给动作时间有关动作的发生时间。例如:录音:M : Lucy , can you tell me when Linda will get here ?W : I m not sure , but she is supposed to be here at ten to nine .问题: When should Linda get here ?A.

10、 At 8:50.B. At 9:00.C. At 10:00.答案: A。又如:录音:用心爱心专心M : John is supposed to come here at half past seven .W : Yes, he ll be here in 15 minutes .考题:What time is it now ?A. 7:15.B. 6:40.C. 7:45.6. 对话背景。通过听对话人的语气,细节内容,判断对话的时间、地点、所发生的事件等。例如:录音:W : Come in and sit down .M : Thank you . H ere I ve got a sma

11、ll present for you for Christmas .W : How nice of you ! Let s open it right now . Oh , how lovely it is !M : This small basket will be just right for candy and some other little things .W : Where did you get it ?M :It s from China . twomonths ago , I went to China with my parents and I bought it for

12、 youin Beijing , the capital of China.W : From China? Thank you so much . Nowonder it so lovely .China famous for itshandicrafts . Let me see what it is made of .M : It s woven of bamboo .W : Really ? How skillfullyit dones ! I setll it right here . Everybody can see it whencoming in .M : I m very g

13、lad you like it .考题: Where does this conversation take place ?A. At a restaurant.B. At the woman s home.C. In the street .答案: B。7. 双方的关系。通过听对话,判断说话人的关系。例如:录音:W : Hi, Mr. White. Do you know me ?M : Of course. Who doesn t? Ann, the most outstanding student at our school . What can I do for you today?W

14、 : Can I speak to you for a few minutes?M : Yes. Go ahead.W : The entrance exams are coming. I ve some questions about what to study in the future.M : What do you like?W : I m interested in literature, especially world literatures. But my parent want me to studyphysics. They said physics was more us

15、eful than literature. Whatit would be easiermfore,meto find a job after graduation.M : It s too early to think of finding jobs now . And physics and literature are both sciences,although quite different . Literature is as useful as physics . There re many outstanding scieThere re also many great wri

16、ters . You can t tell who are more important . All of them have madegreat contributions to their countries and to the whole world and mankind as well . W : Yes. How nice it would be if only my parents could see things this way ! 考题: Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers ? A.

17、They are friends.B. They are teacher and student.C. They are boss and employee.答案: B。用心爱心专心(三)问说话人的意图或观点。例如:录音:W : If I speak this way , could you hear me clearly ?M : Go ahead .考题: What does the man mean?A. The woman should go away.B. He will get closer to herC. He can hear her very well .答案: C。又如:

18、W : Hi , Fred . Where have you been ?M : I ve been to the library and borrowed some English books . Why do you ask ?W : I thought you d been to the post office . Did you find the money I left on the desk ?M : Yes, $10 altogether . But I don t know what it is for .W : Didn t you see the note I left t

19、o you with the money ?M :“ Note” What note ? I don t see any note .W : Really ? It s trangeverys . I left the money with a note saying I wanted you to go to thepost office and get some envelopes and stamps for me . I also put the ink bottle on them in case they might not draw your attention .M : I s

20、ee now . Why can t you go and get them yourself ? The post office is only about 30minutes walk from here . We often walk there after supper .W :Of course I know how far it is from our school . I can t go there myself because Ibusy doing some chemical experiments in the lab . And whatre , I havetos p

21、reparemo for myEnglish exam. You know I failed in the last one . If I can passt this time, a hard time willbewaiting for me .考题: Where did the man go ?A. To the library . B. To the chemistry lab C. To the post office 答案: A(四) 考推测。 对话或独白中没有直接提出事情的结果,需要考生根据对话中提到的线索进行推测。例如:录音:M : Is that Ann ?W : Yes .

22、M : This is Mike . How are things with you ?W : Oh, very well, but I m very busy .M : Busy ? But you ve finished all your exams ?W : Yes, but I ve lots of other things to do . I have tohelp my little sister with her foreignlanguage .M : How about coming out with me this evening ? There s a new film

23、put on .W : I m sorry , but I m afraid I just can t go with you . A friend of mine is coming from thesouth and I have to go to the station to meet him this evening .M : What a pity ! How about weekend then ?W : No, I ve arranged to go to an art exhibition with my parents . Wee all very interested in

24、 r arts , you know .用心爱心专心M : What about next week sometime ?W : Maybe .考题: What is the woman going to do tonight ?( a) Help her sister with English .( b) Meet her friend at the station .( c) Go to an exhibition with her parents .答案:B 。又如:录音:M : We should stop here since we have been working for hou

25、rs .W : You are right . I m a little bit tired .考题: What will they do now ?A. Have a rest .B. Go on working .C. Stop to work .答案: A。(五)听语气判断说话人的身份或态度。例如:录音:M : You go ahead and sit next to Jack . He often talks too much while watching games .W : Why me ?考题: What do you know from the womans answer ?A

26、. She can t understand the man very well .B. She doesn t agree with the man .C. Tom won t like her sitting .答案: B。三 . 听力过程技巧1. 在听的过程中,眼睛要集中在试题上,不要因为前面题目的不确定而影响后面部分的答题。2. 如果发现听到比较大段的无用信息千万不要紧张, 通常这些信息是起干扰考生的作用。要注意跟着题目,听关键的信息和需要填写的信息。3. 在听的过程中,要做到边听边写,建议尽量在题目旁边记录听到的相关内容。为了速度要学会速写,利用自己能看懂的字符来记录重要信息。4.

27、在听的过程中,注意连词的作用至关重要。在听力考试中,有许多答案会出现在转折连词以后。如 however, but 等后经常会出现答案。此外,建议大家在听的过程中注意表示让步关系的连词although, though, 还有表示补充信息的词语,如and, the other thing, another,also, too 等。5. 在听的过程中,还要特别留意语气语调的突然转变和转移话题的句子的出现。在口语中常出现的转移话题的用语有: And now we will . Now tell me Before I move on to . And what/how about Next, I d

28、like to Id like to move on to . Whats more Well, that s about it, except for 用心爱心专心 Finally, can you tell us To start/begin with One more thing . The last thing I d like to say is .当出现这些提示性的字句时, 应该意识到下一个问题已经开始, 就算前面的问题还未完成,我们也应该立即转到后面的内容去。1. 一般来说,听力的答案会直接出现在听力的录音原文里,尽量不要改动获取的信息。2. 在复听时,我们要侧重听重点和难点,在

29、把握重要细节的基础上,要特别检查一下自己前一次没有听清楚的内容。【模拟试题】第一节(共 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)1.Where does this conversation take place?A. At a hospitalB. At a department storeC. At a restaurant2.How much is the food and drink?A. $2.65B. $2.75C. $2.953.What s the man doing?A. Watching TV .B. Turning down the TVC. Answering th

30、e phone4.According to the man, what does he like to do if possible?A. To visit museums.B. To make a good planC. To visit the Modern Museum5. What news did the woman get from the man?A. Sam will leave New York very soon.B. Sam s sister will leave for Los Angeles very soon.C. Sam s sister will leave f

31、or New York very soon.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听第 6 段材料,回答第6至 7题6.Who could the man be?A. A manager.B. A policeman.C. The woman usbandh7.Where was the wallet found?A. In the restroom.B. Under the table.C. On the table听第 7 段材料,回答第8至 10题.8.What are the speakers talking about?A. Buying a car.B.

32、Choosing a gift.C. Using a computer.9. What s the relationshipbetween the two speakers?A. Husband and wife. B. Professor and student. C. Salesman and customer.10. What do we know about the person mentioned by the speakers?A. Maybe he likes something expensive.B. He is surely over sixty years old.C.

33、He must be fond of learning.用心爱心专心听第 8 段材料,回答第11 至 13 题11. Why does the girl borrow money from her father?A. To see a film.B. To watch a play.C. To go to a concert.12. How much money does the girl need?A. Eighteen dollars.B. Thirty-six dollars.C. Fifty-four dollars.13. How many children want to go t

34、o the concert?A. Three.B. Two.C. One听第 9 段材料,回答第14 至 17 题14. What are the two speakers nationalities?A. British and Chinese.B. Chinese and French.C. Chinese and American.15. What problem was a newspaper article about?A. The problem of rapid growth of cars in cities in America.B. The problem of rapid

35、 growth of cities in America.C. The problem of rapid growth of skyscrapers.16. Do Americans carry out a birth control policy?A. Yes, they do.B. No, they don t.C. We can t know.17. What attitudes do most Americans take towards having children?A. Most Americans decide not to have any children.B. Most

36、Americans decide to have as many children as they can.C. Most Americans decide to have only one or two children.听第 10 段材料,回答第18至 20题Lectures on cycling toursThe first thing to consider is18._The second thing must be make sure is19.Don t try to _.And youcan _ when you are tired.In winter, you need to

37、 take warm clothes20. In case of _用心爱心专心【试题答案】听力原文:Text 1M : A table for four. Please.W : It will be about twenty minutes. Won tyou sit down?Text 2W : That looks nice. I ll have a cheeseburger and fries.M : Anything to drink?W : A chocolate milkshake.M : Thatll be $2.75.Text 3M : Would you mind turn

38、ing down the TV a bit? Im answering the phone.W : Not at all.Text 4M : I don toften visit museums, but I like to whenever possible.W : Ive never visited the Modern Museum, but I plan to tomorrow.Text 5M : I met Sam on the street today.W : Really? Did he say anything about his sister?M :Yes. She ough

39、t to be leaving New York very soon, because her husband has taken a job in Los Angeles.Text 6W : I think my wallet was stolen, sir.M : Do you have any reason to believe that your wallet was stolen?W :Yes, I left it on the table half an hour ago, but when I came back from the restroom, it was gone.M

40、: Are you sure you left your wallet on the table?W : Of course, sir. I planned to pay the bill before I went to the restroom.M : Is this your wallet? We found it in the restroom.W : Yes, it is. I must have left it there and I forgot. Sorry.Text 7M : Oh, we still haven tdecided what to get him.W : I

41、know. It s hard. What does he need?M : Well, darling, the other day he said that he needed a car.W : Yeah, right. Well, I think that s a little beyond us.M : Yeah, itd be fun, but it s just a little too expensive.W : Theres the usual kind of thing, like a wallet or a tie.M : Oh, not for his sixtieth

42、. I think we should get him something more expensive than that, dontyou? I mean, we want to get something good.W : Something unusual?M : Yeah.W : Well, how about a computer? We could get him a computer. That way we could keep in touch on e-mail.M : No, no, no. You know him. He says he s too old to l

43、earn how to use a computer.用心爱心专心Text 8W : Dad, can you lend Jenny and me some money?M : For what?W : We want to get tickets for a rock concert. We ll pay you back after a few days.M : How much are these tickets?W : Eighteen dollars each.M : Eighteen dollars? That s a lot of money.W : Thats not very much for this band, Dad. They are great singers, very popular.M : When will you need the money?W : Bob is also going and he s going to town tomorrow to get the tickets.M : All right. He


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