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1、仁爱英语七年级下册教案设计Unit 7 The Birthday PartyTopic2 Can you sing an English song?Section A 教师:王晓明 单位:叶县洪庄杨乡初级中学Unit 7 The Birthday PartyTopic 2 Can you sing an English song?Section A. Material analysis本节课是第七单元话题二的第一课时,主要围绕康康的生日聚会展开,主要活动是1a和3。通过谈论自己在生日聚会上要表演的节目,呈现本课的语言点,同时学习情态动词can表示个人能力,谈论会做和不会做的事情的表达方式:I

2、can only sing English songs. I cant sing Chinese songs.从而训练学生说的技能并输出新功能用语。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话中:else, piano, disco, perform, ballet. 能正确使用选择疑问句的提问和回答以及情态动词can,如: Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? Chinese songs.能够谈论会做和不会做的事情: (1)I can onl

3、y sing English songs. (2)I cant sing Chinese songs. 2. Skill aims 能够听懂有关能做和不能做的事情的对话;能够在教师的帮助 下用所学表达法叙述现在能做和不能做的事情;能够用正确地语音,语调朗读对话;能够参照图片写出简单的句子。3. Emotional aims 通过采用英文歌曲、对话、表演等灵活多样的授课方式,培养学生学习英语的兴趣;鼓励学生敢于开口,积极参与活动。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 能够正确使用选择疑问句的构成方法: Do you want to

4、sing Chinese songs or English songs? Chinese songs. 能够应用情态动词can谈论会做和不会做的事情: I can only sing English songs. I cant sing Chinese songs. 2. Difficult points 熟练掌握选择疑问句的构成方法。. Learning strategies 在交际中能够创设一定的语境进行简单的对话和交流。. Teaching aids 多媒体、课件、U盘和电子笔。. Teaching procedures Step 1. warm up T: Good afternoon

5、,boys and girls! Nice to see you! Ss: Good afternoon,teacher! Nice to see you,too!Step2.Presentation 1. T: OK,today we will learn Unit7 Topic 2 Section A Can you sing an English song? First,lets play a game!Look,I have a present for you.What is it ? Can you guess? You can ask any questions about it

6、? 2.Ss: Whats the shape of it?.T: Its round!.引出话题Can you play basketball? 3.Ask some student about “Can you.? What can you do?”. 4.Show some pictures and give explanations to the students. 5.Through the explanations and lead in the use of Or Question and Can.Step 3. Practice 1.Show some pictures and

7、 let the students make sentences. 2.Group work.Let the students use “I can.,but I cant.What can you do?”to make sentences.Step4. Consolidation 1.Listen to 1a and look at the flash,then answer questions. 2.Listen again,then finish 1b. 3.Check the answers together. 4.Listen to 2 and then check the ans

8、wers together.Step 5. Summary Scan and review the new words,phrases and the important sentences.Step6. Homework 1. Recite Section A-1a.题解 FPA和FPB是凝血酶水解纤维蛋白原为纤维蛋白时放出的两种短肽。纤溶酶水解纤维蛋白原为一些可溶的多肽碎片,包括D和E片段及它们的中间产物X和Y片段,统称为纤维蛋白(原)降解产物(FDP)。 2.Finish Section A in your workbook. 3. Preview Section B. Blackboa

9、rd design12DIC患者晚期出血的原因Unit7 Topic2 Section A(1)1月1日,甲公司与乙公司签订资产转让合同。合同约定,甲公司将其办公楼 以4 500万元的价格出售给乙公司,同时甲公司自200年1月1日至20 X4 年12月31日止期间可继续使用该办公楼,但每年末需支付乙公司租金300万元,期满后乙公司收回办公楼。当日,该办公楼账面原值为6 000万元,己计提折旧750万元,未计提减值准备,预计尚可使用年限为35年;同等办公楼的市场售价为5 500万元;市场上租用同等办公楼需每年支付租金520万元。Can you sing an English song? What can you do? I can.二、选择题(每小题2分,共计40分) I cant.3月6日4pm:查血小板2万/mm3,凝血时间(玻片法)15分钟。B收到先征后返的增值税应确认为与收益相关的政府补助【解析】: 3引起弥散性血管内凝血的最常见的疾病是【答案】:BC 凝血因子


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