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1、Six Sigma Applicatio ns Bibliography1. BibliographyThe followi ng books and reference articles should provide the stude nt with the opport un ity to further explore the body of kno wledge to a depth bey ond that prese nted duri ng the course.Refere neeClassic text for complete summary of statistical

2、 testi ng tech niq ues.Comme ntsBox, George E.P., William G. Hu nter, and J. Stuart Hun ter. Statistics for Experimenters. New York: John Wiley & Son s, 1978.Breyfogle, Forrest W. Implemen ti ng Six Complete reference forSigma. New York: John Wiley & Sons, advaneed Six Sigma1999statistical t

3、ools. UsesMinitab for examples.Brow n, Mark Graham. Keeping Score.New York: Quality Resources, 1996.Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Han dbook forWriters of Research Papers. New York:The Moder n Lan guage Associati on ofAmerica, 1995.Goldratt, Eliyahu M. The Goal. GreatBarrin gto n: North River Press, 1992.Gran

4、t, Euge ne L.a nd Richard S.Leave nworth. Statistical QualityControl. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988.Hicks, Charles R. Fun dame ntalConcepts in the Design ofExperiments. New York: OxfordCon cise reference for desig ning a bala need scorecard metric system. Comprehe nsive picture of how research papers

5、are created.Clear expla nati on of con cepts of Theory of Constraints in a no vel read ing format.Classic text for Con trol Chart ing tech niq ues.Classic book on Desig n of Experime nts for the adva need practitio ner.Uni versity Press, 1993.Huff, Darrell. How to Lie with Statistics.New York: W. W.

6、 Norton & Compa ny, 1954.Jura n, J.M. and Frank M. Gryna.Quality Pla nning and An alysis. NewYork. McGraw -Hill, 1993.Juran's Quality Con trol Han dbook. Ed.J. M. Jura n. New Y ork:McGraw-Hill,1988.Harry, Mikel J. The Visio n of Six Sigma.Phoe nix: Sigma Publish ing Compa ny,1994.Kiemele, Ma

7、rk J. Basic Statistics.Colorado Sprin gs: Air Academy Press,Good reference for graphicalbias and datamisreprese ntati on.Datedexamples but points are still valid.Excelle nt con cise summary of statistical tools for an alyz ing data.Comprehe nsive reference in all aspects of Quality Tools.Presentatio

8、n slides used for training by Mikel Harry.Excelle nt gen eral statistics text with a large nu mber of1993.case studies.Excelle nt con cise summary of basic statistical tools and tech niq ues.Covers desig n of experime nts tech niq ues in clud ing Taguchi. Uses proprietary software.Desig n of Experim

9、e ntsIn terview with Mikel Harry onSix SigmaBasic con cepts in Lea nKume, Hitoshi. Statistical Methods forQuality Improvement. Tokyo: The Associati on for Overseas Tech ni cal Scholarship, 1985.Laun sby, Robert G. Straight Talk onDesig ning Experime nts. ColoradoSprin gs: Laun sby Con sult in g, 199

10、5.Luftig, Jeffrey and Victoria S. Jorda n.Design of Experiments in Quality Engineering. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.Maguire, Miles. "Cowboy Quality."Quality Progress October 1999: 27-34.Monden, Yashuhiro. Toyota Producti onSystem. Atla nta: In dustrial Engin eeri ngManu facturi ng tech niq ues


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