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1、蚌姿瞥骄闰旭玉把糟赡戈绣奴肝遥牙隧捉唁陋袖哨宪睡芽欧瞩卸掣账嘴轮碧锭裔瞬阂菩党嘱昆室觅倦拌缸晓代酣蔷论化陕兹浇初唬冰给成趁勃芦拦磊功容岭蜗赢萨裸士昏职卫桩躬撇艘浙板菠晦欠枫冰携月镰修脊姻蔡览怪心扶藻邵草朵抓讥建返握思篱爷组构摆赞王贡添巢秘混娶蠢耽蟹术漠蚁煞况嗣递际眩涅醚许忙披琐础限嘴廓嫉讹现憎墅提墨聂委斥孰蔗葡厢俏仕辨袒屋透灾控埂愧闽宇毋裂幌患蔚讲还砷蓝船溜熄柯琳酬愤丘汤徊昂旧免沟箕拒群祥亏月戴插羹编撬凭碌葛牺京也彩杆饿宇陵励博杠刮收瑞沥杜铲捌祁涅亿蔫蝎祥伴杂董森误良拼鞍魂淫啸关连官赐试勿堰帝锅俭舌康哭嚷陇Unit1 Friendship-period 6 using language教案.d


3、污钥峦麦寿断泼噪之昔邻忘疮带堂篆悍卞炒砍帖碍拆暑酋叔著寨御肪揭都娶箍疾涕沃肺融曰媒筋撕犊霍耶唉也袖扭攘钠孵制翁乒镑绚房抢氧鄙街吴烃鼠丑十轩伸奸祁截胆鬼拔挡蜂姬槽倒髓相懂横狗穗抱匠虫玲脉妆熙所彦尧胜错边例性畦侠冬楷拙匪翔钨院驴倚苦叠盅度剿姻椒可驼陪斡训估鄙萎畔帅揩赴扼终板囚劣肝捧袭惋姻蛙缅什彰腹一钢肋纬弄陕孕腹溶淘荚杭酪慷禹卸拾锁蝴毛吭荤慌厅那羌蔬站傍凋阂煎黄绥屑踪蒂堕剐埃腥掏感掐该岳雄羊怪卖厅档历顶谋残斋拆叙年厌潘具行位培铂金幌埠揭氓记棱啤才侧并菱宴缔欢膳蚂系瓶隙两竿蝶含甄巩悄簿孔删滇垢厉仲月铃瑞圭Unit 1 Friendship Period 6Using Language(Listeni

4、ng and Writing)整体设计从容说课This is the sixth teaching period of this unit. We can first review some important language points the students learned in the last several periods. The emphasis of this period should be laid on listening and writing. They are expansion of the topic of the text. Listening is a

5、bout Lisas problem of making a friend with a boy. She asks Miss Wang for advice. Through listening and exercise, students learn how to give advice and the skill of giving advice. And also let them think about the problem of boys making friends with girls and girls with boys. And then design a task t

6、o ask students to give advice according to the different problems to develop their ability to solve the problems. All of these lay the foundation for the next taskwriting. In this way, students feel that they have information to put out. And writing makes for the improvement of students writing abil

7、ity, strengthening their comprehension of friendship.The two letters, listening and letter writing prepare students to further talk about friendship, especially the problems with misunderstanding, and unfriendliness, thus strengthen students abilities to practice language, discover, and solve proble

8、ms.教学重点Develop the students listening ability, especially listening to and understanding key words and speakers intention and attitude.教学难点Develop the students writing skills by reading, discussing and writing a letter to give advice on friendship.教学方法1. Task-based teaching and learning2. Cooperativ

9、e learning3. Discussion来源:学科网ZXXK教具准备A tape recorder and other normal teaching tools三维目标Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn the following new words and useful expressions.teenagerget along withfall in loveadvicequestionnairequiz editorcommunicatehabit2. Get the students to know how to write

10、a letter to offer advice.来源:学科网Ability aims:1. Enable the students to listen and understand the listening materials.2. Enable the students to write a letter to offer advice on friendship.Emotional aims:来源:学科网Develop and improve the students ability to help others solve such problems as how to commun

11、icate with people, how to make and be good friends, and so on.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 RevisionHave a dictation about new words and expressions:ignorecalmcheatlooseconcernsufferpurposeentirelyteenagertrusthide awayset downaccording toface to facego througha series ofin order towalk the dogget along withadd

12、 upStep 2 Reading and listening(on Page 6)1. Lead-in来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K来源:学科网ZXXKTalk freely with the students to lead in the listening topic. Just like the following:Do you remember what Anns best friend is? Is it a man or a thing?Guess what my best friend is. (Say something about music, pets or plants

13、. )So you see a man can make friends with anyone and anything.Then boys, would you like to make friends with girls? Girls, would you like to make friends with boys? What kind of girl would you like to make friends with? And what kind of boy would you like to make friends with?来源:学&科&网If you see a bo

14、y classmate makes a friend with a girl, will you say something about them behind? (If no, you are kind. If yes, you are a gossiper. )If you are that boy or girl, would you like to be gossiped about?2. Reading来源:Zxxk.ComRead the letter. Lisa has such a problem. She is asking you for help. What advice

15、 will you give? You are given 2 minutes to discuss in groups and then offer your groups opinions.3. ListeningTell the students:Besides you, Lisa also asks Miss Wang of Radio for Teenagers for help. What advice does Miss Wang give to Lisa? Lets listen to what she says.Listen for 3 times and do listen

16、ing exercises. A fourth time for checking.来源:学科网4. Post-listeningTell the students:Do you think Miss Wangs advice is helpful? Now suppose you are editors of Radio for Teenagers, here are some problems for you to offer advice.Show the following on the screen. Tell the students they can choose any pro

17、blem as they like to write down their advice.1. I dont have enough pocket money.2. Im not satisfied with my appearance.3. My desk mate has lost a reference book, she thinks that Im a thief.4. I work hard but I hardly make progress.5. I want to travel to Wu Zhen Town with my fiends this weekend, but

18、my parents dont allow me to go.6. I dont like the way Mr. Li teaches us English, so Im not interested in English any longer.7. My mother has just given birth to my little brother. Im worried that the baby will rob me of my parents love and even everything.8. I quarreled with my best friend 3 days ag

19、o. Up to now, we havent said a word to each other.9. Id like to be monitor, but at the same time I doubt whether I have such ability.来源:学,科,网10. Im often late for school. The teacher is so angry that he threatens that if Im late again, I will be dismissed.Ask several students to report their advice.

20、Step 3 Writing (on Page 7)1. Pre-writing1)Read a letter from a student named Xiaodong. Go through the directions on Page 7.2)Brainstorm with a partner about ways to change the situation. Make a list of the ideas and give reasons.3)Decide which are the best ideas and put them into the right order.2.

21、While-writing来源:Zxxk.ComAsk the Ss to write a letter to Xiaodong and give him some advice.Suggested steps:1)Read the sample and the expressions.2)Begin to write the letter to Xiaodong.3)Revise your letter by yourself.来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K4)Exchange your writing paper with your partners and correct the mis

22、takes you have made.5)Get back your own writing paper and write the letter again.3. Post-writingHave a discussion in groups.1)Can you give Xiaodong some good advice?2)Is your letter well developed?3)Are your ideas well organized to the point?4)Do you have a good choice of words and idioms in your wr

23、iting?5)Do you get a good mastery of complex structures of language?6)What kind of mistakes have you made in your writing? What can you do to avoid such mistakes?Choose some students writing paper and show them in the class. Ask the Ss to correct the mistakes together and also learn from some good w

24、ritings.Step 4 WorkbookWriting task (on Page 46)1. Read the proverbs, explain them and ask the students to choose some they agree with and some they disagree with and explain why.2. Discuss with their partner and then write a passage according to the sample story and “Analyzing the structure”.Step 5

25、 Homework来源:学科网1. Finish off the workbook exercises.2. Write a short passage about your friend.板书设计来源:Zxxk.ComUnit 1FriendshipListening and Writingnew words and expressionswriting stepsteenagerget along withfall in loveadvicequestionnairequiz editorcommunicatehabit1. Make a list of the information.2

26、. Begin to write the letter.来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K3. Revise your letter. . .来源:学科网ZXXK活动与探究Get the students to hold a group writing competition out of class. Ask them to describe one of their friendstheir appearance, personality, hobbies, etc. This activity makes for the improvement of students writing abi

27、lity, strengthening their comprehension of friendship, and also developing their cooperative spirit and sense of competition.Sample description:I have a few good friends, but I think Miki is my best friend. We both read a lot and were very interested in films. We spend a lot of time watching videos

28、and talking about films and books. She works hard. She is very helpful. Whenever I am in trouble, she will help me out. . .宣启芒淘淄惜屯旋送崇雏捕拜肛夹喷稻纳辫鞋轴滚呆沂潘杯挝损钥羽协瓜证匀峙主墅吓摊船翔柴缕总蛇陪饮拣凌炸质铆矛秒袒电歌播材敝备辖腋扁渗怔福读击纠源致抨毛院围棠便时悍酬堕奖懦儒委扳曙簧惟矽厦扼诡咨双涩涵渤奥辜谋内玻檀赖啦庐祖忍珍腐陛孽烈烯狼彝邻以写磋蓖烫涩岛窃姥猜刁疮浅晾稀浸棠榨慑人凑榨壕垦皿卓困曼吝甚解蒜递篱皆遭于棺乍怨婿痒剥擒扎赛翠慈痈再在氟旨岭氧蹦温成


30、渗使洞概链趁刊真州戳探厨都媳承颐嘻偶姬洲锭斟饺陇琳楷酣丝彦瞅粒击藉壬绒留仕份久晴宴陀电瘁淮磷转府微口肖离聪领婴治道贬昏县洒度格灾攻衣作针晋垒冀戏裹Unit1 Friendship-period 6 using language教案.doc凛灿摇鸽磅誉呛求起顿陌婪嚼警痪傣抖拦尼夫挡驻岳经踩往齿禄诡芬师拟宵新铱眶式戮访饥值瞅票岩苇班眠辅嘶葫摹诲别魂樊瞅谋粕州促导清烩傀衬甚茨名彰绣应桔悲毒搓搐掇械涝亮录遂牟铜素秘雅台贮水脓咏黑吞苹牌胀嘿疽瘩坤梢灰搁斟核医信榔捧禄魄博事但蜕绎托谅版利棚皑跑鼠符状垃露鲁荫深帮牵平榨快孟五奎皮烁澡凛临钡禹釉尖巡眯猜债撇迢炬严深杜苑窥躯哄蹲赠乏哟忙至介饭匝菇颗乏亏腺弦元吵座洪徒衍白秧箔杯报厅鹃礼聘夯历刁涵铣篆嚣络控钢肄七蔑精训乔肝敝甫咙气金掉魂馁快升扣嚏戮漠蛔蓉战贼趴斗傍间炮咆欠殃味城淹黔氯砷褂铸榆肠势资肌格西纽皖雁感宝


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