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1、英语七年级下册 Module 4Life in the futureUnit 3 language in use授课教师刘福文年级七年级单位大良镇中课时一课时Type of class一、 Revision and applicationAnalysis of the teaching materialThis is a revision class in Module4 Teaching aims1. Improve the students listening, speaking, and reading skills.2. Get some knowledge about rules a

2、nd suggestions.3. Develop the students ability of using the language.Knowledge and ability.1. Students can practice listening, speaking and reading.2. Students can master the new words and phrases.Process and method1. Organize different activities to improve their listening, speaking, reading and wr

3、iting skills.2. Try to make all the students take part in class activities actively.3. Make the students learn knowledge as well as develop their abilities.Emotion, attitude and sense of worth1. To help students to know more about the future2. Be able to write a composition about the life in the fut

4、ureTeaching procedureTeaching stepsTeachings activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeStep 1 Leading-in81.Show some pictures in Units 1,2 or other pictures and ask students to discuss in pairs and make sentences using “will”.1. Discuss in pairs and make sentences like these:A: Will people travel by bus i

5、n the future?B: No, they wont. Everyone will have a small car in the futureReview and consolidate the sentences which they have learn.t.Step 2 While-task201.Show some pictures and talk about it.2. Ask the students to do Activity 4: Put the words and expressions from the box into the correct column.3

6、. Ask studends to read “Around the world”, and then answer the questions after reading.1. Do Activity 1 and 3:Complete the questions about the future put the word in brackets in the correct place.2. Put the words and expressions from the box into the correct column.3.Read “Around the world”, and ans

7、wer the questions after reading.1.To help students learn the new words.2.Improve the students listening and speaking skills.Riview the words.Enlarge the knowledge about the world.Step3 Post-task (10)6、一般来说,TCP/IP的IP提供的服务是( )1.Ask students to work in groups of six: Talk about their ideas of the schoo

8、l (or home) in the future.2.Ask the students to say out their ideas.借:长期股权投资 25003.Organize the Ss to write a passage about the school in the future.6、一般来说,TCP/IP的IP提供的服务是( )1.Work in six:Talk about their idea of the school ( or home) in the the future.确认的减值损失=(350+150-450)(1-70%)=15(万元)2.Say out th

9、e ideas.3. Write a passage about the school in the future in groups. Then share their passage.二、多项选择题(本题型共6小题,每小题2分,共12分。每小题均有多个正确答案,请从每小题的备选答案中选出你认为正确的答案,在答题 卡相应位置上用2B铅笔填涂相应的答案代码。每小题所有答案选择正确的得分;不答、错答、漏答均不得分。涉及计算的,如有小数,保留两位小数,两位小数后 四舍五入。答案写在试题卷上无效。)To practice the skills of speaking writing.12DIC患者典

10、型的病理变化是微血栓形成,但其最初的临床表现常为出血。( )(2)Summary23华-佛综合征的机制是1Ask the students to say out what to learn.A凝血因子的被激活 D肝脏合成凝血因子障碍Students conclude the knowledge that they learn.Let the students internalize the grammar theyve learned in this module.SummaryHomework1Go over the new words and expressions.Write a com

11、position about the life in the futureBlackboard designUnit Language in useA: Will people travel by bus in the future?B: No, they wont. Everyone will have a small car in the futureReflection after class1、本课力求通过一系列贴近中学生生活实际的生动活泼的教学设计,激发学生对于畅想未来生活的兴趣。2、教学过程中根据学生的特点,采用小组合作交流相结合的方法,描述未来的生活并书写出来分层达标: 1.Th

12、ere will be strong winds in spring.(改为否定句) _2. Will cars be small in the future?( 作肯定和否定回答) _3. Homes will be cool in summer.(改为一般疑问句) _4. Teachers will send emails to students.(对划线部分提问) _5. My dream school will have many computers (对划线部分提问) _6.It will _ (be ) rainy tomorrow.7. Mike will have a lot

13、of things _ (do)8. Listen ! The singer _ (sing)9. _ ( take ) the plane will be expensive.10. The _ (farm) are working in the fields. 11. Its going to be _ tomorrow. A. rain B. rainy C. rains D. rained12. There will _ lots of free time in the future. A. have B. be C. has D. is13. Everyone _ English hard in our class . A. study B. studys C. studies D. studying14.- Will there be schools in the future? -No , there _. A. isnt B. wont C. wont be D. will be not15. I _ a small car next month. A. have B. has C. will have D. will has


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