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1、人教PEP版三年级英语上册句型转换知识点练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 变换句型。That is a white pillow.(1)翻译句子:_   (2)缩写句子:_   (3)疑问句:_   (4)反问句:_   (5)否定句:_   2. 根据要求作出回答。1. Is that clock old?(作出肯定回答)2. Are they magazines?(作出否定回答)

2、3. Do they have new shoes?(作出肯定回答)4. Do you have a television?(作出否定回答)5. Does she have a computer?(作出肯定回答)3. 根据要求写句子。These are yellow bananas.1. 翻译句子:_2. 变为单数: _3. 对句子提问:_4. 一般疑问句:_5. 否定句:_4

3、. 将下列肯定句变成否定句。1I am a teacher.2You are a student.3She is my sister.4He is my brother.5It is a pear.5. 改写句子。1.Are these tomatoes? (作肯定回答)2.They are carrots. (就根据句子意思提问)3.I like potatoes. (汉语翻译)4.I like oranges. (改为否定句)6. 句型转换。1I can see yellow. (根据句子意思提问)      

4、 can you see?2It is summer. (根据句子意思提问)       is it?3Is this pencil long? (改成肯定句)This        long.4I can see some pineapples. (根据句子意思提问)       you see?5I like rabbits. (改成一般疑问句

5、)       like rabbits?7. 按要求完成下列各题。1She is a nurse.(改为否定句)2He is a doctor.(用policeman改写)3This is my sister .(改为复数形式)4This is my mother.(用that代替)5Is this your father?(作否定回答)8. 将下列肯定句变成否定句。1They are pandas.2It is red.3They are blue.4I am your sister.5He is Nancys brot

6、her.9. 句型转换。1How many pear in the box?2How is the weather? (变为同义句)_ the _ _?3What did you do at the weekend?(用clean the room做出回答)4We went to the British Museum at the weekend.(根据句子意思提问)5Do you like bananas?(做出肯定回答)10. 按要求完成句子。1That is my coat.(改为一般疑问句)_  _ your coat?2Is this

7、 your yacht?(作肯定回答)_, it _.3Is that your watch?(作否定回答)_, it _.4Is this your vest?(改为陈述句)_ _ my vest.11. 按要求写句子。1. Where are you from?(根据实际情况作出回答)2. My name is Jack(对句子提问)3. Mike is from America(对句子提问)4. Are you Chen Jie?(作出肯定回答)12. 句型转换。1. That is a dog. (根据句子意思提问)

8、2. a/ act/ like/ monkey (.) (连词成句.)3. a/ I/ have/ dog (.) (连词成句)13. 按要求完成句子。1. I want an apple. (改为一般疑问句)2. Andy likes milk and hamburgers. (改为否定句)3. I am reading a book. (对划线部分进行提问)4. I can see a little monkey. (对划线部分进行提问)5. The ducks are coming now

9、. They are naughty.(翻译成汉语)14. 句型转换。1Listen to him.(改为否定句)2.This is my English book. (根据句子意思提问)3.She is my aunt.   (改为一般疑问句)4Would you like a sweet? (否定回答)5.Id  like a yellow doll.( 根据句子意思提问)15.  句型转换。1Children''s Day is on the fourteenth of July in UK. (对句子提问)2This is my new house. (改成复数句)3Children''s Day is on the second of January in Thailand. (对句子提问)4We like the skateboards. (对句子提问)6 / 6


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