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1、高一英语课下作业北师大版必修1Unit 1 LifestylesSection语言点一应用落实. 单词拼写1Dont respond to any e-mailrequesting(私人的,个人的 ) information,no matter how official they look.答案: personal2People are always(抱怨 ) about the constantly rising prices.答案: complaining3Don t(转换 ) over the channel. The programme is attractive.答案: switch

2、4All the people in the world hope to live a(和平的 ) life.答案: peaceful5The folk music made me feel(放松的 ) 答案: relaxed6PleasantGoat and Big Big Wolf is a favourite cartoon TV(连续剧 ) 答案: series7All countries are(应该 ) to support one another.答案: supposed8Many people complain that their jobs are uninteresting

3、 and(有压力的)答案: stressful9The children in that area are in(急迫的 ) need of medical care.答案: urgent10 I want you to be home before(半夜 ) 答案: midnight. 单项填空1Travelingcan broaden our view and itcan make us _ aftera longperiodof studying or working.Afeeling relaxedB feeling relaxingCfeel relaxingD feel relax

4、ed解析:此题考查make 复合结构及形容词relaxed的用法。 make 为使役动词,后面跟不带 to 的不定式作宾补,排除A 和 B; feel为系动词,后跟形容词作表语。relaxing“令人轻松的”; relaxed “( 人感到) 轻松的”。句意:旅游可以拓宽视野,使我们在长时间的学习或- 1 -工作后轻松一下。答案: D2Switch_ all the lights when you leave the lab.AonBoffCoverDto解析:句意:离开实验室时别忘了关灯。switchon“( 把开关 ) 打开”; switchoff “( 把开关 ) 关掉 ( 上) ”;

5、switchover “转换频道,转变”; switch.to.“把调到”。答案: B3Anyone_ life often can never experience the real happiness of life.Acomplaining aboutBcomplainingCcomplains ofDwho complains解析:句意:经常抱怨生活的人永远体会不到生活的真正乐趣。complainingabout life在句中作定语。答案: A4 You should apologize to her, Barry. _ , but it s not going to be easy

6、.AI suppose soB I feel itCI prefer toD I like to解析:句意:“ Barry,你应该向她道歉。 ”“我认为是这样,但是并不容易。 ”I supposeso I think so。答案: A5Why are you stillworkingon thisproject?It s 4 pm; you re supposed_it by noon.Ato finishBto be finishingCto have finishedD to have been finishing解析:此处是指“本应该做某事却没有做”,要用be supposed to have done。答案: C- 2 -


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