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1、五年级上册英语单元复习要点Unit One一、重要句型1. -Who s your math teacher? -Mr Zhao. -Whats he like? -Hes thin and short. Hes very kind.2. -Who s that young lady? -Shes our principle. -Is she strict? -Yes, she is. -Is she active? -No, she isnt. Shes quiet.二、知识点1. 提问“谁”用 who,如:Mr Li is our math teacher. (对划线部分提问 ) _ yo

2、ur math teacher?2. 提问某个人长什么样,用 Whats he/she like? 如: He is tall and strong.- _ _?The girl is young and pretty.- _ the girl _?3. 对一般疑问句的回答: 单数:如: Is he strict? 肯定回答:Yes, he is.否定回答: No, he isnt.Is she active? 肯(定回答 )_. (否定回答) _.Are you a teacher?Yes, I am. No, Im not.复数: Are they students.?Yes, they

3、are. No, they arent.4. Do you have new teachers?肯定回答: Yes, I do. 否定回答: No, I dont.Does he have a book?Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.5.她的课非常有趣。 Her class is _ _ _.6. Mr Miss Mrs 用在姓的前面。如: Mr LiMrs Zhao Miss Wang7.姓名的写法:两个字:如:李平Li Ping三个字:如:张海洋 Zhang Haiyang8. an art teacher;an English teacher;a univers

4、ity student9. 几对反义词: tall-short; old-young; active-quiet; strict-kind10. know 的同音词: noUnit Two一、重要句型1. -What day is it today? -It s Wednesday. -What do we have on Wednesdays? -We have English, science and computer.2. -What do you do on Saturdays? - I often do homework., read books and watch TV.二、知识点

5、1. 你喜欢什么课?英语。 What classesdo you like? I like English.2. It is Tuesday today(.对划线部分提问) _ _ is it today? what day 提问“星期几”。3. 星期三你们上什么课?英语,科学和微机。 _ _ you _ on Wednesdays? We have English, science and computer.4. I have art on Thursdays(.对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ on Thursdays?5. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _Mondays?提问

6、because用 why。6. 你星期六干什么?我经常做作业。 _ _ you _ on Saturdays? I often _ _.7. 在周末 on weekends = on Saturdays and Sundays8. 太棒了! Thats great.9. 该起床了。 It s time to get up.Its time to do 如: Its time _(go) to school. Its time _(have) lunch.Its time for 加名词。如:该上学了。It s time for school. 该上课了。 It stime for class.

7、 该吃午饭了。 Its time for lunch.10. I often watch TV on Saturdays(.对划线部分提问) _ _ you often _ on Sundays?11. 母亲节在五月的第二个星期日。 Mother s Day is the secondSunday in May .父亲节在六月的第三个星期日。Fathers Day is the third Sunday in June.12. 记住一个星期的七天: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday。 Sunday (星期天) 是一

8、个星期的 第一天 , Saturday(星期六) 是一个星期的 最后一天 。13. 在周一on Mondays 在周末 on weekends 和一起玩play with 如:我可以和你一起玩。 I can play with you.Unit Three一、重要句型1. What would you like for lunch? Id like some tomatoes and mutton.(这个句型是问 “想吃什么”,回答时用 I d like。)2. What do you have for lunch today? I haveeggplant and tomatoes. (这个

9、句型问 “ 吃的什么 ”,回答时用 I have 。)3. Whats your favourite food? I like fish.4. I like grapes.I dontlike grapes.(变否定句时,在like 前面加 dont)5. What about you?= How about you? 你呢?二、知识点:1. 食品中的单数和复数。单数:肉类: pork, beef, mutton, fish, chicken; 蔬菜: cabbage, eggplant, tofu复数: tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, onions, car

10、rots。水果: apples, bananas, oranges, grapes。食物: noodles(面条 ), dumplings(饺子) , mooncakes(月饼 )单数不加 s, 复数要加 s 或 es 。如:I like apples. I like pork. I have tomatoes for lunch. I have fishfor dinner.单数时用 It s ,复数时用 Theyre。 如:I like grapes.Theyre tasty.I dontlike beef. It ssalt.2. 香蕉是我最喜欢吃的水果。 Bananas _(is, a

11、re) my favourite.3. 当主语是第三人称单数时, 动词要加 s 或 es。第三人称单数指的是 he, she, it, 或一个人名,或如 your father 等。 如: I like apples. He likes apples. Tom likes English. My father likes juice.have 的第三人称单数是has, 如: I have fish for lunch. He has chicken for dinner.Unit Four一、重要句型1. Are you helpful at home? Sure.2. What can yo

12、u do? I can sweep the floor.3. Can you do housework? Yes, I can. ( No, I cant.)4. Id like to have a try.二、知识点1. 让我想想。 Let me see.2. 带有 can 的句子,变否定句时,在 can 后面加 not,或改成 cant,如:I can cook the meals.-I cantcook the meals. 变一般疑问句时,将 can 提前,如:I can do the dishes.- Can you do the dishes? 肯定回答是: Yes, I can.

13、 否定回答是: No, I cant.练习:将下列句子变成否定句、一般疑问句并作肯、否定回答。1) I can water the flowers.2) He can empty the trash.3) She can sweep the floor.4) Amy can wash the clothes.3. Remember toswitch off(关闭) the gas(煤气) .4. throwinto 把扔进Unit Five一、重要句型1. Is this your bedroom? Yes,it is. ( No, it isnt.)2. I have my own room

14、 now.3. There is a big closet, a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.4. There are blue curtains.5. Where is the trash bin? Its near the table.6. There is a computer on the desk. = A computer is on the desk.二、知识点1. an air-conditioner, a new air-conditioner2. There be句型包括 There is 和 There are两种。如: Th

15、ere is a river in the park. There aresomehouses in the village.当变否定句时,在 is 和 are 后面加 not,或变成 isnt和 arent。当变一般疑问句时,将 is 和 are 提前。如上面两个句子可以变为:否定句: There isnta river in the park. There arentany houses in the village.(注意:当句子中有 some时,要将 some变成 any。)一般疑问句: Is there a river in the park? 肯定回答: Yes, there is

16、. 否定回答: No, there isnt.Are there any houses in the village? 肯定回答:Yes, there are. 否定回答:No, therearent.对划线部分提问时,用what。如: There is a book on the desk. - Whats on the desk?练习:将下列句子变成否定句、一般疑问句并作肯、否定回答。1) There is a big closet in my bedroom.2) There is a trash bin behind the door.3) There are some pandas

17、in the mountains.4) There are two bridges over the river.注意:There be句型遵循就近原则, 如:There is a book and two penson the desk. Thereare twopens and a bookon the desk.3. 我们有一个新公寓,它在三楼。 We have a new flat. Itson the third floor.4. 我非常喜欢我的房间。 I love my room very much.5. 提问在哪里用 where。 如: The mirror is on the

18、wall.- Where is the mirror?练习: The closet is near the table.- _ _ the closet?The computer is on the desk.- _ the computer.注意: wheres = where is6. 床上方有一张画。 There is a picture over the bed.河上有座桥。 There is a bridge over theriver.7. 我用它学习。 I work with it.Unit Six一、重要句型1. The sky in Picture 1 is gray.2.

19、Is there a river in the park? Yes, there is.( No, there isnt.)3. Are there any bridges in your village? Yes, there are. ( No, there arent.)4. There areno tall buildings. = There are not any tall buildings.二、知识点1. Is there a village over there? over there 在那边There is river near here. near here 在这附近2.

20、 短语在山里inthe mountains在城市里in the city在乡村inthe village在森林里in theforest在自然公园里in the nature park在公园里in the park在河里in the river在草地上on the grass3. 我可以在草地上奔跑。 I can run on the grass.知识汇总:1. 缩写形式和完全形式。isnt= is not,arent= are notdont= do notdoesnt= does notwhos = who is whats =what is hes = he is shes= she i

21、s it s = it isI d like = I would likewheres= where isTheres = There is Im = I amYoure = You are Theyre = They arecant= cannot 或 cant2. 科目 (subject)语文 Chinese数学 math英语 English体育 P.E.美术 art音乐 music科学science微机computer思想品德 Moral Education 社会Social Studies3. 颜色红色 red绿色 green白色 white黑色 black 棕色 brown灰色 gr

22、ay蓝色blue紫色 purple粉红色 pink黄色 yellow 橙色(桔色) orange4. 表示方位的介词in 在里面on 在上面(接触)under 在下面 in front of 在前面behind在后面near 在附近beside 在旁边over 在上方(不接触)5. 反义词young-oldtall-short(高 矮)long-short(长 短) active-quietthin-fat(瘦胖) kind-stricton-underbehind-in front of6. 几个形容词tasty 好吃的sweet 甜的sour 酸的 salty 咸的fresh 新鲜的favourite最喜欢的helpful 有帮助的healthy健康的clean 干净的,清洁的 strict 严格的smart 聪明的active 积极的,活跃的quiet安静的 funny 滑稽可笑的,风趣的7. 方位短语在桌子旁边 near the table在大衣橱后面 behind the closet 在墙上on the wall在房间里in the room在我的房间里in my room在卧室里 in the bedroom在床上方over the bed在河上over the river 在房子前面 in front of the house


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