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1、Period 2ReadingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis is the second period of this unit.This period focuses on the reading passage, whichis about John Snow and King Cholera.At the beginning of the period, the teacher can design someactivitiestodraw thestudents attentiontoread.Inordertoattractthe studen

2、ts attention,the teacher had better offer the students the opportunities to have a competition about someinformation about some scientists mentioned in the Warming up.Then the teacher can make fulluseofthe questionsinthePre-reading.Thisstepisdesignedtomake forpreparingforReading skills are very impo

3、rtant for senior students.For the first reading, we intend tocultivateSs skimming ability and scanning ability.First ask the students toscan it and tickout what.are mentioned in the passage.Then let the students read fast to find out the mainideaofeach paragraph.InordertostimulateSs totakepartinthec

4、lass activitymore actively,the teacher can organize a group competition to see which group can finish the task fastest andbest.Forthesecondreading,thestudentsareexpectedto knowsome detailsaboutthepassage.Later on, the teacher will present some questions for the students to answer and at thesame time

5、 they are asked to finish filling in the chart.The third time is to read for furtherinformation.Thispartisdesignedtoget Ss intothehabitofreadinga passage as a whole,thatis, to get the general idea.Another purpose of this part is to ask Ss to pay attention to the details.To develop Ss further underst

6、anding ability, the teacher can design some questions, whose answers are beyond lines.So the teacher will help them to read between the lines, thus Ss cangradually get the ability to understand the implied meanings.In this step, the teacher asks Ss to read it again in order to make them think about

7、the organization of the whole passage, and this method can help them not only in their understanding this passage but also in writing aTo consolidate the content of the passage, Ss are required to retell it according to themain idea.In order to arouse the Ss interest; the teacher can hold a competit

8、ion betweengroups.Afterthestudentsunderstandthewholepassage,theyareaskedtohaveatopicTeaching Important PointsGet the studentsto learndifferentreadingskills,especiallygistreadingand comprehendingbeyond lines.Teaching DifficultiesKnow the meanings between lines and beyonTeaching AidsMulti-Three Dimens

9、ional Teaching AimsKnowledge AimAbility Aims用心爱心专心1Emotional AimsEncourage the studentsto work hard at theirlessonsin orderto devote themselvesto science.Teaching ProcedureStep 1 GreetingT: Hello, my frieStep 2 RevisionT:Yesterdaywe talkeda lotaboutgreatscientists.NowI dlikeyoutoanswersomeknow the a

10、nswer, you can just stan d up.If you get your answer right, I ll give you ten marks.Are you ready?Listen carefully.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up byS: Archimedes.T: Right.Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environmentT: You ve done a g

11、ood jobS: MadaT: Yes, we know she is a great woman scientist.We should remember what she said.Life is noteasy for any of us.We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves.We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well, and that, when we discover what this something is,T:

12、You are right.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting ofS: H用心爱心专心2T: Allof you did a good job.Forthe time being,the first/second.groupwon the competition.Step 3 New WordsT: Today we are going to read a new passage about another scientist named John Snow.Firstlet s come

13、to new words first.Hereare some definitionsof some of the words from thistext.PleaseA.attend1.have control, authority,B.control2.part of a tool, bucket, drawer, etc.by which it may be heldC.handlein the handD.blame8.wait on, serve, lookJ.expose10.make knownSuggested answers:B1 C2 E 3 G4 J5 I 6 H7 A8

14、 D9 F Step 4 Pre-readingT: There are so many scientists that we cant count them.But all the scientists must havetheir scientific attitude and scientific way to do scientific research.Now open your books on Page 1.Look at the questions in Pre-reading quickly and discuss them with your partner in two(

15、Teacher gives the students two minutes to discuss.After that, the teacher asks them toT: First, lets talk about infectious diseases.Can you name some?Lets come to a groupT: WhatT: Excellent.Now, lets come to Question 2.How can we prove a new idea in scientificSs: find a problem make up a question th

16、ink of a method collect results analyse theresults repeat if necessaryStep 5 ReadingFirst reading: Scanningon Page 2.John Snow was the great scientist who defeated King Cholera.Scan the passage and tick用心爱心专心3(7) the spread of Cholera by germs in polluted water Suggested answers:T: Skim each paragra

17、ph and find out the main idea for each one.When you want to find the main idea of each paragraph, you especially pay attention to the first sentence and the last(The teacher offers three minutes for the students to do it.Later asks some students to answer.)Suggested answers:Para1 Brief introducti on

18、 to John Snow and cholers.Para 2 Two theories explaining the causeof cholera.Para 35 The method of testing theories.Para 6 Conclusion .Third reading: Detailed-reading to answer questionsT: Now, lets read the passage carefully to learn about more details.Later I will let youanswer some questions and

19、fill in the chart.Lets come to a group competition again.If you getyour answer right, Ill give you twenty marks.Scientific Report by John SnowThe problemThe causeIdea 1Idea 2The methodThe resultsIdea 1 or 2?Why?The conclusion1Suggested answers:Scientific Report by John SnowThe problemThousandsofpeop

20、lediedofcholeraeverytimetherewas anoutbreak.Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood.The causeIdea 1 Cholera multiplied in the air without reason.Idea 2 People absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.用心爱心专心4The methodHe began to gatherthe information.Hemarked on a map where al

21、l thedead people had lived and the map gave a valuable clue about thecause of the disease.He looked into the source of the water.The resultsPolluted water carried the disease.People who drank the pollutedwater died of Cholera.Idea1orIdea 2 is correct.Hefound two otherdeaths in another part of London

22、2?Why?that were linked to the polluted water.With this extra evidence,he was able to announce that polluted water carried the disease.The conclusion“King Cholera ” was defeated.Fourth Reading: Further understandingT: From the passage,we know thatJohn Snow believedthatIdea 2 was right.Howdid he final

23、lyprSs: John Snow believed in the second theory but needed to prove he was correct.So when another outbreak hit London in 1854 and it spread quickly through the poor neighbourhoods, he began togather the information.He determined to find out why.He marked on a map where all the dead people had lived

24、 and the map gave a valuable clue about the cause of the disease.He looked into the source of the water for Broad Street and Cambridge Street.He had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas.In addition, he found two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to t

25、he Broad Street outbreak.They died of cholera after drinking the polluted water.With extra evidence, he was able to announce that polluted water carried thethe map?Why?If you get your answer right, Ill give you thirty marksS: I think he would have solved the problem.But he would spend more time in t

26、esting the two theories and it would be more difficult for him to look into the cause of cholera.(The teacher should give them about two minutes to discuss, and join in the discussion atthe same time.Afterthat,the studentswillbe asked to show theiropinionstothe whole class.)Step 6 ConsolidationT: In

27、 thisperiod,we have learneda lotabout John Snow and King Cholera.Whathave you learnedfrom it?I will give you one minute to prepare for it.If your sentence is quite good, Ill giveyou thirty marks.S1: John Snow was a well-S2S3: He got interested in two theoriesS4S5S6T: Your sentences are so wonderful

28、and amazing.I admire them very much.Who would like toStep 7 Topic discussionT: Now lets come to our topic.We know cholera was a 19th century disease.What disease doyou thinkissimilarto chole ra today?Why?Ifyou show quitea good opinion,I llgiveyou thirty(The teacher should give them about two minutes

29、 to discuss, and join in the discussion at用心爱心专心5the same time.AfterS: Since a lot of people die of bird flu, I think bird flu today is similar to cholera.Now the cause of bird flu is not quite clear, but scientists devote their lives to finding out the cause and the cure.S: In my opinion, SARS is q

30、uite similar to cholera.SARS is spread by germs in the air whileT: This time, the first/second grouThe Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 1Great scientistPeriod 2ReadingMain idea of each partPara1 Brief introducti on to John Snow and cholera.Para 2 Two theories explaining the causeof choler

31、a.Paras3 - 5 The method of testing theories.Para 6 Conclusion .Scientific Report by John SnowThe problemThe causeIdea 1Idea 2The methodThe resultsIdea 1 or 2?Why?The conclusionResearch and ActivitiesUse your imagination to write a short passage about what may happen in the future. Imagineif you were

32、 to find out the causes of SARS, how would you do and what methods would you use totest your theory?You can imitate the structure of the reading passage, but you must make fulluse of your imagination to write what is different from the cause of cholera.Reference for TeachingWHO: Cholera in Chad Coul

33、d Spread to Sudans DarfurThe government of Chad is calling for international assistance to fight a cholera outbreakin the country.The World HealthOrganizationsays itisconcerned thatthe diseasecouldspreadto the Darfur region of western Sudan, which is already struggling with his own humanitariancrisi

34、s due to violence.The government of Chad says more than 2000 cases of cholerahave been reportedin the country,and it expects that number to more than double by the end of the rainy season in September. Although, the majority of cases in Chad are being reported in the region surrounding theSudan andA

35、n expert with the WHO, Claire-lise Chaignat, says the disease is endemic to mainly poorerareas that do not have access to safe water supplies.“Another factor is also the refugeeliving in refugee camps where they are living in close communities with not enough water andno propersanitation,”she said.“

36、So, thatis alsoa high riskforthe community.So, forexample,we are very much scared that, now, in the crisis in Darfur, or in the eastern Chad, there might用心爱心专心6be a cholera outbreak. In case the germ occurs because the water and sanitation situation isChad has been battling a potential locust scourg

37、e in the west, and has received an influx of refugees in the east from the fighting taking place in the Darfur region. The government isCholeraoutbreaksare being reportedthroughoutmuch of centraland westernAfricathisyear,The disease spreads quickly in areas where water supplies are contaminated and

38、causes dehydration within days. It can leaThe strainsofcholerabacteriaprevalentinChinamake change and expertswarn forpossibleIn Chinas database of epidemic status, a painting depictedwith the three epidemic wavesdocumentedin figuresthestatusofcholeraepidemicinthepast40 yearsthroughoutthecountry.Each

39、 time of fluctuations in the epidemic graph was related to the changes of cholera bacterialtyping. The latest data of monitoring showed that the dominating bacterial type of choleraepidemicshad anotherchange emergingwitha uniqueepidemic bacterialtype.SpecialistsoftheChineseCenter forDiseaseControl(C

40、DC) warned thatthe possibleaftermath ofepidemicsituationresulted fromthechanges of bacterial type of cholera must be dealt with intensive precaution.AcademicianGaoShouyiofChineseCDC pointedoutthattheInaba1d strainemergedpredominantly since last year, had the character of wide distribution of the sam

41、e strain, andits 16S ribosomal gene probe hybridization belonged to the same strain seen in the majority ofthe provinces. In a certain location of the Southern provinces, the eltor strain, in additionto the occurrenceofInaba1d strain,alsopartiallyemerged withthe1c,1b, 1fstrains;however,its ribosomal

42、typing was identical with the predominant epidemic Inaba 1d strain,allcame fromthe same clone line. In certain places of the southern west area the Ogawa type that mutatedinto Inaba type emerged;and the Inaba strain occurred in 2001 was not the continuation of theInaba strainof 2000;additionallyinan

43、otherlocationof thesouthwesternareaan Ogawa6b uniqueFrom18-19April,aworkingconferenceofnationalpreventionandtreatmentofgastrointestinal infectious diseases was held in Beijing jointly sponsored by the Chinese CDCand the consultative committee of diarrhea specialists of Ministry of Health. The relatedspecialistsand theleadingmembers oftheCDCwere organizedto carryoutan outspreaddis


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