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1、六上 Unit5 Signs Story time教案教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读:signs。2、能听懂、会说、会读、理解运用日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means . No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant.3、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take into, restaurant, someone, smoke, smellsign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。4、通过课文学习,帮助学生掌握“标识”的英语语言知识,发展英语技能,发展用

2、英语与他人交流的能力,促进学生学习能力、思维能力的发展,提高学生的综合素养。教学重、难点:1、目标2:听说读理解运用What does it mean? It means . No littering/parking/smoking/You can /cant.2、目标3:正确读说单词sign, shopping centre, mean。教学准备:单词卡,PPT教学过程:Step 1 Warming upGame:Yes、Yes、Yes and NO NO NO T:Hello, boys and girls. Do you still remember me? I taught some

3、of you in Grade 5.Do you know me ? I think you know me well. Now, lets play a game. If you agree, you say Yes、Yes、Yes or NO NO NOPPT出示句子:In English class, you should talk in Chinese. you can shout. You can sleep. You should help each other. You should listen carefully. You should think hard.学生小结:In

4、class, we should .We cantStep 2 Leading inT: Start this class, and enjoy this class. OK? Listen to a song, try to answer: What is the song about? -signs1. 学习歌曲中的signs, No littering2. match and read. 学生自学书上另外5个标志,师指导帮助T: In our life, there are many signs. Lets try to match and read:学生试讲The first sign

5、 means 3. Quickly respondT:Do you know them now? Lets read them quickly.4. where?T: Where can we see them? 教师小结:We can see public signs in many places. They can tell us what can we do and what we cant do.Step3 Story time1. Look and ask. T: Mike, Helen.and little Tim saw some signs. Can you ask quest

6、ions with the key words” Where” and “what”2. Watch and choose: Q: What signs did they see?(整体感知)3. Read and find: Q: Where did they see the signs?(分段理解)A、学习Part1 T:Where did they see the first sign? Teach: shopping centre What does Mike say? Teach: be carefulDoes Tim know the sign? What does he ask?

7、 And how to answer?-完成板书 Where ?What does it mean?B、根据表格导图Where did they see, what does it mean?自主学习Part234 T: Does Tim know this sign? What does he say? T: Helen wants to go in? What does Mike say? Does Tim know this sign? T:They are eating noodles in the restaurant. What is the man doing? Does Tim

8、 know this sign?4.Reading A、Listen and repeat B. Read in groups5.Choose one part and actStep4: consolidate and evaluation1. finish the diary2. Make a short dialogueStep5 thinkingWhat do you think of the signs? Know more about signs and follow themStep 6Homework1.Read the whole story.2. Review the me

9、aning of the signs and find more signs around us板书: Unit 5 signsWhere? What does it mean? It means At a shopping Wet floor the floor is wet. Be careful!In a juice shop No littering you cant litter hereIn a bookshop No eating or drinking you cant eat or drink thereIn a restaurant No smoking you cant

10、smoke here教学反思在这一课的教学设计过程中,我认真地钻研教材,充分考虑学生的学习情况,努力创设轻松、愉悦的教学氛围。特别是在单词教学上,我针对学生的学习实际和本课单词特点,放手让学生来说、学标志类单词,为学习文本打好了基础。而文本中涉及的其它单词,我则在故事的细读中进行处理,做到主次分明。在学生良好的学习兴趣和融洽的师生关系基础上,设问导入故事教学。在故事教学中,先整体感知,后分段学习。教师先引导学生学习Part1,提取相关信息,建构文本;然后放手让学生自主学习Part234。在整个教学中,充分引导和培养学生的英语思维能力。最后通过总结、表演、创编等培养学生的语言综合运用能力。 在以后的教学中,我将弥补以下不足:1. 不断提高教学的效率和节奏,提升学生的思维及自己的思维。2. 在表演故事上,多进行指导,努力为学生创设更真实的表演情景。同进追求情景的丰富性。3. 更认真的钻研教材教法,用丰富的理论、优秀的课例来指导自己、提升自身的教学素养。


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