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1、 M1 My classmatesU2 Im Wangling and Im thirteen years old教学设计    一 、课型:Speaking and reading二 、教学内容分析:本单元是第一模块的第二部分可以起到衔接上一单元的作用,通过问答练习既复习上一节课所学内容,又可以为接下来的阅读提供信息支持。三 、教学目标1能够读懂三个同学的自我介绍,并能找出他们各自信息,并完成文章后练习。2能运用所学单词和be动词的基本句型进行自我介绍。并正确使用连词but和and .3掌握中西方姓名的差异。四、重难点1 学习本单元基本词汇和句型。2继

2、续学习and连接的be动词的一般现在时的陈述句。3能过根据所给信息写出简单的介绍他人的文章。五、教学过程 Step 1、Warming-up Greet students and ask students to introduce themselves. T: Hello , everyone ! Nice to meet you again ! S Hello , Mr Wang . Nice to meet you , too. T We are in the same class . Would you like to make new friends here ? S Yes . T

3、So would you like to introduce yourself to others? Show the following sentences . Whats your name ? Where are you from ? How old are you ? S Yes . T Ok , now lets begin .Try to remember as much information as possible . Step 2 Learning (A1) 1 Ask students to answer the questions “Whats your name ? H

4、ow old are you?” in pairs . Then have some pairs act out .2 Go on practicing . Step 3 Listening and fast reading 1 T : Lingling , Daming and Tony are meeting their English teacher , Miss Li ? They are introducing themselves. Is Wang Hui from Beijing and how old is Wang Lingling . 2 Have the Ss read

5、the passage quickly and check the answers . S: 1).Read and answer individually, then check with a partner .2).Check the answers in class and share the learning strategy . Step3、Practice T : .Ask the students to read the passage in activity 2 again and to fill in the table with correct information .

6、Check the answers with whole class ,then with individual students . Ask students to describe Daming .Lingling .andWang hui by themselves,then ask some students to the front to talk about them . S 1) .Read the passage carefully again and do activity 3complete the table. 2). Check the answers with a p

7、artner ,then with the whole class . 3).Try to say something about Daming , Lingling ,and Wang Hui. First, prepare by themselves then try to talk about them in the front . Step 4 Scanning Ask the students to read the sentences and then scan the passage and do the passage. Check the answers with the w

8、hole the Ss .Step 5 Careful reading Ask the Ss to read the passage carefully and understand it .Step 6 Writing 1 )Train the Ss writing skills . 2).Review the knowledge learned T Ask a few students to try to say something about Jiang li , then write down the sentences about jiangli . First ,ask Ss to

9、 write about themselves ,then ask Ss to try writing something about their classmates or friends . S 1). Try to say something about Jiang li ,then write down the sentences about jiangli . 2). .First , write about themselves ,then try writing something about their classmates or friends .Step 7 作业布置 1

10、Write something about a person you like best.2 质检 Unit2 Step 8教学反思 抓住学生刚刚升入初中好奇心强这一特点,本节课我围绕“介绍人物”这一话题创设了一个贴近学生生活实际的教学情境。双人问答,小组活动,师生互动活跃了课堂气氛;加深了师生间的和谐;激发了学生的学习兴趣。通过本课的学习,学生能够用所学词汇句型进行简单的交流对话,也能做简单的自我介绍或介绍身边的朋友亲人,让他们体会到成功的乐趣,进而增强学习的信心和兴趣。 目标检测题一.英汉互译. 1. 读书 _ 2.sit down_ 3.起立_ 4.来自_ 5. write on the

11、 blackboard 6.given name 7.姓 _ 8. years old 9. a new student 10.二年级一班_ 二、单项选择. 1.What_your name?A. is B. are C. am 2.I_ Jim Green.A. is B. are C. am 3.How_ you? I _ fine, thank you.A. are, is B. am, are C. are, am 4.What is this? What is=_.A. What are B .Its C. Whats 5.What is this? _M.A. It B .Its

12、C. its 6.How are you? Im_, thank you.A. good B. nice C. fine 7.Nice _meet you. Nice _meet you,_.A. to, to, too B. to ,to ,to C. too ,to, too 8.Im in_.A. Number Four B. Class One C. whith row 9.Welcome to Beijing. _.A.OK B. Yes C .Thank you 10.Thank you. _. A. Thats right B. Thank you C. Youre welcome


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