湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语 模块四 Unit3 Grammar1导学案 新人教版必修.docx

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1、.湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语模块四导学案:Unit3 Grammar1 (教师版)Originated by Ms. Li Revised by Ms. Shi and Ms. DaiStudying aims:1. Learn the passive voice.2. Learn how to use the passive voice3. Improve our abilities of group cooperation. Self education(自主学习):Task 1:英语有两种语态: 主动语态和_被动语态_.一 定义:主动语态表示主语是谓语动词动作的执行者,而_被动语态表示

2、主语是谓语动词动作的承受者。二 被动结构:be + 过去分词时态结构=be + 过去分词动词do为例,写出其被动语态结构一般现在时am(is/are)+过分am/is/are done一般过去时was(were) +过分was(were) done一般将来时will + be+ 过分will be done现在进行时am(is/are )+being +过分am(is/are) being done过去进行时was(were)+ being +过分was(were) being done过去将来时would + be+过分would be done现在完成时have/has + been +过

3、分have(has) been done过去完成时had + been +过分 had been done情态动词情态动词can+be +过分can be doneTeam work(合作探究):Task 2:被动语态结构=be + 过去分词用被动语态结构完成下列句子。1 Sports are liked (like) by the children.2 My work is being done ( do) by me now3 The work has been finished (finish) by them already.4 China was founded( found) in

4、 1949.5 The gift will be sent (send) to me tomorrow.6 Homework must be handed ( must hand) in at once.Task3:主动语态变被动语态方法:I like English. (主动语态,)主语 谓语 宾语English is liked by me. (被动语态)主语 谓语 宾语把下列句子改成被动语态1 we watch T V every day. 主 谓 宾TV _ _ by _ every day.2 He played football yesterday.被动语态 Football wa

5、s played by him yesterday.3 I am doing my homework now被动语态My homework is being done by me now4 She will look after her child tomorrow.被动语态 Her child will be looked after by her tomorrow.5 We can play computer games.Computer games can be played by us. (被动语态)6 The boss made me work hard last night.I w

6、as made to work hard last night. (被动语态)总结:hear/see/watch/have/make/let sb do sth 句型中,主动语态的中不定式to省略 ,但变为被动语态时,须加to。 ( B) We see her _ computer games every day. (主动语态) ( A) She was seen _ computer games by us.(被动语态)A to play B play C played7 He sent me a birthday gift yesterday 主 谓 间宾 直宾 I was sent a

7、birthday gift by him yesterday. (被动语态)A birthday gift was sent to me by him yesterday. (被动语态)总结:give/lend/send/tell/show sb sth 句型中,带有两个宾语,指人的叫间宾,指物的叫直宾,变被动语态时,有两种方法。 (A) The school offered _ the books ( B) The books were offered _ by the school. A them B to themTarget detection (目标检测):1.( B) The Pe

8、ople's Republic of China _ on October 1, 1949.A. found B. was founded C. is founded D. was found2.( D) English _ in Canada.A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken3. ( D) This English song_ by the girls after class.A. often sings B. often sang C. is often sang D. is often sung4.( D) This kind of car _ in Japan.A, makes B. made C. is making D. is made5.(A) She was seen _ in the street several days ago.A to play B play C played D plays;2


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