湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语 模块四 Unit1 Advertising 8导学案 新人教版必修.docx

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1、.湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语模块四导学案:Unit1 Advertising 8Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising Period 8 Grammar and usage(1)Originated by Ms. Yang Revised by Ms. Jiang and Ms. XuTask 1: Changes in personal pronouns and tenses:(看教材P8及学海导航P1718)Fill in the following blanks.Mum said to me :You must clean your bedroom by yoursel

2、f. Mum told me that _I_ had to clean my bedroom by myselfShe said, I am hungry She said she _was_ angry. She said, “I did some research.” She said she had done _ some research. She said, I will do some research. She said she would do_ some research.Tom said, I am working now Tom said he was working_

3、 then.She said, I have done some research. She said she had done _some research. She said, I had done some research. She said she _had done_ some research. She said, I have been doing some research. She said she _had been doing_some research. Light travels at a great speed, said the teacher. The tea

4、cher said that light _travels_ at a great speed.She said, I went to Canada in 2006 She said she _went to_Canada in2006.归纳: 直接引语间接引语直接引语间接引语一般现在时过去完成时一般过去时现在完成进行时一般将来时为客观真理时现在进行时为一般过去时且与具体时间状语连用时现在完成时Task 2:Changes in adverbials (状语)of time and place, demonstrative pronouns(指示代词) and verbs He said, T

5、his is my book. He said that _that_ was _his_ _book.He said, These are my books. He said that _those_were _his_ books. He said, I am on duty today. He said that he was on duty _that day_Little Lucy said, My mum will be back tomorrow. Little Lucy said that _her_ mum would be back _the next day/the fo

6、llowing day_.(5) Tom said, I called my mum yesterday. Tom said that he called his mum _the day before/the previous day_.(6) Mary said, I will go to America next month. Mary said that he would go to America _the month after/the following month.(7) The old man said, I went to England last year. The ol

7、d man said that he _had been_to England _the last year_.(8) He said, My sister once worked here a week ago.He said that his sister had once worked _there _a week _ before_(9) He said, I am busy now. He said that he was busy _then_(10)She said, I will be at home tonight. She said that she would be at

8、 home _that night_.(11)She said, I will bring some books to school tomorrow.She said she would _take some books to school _the next day/the following day_.(12)She said, I will come here this afternoon.She said that she would go there that afternoon.She said that she would come here that afternoon.She said that she would go there this afternoon.Task3:Finish the exercise on page 9 in the textbook.Extra exercise:学法大视野P21 单项选择题。;2


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