湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语 模块四 Unit3 Tomorrow’s worldtask2导学案 新人教版必修.docx

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《湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语 模块四 Unit3 Tomorrow’s worldtask2导学案 新人教版必修.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语 模块四 Unit3 Tomorrow’s worldtask2导学案 新人教版必修.docx(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、.Module4 Unit 3 Tomorrows worldPeriod 9 Task (1)Originated by Ms. Dai Revised by Ms. Shi and Ms. LiStudying task: Writing an advertisementStudying aims: 1. To Learn how to distinguish between facts and opinions. 2. To learn how to ask for information.Self education (自主学习):Skills building 3: formal w

2、ritingFormal/ Informal1. It gives me much pleasure to inform you. Im pleased to tell you.2. Every consideration will be given to your request.We will think about what you asked for.3. Mr Brown informed me of your decision. Mr Brown told me that you had made up your mind.4. We are writing with refere

3、nce to We are writing about5. We do not anticipate any increase in prices.We do expect prices to rise.6. We would like to take this opportunity to We want to Pair-work(合作探究)Step 3: writing a proposal for a new computer roomProblems:1. The monitors, key boards and mouses are too old.2. There are not

4、enough computers.3. There is only one printer.4. Software is outdated.5. There is no Internet access.6. The RAM and hard drives are too small.7. It is too hot in summer in the room.8. The room closes too early.Suggested solutions:1. They should be replaced 2. More should be bought3. More should be bought 4. It should be updated.5. Computers should be connected to the Internet. 6. They should be updated.7. Air-conditioning should be installed. 8. Opening hours should be extended.Target detection:(目标检测)完成学海导航P29 的练习。;2


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