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1、阿尔勒考古学博物馆,法国ARLES ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM, FRANCE, 1995设计:法】亨利希唱尼 DESIGN 1-ttNRf ORIANIC 1994-2008 China Academic Jounia) Electronic Publishing House. /Ml rights reserved C 1994-2008 China Academic Jounia) Electronic Publishing House. /Ml rights reserved 三角这一形式址岀于双克筑所衣的半禺的孝 e.它在新鹫辿与古罗乌竟技场之何创迨出一种累 张感一种

2、对于空间的完全占有.古罗日竟枝场由于其巨夫的依和基恰巧生落 在这块已出售的并与旧城柑联疏的电块上.伎得新 的博物馆承担起了控畅對余的可建没空间的任务. 这也导敷了现在速样一种影式.一个貝有可识别性 的纯粹的信号阻尔勒檢原有的是一种漁自历史逾 存的方与3B的彫务.现在的三角形则使整个城南的 影态更为充爬和多样化.建筑方甸上的定位是以3片透明度不同的堆体 來限定的.面向太阳的一31墙(对着闾门)長完全不 透阴的.冲啖向岁讷河的西北风的一面堰H雄一 块車潘而光亮的屏风:而向着古罗马童枝场和阳竝 的«£«则以臾出義和透明找璃诳行警生动西富 育活力的农演.建筑方案由于采用了

3、三角彤.使得展览空间形 成了一个环.从而也蛛短了学规的流线 促佚参观 的速度加快.并且还有利于未来的扩建.建的两真 位于入口大厅上部.这个入口大斤直接与古罗马竞 枝场轮线发生关系.这两貝之间绘展示空间.它的 内郁有一个廳険同时文向罗Wft开.由于展J5本身的鞭性厦示空何筱于地直 层.两董不同的流姣fit人们能对建镀的彩休有航了 解.沿看这两条澹线 人们会发現菊组线性的展厅 科学履厅和文化展厅它们相機并国含出了为 紡ft特有的二角彩的空阖.博勧馆各尿炮而由灰色石材摘成.其结徇欽是 破土柱网所矽成的格子.这样的灰的色彩为九分 后的堪面启拈和家具程这个富干光线查化的巨大 的空底内带毛了更为多样的吋料

4、色彩和肌理(博柯 馆是朝北的):自放光通过季直的装披谓養.控制或氏射. 以便雀使我在展示空阖中发拓自"特有的性格.因 而设计中”直姜考朋戾棄就暹慶光践目被彩刘 与白天絞为中性的光找相对.建氓的夜问照1R被安 于戏创性的效果.并通过便用轿瓏度很离的 光源.给予展品以最好的展示.的不平表枣也以Ptetra Seceno*这 和旅色石材笛成.*fi«面鹅饰以IE色的点珥阿 尔初天空的色彩.这种色彩是过去.現衽和未来的 河加轨人箱神的永怛的象征.(具附译.资叔烫 供' 息吩尼工作盒)TX iiXnQ .ilcr for.n a eates tension betwee n

5、片冷 rx的 bukJ ig and trie old Roman ctcuswtthraspect to the peninsula acomptete spatid occupation.The fown & A/les has alreocy in N hWortcoi heritage forms that derive from tne square and the dmle,论 Mangle win tnus compete its formal repenoro.The orientation, conditions the degree of opacity of th

6、e three wd& The dde foclng the sun (rowads the g) has compteie opacity; the one facing the Mktroi wind towards the Rhone river Is a screen that Is smooth and gkxceo: the thrd one. facing the Ronxxi circus and the old town, fc arvmated by o ploy of projecting ports and trar®xrenclesIfve proj

7、ect assuming a trlanguJar fomx the exhlbilkon spo8$ thus form a ring which reduces ctcutatfon end focBtatos quick visits and permits future extension Two wings are ccmpoaod abovo the entrance hall that 1$ directly rekrted p the axis of the 祐man circus. These wings form tt» exhlbltfcn spaces tha

8、t unfold about a central patio and open out 1owards the rtver.Due to rhe nalure of the exhibits the exhibitton places were ploca ar ground level.The provston of two dffferent circuits oenrWts ong to understand the building as a whole from 1here one discover 帕 two Rnearwirgs - th© sclenHfic wing

9、 and tti© cultural wing- which border the trtangutar court wch Is the museum proper.The floor surfaces of th© museum aro of gray stone (pietra seenaythe structure is a grid of concrete colurms leaving lie pcrtttton wok, exhftyts and Turn itureto bring other coloa matertols and textures to

10、the vast Generous spaces which ore already moving through the QuallTy of HgE(tt»e muses locks to tne north) Tne natural llgnt Is medutated conrroled o< screened by overhangs so That it gives rhe spaces their specie nature Hence light shall be perceked as the most Important elenent of the pro

11、gram. Niglit-tHTie lighting which is anunged to give a theatrical effect as opposed to the more neutral Bghtlng of the doy. brings into ptay the exhibits by means of the precise punctual source Extomol horizontoJ surfaces are ako In pfetra serena* , vertical surfaces in blue stained glass, the cokx

12、of the Afl«*an sky. o symbol of the permanence of ancient Aftes in the soM of people of Arte6 of Doth today and tcmofrow.O l外5R2 evat3MI«<5 ZJTFY6文化久ttnnx7 科砂久ttlUtJZC 1994-2008 China Academic Jounia) Electronic Publishing House. /Ml rights reserved C 1994-2008 China Academic Jounia) El

13、ectronic Publishing House. /Ml rights reserved 68删就7/2001C 1994-2008 China Academic Jounia) Electronic Publishing House. /Ml rights reserved 世界建筑7/200】69http'www cnki .netm22;】CU 5»-B入:)大厅从内權10 W?内11 «««*!«12 M70世興理34 7/2001C 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic P

14、ublishing House. Ail rights reserved http:/wki.ncti 究皿 HOU)3 tUGM Vtfi4 >mo<wwam ramiH tw» «OliiA»u aaoo)««跆P. Wl),Ttet)0 ft« H(B WIUIAMI) HF1AMOIUMUUUCU)13 .3(34 K»«0|u ¥»i 址思心"emo>(«2Jl !用* 0 (MY) te .im. -利C 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Ail rights reserved http:/wki.nct


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